• Published 10th Oct 2020
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Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog - sonicfan05

After the two groups meet up due to circumstances, Sonic and the Equestria Girls must team up to defeat an evil genius, who wants to use his power for world domination, while on the run from the government lead by a special agent.

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Volume I - Chapter 1: The Blue Devil? (Edited by knigsonic - 2/19/21)

Ten Years Later...

It was early in the morning at the park of Canterlot City. Hardly anyone was around at that time, except for a young teenage girl with a flaming red and yellow hair and teal eyes. Usually, the girl was supposed to be heading to school at this time, but she decided to make a slight detour to a different destination in mind.

She walked through the park until she reached one of the park's beaches near the wooded area. The girl usually visits that bench whenever she wants to be alone or to sit down and think. Today, however, she had a different agenda in mind. After making sure that she was alone, she took out a letter that she wrote this morning and an envelope from her pocket. Thinking she still had some time left, she decided to re-read her letter one last time.

Dear Sonic,

My friends and I just came back from the Starswirl Music Festival and it was crazy, but awesome!

Let me start from the beginning, you see, we arrived at the place before the first day of the festival. When the first day of the festival finally arrived, the first thing me and Pinkie Pie wanted to do was to go see PostCrush, my favorite band. I always wanted to see them up close in person, especially after they canceled their last tour to go on “indefinite hiatus”. Of course, things went wrong due to Pinkie’s shenanigans (and her strange obsession with churros) and we got kicked out as a result and missed PostCrush. I was so mad at Pinkie for costing us to see PostCrush and banned from the festival that I wished I would get a second chance to see them and make my day perfect.

And strangely enough, my wish came true… sort of.

To make a long story short, I took advantage of this wish to make my day perfect, even go as far as to ditch Pinkie Pie, only to realize that the day keeps repeating over and over. With some help from Pinkie Pie, we eventually found out that it was PostCrush who kept repeating the same day by using the magical artifact they found, just to make their tour perfect.

Who knew?

After destroying their artifact, we convinced them that their fans didn’t want to see their perfect performance, they just wanted to see them and to have fun! Thankfully, they learned their lessons and they even let me and Pinkie performed with them on stage and take photos with them (which is now my background for my phone) as an apology.

Best. Night. EVER!

They were not the only ones who learned their lesson. I learned that sometimes the flaws and silly mistakes are what makes these experiences perfect. It’s the part about seeing live music, and it’s the best part about being friends.

We spent the rest of our trip at the music festival without further incident and we all had a blast. It’s a shame that you are not here with us. It would’ve been the best opportunity not only to finally meet you, but also to introduce you to my friends. While they all helped me become the best person I am today, it was you who finally pushed me to start over… and to not give up.

I owe you my gratitude. And I really think you should meet us sometime. I don’t know why you want to keep up with this secrecy, but there’s no need to be shy. We would love for you to hang out with us once we get to know you!

Anyway, I should go. I don’t want to keep my friends waiting. I’ll talk to you soon!

Your friend,
Sunset Shimmer

Satisfied with what she wrote, Sunset placed her letter into an envelope which said "Sonic" on it and then approached the back of the bench where a huge stone was placed. She lifted up the stone, placed her letter, and then placed the stone back to where it was.

Sunset let out a satisfied sigh before standing back up. As much as she'd rather stick around, she has school to go to. After checking around the area one last time, she turned and headed out the park, not noticing a pair of eyes watching her from between the bushes before it rushed off out of the city.

It was hot and quiet during the afternoon on the outskirts of Canterlot City. Not a single person or car was around that area for hours. The only living soul in that area was a small turtle, who was slowly crawling across the road.

Suddenly, a car from another town was speeding down the road towards Canterlot City, not paying attention to the small turtle. The turtle noticed the approaching vehicle, and tried to speed itself up in hopes to make it off the road and to live another day. Despite its efforts, the turtle couldn’t move any faster as the vehicle was getting closer to it.

Just when the turtle was about to get run over by the wheels of the vehicle, the turtle suddenly felt like someone was lifting it up and moved very quickly before a blink of an eye. Realizing that it survived and was still being held by someone, the turtle looked up to see a strange blue creature with quills on its head and back, tan face stomach, green eyes, black nose, big ears, white gloves, and two different sets of worn-out shoes with socks. The creature looked down at the turtle with a smirk.

