• Published 16th Oct 2019
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Trust Once Lost - Greenhorne

When I agreed to be sent to Equestria I didn't read the fine print. I'm the wrong age, the wrong gender, and lost in the wilderness.

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To Be or Not to Be

“I don’t see them anymore,” said Fluttershy, “It’s not that I still hate them, they’re just... in the past. The things they did to me were wrong, I know that now, that it wasn’t my fault.”

“I thought I’d left my bullies behind too,” I said, “But they keep coming back. Different ponies, but they’re all the same.”

“If you want to forgive somepony you have to know them and accept who they are,” said Fluttershy, “You can forgive a pony, but it doesn’t make what they did okay. Sometimes a cruel pony needs to be shown kindness before they find it themselves, but that doesn’t mean you should be a doormat.”

“I want to forgive Diamond Tiara.” I said.

“What has she done?” Asked Fluttershy.

“She’s a bully.” I explained, “She seeks out vulnerable ponies and abuses them, to cope with her own insecurities.”

“So...” Fluttershy hesitated, “Why do you want to forgive her?”

“Apparently she wants to be a better pony now.” By the end of the sentence it came out as a growl.

“That makes you angry?” Asked Fluttershy.

“It shouldn’t.” I said, “I just- I can’t deal with it! Why does she get to just decide to be a different - I mean, ugh. It’s not that something bad has to happen to her, I just want her to go away!”

“Do you think she’s lying about wanting to be a better pony?” Asked Fluttershy.

“I think she’s being honest.” I said, “And that I’m screwing it up for her.”

“How are you doing that?”

“I can’t stand to be around her,” I said, “I get too scared, and then everypony will end up excluding her to make me feel better. Even though I never asked them to. I’m going to ruin everything.”

And probably stop the CMC from getting their Cutiemarks too.

“It’s not your fault.” Fluttershy reassured me.

“It doesn’t matter whose fault it is. Me being here is the problem.” I slumped. “I just want to give up, but I can’t stop ponies from worrying about me. I don’t want to keep feeling like this every day.”

“I know how you feel,” said Fluttershy, “When you just want to lay down and sleep for a year. I know it might feel hopeless now but... it won’t last forever.”

“What if you could see the future,” I said, “And you knew for sure that if you weren’t here everything would turn out okay. And not only were you ruining it for everypony else, you were making yourself miserable too, but you couldn’t find a way out without making things worse.”

“You can’t see the future,” said Fluttershy, “I think other ponies might surprise you, if you give them a chance.”

“Green’s got herself worked up into a fury over this,” said Applejack, “And ta be honest, she ain’t wrong. Something needs ta be done.”

A look of mild annoyance crossed Twilight’s face.

“I just realized who you’re talking about,” Twilight said, “She’s been trying to suck up to me ever since I became a princess.”

“Really?” Applejack raised an eyebrow, “How’d that go?”

Twilight stuck her nose in the air and put on an exaggerated Canterlot accent.

“Princess Twilight, you simply must come by for dinner some time, I know how tiresome it can be to deal with the,” Twilight gave a look of mock disgust, “Common rabble.”

“Hoo boy,” Applejack said, “Tell us what ya really think, why don’t ya?”

Twilight rolled her eyes.

“She’s not even a real noble,” Twilight said, “If Spoiled tried that in Canterlot - Even as a Princess I’m not sure I could keep her safe.”

“What do ya mean?” Applejack asked.

“She insulted the honor of everypony in the room by placing herself above them, and she implied she was my equal in status.” Twilight explained, “If she were a noble the other nobles present would be squabbling over who would have the privilege to face her in a duel to defend my honor, but since she’s not... I’d have to use my guards to smuggle her out of the city before somepony else got to her.”

“Ya know, sometimes ah forget how scary you are.”

“I grew up in Celestia’s court and I really don’t want to be treated like that.” said Twilight, “Which is why I haven’t pressed my claims beyond this castle and its grounds. If I went to Celestia and asked to be granted lands commensurate with my title as Princess, the Baron of Ponyville and at least a half dozen others would become my vassals overnight.”

“And then ya’d have ta hold court here in Ponyville?”

“In theory? Yes.” said Twilight, “In practice, the way Celestia runs things, I’d be forced to spend nearly all my time in her court in Canterlot. It’s how she keeps the nobles in line.”

“Ah can see why Dayglow wanted to keep Green away from all that.”

“On that topic, there’s something I’ve been meaning to share with you but I wasn’t sure how.”

Twilight shuffled her wings awkwardly.

“About Green?” Applejack asked.

“I don’t think Green is really a pony.” Said Twilight.

Applejack recoiled. “Ya wha- of all the-”

“I’m not saying she’s done anything wrong!” Twilight waved her hooves defensively, “She still needs our help but - I don’t think she grew up as a pony, I think something happened to her in her world and she ran away to Equestria to escape it.”

