• Published 2nd Jan 2020
  • 13,703 Views, 500 Comments

Warfare - Rated Ponystar

A private of Equestria's army writes down his experiences in the war against humanity (Negotiations-verse Prequel)

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I Continue To Get Ready

February 14th, 1422 E.F

Another set of deserters were captured. The brass has started to allow public hangings to scare others into not deserting. I feel sorry for the poor lads, forced to hang there as the crows feed on their remains, but I try to push it back with my focus on the job. I’m starting to get the hang of these guns they’ve been giving us. I managed to at least hit half the targets this time at the course.

Thundershot still doesn’t like the idea we’re using guns and, honestly, I can’t blame him. It’s just a remind of how powerful the humans are with their weapons of death. I can’t recall another race that was as violent, bloodthirsty, and war driven as humanity. Not even the dragons and griffins were this bad. I wonder what it would look like if the humans were to fight the dragon or griffin race? Too bad we’ll never know since the few who did come with us to this world are all dead save for Princess Twilight’s assistant.

I wonder what the other races would think if they saw us like this. Probably take advantage and strike at us too in order to get whatever land or resources they could get their claws on. I mean, let’s face it, which of the other races back in our world was decent? The griffins were lazy, rude, and selfish. Dragons always destroyed everything they couldn’t own with their greedy ways. Diamond Dogs were smelly barbarians who kidnapped ponies to be their slaves to dig their minds for gems (what do they do with them anyway?). Minotaurs were just loud and almost as greedy as the dragons. Yaks were uncultured and just smashed everything in anger. Changelings? Well, that’s one race that deserves to be mistreated in my mind. Nothing good comes from an evil creature that sucks the love out of a living being. Maybe the zebras, goats, donkey’s, and breezies were okay, but they still didn’t have a civilization like ours did.

To me, it’s just further proof that our way of life was just superior is all. Well, until we met the humans. I just hope we either find a way out of this mess or hold them off long enough to find a way to protect ourselves.

- Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


February 16th, 1422 E.F

Damnit, me and Thundershot can’t keep doing this. We made love again because…well honestly, I just wanted to buck him. Damnit, I’m falling for that cute pony and I’m trying not to. There is a good chance either of us or both of us are going to die when the human’s come and I don’t want either of us to go through such a loss if either of us live!

Still, he’s the only one whose left in my original group. The one who has been closest to me and knows me inside and out.

I wish my dad was here. He’d give me advice, but he’s got his own problems. Worship of the princesses isn’t doing well back home. Many are outright declaring the princesses not to be gods while others are believing this is the end times. One side thinks that the princesses have deceived us and lead us to our doom, others are saying that the dead will return in glorious heavily forces to defeat the humans if we hold to our faith.

Personally, I don’t know what to believe in anymore. Maybe I just don’t care. I don’t think the princesses are coming back from the dead. I still think they are powerful beings, enough to be gods, our gods, but the humans are something else. Maybe something bigger is happening in this universe that we can’t understand? Maybe the human’s god or their gods are just better at creating a more battle-hardened race. Many of the humans are religious, but they also declare that there are no gods. I guess they don’t have the same answers as we do.

Regardless if the Princesses are divine or not, I still believe in Equestria. I believe in what we stand for: Friendship, Love, and Harmony.

Perhaps…perhaps in these darkest of times I shouldn’t be afraid of loving Thundershot. Maybe what I need…what we each need is each other. Even if this is to the be the last few months alive…maybe we can make the most out of it.

I’ll tell him tonight.

- Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


February 17th, 1422 E.F

Guess what? He told me first. He said he loved me. I said I loved him.

You can guess what happened next. Celestia that flank…

Whatever happens now? I don’t care. It’s just me and my special somepony today and that’s all I care about.

- Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


February 21th, 1422 E.F

We just performed our first proper city-wide drills for the human invasion. Things were sloppy, of course, but we still have time. From what little info we can get, the humans are still amassing their attack, but the bombing and missile raids are still happening. Dozens of cities and towns are damaged or beyond repair with lives lost in the thousands.

Thundershot and I are keeping it slow with our relationship, but we sneak in a kiss every now and then. I’ve seen a few other soldiers get very close to each other too, so it makes me feel better knowing we aren’t the only ones.