“Whoa buddy! You almost made yourself into a pancake back there!” the creature exclaimed playfully before petting the turtle with his index finger. “What are ya, some kind of adrenaline junkie?”

The creature then gave the turtle a look of pity. “I guess it’s pretty rough to be slow all the time, huh?” He then grinned. “Well, tell ya what my friend, today is your lucky day!”

After a few short minutes on the run with the creature, the turtle fully understood what the creature meant when he said: “is its lucky day”. No sooner after that creature made that statement, the creature immediately went on a run at super-speed while still holding on that poor turtle. While the turtle had fun for the first few seconds, but after that, the turtle immediately wanted to get off of his ride and get back to crawling at his own pace. Unfortunately for the turtle, the blue creature was oblivious to the turtle’s expression, even as the wind was slowly pulling his face back due to their speed.

The blue creature let out a loud cheer. “Have you ever felt so alive?” He asked with an excited grin.

As the creature was still running, he then placed the turtle on his left hand while using his other hand to keep himself balanced. “This is great! You are doing amazing!” The creature encouraged.

Unfortunately for the turtle, the creature held the turtle too lightly. As a result, the turtle was flung backward towards the road behind them. The creature noticed his blunder and gasped.

“Oh jeez!”

With his super speed, the creature immediately rushed back to save the turtle miles behind him before it hit the ground. Luckily, he caught the turtle at the last second and then ran back to where they left off while brushing off the turtle’s back.

“Good recovery!” said the creature with a huge grin.

The creature let out a loud cheer as he continued to run towards the long road while holding on to a terrified turtle.

Eventually, the two reached the wooded area of Canterlot Park. The blue creature gently placed down a now shaken turtle to the ground.

“Okay, let’s… keep this as our little secret, okay?” The creature said gently to the turtle. He then started waving his arms in a mysterious manner. “You never saw me! I was never here!”

Within a blink of an eye, the creature used his super-speed to vanish and ran further into the woods. The turtle blinked comically at an empty spot where the creature was. While it didn’t know where that creature had run off to, but it hoped that it never have to bump into that creature again.

Even if that guy just saved him from harm.

Some time had passed and the school bell at CHS had rung, signaling the end of last class of the day. No sooner than a second later, many students burst through the doors and rushed out, happy to be out and free to do some fun despite being assigned to do homework by their teachers. Among the crowd of students, there were seven teenage girls walking out of the school's entrance. These girls are Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle (aka Sci-Twi) and Sunset Shimmer.

These particular teenagers are well known as “The Equestria Girls”, or “The Rainbooms” as a name for their rock band. They are extremely popular not only for their personalities and giving back to the school, but they were also considered superheroes by everyone at school whenever Equestrian magic ran amok in town. As long as they have the magic of friendship on their side, nothing could ever bring these teens down.

Once the Equestria Girls reached the bottom of the stairs of the school's entrance, Rainbow Dash stretched her arms up into the air.

"Finally!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "I thought that class would never end!"

"Mr. Cranky Doodle's class wasn't so bad," said Fluttershy in her soft voice. “I thought his Math lesson was very interesting!”

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Speak for yourself Fluttershy! His monologuing about his lesson put me to sleep!”

“Which earned you a Saturday detection for dat!” Applejack added.

This caused everyone to laugh at Rainbow Dash’s expense while Rainbow Dash simply pouted in response.

“Well, now that school is over, where should we all go to today?” Rarity asked.

"Ooh ooh ooh! How about the Grape Garden!" Pinkie Pie suggested excitedly with her arm up like a little kid.

Rainbow Dash let out an annoyed groan. "Pinkie, that's the fifth time you suggested we go to Grape Garden this week… and it's Tuesday!"

"But they've served the best pasta there," Pinkie insisted. "Especially their 'Never Ending Pasta Bowls!'" She grabs Rainbow Dash by the collar of her shirt and moved her face closer to hers. "It never ends!"

Everyone stood awkwardly from Pinkie’s randomness until Twilight spoke up.

"How about we just head over to The Sweet Shoppe and order ourselves some milkshakes?" Twilight suggested.

Everyone voiced in agreement before they all headed towards the Sweet Shoppe, all except for Sunset who was heading the other way. When Twilight noticed her friend wasn’t in the group, she stopped and turned towards Sunset.