Applejack tried to piece together Twilight’s theory with what she knew about Green.

“AJ?” Twilight gently bumped her friend in the shoulder.

“She tried ta tell me,” Said Applejack, “And Ah didn’t listen.”

“She did?” Asked Twilight. “What did she say?”

“She was in a panic so it weren’t exactly clear,” said Applejack, “Near as I can remember, she said she wasn’t a real filly, and that she’d lost everything so she wanted ta pretend that Equestria was real.”

“She doesn’t think Equestria is real?” Twilight questioned.

“That’s what she said.”

“If she came here by accident, without knowing what she was doing...” Twilight said, “Oh wow, she must be so confused and frightened. The world on the other side of the mirror portal was difficult to adjust to even when I knew what I was getting into.”

“Ah can’t do it.” Applejack said.

“Can’t do what?”

“Ah can’t tell her that we’ve figured out her secret,” Applejack gestured with her hooves wildly, “Her heart will give out and she’ll keel over on the spot!”

“She’s not a bunny rabbit AJ,” Twilight assured, “A pony her age having a stress induced heart attack is practically unheard of.”

“Ya know what Ah mean,” said Applejack, “Ah don’t want ta put her through that, Ah don’t think she’s ready.”

“So don’t tell her then.” Twilight shrugged, “Wait until she’s ready to tell you herself.”

“Ah’m the element of honesty Twi, how can ah be thinkin’ about lyin’ ta her?”

“It’s not a lie AJ,” said Twilight, “If she asks you about it, just tell the truth.”

“Who else knows?” Asked Applejack.

“Luna knows,” said Twilight, “and she has spoken to Green about it.”


“Yes, she’s not from Equestria. No, she doesn’t want to go back.” Twilight shrugged, “Not exactly surprising given the circumstances. Oh, and we’ll have to set up a fealty ceremony for Green.”

“She’s too young fer that ain’t she?” Asked Applejack.

“If she were born in Equestria? Yes, she’d make an oath of fealty when she came of age like everypony else,” Said Twilight, “But since she’s technically a foreigner she has to pledge her fealty to Equestria before she becomes a citizen.”

Applejack winced, “In front of a crowd?”

Applejack remembered her own fealty ceremony which had been well attended by Apples from all over, though her parent’s hadn’t lived to see it.

“Well, the ceremony has to be open to the public,” Twilight explained, “but officially all we need is a noble, which could be me, a scribe to record her oath, and at least three witnesses.”

Applejack huffed in frustration.

“Ya know, all this ain’t even what Ah came here ta talk ta ya about.” Applejack said. “Spoiled Rich! She’s head of the school board and from what Ah’ve heard she’s blocking funding to fix the playground in order ta get her daughter made class president, and was even bullying one of the children publicly.”

“That’s horrible!” Said Twilight.

“Now normally I’d go talk ta Spoiled and get ta the bottom of this before Ah do anything, but Green wants ta go right ta Princess Luna, the ministry, and the press,” said Applejack, “and if that don’t solve the problem she’ll be knocking on doors and handing out pitchforks.”

“You know Applejack,” said Twilight, “Your daughter is scary.”

Diamond Tiara’s day had gone from bad to worse. On returning home from her dreadful day at school she still had her mother to contend with.

“I am so disappointed Diamond,” said Spoiled Rich, “I gave you clear instructions on how to win back the class presidency from that common runt and it’s still too difficult for you. I thought I raised you better than this.”

“It’s not my fault mother,” Diamond Tiara said, “That new Green filly was telling him what to say.”

“The blank flank basket case the Apple’s dragged in off the street?” Spoiled asked. “You couldn’t outsmart a common waif?”

“She knew exactly what Pip should say to get everypony on his side,” said Diamond, “I’ve done everything you told me to do and all I’ve done is make everypony hate me.”

“Excuses will get you nowhere, dear,” said Spoiled, “You’re better than those common ponies and you must show it. If you make friends with those beneath you they will only be there to take advantage of your wealth and status.”

“Maybe I don’t care about any of that stuff,” Diamond yelled, “Maybe I just want ponies to like me for me for once!”

As safe as I’d felt to retreat to my room for the past week, now it felt confining. They were always asking me to get out more anyway - they could hardly complain if I went for a walk.

Winona followed me to the edge of the farm, where she stopped and looked at me expectantly. I guess she was waiting to see if I would tell her to follow. I gave her a pet on the head for being such a good dog, and then I kept walking. That I hadn’t taken the time to explore Ponyville before was a missed opportunity. The air was cool and fresh. I had nowhere to be, and nopony with me to worry about, so I could amble at a comfortable pace.

