• Published 23rd Dec 2019
  • 1,188 Views, 46 Comments

An Apple Wedding - xd77

Nathan and Apple Bloom get married!

  • ...

Part 3

....Sunrise 7:00 AM....

Sandbar groaned and stretched his body as he managed to get out of his bed.

"Mmm, good morning Nathan, let's get going." he said, but when he turned to the side that Nate was supposed to be in, he quickly saw that Nathan wasn't there.


No response.

"Nate, where are you?" he asked, again no response, his sudden jolt of horror managed to wake Spike and Big Mac up as well.

"Sandbar, what's wrong?" asked Big Mac.

"I can't seem to find Nathan."

"Maybe, he's in the bathroom." said Spike, once he was fully up, he went over to the door that opened up into the bathroom and knocked.

"Nathan, are you in there?" he yelled.

"Nathan?!" once again, no response.

"Okay, this is really freaky!" said Sandbar.

"Alright, let's not panic, I'm sure he's around here somewhere." said Big Mac, "Spike, Sandbar, you all search every room, I'll search the bottom of the castle."

"Got it." said Sandbar, Spike just gave a thumbs up, thus they went out to go and look for Nathan. However, unknown to them, as they closed their door to their room, there was a note taped to the frame of the door from Nathan. Meanwhile, Gallus was in his room and just waking up to get ready for the big day, when the sudden sound of his door slamming open startled him out of his wits, he quickly turned to see Sandbar and Spike with panicked expressions.


"Nathan, where are you?!"

"Sandbar, Spike, what's going on?" asked Gallus.

"Gallus, we have a problem."

"We can't find Nathan."

Gallus scratched his scalp in puzzlement, "What do you mean you can't find him?"

"We've searched at least 10 rooms in this castle, he's just not here!" yelled Spike.

"All right, take it easy." said Gallus, "I'm sure he's around here somewhere, did you all check the other floors of the castle?"

"Big Macintosh is locating the bottom parts."

"We still haven't checked the top yet."

"All right, let's go check the top parts." and then Gallus, Sandbar, and Spike fled out into the top corridors to see if Nathan could be there. They searched the castle, every room, bathroom, and corridor, at least 20 minutes went by and no luck ever came upon finding him. No matter how far they searched, every room and corridor, Nathan was nowhere to be found.

A few minutes later, they all met back at Gallus's room where they still had panicked expressions.

"Okay, now it's bad!" said Spike.

"What's a wedding without the groom?!" exclaimed Sandbar.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of running hoofsteps rapidly approaching them, they turned to see that it was none other than Big Mac, who was panicked himself.

"Any luck Big Mac?" asked Spike.

"Not a bit, he's not in any of the rooms downstairs."

"He's not on any of the top floors either." said Gallus.

"What's going on out here?" said a voice from behind them, they turned to see Smolder, Ocellus, Yona, and Silverstream approach them with tired faces.

"Why ponies panic?" asked Yona.

"You woke us up." said a grumpy Smolder.

"Girls, I'm afraid we have a predicament." said Big Mac.

"What, what is it?!" asked Smolder.

"It's Nathan, he's gone!" said Spike, this caused them to not only be fully awake, but also gasp in horror.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN GONE!!!???!!!" yelled Silverstream.

"Gone, bye-bye, vanished!" answered Ocellus.

"I know what it means, I'm just curious." said Silverstream.

"How could he just leave and not even tell us?!"

"Guys, it's not just Nathan." said Luke who was still in his pajamas and with a scared face of his own, "Kyle's gone too!"

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!" they all screamed in horror.

"Oh that's just great, we have a very big event happening soon, and two very important roles of it are missing!" growled Gallus.

"What is all the commotion?!" asked Twilight out of nowhere as she walked up to our cast with her friends, they soon showed scared expressions.

"Princess Twilight, we have a problem." said Smolder.


"Nathan and Kyle are gone!" exclaimed Spike.

"How can they be gone, surely they would still be here." said Applejack.

"I'm sure they are here somewhere." said Rarity.

"Rarity, we looked everywhere, up and down, they are not here!" yelled Sandbar.

"Guys!" said Luster Dawn out of nowhere, they quickly turned to see her and Storm running from the room Nathan, Spike, Sandbar, and Big Mac were sleeping in.