"Aren't you coming Sunset?" Twilight asked.

Sunset stopped walking and gave her friend a reassuring grin. "You girls go on ahead, I'll catch up."

Twilight stared at her friend for a moment until she nodded. "Alright, but don’t take too long!"

As Twilight hurried over to the rest of the girls, Sunset turned a resumed walking.

She continued to walk for some time until she entered the town’s park again and headed towards that same bench from early this morning. Like before, she looked around to see if anyone was watching before she was at the back of the bench and lifted up that same stone that hid her letter from earlier. This time, instead of seeing an envelope with the name of her “Pen Pal,” she spotted an envelope addressing to her.

Feeling excited that she’s receiving a response from her “friend,” she placed the stone down and sat on the bench with her letter. She didn’t hesitate to rip up her envelope, took out a letter, and began to read it.

Hey Sunset,

It sounds like you had one heck of an adventure, especially with all the time loops you've been going through. I'm glad that you're not stuck on the same day anymore and that you still got to see your favorite band despite what they did. But as long as they learned their lesson, I'm not gonna hold any grudges. You know, your situation almost reminded me of a movie I’ve seen once. I forget what it is called, but it had something to do with a groundhog?

Anyway, magical mishaps aside, I'm glad that you and your friends are having fun at the festival. I wish I was there to join the fun… but I couldn't make it. I know you wanted to meet me and introduce me to your friends for quite some time, but I can't. My reasons are… complicated. Nothing serious, but I'm fine with just communicating this way and I hope you understand. But I’m glad that I helped you become a better person… and I’m proud to call you my friend.

Anyway, it's nice talking to you and I'll see you on the flip side.

Your friend,

Sunset let out a long sigh.

He dodged my proposal... again! She thought dejectedly.

While she was happy that her mysterious friend responded to her, she couldn’t help but feel disappointed with the way her Pen Pal responded to her about meeting her and her friends, almost as if this person was trying to avoid her. Since she never technically met her Pen Pal in person, she could just shrug it off and move on, not having to deal with this person again. But the thing was, she owed everything to this Sonic guy. She wouldn’t be where she was if it weren’t for him. Sure, her friends also helped her back on her feet and lead her to a brighter path, but it was her Pen Pal who finally gave her the final push to be a better person. If only she could meet him and to tell him how much this means to her in gratitude.

Sonic… just who are you? Sunset pondered.

She never told her friends about any of this. Just by talking about this mysterious stranger to them could lead to opening up a can of worms that she felt like it wasn’t worth talking about. Especially about reliving the worse time of her life.

Sunset shook those thoughts away and quickly looked at her phone. Her eyes widened when she saw the time and realized how long she'd been sitting on the bench.

Oh, shoot! I’m late to meet up with the girls! Sunset inwardly exclaimed.

Sunset quickly got up from her bench and ran out of the park as fast as she could. Little did she know that once again, she was being watched, hiding between the leaves from within the tree.

Sunset eventually made it to the Sweet Shoppe, huffing and puffing as if she just ran a marathon. She waited for a few moments to catch her breath before she casually entered the building. Once she entered the building, she spotted her friends who were waiting for her at their usual spot, which was a small table with some chairs and a couch near the window. Sunset approached her friends and gave them all her friendly wave.

"Hey girls! Sorry I'm late!" Sunset announced.

Everyone sans Rainbow Dash greeted her while Applejack gave her a friendly smile.

"It's no problem Sugarcube! We didn't wait too long!" Applejack assured.

Rainbow Dash let out a loud scoff. "Are ya kidding AJ? We've been waiting for over a half-in-hour! Just where the heck have you been?"

Sunset nervously shifted her eyes back and forth. “Oh, I… have to do a quick errand. It was nothing important!”

Rainbow Dash crossed her arms. “Oh yeah? What kind of errand?”

“Um… I... went to the post office!” Sunset lied. “I had to send in a letter.”

“Yeah huh?” Rainbow Dash answered skeptically, not buying Sunset's lie. “I was just at the post office and I don’t remember seeing you there!”

Rarity blinked in surprise. “Wait… you were at the post office Rainbow Dash?”

“Yes. I was helping out Muffins earlier to reorganize their letterboxes,” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Wasn’t that usually a tedious job?” Sunset inquired.

