• Published 2nd Mar 2020
  • 3,808 Views, 70 Comments

My Little Ninja Turtle (Part 1) - MlpTmntDisneyKauane

The turtles went on an adventure in another world called Equestria to saved it from the evil Kraangs, but for that, they needed to learn more about this new world, but luckily they meet the Mane 6.

  • ...

First fight and rescue in Ponyville

'"Wow, Ponyville is so pretty and cute." Said Mikey loving Ponyville.

"Yeah, it's interesting that the ponies live like humans." Said Donnie.

"Yeah, very interesting." Said Raph (But in sarcasm).

"Come on Raph, there must be at least one thing that you like about this world." Said Mikey to Raph.

"Actually, there is one thing." Said Raph.

"Really? And what is that?" Mikey asked.

"I have wings.” Raph answer and spreads his wings while giving a smirk. "watchs this." Raph jumps trying to fly, but ends up falling flat on his face while the others just laugh.

"Haha, you have wings but you don't know how to use them." Rainbow mocks Raph and just Raph frowned.

But then the laughters stops when the group hear what seemed to be Sweetie Belle screaming.

"What was that?" Mikey asked.

"Gasp* Oh god, I think it's my little sister!" Said Rarity worried.

"HELP!" A cry by Apple Bloom appears.

"*Gasp* And my sister too!" Said Applejack worried.

"Stay away from us!" A scream by Scootaloo appears (who didn't seem so scared).

"Scootaloo!?" Rainbow asked worried and a little confused (Cause Scootaloo is usually not that brave like this).

"They must be in trouble" Said Fluttershy worried.

"We need to help them!" Said Leo and Twilight at the same time, and the two even were surprised to say the same phrase at the same time.

"Giggles* You both said the same thing at the same time." Said Pinkie thinking this funny.

The ponies turtles and the Mane 6 run to help the CMC's (Remember that the story is after the Mane 6 met Starlight, so the CMC's didn't have their Cutie Marks yet) when they coming to the CMC's cries were coming from, the ponies turtles and Mane 6 see 5 ponies just like the other cornering the CMC's, and this 5 ponies were the Kraangs.

"Who are these ponies?" Rainbow asked.

"The Kraangs." Leo answered.

"The Kraangs? So these are the Kraangs you talked about?" Spike asked.

"Exactly." Raph answered.

"They are so similar to each other, are they twins?" Pinkie asked.

"No, they are robots." Donnie answered.

"What are robots?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'll explain later." Said Donnie.

The group continues to watch the Kraangs threatening the poor fillies.

"What do you guys wanna from us!? We're just kids!" Apple Bloom asked scared.

"PLEASE DON'T HURT US!" Sweetie Belle cried.

"Look here, if you mess with my friends, you'll have to mess with me first!" Said Scootaloo seemed brave.

"Wow, that girl is brave." Said Raph a little suprised.

"i know, right?" Rainbow asked.

"I wasn't talking to you." Raph answered dryly while Rainbow frowned at Raph.

"The Kraangs took those known as Cutie Mark Crusaders with us." Said the first Kraang.

"Kraangs will do what is called an experiment in those known as Cutie Mark Crusaders." Said the second Kraang.

"Experiment? What kind of experiment?" Applejack asked.

"Mutation." Donnie answer.

"WHAT?! Are they going to mutate my little sister!?" Rarity asked worried and shocked.

"I'm sorry guys, but we're not going anywhere with you." Said Apple Bloom firmly.

"The Kraangs were not asking." The third Kraang answer.

"You three will go with the Kraangs, whether you like it or not." The fourth Kraang ordened.

The fifth Kraang who was a unicorn uses his magic to levitate the CMC's.

"Kraang will open the portal for those known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders." Said the fifth Kraang.

The CMC cried for help.

"SWEETIE BELLE!" Rarity cry.

"APPLE BLOOM!" Applejack cry.

"SCOOTALOO!" Rainbow cry.

"Turtles, lets go!" Leo ordened and turtles run to save the 3 fillies.

"What are they going to do?" Rainbow asked.

The fifth Kraang opens the portal when suddenly. "BOOYAKASHA!" the Kraangs hear that.

"Kraang recognizes that scream known as Booyakasha." Said the Third Kraang.

"Kraang thinks is that those known as-" The fifth Kraang is interrupted when Mikey kicks him in the face, the same Kraang who got kicked by Mikey is the same who levitated the CMC's that were dropped after this Kraang was kicked by Mikey.

"Turtles." The fourth Kraang completes the sentence for the fifth Kraang

And all ponies turtles appear.

"Correct, but those known as turtles are now those known as ponies." Said the second Kraang.

"We can be pony now, but we are still good like turtles." Said Raph while he takes his Sai, but drops it because of his hooves. "Or almost." Said Raph frowned.

"Kids, go and protect yourselves!" Leo ordened to the CMC's, the CMCs do what Leo says and run to a safe place.

"Turtles, attack the Kraangs." Leo ordened.

The ponies turtles attack with their weapons held like their mouths (Except Mikey, he holds his Nunchukus with their hooves easily). The Kraangs use laser weapons but the turtles dodge the laser, and the Mane 6 watch the turtles' incredible fight.

