• Published 2nd Jan 2020
  • 13,628 Views, 500 Comments

Warfare - Rated Ponystar

A private of Equestria's army writes down his experiences in the war against humanity (Negotiations-verse Prequel)

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I Rejoin The Fight

January 18th, 1422 E.F

We never should have come here. Things were fine when we were back in our world. We had the most advanced and prosperous nation in the world. We were protected from all the dangers that we could handle. None of the other nations dared to challenge us because of our rulers turning the sun and moon for us all to live.

This planet isn’t worth saving from itself and humanity certainly doesn’t deserve to be saved. They are evil. Pure evil. It’s been a week since Equestria’s greatest disaster happened. An act so unspeakable that even now I still can’t believe it happened. Equestria knew about the dangerous and insane weapons known as Nuclear Missiles. A weapon so powerful it could destroy cities and kill millions. There was even a point in their history when they build so many that if they launched them against each other it would have been the end of their kind. Maybe they should have fired them all so we wouldn’t have had to deal with them.

While the threat of them was always in thought, we believed the shield barrier would protect us. With it now all but gone Equestria is now open to attack. Or should I say… they already attacked. We only knew that it was a missile from the Middle-East, but not the country. Everypony’s guessing it was retaliation for the attacks on their holy cities. After all, it was the Crystal Cannon that destroyed Rome and Mecca so it makes sense they would destroy the civilization that created it.

I couldn’t believe it when I heard the news. The entire Crystal Empire was gone. At least four million ponies wiped out into oblivion. Princess Cadence and Princess Flurry Heart among them. Another two of our goddesses dead. The Crystal Heart should have protected them all, but I guess the blast of the force was too much.

I have no more tears to shed and no prayers to give anymore. Three of our goddesses are dead. Are these the end times? Is humanity the great evil we must face in our darkest hour before the forces of good come to save us? Or am I just lying to myself because the opposite answers would destroy me on the inside? I don’t know what to believe in anymore except for one thing: Humanity must be destroyed.

Four million ponies. Most of them just civilians. Wiped out. An entire chunk of our land completely poisoned by their sick science with nature all but ruined. The few survivors we have left can barely fill a full town from what I hear.

I keep asking when my parents are coming, but I’m always told its too dangerous. Equestria is on full emergency alert with Princess Celestia ordering all soldiers to return from the human lands to Equestria. Burn and destroy everything so they cannot use it. Even the newfoals are being abandoned. I hear some of the soldiers on our side are killing them in anger. Claiming that they can never be like us even if they were former humans.

Honestly, it sounds like they’re just looking for something to blame.

I just want to get back into the action. Get back to the war. Because if the rumors are correct then with the shield down there is only one thing coming.


-Private Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


January 23rd, 1422 E.F

I’m finally free from the hospital. My platoon is being sent to San Prancisco, one of the areas the military believes will be invaded along with other coastal areas on both ends. I’m on my way there through train (my wings are still healing) as I see many heading to the city looking nervous. Most of them are fresh recruits for the defense.

Because of the situation, the enlistment is now fully into effect with charges being given to those who refuse the call. All pegasi are being trained to prepare for aerial bombardment in fear of future nuclear weapons or missile attacks. Unicorns are being prepared shielding spells to protect the towns and cities. Earth Ponies are making shelters for the citizens. Never had Equestria faced such impending doom like this. The entire nation was being turned into a fortress with the princesses doing everything they can to find a way to escape this hell of a planet.

I don’t see how. The Elements of Harmony were what brought us here and with Fluttershy the Traitor not on our side it's hard to see how they plan on bringing us home.

If a way can be found so be it, but until then our focus is to protect Equestria. Everypony knows it’s only a matter of time before humanity comes to invade us as we invaded them, but it’s going to take time. Until then we must prepare for the worst.