“Not with my super speed!” Rainbow Dash boasted before narrowing her eyes. “Now don’t dodge the question! What were you really doing?”

Just about an argument was ready to happen, Rarity interjected.

“I think what Rainbow Dash was trying to say was that you’ve been going out on these 'errands' a lot lately before our get-togethers and you’ve been showing up later than usual. We were only concerned about you Darling and we want to see if you are alright.”

Sunset watched as most of her friends were giving her their full attention with concern expressions. Even Rainbow Dash, while she had an annoyed look on her face, Sunset knew that she was just only concerned in her own way. While this warms her heart that her friends really cared about her, she can’t tell them about her secret visits to the park for her daily letters from her pen pal.

At least, not yet.

“I’m fine girls. Really!” Sunset said in her assuring tone. “Nothing really wrong per se, it's just… something I have to do every day is all.”

Applejack cocked an eyebrow. “And what “somethin’” would dat be?”

Sunset inwardly cursed from her friend’s persistence. She nervously stood as her friends continued to watch her, expecting an answer from her.

“W-well…” Sunset began.

"Hey, Mrs. Cake!”

A loud shout from a female voice startled the gang as well as all the other patrons throughout the Shoppe. They all turned and noticed a teenage girl, who was standing by the booth near the cash register.

This girl had white and green hair, yellow eyes, a long pink shirt, blue short shorts, yellow shocks, magenta boots, and a pink head brace. That girl was none other than Lyra Heartstrings, one of the students and acquaintance from their school. While she was known as the oddball of the school, she is almost just as bubbly as Pinkie Pie. Today, however, instead of her usual happy self, Lyra appeared to be moody and angry, almost as if she was frustrated about something.

Right next to her was another girl. She had long and curly blue and pink hair with light blue eyes. She wore a white dress with a blue fluffy collar and blue and yellow stripes around the sleeves and almost near the bottom part of her dress. There was even a piece of candy in a wrapper as her belt buckle. She also wore long white leggings and light blue sandals on her feet. That girl was Sweetie Drops, but most of her friends called her Bon Bon. She was also Lyra’s best friend ever since they met at Kindergarten. While she loves her best friend, Bon Bon often hangs out with Lyra to keep her out of trouble, including calming her down as her friend orders.

“Another chocolate milkshake!” Lyra barked with impatience on her face.

Mrs. Cake, the owner of the Shoppe, gave Lyra a look of concern.

“Don’t you think you've had enough dearie?” She asked.

Lyra slammed her fist on the counter, nearly making everyone nearby jump.

Another milkshake!” Lyra shouted. “Extra whipped cream!"

"Lyra!" Bon Bon scolded her friend harshly before giving Mrs. Cake her apologetic look. “Please forgive my friend, she had a rough day!”

While Mrs. Cake was not upset from the outburst, she gave them a wary nod before retreating to the back of the kitchen to retrieve Lyra’s order. While that was going on, the girls decided to approach the two girls to see the commotion.

“Hey Lyra and Bon Bon,” Sunset greeted on behalf of the group. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, what brought ya down Lyra?” Applejack added. “You look madder than a Wampus cat in a rainstorm!”

“Oh we’re fine,” Bon Bon answered with an embarrassed grin. “Lyra… wasn’t acting herself since last night, so I took her here to try to cheer her up.”

“Oh goodness, did she have a rough night?” Fluttershy asked.

“...something like that,” Bon Bon answered vaguely.

Mrs. Cake eventually returned with Lyra’s milkshake. Without a thank you, Lyra snatches her drink and chucked it down in one go, making the others feel uneasy. Lyra eventually slammed her now empty glass on the counter and let out a sigh.

"...I saw "him" again!" Lyra muttered in a bitter tone.

The girls looked at each other uneasily before Sunset decided to be the one to ask.


Lyra slowly turned towards Sunset and looked at her in the eye.

"...the Blue Devil!"

Almost immediately after Lyra answered, there were collective groans from everyone sans Twilight while Bon Bon let out an exasperated sigh.

"Again?" said Rainbow Dash in an irritated tone. "Lyra, there is no such thing as the Blue Devil!"

Lyra gave Rainbow Dash an indignant look. "So you girls can believe some magical ponies from another world, magical crazed She-Demons, evil sirens, some plant monster, a giant woman and a talking dog… but not the Blue Devil?"

There was a long pause throughout the Shoppe until Pinkie spoke up.

