• Published 22nd Dec 2021
  • 866 Views, 60 Comments

Monster Hunter World: Monsters and Magic - Blackdrag-rose

Grogar finds himself transported to a fleet that is making the voyage to the New World, where he must adapt to his new body and face the dangers of his new world... even if it means facing the monsters of the New World.

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Elder Problems

Ava, Sherry, and Keiji were surprised by Grogar's sudden arrival with Nergigante, even though they knew that part of their mission in the Elder's Recess was to track her down, showing him that they weren't expecting him to run into her so soon, not after starting to check out the rest of the region. He informed them that he had faced off against the Uragaan for a time, allowing him to gain all sorts of information for later, and that he had talked with Dodogama as well, since it was docile and didn't need to be fought, before revealing that it was around that point that he ran into his companion. He didn't bump into the Lavasioth, given who he was with, but he did learn that the two more monsters, Bazelgeuse and Azure Rathalos, could be found in this region as well, so it was something that they were going to have to keep an eye out for, or whoever might be assigned to watch over this place while they were in Astera. Other than that there wasn't much else for him to tell them, other than the fact that he and Nergigante had bumped horns with each other, literally given his power, which Ava felt due to being an Elder Dragon herself, making him wonder if the others of her kind had felt their fight.

Once the conversation was done Grogar departed from the Elder's Recess and found that Ava and the others, joined by their new ally, were following after him, where he chuckled for a moment as he wondered what sort of reaction he'd get from his friends and allies in Astera, when they realized who was following him.

Sure enough he found that everyone was busy with their own duties, making sure the base had everything it needed to function as a well oiled machine, while the Researchers seemed to be studying the notes he had brought them on the new region they had discovered. Aiden, of course, spotted him while he was up in the air and waved, causing his partner and a few of the others to stop and stare up at him as well, at first only seeing the companions they knew about, before pausing as they noticed Nergigante was following him. Given the last time they had seen her she had been an ally, fighting to save the New World from being wiped out by Zorah Magdaros' untimely death in the vast Everstream, he knew that they were surprised to see her again, since she had up and vanished after chasing the dying Elder Dragon into the sea, but she was back and they were curious as to what it meant. The problem Grogar discovered was that there wasn't much room in all of Astera for Nergigante to land, save for the area near the main gate, an area near the Canteen, and possibly the section of ship behind where Shepard usually stood when addressing the other leaders of their base.

Despite his thoughts on the matter Grogar found that Shepard seemed to have anticipated him returning with Nergigate at some point and had cleared out the area behind him, where it looked like he had some of the workers redesign that portion of the ship while he and his companions were gone and made it into a landing area for her, which they used while the others landed nearby and walked over to them.

"Well, it seems like you've been busy," Shepard commented, taking a moment to glance at Nergigante, who sat down after they landed and glanced around Astera for a few moments, no doubt focusing on the Canteen based on what he had seen the last time she had come to their base, before focusing on Grogar for a moment.

"Yeah, and I've got some information to share with everyone," Grogar replied, as what he had discovered about the Elder's Recess was worth passing on to those who were researching everything about the New World, though after saying that he thought about it as he raised a hand, "it's not important information, like what happened earlier with Zorah Magdaros, but I did learn a few more things about the Elder's Recess that the Researchers might be interested in."

Sure enough he found that the Researchers were interested in the number of monsters that called the new region home, or could be located in it, even though it seemed like the Bazelgeuse had no true home as it attacked all five sections of the New World, and they were sure the same could be said for the Azure Rathalos. After that he explained that he had clashed with Nergigante, who wanted to test his copy power with her own immense strength, and after pleasing her she came to a stop, informed him that his strength was good, and that she was interested in the Meowscular Chef's food. Such a thing led to a small celebration of sorts being held in Astera, no doubt welcoming another Elder Dragon into the mix, as most of them suspected that she would be here for some time and not run off like the last time, though Grogar saw it as a good thing, as she had information that they couldn't obtain on their own and he might be able to get it. They were interested in why one of her kind followed the aging Elder Dragons to the New World, even though he was partly sure it was due to the fact that some of them might harm this island in the moment of their death, even though Zorah Magdaros was the only one to do something like that.

There was so much information that they could learn from her, in addition to what he had considered so far, and with her sticking around for some time it gave him a chance to figure out the pieces of the puzzle that they were missing right now, which would aid the Commission and the Guild in understanding this world more than ever before, he just had take his time and not rush her on the details. Shepard, of course, was wondering what they could do with two Elder Dragons on their side, even if Ava seemed to be more of a silent ally that observed areas and less of a fighter, while Nergigante could plow her way through whatever obstacles decided to get in their way. Of course there were those that needed some time to get used to the idea of a friendly Elder Dragon, as in Nergigante since they were used to Ava's presence, but Grogar was sure that they would come around to her presence and not be freaked out whenever she showed herself, provided she stuck around for more than a few hours. Other than that Grogar didn't have much else to worry about right now, save for getting some food since fighting Nergigante was quite the workout, though he was pleased with the information he had discovered so far and was eager to find out what he and the others might find out in the coming days.

With that thought in mind he and the others enjoyed their time, celebrating into the night like they did back when Zorah Magdaros had been dealt with, though everyone knew that when morning arrived they would be tackling whatever new dangers the New World had to throw at them and they were eager to see what those dangers might be.