I think I’ve finally gotten used to the rifle. Some of us are naturals with these. There’s this one earth pony named Steel Sweep who can snipe a can of beans from 45 yards. Says he wants to take out a human head for everyone solider he lost in his squad. Another good shooter is this pony named Sandbar. He’s a bit of an air head, but he’s good enough to get a hundred percent with his rifle. I hate to be any human in his path.

The tanks and other heavy gear are coming next week. I wonder what its going to look like.

- Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


February 28th, 1422 E.F

I’m starting to think that there is some higher power that hates us. The tanks and vehicles are here, but guess what? They’re based on the designs of the US military from some big world war in the 1940’s! That’s about a hundred years ago! How the hay are we going to hold of an army of an entire race of billions with weapons that were obsoleted a century ago?!

I did some digging and it turns out that while Equestria may have the means to produce these objects as fast as possible, we don’t have the technology to make anything more advanced. Some of the metals we don’t have in Equestria but were in the human territory we once occupied. Not to mention that there are computers, smaller bits of advance tech, and other components we just don’t have the means to reproduce due to a lack of knowledge or technological means to create. Magic can only get so far apparently.

I’ve seen tanks on the battlefield that shoot out lasers as if they were unicorn horns! Those things can destroy bunkers in a single blast. This is our answer to them?!

General Hayfield says that technology and weapons don’t always win the battle, but bravery, valor, and tactics can. Easy for him to say. He’s going to be safe underground while we grunts end up getting our flanks filled with holes!

Maybe I’m being pessimistic, or maybe I’m just seeing the writing on the wall. I don’t know. I just need a heavy drink.

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


March 1st, 1422 E.F

Princess Twilight Sparkle was here with the Wonderbolts to do an inspection of the place. See how the defenses were doing and what plans to make when the invasion hits. Apparently, she’s doing it at every defense point and we’re second on her list of visits. I have to say, she’s been doing well ever since she took over for Grand Commander Prince Shining Armor after his death. That stallion was a true leader and military genius. It’s a shame a sniper got him in the Battle of New York City. We could use him right about now, but Princess Twilight has done her best in place of her brother.

I didn’t get a chance to see her since I was on guard duty for the ammunition storage. I kinda wish I did. Regardless of the debate if our princesses were goddesses or not, they were still our leaders, the ones who were the best and represented everything Equestria was about.

She did give a speech as well as her fellow Element of Harmony, Rainbow Dash. I’ve always admired her for being so loyal not only to her friends, but to Equestria as well. I’ve seen her fly in the shows back home and it was some of the best days of my life. I even have a signed Wonderbolts flag back home in my bed.

Home. Wow, I miss it. I keep hoping they’ll grant us some time to see our families before the big invasion. Word is that Princess Celestia is considering it to remind us all what we are fighting for. Our friends. Our families. Our home.

I don’t think we’ll ever make Earth the utopia it could have been. Free from war, hate, violence, fear, and greed. The humans have made it clear they wish to live that kind of sinful life and die with it. So be it. They take their cruel world and choke on it. When we stop this invasion and prove we can still stand strong, maybe the humans will just leave us alone. Let us rebuild and be at peace while we try to find a way home and leave them to destroy themselves.

It’s all I can hope for. I can’t think of the idea of Equestria being taken over by the humans. Turning their sick monkey paws on our sacred land.

No, I’ll die defending it before I see that happen.

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


March 3rd, 1422 E.F

I…heard something that has disturbed me. A few of the soldiers, ponies I didn’t know, were talking about how much they missed the Newfoals. I thought it was because of how nice and kind they were, but instead they were talking about how much they missed bucking them in bed.

Apparently, the Newfoals never said no the idea of mating. No force needed. They said okay and the pony who asked do them just like that. They didn’t make a sound, didn’t react to it, they just took it. Some of them thought it was creepy, others thought it was the easiest piece of flank they had ever gotten.

I don’t understand. Why did the Newfoals just agree to it? Didn’t they worry about getting pregnant or a mare pregnant? Mating season is a huge problem, even during the war, since ponies go coo-coo when the heat starts acting up. In fact, mating season starts in two weeks and already mares and stallions are giving each other the eye. Is nopony takin the pills to ward off the effects?

Then again, I guess I shouldn’t talk. Thundershot and I pretty much bang twice a week these days. Still, now that I think about it, I’ve never heard the Newfoals every say the word “no” before. You say something and they just do it. No questions asked. You ask them for a favor, and they do it. Apparently, that even extended to sleeping with random ponies.

Just what is up with that?