"Wow... when she puts it like that, she makes a good point!" said Pinkie in her mused tone.

Before Rainbow Dash could argue about Lyra’s logic to Pinkie, Twilight interjected.

“Um… who is the Blue Devil?” Twilight asked.

The Equestria Girls and Bon Bon tried to silently tell Twilight not to ask about the Blue Devil, but it was too late when Lyra heard her question. Lyra gave Twilight a look of utter disbelief as if she heard someone say they have never heard of Santa Claus before. She immediately went up to Twilight’s face, making the brainy teen uncomfortable in the process.

Who’s the Blue Devil?” Lyra whispered before she started screaming. “Who's the Blue Devil!?

Once again, collective groans were heard from everyone within the Shoppe.

“Ugh! Now you’ve done it Twilight!” Rainbow Dash griped. “Now we're going to be hearing this story… again!

Ignoring Rainbow Dash’s complaint, Lyra grabbed a stool to take a seat before beginning her tale.

“The Blue Devil is a mysterious creature who lives in the woods just outside of this very city!" Lyra began in a grave tone as if she’s telling a scary story at the campfire. "I first saw that creature myself when I was in second grade. I was waiting for my best friend in the town park near the playground when I saw something from the bushes. At first, I thought it was a cute rabbit or something, so I decided to come closer to see it. But when I was near the bushes, I realized that it wasn’t a rabbit. Heck, it wasn’t an ordinary animal at all! It was some strange blue creature who stood on two legs with shoes! It has pointy ears, green eyes, white gloves, and human-like teeth! It was unlike anything I’ve ever seen! Before I could even blink, the creature just… vanished! It moves so fast, I almost couldn’t see it, like a blue blur!

Twilight just stared at Lyra, completely into Lyra's story while most of the others simply rolled their eyes and Pinkie Pie was simply eating a tub of popcorn out of thin air… somehow.

“I’ve tried telling everyone what I saw, including my best friend,” Lyra continued as she glared at Bon Bon, which the latter simply looked away both out of embarrassment and guilt. “But no one believes me! And everyone at school has been calling me “Crazy Lyra” ever since!"

Twilight cleared her throat. "So uh… what kind of creature was it?"

Lyra scoffed. "Heck do I know? It could be a mutant, an alien, or some freak in nature for all I care! But what I do know for sure is that creature… was spying on us! Probably planning on invading our town when we least expect it!"

Somewhere behind the group, Rainbow Dash turned towards Pinkie as she spun her index finger around near her head, whispering “cuckoo cuckoo” as she did it. Both of them giggled quietly for a moment, only receiving a harsh glare from both Applejack and Rarity.

"I dedicated my entire life to capturing this creature,” said Lyra with a determined look. “So I can not only prove to everyone that I’m not crazy, but also that he is real!

“I… see,” Twilight said simply. “And you called him the Blue Devil… why?”

“Because he is the Devil!" Lyra answered sharply like it was obvious. "And he also ruined my life! He single-handedly made me the laughing stock of the school!”

“She's a laughing stock all right!” Rainbow Dash muttered, causing Pinkie Pie to giggle.

I heard that!” Lyra yelled out angrily.

Not wanting to let a fight break out, Twilight quickly asked Lyra another question. “Uh… do you have any... 'proof' of this creature’s existence?

“Sure I have proof!” Lyra snapped as she dug into her pocket from her shorts. “I even have a picture of that thing I drew from memory!”

“No Lyra, not the drawing!” Bon Bon begged as she buried her face into her hands, waiting for the most embarrassing moment to pass.

“Behold!” Lyra announced as she took out her drawing and unfolded it, showing it to the crowd.

The drawing itself was… unique to say the least. It was a picture of what Twilight assumed to be a “creature” as Lyra described, but the drawing itself looked like it had been drawn by a little kid. There were rough circles, a big blue circle, and a little tan circle, which was supposed to be the creature’s body. More rough circles above the body which looked like a head, eyes, nose, and mouth. There were also wobbly drawn tubes that were meant for arms and legs and she assumed those big blue lines behind the creature were meant to be hair(?).

Most of the Equestrian Girls were staring at the drawing with stunned expressions on their faces. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, however, began howling in laughter like hyenas the moment they both saw that poorly drawn drawing. Lyra ignored the laughter from the two teens and shoved her drawing closer to Twilight.