There were ponies walking about, but none of them bothered me. I decided I’d walk at least to the town hall before I turned back. I made it as far as the river when I heard somepony cry out in pain and I looked over to see a pink filly crying. Diamond Tiara.

I felt a moment of anxiety but it was quickly overwhelmed with pity. Her tears were real - probably. It wasn’t a trap. I was at least ninety percent sure her distress was genuine.

As I approached her eyes locked on me and I felt another wave of unease which caused me to shrink down slightly.

“Are you okay Diamond?” I asked.

“Have you come to laugh at me too?” She demanded.

Is that how she saw me? I guess I had never shown her any kindness.

I sighed. “I’m sorry.”

“Why are you sorry?” Diamond cocked her head.

I thought about it for a moment.

“I’m sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable by coming over here,” I said, “I heard you call out in pain, and I wanted to see if you were alright. If you’re alright then I can leave.”

“I kicked that stone wall over there,” she explained, “and I think I hurt my hoof. It turns out I wasn’t as strong as a stone.”

I looked at her hoof but I couldn’t see anything obvious.

“Can I see?” I asked.

Diamond raised up her hoof and I gently grasped it between my forehooves. She didn’t wince in pain so I flexed it a little.

“Does this hurt?” I asked.


I poked at the bottom of her hoof and she winced a little.

“That hurts?”


“I don’t think you’ve sprained it, but you may have bruised the frog,” I explained, “If it starts getting worse, or if it’s still bothering you tomorrow, you should get it checked out though.”

“You’re good at this,” said Diamond, “For a blank flank I mean.”

“Really?” I said. “You’re still on that whole blank flank thing?”

“I just mean since you don’t have any talent.”

“When you say things, do you think about how it will affect the pony you’re talking to?” I asked.


“When you give praise that simultaneously attacks a pony’s self-esteem,” I explained, “it makes ponies feel worse than if you’d said nothing. It’s a tactic that manipulators use to undermine and control.”

“My mother said I should always remind ponies of their place when I grant them a compliment,” Said Diamond, “otherwise they might start to think they were better than me.”

“Of course she did.” I sighed. “Did you mean what you said yesterday, about turning over a new leaf?”

“I want ponies to actually like me, and not just be nice to me because they want something from me.” She said, “Even Silver Spoon won’t talk to me anymore.”

I felt bad at the idea of a pony being excluded, even if it was Diamond Tiara. Especially since I knew she could be a better pony - at least if I hadn’t screwed everything up.

“Green, your horn!” Diamond exclaimed.

I looked up, and sure enough, my horn was starting to glow with a lime green aura. The look of worry was replaced by one of realization as Tiara opened her mouth and began to sing.

If I'm a diamond
Then why do I feel so rough?
I'm as strong as a stone
Even that's not enough

I hadn’t heard this song before, but it was probably the one from the episode, right? Words came to my mouth unbidden and I sang my part of the duet.

If I’m a grown up
Then why can’t I act my age?
Thought I’d know what to do
Turns out life’s not a stage.

When we got to the chorus we both sang in harmony.

Would you believe
That I've always wished I could be somepony else?
Yet I can't see
What I need to do to be the pony I want to be

This weight I carry
They’d say that it’s not even real
How could they help with a burden
That they cannot feel?

There's something jagged in me
And I've made such mistakes
I thought that diamonds were hard
Though I feel I could break

Would you believe
That I've always wished I could be somepony else?
Yet I can't see
What I need to do to be the pony I want to be

I've been told my whole life
What to do, what to say
Nopony showed me that
There might be some better way

And now I feel like I'm lost
I don't know how to trust
I hope that someday
You’re glad that our paths have crossed

Would you believe
That I've always wished I could be somepony else?
Yet I can't see
What I need to do to be the pony I want to be

To be the pony I want to be

“Tiara!” Spoiled Rich had found us, “What have I told you about associating with those blank flanks!”

I expected to see Diamond cowering from her overbearing mother, but instead I saw steel in her eyes.

“Don’t call her a blank flank.” Said Diamond, “She’s my friend!”

I felt like ice water had been dumped over my back.

No, that- she can’t just do that! I can’t be friends with her!

“What have I told you about being mindful of the company you keep?” Said Spoiled, “This common waif will do nothing but drag you down.”

“Oh yeah?” Said Diamond. “Well when I was down she came to help me, even after I was mean to her!”

So much for all the preparation I’d planned for taking down Spoiled. We were both here now, and after using so much magic on that song I was too tired to worry over the consequences of my actions. I hoped she did hit me. Our musical number had drawn a crowd and they would witness what a monster she was. All I had to do was provoke her - and she had left a perfect opening.

“Diamond has the potential to be a great pony. The pony that’s dragging her down,” I pointed a hoof at Spoiled, “Is you.”

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