• Member Since 12th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 43 minutes ago


Perfection? I don't want that, because that would mean stopping, standing still, instead of improving.


Grogar, the Father of Monsters, manages to escape from his prison, but instead of returning to Equestria, or any part of Equus for that matter, he finds himself in a strange new world, aboard a large boat that is in the middle of a voyage to a new land, and with a new body. However, he finds that something is preventing him from leaving this world and returning to the one he came from, forcing him to band together with a lone Handler that has no A-Lister Hunter to team up with and a lone Palico that has no partner, in order to survive in this new world and learn about it. From there he will have to learn about the dangers of the New World, adapt to the monsters that call it home, and find out why the massive beast known as Zorah Magdaros headed to the large island in the first place, along with any secrets that might be waiting for him and his new allies.

(Monster Hunter World/MLP Crossover)
(Part of the Demon War story series, though reading the other stories is not required)

Chapters (33)
Comments ( 60 )

Ouch that landing had to hurt.

Haven't read it yet, but in the short description it says Gorgar, not Grogar.

11092455 I'm not entirely sure how I missed that, but I have fixed the error.

Oooo. A Monster Hunter Story. Liked, faved and ready to read more of.

I wonder how he will react to what this world has to offer with all these creatures?

So now we have all of our team. I wonder what her secret is and hopefully Grogar will find a good path forward.

Betty Lexington, our Provisions Manager, Sorich, our Tech Chief, Callus, our Analysis Director, Wingert, our Chief Ecologist, and our Chef, who prefers to be known by his title, the one that the rest of the Felyne's gave him, 'Meowscular Chef'

simple error here, but understandable and easy to fix...in this sort of situation, a semicolon can act as a kind of 'super colon'...thus:

Betty Lexington, our Provisions Manager; Sorich, our Tech Chief; Callus, our Analysis Director; Wingert, our Chief Ecologist and our Chef, who prefers to be known by his title that the rest of the Felyne's gave him, 'Meowscular Chef'

11114073 I have fixed the error.

So a quick question but was the spell that Grogar used, Solar Flare something from the game or is it something from his studies? I ask because I remembered the whole TFS shtick when that came up and had a good laugh.

11124230 There are no spells in the Monster Hunter world, so the Solar Flare spell came from his studies back in Equus.

Grogar it is something human, we have always dreamed of slaying a dragon. You got lucky to come from a world with highly reasonable dragons. We humans don’t always get that chance.

Yea that isn’t the best information to receive. Confirming that there are two with a possibility of two more would dampen anyone’s day.

11143123 Especially when you stop and consider that the Elder Crossing means there are possibly more of them out there, somewhere in the New World, and that Nergigante nearly killed Grogar earlier... so yeah, his mood has been dampened by this information.

Grogar being polite..this is new.. but welcomed.

Grogar getting Fluttershy's Animal talk ability. Very cool

Let's see how Grogar handles being a hunter

Good thing Grogar and Sherry are ok.

That power to talk to animals is coming in handy

Well that is good news and also bad news. I just hope they haven’t fallen into a trap ment to catch them as well.

Good job Grogar! He is fitting into the job of a hero very well. It harkens back to Chrysalis story back in Universe 13/19. I think he is changing for the better.

huh, in a way, she is a Zyuman, as is Grogar now...for reference


11168185 I'm... not exactly sure what to say to that, nor how relevant it is to Ava's powers.

Zyumans, like the first four of the Zyuohgers, can take on a human form, though small elements, like tails, still exist of their actual forms. the only members of the Zyuohgers who r not Zyumans r Zyuoh Eagle and Zyuoh The World, but they do have Zyuman powers, from a few Zyumans each as a matter of fact. in addition, they can call on enhanced powers in their morphed forms, based on the kind of Zyuman powers they possess. the shark girl for example, she can grow a dorsal fin and literally swim through the earth when her powers r fully unleashed...

11168242 I see. Truth be told, this is the first time I've heard of the series in question, so I had a hard time seeing the connection between them and Ava'jiiva.

im not entirely surprised, its a Japanese Tokutsatsu, a Super Sentai, what has been adapted into Power Rangers for a long time now. this particular series has never been adapted, and it gets more than a little crazy but...well, tracking it down in fully subbed episodes in a nightmare anymore...

11168254 Interesting... just don't expect Grogar, Sherry, Ava, and the others to pull off a set of poses, like what the Zyuoh, Ginyu Force, or the Power Rangers do.

of course not, that would be foolish, and only works in Toku, it is a drama after all...

11168283 Well, we did have the Ginyu Force at one point, and they were in an action series... just throwing that point out there, that's all.

Setting up a camp is always a good idea. The more comfortable you can make it after making it secure is going to payoff in the long run.

oh, i think shes has more...interesting...ideas than just 'friend'...

11179651 In the words of George Takei... Oh my.

In all seriousness, when I wrote that scene my first thought was the food, but now you've put another idea in my head.


To quote Tucker “Bow chicka wow wow!”

well, think about it, a strong mate means stronger offspring, more likely to survive. combat, or at least ritual combat, is often used in nature to determine the most fit mates. on top of that, shes a flipping Dragon! strength would be something shes hardwired to find attractive...that, and she would probably find Grogars reaction funny as hell...

11179719 :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

11179777 I hadn't considered that fact when I wrote this chapter, yet it is an interesting thing to think about... especially since Grogar would be surprised by this information.

oh, and just because i can...

11179872 I know the George Takei meme from watching DBZA, but it's neat to see those videos.

The shipping.. will last... FOREVER!!!!!!!

Also, we have received word from the Guild that some are considering labeling you as a monster, only because they have not met you themselves, and they have provided a couple of epithets for us to call you by: the 'Chimera Wyvern', the 'Chimera King', or, and this is my personal favorite, the 'King of Monsters'."

There is only one King of Monsters and that is Godzilla. I doubt even at full power Grogar could take him in a fight.

Gojira-sama is good, but he HAS been beaten before. he always comes back though...

Is it me or is this story progressing fast? Still a good chapter and man Grogar must have been an absolute beast back in Equestria.

11188826 It is progressing fast, because I took out the grind from the game that requires one to go to the same area multiple times to get the tracks for each of the investigations. I figured that, with all of Astera backing him, Grogar could focus on the more important missions and his friends could focus on the minor assignments... plus, since Kushala Daora and Teostra were in the same region, I figured that would make the chapter a bit more exciting.

This battle got my blood pumping when I did it, and it kicked my ass so many times too...glad Grogar got off easy...also, how much do you all wanna bet it will think he and ava will get confused for its momma and papa?

11195015 Xeno'jiiva is a hard fight, and I've seen so many get their rears kicked by it, so Grogar did, in fact, get off easy. As for the latter part, about him and Ava being confused as Xeno's parents, its entirely possibly for the infant dragon to do such a thing.

newly hatched Dragons often imprint on the first creature they come in contact with, this is also true IRL with many animals, in particular with mammals...

11195345 Right. There's also the fact that in the game Xeno'jiiva reacts to the Admiral, and latter the player, being aggressive towards it, so in game the dragon was simply defending itself... here, being passive, lead to a more pleasant ending.

havnt got that far in the game myself...and i dont have the Iceborne addon at all yet...

11195354 Well, I've changed some things from canon, but it gets harder after you push Zorah Magdaros out to sea. I also don't have Iceborne, but I know from watching others play it that the expansion is far harder than the base game... especially with some of the monsters that are in it.

another one finished, i think...unless u also go to MH Rise...

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