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


March 6th, 1422 E.F

Nothing new to report. Some bug is spreading around the place, causing ponies to get diarrhea. Ugh, how much manure am I going to see before this war ends?

I just hope I don’t get it.

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


March 7th, 1422 E.F

Spoke too soon. BBBUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK!!!!

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


March 25th, 1422 E.F

Okay, so those were the worst two weeks of my life. Half of it was spent in bed and half of it was pooping or throwing up in my bedpan. I think I must have lost six pounds of body fat from losing my bowels before they finally cleared me from the hospital. Thundershot got the bug a week after I got it and he’s still being treated for it. I would go back and support him, but we’re under orders no to go into the hospital unless were sick or dying to prevent it from spreading.

At least a fourth of the army is sick with this bug and drills are being called off save for squad ones. I’m technically not even working anymore as I have to wait three more days before I can start training again, but I have to drink plenty of water which is making me still go to the bathroom.

Again, they never tell you how much, and I’ll use a human word this time, shit to deal with in the army.

I think I’m just going to lie down and pray this passes over. Maybe if the humans attack, we can make a wall out of shit and cause them to retreat?

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


March 27th, 1422 E.F

So, the bug is still around, Thundershot is still sick, but there is good news. Those rumors of us visiting our families is true! In fact, I’m cleared to see mine sometime next month! Unfortunately, Thundershot won’t be able to join me since he’s not cleared for another two months. I was hoping the family could see him and all, but then again, knowing my mother, she’d be begging me and Thunder to get married right then and there.

You know, I haven’t thought about the future should I survive this war. If we beat back the humans, the hope is that they’ll leave us alone and not nuke us again. Apparently, there even humans who didn’t agree with what they did so maybe we don’t have to worry about it again?

If Thundershot and I do managed to survive this war, I guess I can picture a life with him. We could live somewhere nice and quiet while finding new jobs to support us. Dad could marry us and maybe we’d adopt a foal or two. There are a lot of orphans out there now. They’re going to need new homes. Maybe two colts? The race doesn’t matter to me.

Of course, Thundershot and I have talked about our odds. There is a chance we’re both going to die. While it does scare me a bit, I’d rather be dead then in the hands of the humans. Just the thought of them having their way with me and Thundershot is too much of a nightmare to think about. Already we swore a pack to end each other’s life if it turned out that we were going to be captured and many other soldiers were planning the same thing.

The holy book tells us that upon death, our souls are judged by the princesses in their sleep and from there we are sent to the paradise of Elysium or the eternal damnation of Tartarus. Of course, I’m in no rush to get angel wings, but knowing that I got a place in paradice makes the idea of dying a bit easier. Some soldiers, sadly, are so broken they wish to embrace the sweet peaceful embrace of death.

Most of them have lost everything to this war, including the few Crystal Ponies left defending beside us. They don’t even care if there is nothing after death, they just want to take out as many humans as they can before closing their eyes forever.

I never thought I’d think this much about death. What has this war turned me into? Turned us into?

I just hope when the war ends, we stop thinking about death and about life once more.

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


March 29th, 1422 E.F

Thundershot is still sick, but he sends his love to me. I’m back to drilling, but thankfully I haven’t lost my skills on the guns. I’m now cleared to carry one around. They must be careful due to how many of us have already died because of these accursed weapons. Some accidently shoot themselves or others when using them. Others just use them to end their own lives, unable to deal with all that’. An earth pony, her name was Spirit Stomp, used to always eat next to me in the mess hall. A few days ago, she stole one of the pistols and used it to shoot herself in the face.

It’s said to be a sin to commit suicide as I mentioned once in a journal a long time ago, but I just hope the princesses have mercy for us all.

Because the humans and this war is having none for any of us.

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


April 2nd, 1422 E.F

I’m finally going home. I got my papers and bags and everything. Thundershot kissed me goodbye before I made me to the train station. All while whispering that he would miss me. I’ll miss him too. His smile. His eyes. Just the way he always flicked his tail and winked at me. The way he got inside me and made me feel warm and soft. Loving me as if each night was our last.

But I’m going to see my family for the first time in what seems like forever. Hopefully, I’ll be able to smile again while I am there.

Tears are in my eyes as I spot Cloudsdale in the distance and feel relaxed. I was finally home. And I was going to enjoy it.

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon

Author's Note:

Invasion won't be happening for at least another 2 or 3 chapters.

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