• Published 16th Oct 2019
  • 34,775 Views, 4,565 Comments

Trust Once Lost - Greenhorne

When I agreed to be sent to Equestria I didn't read the fine print. I'm the wrong age, the wrong gender, and lost in the wilderness.

  • ...

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Supplemental: Patient Notes 1

MRN: 132719
Admitted: 12/5/04
Red Cross, M.D.

12/5/04 19:52
Unicorn Filly, name ukn, age ukn, assumed 8-10y/o, presenting to emergency with reduced LOC (GCS:9), lower RFL hematoma; gross deformity ?#, superficial cuts and bruises.

Febrile 100.7F
HR 102
BP 97/42
sats 98% on RA
BGL: 4.3
Ht: 2’3”
Wt: 52lb

Rousable to pain
Speech slurred and incoherent
Pupils 30mm, equal and reactive
Non-compliant with hoof grip assessment
Nil facial droop, good strength in all limbs

EKG no anomalies
Peripheral pulses strong
Severe hematoma lower RFL
Capillary refill <1s
IVC in situ lower LFL; 80mL/hr NS; patent and secure

RR 22
98% on RA
Regular and unlaboured
Lung sounds clear

All teeth intact
Bowel sounds normal
Nil distension or masses on abdo palpation

Has not voided
Bladder not distended on palpation
Nil external signs of sexual trauma

Gross deformity ?# lower RFL
Muscle strength normal

Multiple superficial lesions (see body chart)
Coat appears healthy
Nil signs of healed injuries
Skin hot and sweaty


Hx: witnesses report Green was found injured and unconscious in the Everfree Forest. Witnesses report Green became confused and disoriented upon waking. Witness states “she thought we were timberwolves” and reports that Green was initially resistant until she could be reoriented. Witness states that Green “limped about ten miles” before collapsing. Nil Medical Hx as patient is unidentified.

  • CTB for urgent review
  • CXR, RFLXR, Dental XR for age estimation
  • CRP, CBC, EUC, LFT, Tox Screen, INR, XM
  • Cath for Urine Sample, UA, UDS, UCx
  • Place tracking spell for absconsion risk
  • NBM for surgery
  • For Ortho review
  • For Neuro review
  • For Social Worker review

Dr Red Cross, M.D.

Author's Note:

LOC: Level Of Consciousness
GCS: Glascow Coma Scale (range 3-15, higher is better)
RFL: Right Foreleg
LFL: Left Foreleg
RHL: Right Hind Leg
LHL: Left Hind Leg
Hematoma: Internal bleeding
?: Query
#: Fracture
Febrile: Has a fever
HR: Heart Rate
BP: Blood Pressure
Sats: Blood oxygen saturation (above 95% is normal)
BGL: Blood Glucose Level (4-6 is normal, 5-10 is 'safe' for a diabetic; this is an oversimplification but we won't get into that here)
EKG: Electro Cardiogram
IVC: IntraVenous Canulla; an 'IV drip'
in situ: is currently in place
NS: Normal Saline
RR Respiration Rate
RA: Room Air
BNO: Bowels Not Open; has not defecated
NBM: Nil By Mouth; not allowed to eat or drink
Voided: Urinated
Palpation: Examination by touch
Lesion: part of an organ or tissue that has suffered damage; in this context refers to cuts, bruises, scrapes and scratches on the skin
Cath: Catheterise; in this case ordering the insertion of a urinary catheter.

Radiology Tests:
CTB: CT brain scan; a 3D xray image
CXR: Chest Xray
RFLXR: Right Foreleg Xray

Pathology Tests:
CRP: C-Reactive Protien
CBC: Complete Blood Count
EUC: Electrolytes, Urea, Creatinine
LFT: Liver Function Tests
Tox Screen: Toxicology Screen
INR: A clotting factor test
XM: Type and Cross Match (Blood Typing)
UA: Urinalysis
UDS: Urine Drug Screening
UCx: Urine culture (tests for bacterial infection)

Edited: v1.1

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