• Published 2nd Mar 2020
  • 3,808 Views, 70 Comments

My Little Ninja Turtle (Part 1) - MlpTmntDisneyKauane

The turtles went on an adventure in another world called Equestria to saved it from the evil Kraangs, but for that, they needed to learn more about this new world, but luckily they meet the Mane 6.

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Battle in Canterlot

After receiving an emergency letter from Princess Celestia informing of soldiers attacking Canterlort, the ponie turtles and the Mane 6 team up to save Canterlort.

After making the teleportation charm, they immediately reached Canterlort, where is being attacked by robot soldiers, some houses and shops being destroyed by them and ponies ran in panic and hid.

"What's with these guys?" Raph asked.

"I don't know, but I just know that they will soon be caught!" Said Rainbow Dash while punched her hooves.

"Now you're speaking my language, Dash." Raph agreed while he also punched his hooves.

But then, the group heard what appeared to be a screaming lady, they looked where they saw the scream and it was really a screaming lady being taken by a soldier.

"AH, let me go, let me go!" The pony lady pleaded.

But then the soldier carrying her is stopped when Leo used his magic and shoots him.

"Oh thank you very much, sir!" The pony lady thanked and ran away.

"Wow, did Twilight teach you to shoot laser by the horn too?" Mikey asked to Leo.

"Yes she did" Said Leo who soon smiled at Twilight.

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's end these guys!" Raph said he was looking forward to doing that.

"Okay, the rest of you stay here, deal with these soldiers and save some ponies, I'll go to the castle and help the princesses." Twilight ordered.

"I'm going with you too" Leo supported.

Twilight flies to the castle, but when Leo follows her flying, he falls and Twilight stops when he falls.

"Really Leo? You haven't learned to fly yet" Raph asked skeptically and dryly.

Leo frowned and was ashamed of it.

"Don't worry, you'll get it some time." Said Twilight to Leo trying to make him feel better.

"I hope so" said Leo while he stood up. "I'm going to run anyway," he said.

"Okay, i'll see you there" Said Twilight flying to the castle and Leo accompanies her running while the rest get ready to fight.

"Are you all ready?" Rainbow asked smirking.

"Ready!" The girls answered.

"Ready! The turtles answered.

"Ready! "Spike answered.

"So let's go!" Said Raph, and everyone for the fight.

"BOOYAKASHA!" Mikey and Pinkie shouted.
Meanwhile in the castle in the throne room, the two sisters fought the robot soldiers, shooting at them with their magic, but it didn't matter how much they fired, as more of them appeared and soon Luna's magic started to weaken.

"Sister, there are many, I don't know if we can stop them all." Luna said.

"Don't give up Luna, we have to keep going or Cantelort will be doomed." Celestia said.

"I'm sorry, sister, but I don't have enough magic for this." Said Luna.

But then, another pink magic shot hit one of the soldiers, and it was Twilight who had just arrived.

"But I have." Said Twilight who had heard the sisters saying that they hading weak magic.

"Twilight!" Said Celestia who was happy to see her.

"Twilight, your magic is not as strong as ours, you too will be weak soon." Said Luna.

"Don't worry, Leonardo is already coming to help us." Twilight said.

"Who is Leonardo?" Celestia asked.

Before Twilight answered, the gate that was closed is opened with soldiers who were thrown by Leo.

"This is Leonardo." Twilight responds.

"Wait, he is a..." Before Luna completed her question, Twilight, who knew what she was going to answered, "Yes, he's an alicorn, and don't even ask me why, because I do not know either."

"Do you need help highness?" Leo asked to the two princesses.

"It would be great Mr. Leonardo." Celestia answered.

With the soldiers coming to Leo, Leo uses his magic to levitate his Katanas and cuts the robot soldiers in half.

"But what are these soldiers after all?" Luna asked.

"They are robots, I explain what are robots after." Twilight explained as she used her magic to shoot the soldiers.
Meanwhile in the city of Canterlort the rest of the Mane and the rest of the turtles were fighting the soldiers (The fight was like the Mane 6 fight against the Changelings). Rainbow Dash fought next to Raph, Pinkie Pie fought next to Mikey, Rarity fought next to Donnie, Fluttershy kept dodging soldiers and this soldiers always hit each other when she dodged, Spike spit fire on soldiers making them melt and Applejack caught the soldiers with his rope, grabbing and tying them.