-Private Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


January 24th, 1422 E.F

I arrived at San Prancisco this morning and my platoon was there to greet me. I saw a lot of new faces. All fresh new soldiers who were doing their best to be brave, but I could tell they were scared by the looks in their eyes. Thundershot was there and he was the one I was glad to see the most, but something’s changed in him. His eyes were always filled with optimism and excitement, even at the worst of times. Now it looks like they’ve dimmed quite a bit. I guess even the happiest go lucky of us can’t stay such a way after what’s happened.

When I arrived, I finally got that promotion I was getting. Now I’m a Corporal, but honestly, that doesn’t mean much to me. The only reason I’ve gotten it is because I’ve survived this long into the war while a lot of other good ponies died. I’ll do my best to honor them with this new rank but save for the increased pay and a few more responsibilities I doubt it's going to amount to much.

One of the things I noticed was how much of a fortress we were making the city and the beach. Every citizen was being evacuated for the inner lands with houses being made into sleeping bunks for soldiers or officers. The main important buildings like City Hall have been made into the main HQ. Bunkers are being made with sandbags and protective spells everywhere. We’re even setting up rune traps in case the enemy gets this far. I don’t know what the plan is but every city along the coast is going to be made into a fortress to prepare for the invasion. We’re all pitching in to help with the building, but every squad is getting a specific mission and new training for the war. Something about a new tactic Princess Twilight wants us to employ.

I guess I’ll find out in the morning.

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


January 25th, 1422 E.F

Of all the things I expected to be our new tactic, this wasn’t what I was expecting. We’re being trained to fight with guns. Guns. As in the very weapons that humanity is using. Not only that but artillery, rockets, mines, explosives, and more. Rumor has it that ponies back inland are being trained in modified versions of tanks and battleships. We’re even hearing that the airships are being revamped with Pegasi testing out experimental sky armor.

Princess Twilight had been trying to turn human technology usable for ponies. Most ponies hated human technology because of how misused it’s been despite it being much more advanced than our own save for anything powered by magic. She’s been wanting to use human technology in the war for a long time, but Princess Celestia had refused it time and time again. Which isn’t a surprise. Everypony knows that Princess Celestia hated human technology, claiming it had been the downfall of the societies since the industrial era. Even when they created something good for medicine or energy it was later always used for war or misuse. Especially with how much it hurt the planet they lived on.

I guess with how things are going the Princess decided to go against her morals for the sake of the war. Especially since most of our tactics are now useless thanks to the generators. If there is one thing you can say about humanity, they knew how to kill things with their tech. Hopefully, we’ll learn it fast enough to counterattack with it back at them.

Of course, it's going to take time. Factories were working around the clock to equip the whole army, but it would take two months just to get half of our troops here supplied. For now, we’re just learning how to properly hold and aim with wooden carved versions. I took some crossbow training so it has helped a bit, but from what I know the guns will carry a big kick when you fire at them.

Our tactics have also changed. We’re focusing solely on defense and holding out against an invasion force that will do everything it can to destroy our defense. Bomb us. Charge us. Burn us. You name it.

We’re forced to dodge against non-lethal magic blasts from above while ducking properly under cover. My platoon is tasked to no longer charge with our spears but to aim at a distance and fire before moving to a new location and fire again. We’re to hit them and run over and over while taking cover fire.

Should the beach fall, we’re to head back to the city and do the same thing again. Fight them off block by block until they retreat. They didn’t say anything about retreat or what our orders were should the city fall. It’s made others question if this was to be a “Last Stand” scenario in which we fight to the last.

Many fear that. I’m not afraid. While my faith is in confusion, my loyalty is not. Equestria must not fall into the filthy monkeys. If this is the end of days, then let us show these demons that we are the ponies of righteousness and will avenge those who have fallen.

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


February 6th, 1422 E.F

It’s been hard adjusting to this new scenario, but I’m holding out. The days are pretty much the same. You’re either helping build up the defenses or training in the new tactics. We don’t have a lot of time for relaxation either, so most are just sleeping in their free time. Currently, we’re building up new barriers and walls along the streets leading to the beaches. The tall buildings will serve as nests for future gunners and snipers to rain down gunfire on the invading monkeys.