"Wow, they are amazing" Said Rainbow wathing the fight.

"Yep, I take my hat off." Said Applejack.

"But I think that we should help them." Fluttershy suggested.

"Yeah, but first let's see what they know do, they are doing verry well for someone who became a pony for the first time." Said Spike eating his popcorn.

"Are you going to share that popcorn, Spike?" Pinkie asked.

Returning to the fight, Raph fought a Kraang but then his Sai was released from his mouth, but Raph managed to knock the Kraang down with just one punch.

"'Raph, a Kraang coming!" Mikey warned and Raph see another Kraang who run straight for Raph.

"I got this!" Said Raph waiting for this Kraang coming to him. "Since I became a pony, I always wanted to do THAT!" Said Raph turning on his back and gives a horse kick with his back legs to the Kraang that was coming towards him, the Kraang is thrown away and he lands on another Kraang that Leo was fighting.

"Wow, that was awesome! You know, I think i'm starting to like this pony body." Said Raph.

"Me too." Said Mikey while he knocks down the last Kraang with his Nunchakus.

"How did you got to hold the Nunchukus with just your hooves?" Raph asked.

"I don't know, I just holded it." Mikey answered while he rolled his Nunchukus.

The Mane 6 appear to comment on the incredible turtle fight.

"You ... are .... AWESOME!" Said Rainbow Dash.

"It was amazing how you used your weapons." Said Applejack.

"That kick you gave that Kraang Raphael, was incredible!" Said Rainbow to Raph.

"Yeah it was nothing, but thanks." Raph boasted.

Rarity was kicking one of the Kraangs. "And this is for you to learn not to kidnap my sister, or her friends, or anypony!" Said Rarity firmly and angry and gave another kick when suddenly, the Kraang brain appears making Rarity scream, the scream was enough to make the Kraang brain go away. "AAAAAH!! EW, EW, EW, EW, EW, EW, EEEEEEEEWW!!! BLEH, but what was that!?" Shhe asked disgusted.

"This is what the Kraang is really inside." Donnie explained.

"Ugh, this is so disgusting!" Said Rarity still disgusted.

"Welcome to my world." Raph joked.

And then, the CMC's appear to thank the turtles.

"Oh Sweetie Belle!" Rarity hugs her younger sister. "I'm glad you're okay my darling!" She said to your sister.

"Hey Scoot, amazing your courage with that Kraangs." Said Rainbow to Scootaloo.

"Well, thanks." Scootaloo thanked.

Applejack hugs Apple Bloom, and after the hug, Apple Bloom reaches the ponies turtle.

"Excuse me, sirs?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yes, little one?" Mikey asked to her.

"We just wanted to thank you all for saving us." Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah, you four are amazing, not as much as Rainbow Dash, but you are amazing!" Said Scootaloo.

"Well, thanks." Donnie thanked.

"You are all wonderful!" Said Sweetie Belle and hugs Donnie, and Donnie returns the hug with a little smile.

"You really are great with these ninja weapons, it's no wonder that your Cutie Marks represent them." Said Apple Bloom.

"Cutie Marks?" Leo asked.

"Yeah Cutie Marks, you know, the marks on your flanks." Said Scootaloo pointing from the turtles's Cutie Marks and the turtles look at their flanks and see their Cutie Marks, all of their Cutie Marks had a tortoiseshell, but each had different ninja weapons than the other.

"Wow, I didn't notice those marks." Said Mikey admired his Cutie Mark.

"But what are these marks?" Raph asked.

"What!? Don't you know what Cutie Marks are?" Apple Bloom asked suprised.

"They're from another world Sugar Cube, they don't have those marks." Applejack explained.

"Oh" Apple Bloom get it.

"Oh yeah, that's one of the things I didn't mention, Cutie Marks are marks that appear on your flank when you do something that you know better." Twilight explained.

"Oh, so that's why my mark is a shell with Nunchukus, because I'm a turtle and I'm good with Nunchakus." Said Mikey.

"Huh? Turtle?" Sweetie Belle asked confused.

"They're from another world" Rarity reminds Sweetie Belle.

"I wanted to have a Cutie Mark just like theirs." Said Scootaloo looking at her side that didn't have a Cutie Mark yet.

"Well anyway, nice to met you four, and thank you so much for saving us." Apple Bloom.

"The pleasure is ours." Said Leo.

"So bye." Said Sweetie Belle.

"See you again." Said Scootaloo and the CMC's go away leaving everyone.

"*Sigh* Kind childrens, isn't it?" Said Mikey.

"Yeah, I wanted humans to treat us that way like that girls." Said Donnie.

"So, we already showed the city, so what do you think of us teaching them to adapt to their pony form? After all, you are still new to be a pony." Twilight suggested.

"Better for us, because I don't wanna hold my Sai with my mouth again." Said Raph.

"And maybe I can help you with your wings." Rainbow suggested to Raph.

"Pff, no, I can learn this myself, look." Said Raph jumps flapping his wings, he flies but in a bad way, and soon he fell flat on his face again.

"So, do you wanna my help now?" Rainbow Dash asked joking and smirking.

"No." Raph answer dryly still whith his face on the floor.