“Look at this thing!” Lyra insisted. “Can’t you tell how sinister it looks!?”

“Yeah… very… sinister,” Twilight said uneasily before she stepped backed and cleared her throat. "So… you drew that when you were a kid?"

Lyra shook her head. "No, I drew that a week ago!"

Lyra’s clarification only made Rainbow and Pinkie Pie laugh harder, banging the counter with their fist in the process.

"Oh, man!" Rainbow wheezed, trying to breathe from all her laughing. "I don't know which is funnier; your story or your art!"

"Both!" Pinkie guffawed while holding on to her sides to control her laughter. "They're both funny!"

The Equestria Girls and Bon Bon glared at them for their rudeness while Lyra growled in anger.

"S-shut up! I'm not great with art, okay!?"

“Knock it off you two!” Rarity scolded. “You’re hurting her feelings!”

Pinkie Pie immediately got the message and stopped her laughing, giving Lyra her apologetic look. Rainbow Dash in the meantime was still chuckling but tried to keep herself under control, especially while Fluttershy was giving her “the stare”.

With a grunt, Lyra folded up her drawing and placed it back in her pocket. "If my drawing isn’t enough proof, I also saw him last night!”

Twilight gave Lyra her skeptic look. “You… saw him?”

Lyra nodded. “Yeah... but I almost caught him!” She sighed and clenched her hand into a fist. “I was alone in the woods, setting up at least a hundred of my uncle's best traps around the area! Those traps are so advanced, you could even catch a mouse with a single touch within a second!

Fluttershy let out a fearful whimper, worried for the poor animals who were caught in those traps. Lyra noticed Fluttershy’s expression and gave her a friendly grin.

“Relax Fluttershy, those traps are harmless, I promise!” Lyra reassured before frowning. “Anyway, I thought for sure that I finally got him, but…"

Lyra chuckled as she was putting her finishing touches on setting up all the traps that she borrowed from her uncle. Despite that she was in the woods in the middle of the night by herself, Lyra wasn’t scared of the dark since she was wearing a headlight on her head and that she experienced outdoors due to her trips to Camp Everfree. Plus she was determined to catch the creature no matter what, even if this would take all night. She even went as far as to set up many different kinds of pinwheels and wind chimes as her own alarm system to let her know that the Blue Devil was nearby.

Once she finished setting up her last trap, she then took out her “secret weapon” which could guarantee of finally capturing this creature. She pulls out a small white bag that she bought from a fast food place earlier. She opened up a bag and then slowly took out the food, which was a freshly cooked hot dog on a bun, which was covered in chili, cheese, chopped onions and there was even an olive on top of it..

Apparently, this chili dog is the creature's favorite food. Lyra knew about this because she remembered that every time she tried to eat it herself for lunch (which was also her favorite food), it would suddenly “disappear”, followed by a blue blur. This chili dog will be the perfect bait to lure this creature right into her trap.

“Nowhere to escape, Blue Devil!” Lyra chuckled menacingly. “This time, I'll finally catch you!"

After Lyra placed the chili dog on top of her trap, she got up and went to hide into the bushes, carefully avoiding her traps as she did so. She laid on the ground and brought her night-vision goggles to her face, waiting for her friend to visit. She waited for what it felt like hours until she fell asleep into a deep slumber.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew both the wind chimes, which intently woke up Lyra. She held still for a second, not sure if it was a false alarm until she saw the pinwheels spinning around faster and faster, letting her know that her guest had arrived. She held her breath with anticipation, until she heard a loud “clank”, coming from one of her traps.

Lyra let out a huge grin. “Gotcha!" she cried with a laugh.

Lyra jumped out of the bushes and quickly ran to her sprung trap while carefully avoiding the others. When she finally reached one of her traps where the chili dog was, Lyra took out her pocket flashlight as an additional light source and aimed it at the trap. Her eyes widened in disbelief when she saw that not only was her trap not used at all, but also that the chili dog that was there was now gone, almost as if it wasn’t there at all.

“What? Impossible!” Lyra exclaimed. She growled angrily as she waved her flashlight around her. "Show yourself! You can't keep hiding from me!"

Suddenly, a blue blur zoomed past her and set off one of the traps before she could even blink.

"W-what the!?" Lyra sputtered.