Normally, magic would be used to help us, but with the generators taking down all the magic they can we need to do it the old fashion way. Some of the unicorns complain about this, but the earth ponies are doing this with no problem. Begin a Pegasus, most of my days are spend bringing stuff to others with my wings doing all the work. Thundershot and I spend our free time talking about the war. He’s never really left my sight since I got back, maybe because he thought I was dead for days until he heard I was well.

We got a few Crystal Ponies with us as well. They’re the hardest workers of us all. The Princesses declared that due to the situation of the Crystal Empire, all Crystal Ponies are free to not fight and take refuge in Canterlot, but there aren’t many left. Worse, a good number of them have some radiation sickness that is affecting them. Some are even dying slowly. The ones with us state they lost everything and have nothing to live for. They want to avenge their fellow Crystal Ponies. If this is the end of the kind, then they will let it end in a reign of vengeance. A lot of ponies here respect them for risking it all with us including me.

My folks finally sent a letter. It was brief, but they were glad I was okay and to come home whenever I could. I doubt it will be soon, but hopefully, I’ll get a chance to see them. Even if it might be for the last time.

I’ve got no illusions that I’m going to survive this war. Chances are I’m going to die, but I’m going to die as a true pony that serves his country until the end. Even if we cannot defeat the humans, we will not let them take our home. This is the nation that last lasted nearly 1500 years. We’re not going down now or ever.

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


February 9th, 1422 E.F

Thundershot and I made love again last night. Even though we agreed our last one was a one night stand only, I guess the stress of everything just made us say “buck it” and before I knew it he was riding me all night. If there is one damn good thing about being here its that I have a good friend… and I might be falling for him. He’s been with me since the beginning, seen what I’ve seen. I got my flank saved by him and he’s saved mine. When I was at the hospital all I could think about were two things. My family and him.

Damnit, I’m falling for him, aren’t I? What is it that Private Button Mash once said? Love can bloom even on the battlefield? Said he heard it from a game when he was growing up and that the war was making him think about a mare he knew back home. He­­ wanted to survive and confess to her when he got back. Shame he died on Sri Lanka from infection caused by a shrapnel wound from what Thundershot told me.

Thundershot. Just even writing his name is making me feel like a school teen again looking at his first crush. But what’s not to like about him? He’s optimistic, even in these hard times, he’s handsome, kind, and protects those he befriends. He’ll take a bullet for you and take the shooter down with him. It also helps his package is just… damn.

Should I act on my feelings? Francization technically isn’t allowed. Yet with the chance of us not making it out alive would it not be better to have at least died with somepony you loved?

Maybe I should wait a while and think more about it.

- Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


February 11th, 1422 E.F

The humans have finally sent a message to Equestria. They were demanding that we give unconditional surrender to them for the so-called ‘crimes’ we have done against their kind. They were demanding that Princess Celestia be handed over, relinquish her power and godhood, and tried for war crimes. That we pay in reparations for the damages we have caused. They warned that if they did not, they would come and being nothing but destruction with them until we agree to surrender or if we were all dead.

Princess Celestia sent a clear message: “Equestria Stands Now And Forever More.”

I am not against the war ending, but the conditions were unthinkable. Surrender? Sacrifice our Princess? Pay for damages? No. We will not. We tried to save humanity from themselves. We tried to make them see the error of their ways and give them an alternate solution. We offered a better life and path for them and they refused. They were blind to their faults always looking to blame others for their problems instead of themselves. Princess Celestia gave them a chance to be saved but they prefer being damned.

So, damn them all I say. Them and their so-called “terms”. Equestria stands now and forever. That is the slogan we all say now as we work with vigor.

The humans may be coming. But we will be ready.

And we will win.

- Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon

Author's Note:

Shorter then the rest but we're building up. And yes I did just kill off Button Mash. Sorry!