"Look, it's not really hard to take these guys down, don't you think?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I agree, these guys are soft." Raph agreed while punching a soldier.

Donnie was hitting with his stick the soldiers, but then he starts to find these soldiers very familiar.

"Dudes, is it just me or do these soldiers look familiar?" Donnie asked the brothers.

"Now that you speaked, I'm also starting to think these familiar guys." Mikey said.

"Yeah, it looks like i see them before." Raph said.

"But what are you three talking about?" Applejack asked confused.

"It looks like we've already seen these guys in our world." Donnie said while taking down another robot soldier.

But then, Donnie notices a mark on the head of these soldiers, similar to the mark of the Foot Clan soldiers, but instead of being a drawing of a foot, it was a drawing of a horseshoe, and then he finally realizes.

"*Gasp* They are the Foot Clan!" Donnie said in surprise.

"No way!" Raph said, also surprised.

"The Foot Clan, now it's more like the Hoof Clan" Mikey baptized.

"What the heck Foot or Hoof are you talking about?" Rainbow asked confused while still fighting the soldiers.

"In our world, they are called the Foot Clan, they are one of the evil robot soldiers of our greatest enemy, the Shredder." Donnie explained while still fighting the soldiers.

But now the group couldn't talk anymore and they continued to fight the Hoof Clan.
Meanwhile in the castle in the throne room, Leonardo and the 3 princesses were still fighting the robot soldiers, Leo cut the soldiers with their Katnas, the two sisters who now regain their strength of magic return to shooting the soldiers, and Twilight did not just use her magic, she also used her own hooves to kick and punch soldiers.

"Wow, those trainings were really worth it." Twilight said happy to have trained with the turtles.

"I think so too," Leo agreed. "Twilight, look out!" He warned Twilight.

There was a soldier coming right at her, Twilight notices the soldier, and she immediately stops him, using her magic and does that same trick that she did with Rainbow, picked him up, spun him around and threw him to other soldiers knocking them down also.

"Yeah, were really worth it." Twilight said proudly.

Then other soldiers approach Leo and Twilight, the two alicorns seemed ready to finish off these soldiers. But suddenly, all the soldiers (including those in the city of Canterlot) stopped, so a thick, masculine voice came them as if it were a telephone.

"Soldiers, it's enough today, you all have done enough, now leave Canterlot and go back to your master." The voice in the soldiers ordered and all the soldiers retreated from Canterlort.

But that voice that Princess Celestia heard made her familiar, as if she knows that thick masculine voice.
Meanwhile in the city of Canterlot, the soldiers retreated while the rest of the group watched them go.

"Uumm, what just happened here?" Spike asked confused.

"Well, they left, it seems that we are too incredible for them." Rainbow said being spoiled.

"No, I don't think it's just that, you guys heard that voice talking about them." Donnie said.

"And that voice, it seemed to be Shredder's voice." Raph said.

"Man, so, the Shredder is really here in Equestria!?" Mikey asked doubtfully.

"There is really a Shredder here, Mr. Mikelangelo." The others heard a voice, when they looked where they heard the voice, it was Princess Celestia who arrived and said that to Mikey while the girls and Spike bowed to her, Mikey also wanted to do what they were doing and bowed too.

"Your majesty" He said, Donnie bowed too, even Raph who didn't want to do that bowed too.

"Yes, there really is a Shredder here, but not the Shredder of the world of you fours as you said." Said Celestia.

"What do you mean, not in our world?" Raph asked.

"Boys, I guess that your world is not the only one that exists a Shredder." Said Celestia.

He ponies turtles were shocked and confused.

"Wait, so you're saying that there is another Shredder in Equestria"? "Raph asked shocked.

"A Shredder counterpart!?" Donnie asked also shocked.

"I'm afraid so, boys." Celestia replied.

And the ponies turtles couldn't help but be more shocked by this.

"Oh Holy Chalupa!" Mikey said shocked.

"Man, now this world really impressed me" said Raph also shocked.

"So I think that must also be why the Kraangs are here, but I think it can be more than that," said Donnie.

"But princess, do you know this Shredder?" Leo asked Celestia.

"Sadly yes." Celestia answered sadly.

"And would you like to tell us sister?" Luna asked.

But from Celestia's sad look, it seemed that she didn't want to talk about it.

"Princess Celestia?" Twilight asked her.

"* Sigh * Okay, I'll told." Said Celestia. "But first, I would like to know the history of the Shredder from the world of you four." She asks the turtles.