When morning arrived Grogar discovered something that totally surprised him, which happened to be that, in the course of the celebration of Nergigante's arrival in Astera, he and the brutish Elder Dragon had ended up in the same area, as in she was resting in an area right outside the base, near the Canteen, and he had fallen asleep near her claws. Part of him had to wonder how this came to pass, blaming whatever drinks he had downed the night before, thanks to the celebration that Astera held for her arrival, though he also decided to keep the drinking to a minimum, to avoid things like this from happening. From what he could see it didn't look like there were many people up right now, though he knew that many of his friends and comrades had likely seen this scene and would hold it against him for some time, but after thinking about that Grogar got up and walked over to the edge of the cliff that Nergigante had chosen to rest on. After that he found that a good portion of Astera was awake, including Shepard, Keiji, Ava, and Sherry, meaning it would be easy for him to figure out what sort of mission would be handed to him next and where in the New World he might be sent, given that he had no idea what the other Elder Dragons were up to.

"Ugh... head still pounding." Nergigante commented, rousing herself from sleep when she noticed that something was different from when they went to bed, making Grogar silently promise to make sure any Elder Dragons they had in Astera didn't have access to alcohol, before she glanced at him, "Mate... what's wrong?"

"Wha... 'mate'? What's that supposed to mean?" Grogar asked, though as the dragon roused herself, and got into a sitting position so she could see what was going on in Astera with her own eyes, he had a feeling that he knew what she was talking about and the sheer thought about it sent his mind racing.

Nergigante tilted her head for a moment, as if thinking about his words, before explaining herself, even though he felt she was having a bit of fun at his expense, where she revealed that her kind were hardwired to find strength attractive and, as such, ritual combat was a thing for all of her species. Usually a Nergigante would track down another from one of the few other clans and fight to determine the best possible mate, though before that it was her turn to watch over the island that they were on and it caused her to follow Zorah Magdaros for a short period of time. Such a thing allowed Grogar to figure out a few things on his own, especially since she told him that part of her wanted to track down her brother, Ruin, and see how he was doing, as he hadn't been home in a while, though he was hung up on what she called him. He had fought her because the first time they had encountered each other she had nearly ended his life in an instant, and the time after that the two of them had been forced to work together to stop Zorah Magdaros, so the third time was more about a fair fight, not what she was talking about.

Such a thing caused him to stall for a few moments, staring off into the distance as he tried to comprehend the situation he had found himself in all of a sudden, that his strength had won over Nergigante and now she was acting like he was her mate now, or at least was teasing him given the smirk of sorts on her face. As they stood there Ava came over and asked what was going on, where Nergigante paused for a moment as she considered how she was going to explain herself, due to the fact that Grogar was the only one that understood her, before gesturing with her hands, indicating that she had 'broken him' with her words. Ava raised an eyebrow for a moment, clearly thinking about what was going on right now, as she had never seen her friend like this, before informing them that Shepard wanted to speak with them, which snapped him back to reality and she could see that whatever had been bothering him had been shelved for now. With that done he headed down the steps as Ava lead the way to where the leaders of Astera gathered whenever they needed to talk about something, though he had to wonder what in the world that 'something' was this time around, given that everything had been fine yesterday.

Nergigante, of course, carefully landed behind Shepard and Keiji, who were wary of her since they weren't sure how long she would remain friendly, while Grogar and Ava walked down to where Sherry was currently standing, and once they were all together Shepard focused less on the reports in front of him and focused on them.

"I know we were all expecting some time to rest, after Zorah Magdaros' attempt to blast the island to pieces and the rather sudden arrival of High Ranks, but I have some news to share with you," Shepard stated, causing everyone to focus on what he had to tell them, though at this point it was either a new monster or an Elder Dragon was acting up again, "I'll cut to the chase: the other Elder Dragons that resided within the Elder's Recess have fled from their nests and are invading the other regions, spooking the other monsters in the process... if I were a betting man, I'd say that your clash with Nergigante, while not meaning to be destructive, caused them to flee until things quiet down."

"So Nergigante and I caused this... how many Elder Dragons are we talking about?" Grogar asked, because he knew they didn't have to worry about the Kirin, as they seemed to live in the Coral Highlands, though while that was the case he also knew that there were others and that any number of them could be out there, wrecking havoc on the land.

"As of right now, there are three troublemakers. That much we're aware of." Keiji said, where he raised his finger for a few seconds and pointed at the map, where Grogar found that he marked the Ancient Forest, the Wildspire Waste, and even the Rotten Vale, the last one making him wonder if Vaal Hazak might have shown itself at long last, "Those are the regions we've received reports from, potential sightings of each Elder Dragon... we're not sure which ones they are, but that'll be part of your job, not to mention those sent out into the field. Also, we have received word from the Guild that some are considering labeling you as a monster, only because they have not met you themselves, and they have provided a couple of epithets for us to call you by: the 'Chimera Wyvern', the 'Chimera King', or, and this is my personal favorite, the 'King of Monsters'."

Grogar said nothing for a moment as he thought about the problems that the Elder Dragons were causing, which wasn't considering the odd decision of the Guild, where he guessed that it was how they dealt with new things that they found out about, before sighing as he focused on their current problem, as the Elder Dragons were far more important than the Guild's decision and he was interested in what the next few days held for him and his companions.