"I found a note on the bedroom door from Nathan." she said as she levitated a paper.

"Read it Luster." said Rainbow Dash.

"Wait, I wanna get this on our Equestria Live video." said Storm as she held up her video camera. As she turned it on, Luster Dawn prepped her mane as if she was preparing herself for a real live interview.

"And we are live in three two one."

"Hi, and welcome to another edition of Equestria live I'm Luster Dawn your host. And it would appear that today is supposed to be wedding day for our two popular ponies, the bride is still here, but badly enough, it appears we are missing a groom and groomsmare. The good news is, he left us this note."

Shen then started to read it in a dramatic kind of tone.......

"Dear Ponies"

"You all must be wondering where I went, I kidnapped Kyle, but we'll be back for the wedding. There was one last thing I had to do before I got married."


"Let me do that again, I can do better." said Luster Dawn, she then proceeded to go another round.

"DEAR PONIES" she screamed in a more dramatic tone, only to be interrupted.

"Luster!" exclaimed Luke as he snatched the note from her magical grasp and read it for himself.

"Oh man, Nathan's getting married in four hours!" he said as he dropped the note on a table, "Where the heck could he be?"

....Meanwhile, in the skies above Dallas, inside a small airplane....

"NATE, YOU'RE TOTALLY OUT OF YOUR MIND!" yelled Kyle, who was piloting the small plane.

"Ah' know!" said Nathan (now a human again), wearing a khaki jacket, a harness containing a parachute, and his refurbished red guard uniform underneath it.

"Ah' said Ah'd never get in the plane with you."

"No, I'm talking about skydiving, it's stupid!"

"Look Kyle, people say it's the ultimate rush." said Nathan, "Ah' did take lessons the few times Ah' came here from Equestria to see you and Luke. But Ah've never gotten the chance to jump out of a plane because it was too windy."

"Kyle, Ah' gotta have this one last fun adventure before Ah' get married."

"Well do you have to do this on your wedding day?" asked Kyle.

Nathan groaned, "This is the last hour of mah' life as a single alicorn. Pretty soon, Ah'm gonna be married, Ah'm gonna have a family, Ah'm gonna have all the responsibilities. Ah' mean what am Ah' gonna do then, jump out of a stagecoach?"

"Well you could." answered Kyle, "You're chute might not open in time."

"Kyle, look, Ah'..Ah' have to do this one last crazy thing before Ah' give it all up for the pony Ah' love."

"Isn't flying with me crazy enough?" asked Kyle.

"No!" exclaimed Nathan.

"How about when I do this?" Kyle asked, he then jerked the plane's steering wheel to a hard left causing it to slowly spin.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nathan screamed as the plane turned upside down then went face forward again.

"Don't do that!" yelled Nathan as he lightly slapped Kyle on the back of his head.

"Ah' got this all planned out, Ah' got mah' uniform on. Ah' take the jump, land on the edge of Piedmont Avenue, take the bus to the old orphanage, head back to Equestria, fly back to Canterlot, and just enough time to remoose mah' mane and say 'Ah' do'."

"Great plan." Kyle said, "Can I make one little suggestion?"


"Snap out of it!" said Kyle as he returned a slap to Nathan.

"Kyle, this is something Ah' have to do for mahself alright?"

"All right, well have a safe trip, good luck buddy." said Kyle as he patted Nathan on his shoulder.

"Thanks pal." Nathan said as he undid his seat belt, he then walked to the back of the plane and put on a helmet that had goggles.

"Oh and Kyle, if anything goes wrong, Ah' want you to marry Apple Bloom." he said as he put on the goggles. He then looked out to see that they were really high in the air.

"Whoa!" he said, before preparing the jump.

"GERONIMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed as he jumped out of the plane.

"Oh my gosh!" Kyle said looking down at the seat Nathan was sitting in, "He jumped without his.......cologne!" he said as he held a small bottle of fresh cologne. He then saw that Nathan had managed to pop his parachute and watched him slowly descend back down to the streets as Kyle gave him a thumbs up.

"Did Ah' forget mah' cologne?" asked Nathan as he descended.

TO BE CONTINUED...........

Author's Note:

Will Nathan make it back in time?
Will Apple Bloom be furious about all this?

Find out soon!

This is where I got the funny content.