• Published 23rd Dec 2019
  • 1,188 Views, 46 Comments

An Apple Wedding - xd77

Nathan and Apple Bloom get married!

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Many years had passed since Nathan became a pony due to certain tests that God had put him through. But now he was a grown adult pony (28 years old in his human side). Plus, since his aunt was now ruler of Equestria, that meant that he had a very important job of his own in it, he was now officially Captain of the Royal Guard after his father, Shining Armor, retired.


Shining Armor, now a very old and wrinkled skinned unicorn was no longer in tip top shape to be in charge of the guards. Plus, his mane had faded from blue to grey throughout the years, so he now felt it was time to retire and pass the role onto his son. They were doing this at a rally in Canterlot, in the same throne room that the late Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sat on, but now it was under the rule of Twilight Sparkle. They were gathered in the throne room surrounded by a massive crowd, including Nathan's human friends Kyle Welder and Luke Miller, who were also full grown adults as well. Kyle was now Police Chief of Dallas and Luke was now pastor of their old church.

Princess Twilight stood up from her throne and approached the crowd alongside her brother.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate a momentous occasion." she said, "My brother Shining Armor has decided to retire from his position." The crowd gasped at this as Shining Armor stood his ground.

"I cannot go on forever, I have reached my limit to the brink of retirement." he said, "So I bid you all a very generous thanks for all that you have done to help me lead the royal army in the most dangerous of situations. I also bid you all a decent farewell as I head into retirement, so it is with a heavy heart that I pass the role of Captain of the Royal Guard to my son, Nathan Elisha Cadenza."

Nathan stepped out of the shadows to reveal his now grown up self, his mane had been cut perfectly, his wings were straightened neatly, he smelled of fresh cologne, and he was wearing the same form of armor that his father used to wear during the years of Celestia and Luna. The only thing that was missing from him was the helmet that his father was holding in his hoof.

Nathan knelt down to his father and aunt as Shining Armor lit up his horn and put the helmet onto his head. Nathan then rose back up to his feet and faced the very fired up crowd who gazed upon the new captain.

"May you shine your new power over the kingdom, my son." Shining Armor said, Nathan smiled and stood up in the center for his speech.

"Throughout the years of mah' life in Equestria as being an adoptive child towards mah' parents, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, Ah' really would think how could somepony like me be granted the rank of an important part of royalty?"

"Well it all starts with what you believe, when Ah' first came to Equestria as a human, Ah' never thought that it was the start of a round of levels of a game that Ah' had to play through. Level 1 was playin' a part of bravery by defending mah' girlfriend Apple Bloom from the clutches of a filly who enjoyed nothing more than making others miserable because they did not have a cutie mark on their flanks." this made Apple Bloom smile, "The first level of the game of bravery all starts with defense of a loved one, when y'all see your friends or family member being the victim of harassment because they do not have anything good or sensible like the other one has, don't just imagine it is not happening, get up and do something about it, fill the cup of courage to the top."

"The second time of mah' test of bravery was when Ah' pummeled another bully for stealing money that didn't belong to him, a bully who was even worse than the one that nearly pummeled mah girlfriend. That test was another one in which Ah' had shown that even size whether big or small didn't have any concern for mah' ways of comeuppance. Y'all should never let size or height be any matter to how to win the battle or the war."

"But, Ah' do believe the biggest test of courage was when Ah' led the battle of all the stolen magic to help bring down the most dangerous of enemies, Lord Tirek and Clarissa Garrison. If we had not shown how fearless we were to show them that magic is not to be of theirs, we would be wearing metal collars and be wearing collars under the forces of their evil powers!"

"All those tests that Ah' made all those years ago reminded me that being a true leader requires three key elements operate: fight, defend, and risk. Ah' fought Tirek and all the others that caused the most of misery upon Equestria, Ah' defended mah' friends and mah' family from all that had happened underneath the dark forces. Lastly, Ah' risked mah' own life finding the elements of harmony and restoring them by going through tons of dangers, including being food to manticores. So Ah' wish to see that upon you new guards of royalty as we now have a rank and job of protecting Princess Twilight Sparkle from any form of danger. We will work, we will save, we will sacrifice, we will endure, and we will do this not only for our own, but all for the glory of God!!!!!!!!!!!"

Everypony applauded as the new line of royal guards surrounded and created a straight line beside their new captain. Suddenly, the doors opened up and they walked out into the balcony to see an even bigger crowd applauding at the sight of Equestria's newest Captain of the Royal Guard. Celestia and Luna, who were now wrinkled skinned and had physically aged were watching from the skies with smiles of their own, they had never seen Nathan grow up to be such a handsome young stallion now becoming a part that Shining Armor was underneath them.

As Nathan smiled and waved at the massive crowd below him, he felt a hoof grab him and quickly twist him around. It was none other than Apple Bloom, who was now a beautiful aged earth pony. She no longer wore a bow that she wore as a filly, but instead her mane was braided and she had two bows to keep it tied, she stared at him with the same half-lidded eyed look she gave him when he was transformed into a pony many years before and they shared a tender kiss on the lips.


Nathan had invited everypony, including Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Big Macintosh for a potluck dinner that had all kinds of dishes. He and Apple Bloom had been dating for over six months now and now Nathan decided that tonight was the night he would do it................ask Apple Bloom to marry him!!!!!!!!!!!!

As everypony was enjoying their meal, Nathan stood up and levitated a cup and a spoon with his horn magic and tapped the spoon on the cup to get everypony's attention.

"Attention everypony, Ah' wanted to thank y'all for being supportive and coming to this special dinner. But this is no ordinary dinner party, Ah' made this party for a momentous surprise."

Everypony was confused as Nathan smiled, "Apple Bloom, can you and your sister and brother please step forward here please?"

Apple Bloom smiled and quietly gestured Applejack and Big Macintosh up to the direction Nathan was standing at. Once they were there, Nathan got on all four of his hooves and faced Applejack and Big Mac.

"Applejack, Big Macintosh, it is such an honor to remind y'all that Apple Bloom and Ah' have been dating for six months now and Ah' have finally come to the truth of the fact that Ah' love your sister, Ah' cherish all she has done for me and everypony else. So with your kind indulgence, Ah' have brought y'all here so that Ah' can ask her the biggest question of mah' life."

Nathan then turned his attention to Apple Bloom, "Apple Bloom?" he knelt down and levitated a beautiful silver ring in front of her, she gasped as the others stood silent.

"Will you marry me?" he asked, Apple Bloom quickly cried tears of joy.

"Yes, YES AH' WILL!!!!!!!!!" she screamed, she then kissed her now fiance as the whole group of ponies and creatures cheered them on.