Before Lyra could fully process this, she barely noticed the blue blur zoomed past her again and set off another one of her traps. And then it zoomed to another one.

And then another one.

And another one.

And another one!

Lyra could only look around in disbelief as she witnessed more and more of her traps went off without anyone caught in any of them. And while she could feel something move past her at such great speed, she wasn’t able to see her visitor at all. Unfortunately for Lyra, as she was slowly stepping back, she failed to see her own foot was stepping into her snare trap. As a result, Lyra was suddenly lifted up into the air and was hung upside down by the ankle. Both frustrated and humiliated in this position, Lyra let out an infuriated scream, startling many nearby animals from within the woods.

"Curse you Blue Devil!" Lyra bellowed angrily, despite being hung upside down. "I know you're out there! And I know you're real!"

There was nothing but silence for a moment until Lyra heard a voice that sent chills up her spine.

"No, I'm nooooooot!"

"That thing was mocking me, I know it!" Lyra concluded with a growl. "I don't know how that thing avoided all of my traps, but I swear I will catch that thing if it's the last thing I do!"

Everyone looked at each other with uneasily looks. While most of Lyra’s "story" sounded farfetched, they were also concerned about her mental health due to lack of sleep. Deciding that this has gone long enough, Bon Bon gently rubbed her best friend's back.

"O…kay Lyra, I think you had enough milkshakes for one day,” Bon Bon soothed. “Maybe you should go home and res–!

"Never!" Lyra roared, scaring everyone in the room. "This is now personal Bonnie! I won't rest until I get him, then you will all see that I’m not crazy!" She then stood up from her seat and grabbed Bon Bon's hand. "C'mon Bonnie, to the Canter-Mart!"

Without another word, Lyra marched right out of Sweet Shoppe, dragging poor Bon Bon with her.

"Hey! Wait, Lyra!" Bon Bon protested before disappearing out the door, leaving with Lyra doing Faust knows what.

As soon as the duo left the building, Rainbow Dash let out a loud chuckle.

"Man! I always knew how crazy Lyra is, but that takes the cake!" said Rainbow Dash with an amusing smirk. However, she immediately lost her smirk when she noticed her friends were glaring at her. “What?”

"Rainbow Dash, your behavior just now towards Lyra was unacceptable!" Fluttershy scolded before she also gave Pinkie Pie her disapproving look. “And you too Pinkie Pie!”

Pinkie Pie rubbed her arm and looked down in shame.

"Yeah,” Applejack added. “That girl may be nuttier than a sack of peanuts, but dat's no reason to make fun of her!"

Rainbow Dash scoffed in annoyance. "Oh c'mon guys! Don't tell me you all believe in any of her nonsense about that 'Blue Devil', were ya?"

Rarity huffed as she crossed her arms. "Honestly Rainbow Dash! While I for one find that story farfetched, Lyra is a kind soul and doesn’t deserve to be treated from your mockery."

Rainbow Dash cocked an eyebrow. “So did you believe her story then Rarity?”

Rarity looked away. “Now I didn’t say that!

“I actually find Lyra’s story pretty fascinating!

Everyone immediately turned towards Twilight with looks of surprise, not expecting a response like that from the young scientist of the group.

You do?” They exclaimed.

“Well… yeah,” Twilight answered timidly, now suddenly feeling unconscious with her statement. “Now granted... some of the things Lyra said was a bit far-fetched–”

“A bit?” Rainbow Dash interjected in disbelief.

“...okay, way far-fetched!” Twilight clarified as she rolled her eyes. “But if there’s one thing I learned since I befriended you girls, is that I could believe anything no matter how strange it sounds... and that’s coming from a scientist like me!”

Fluttershy twirled her hair with a worried frown. “Oh dear, I certainly hope there isn’t a Blue Devil! It’s one thing if it’s just a lonely creature, but if it’s another one of those mean monsters we’ve faced in the past… eep!”

Rainbow Dash groaned in annoyance. “There is no Blue Devil!” she argued. “Heck, Bigfoot is more real than that thing!”

Twilight tilted her head. “You know, after all the incidents we went through involving Equestrian Magic, I’m surprised that none of you ever considered the possibility that the creature actually exists!” With that afterthought, she turned to Sunset. "Speaking of which, wasn't there a Blue Devil living in your world Sunset?"

Sunset shook her head. "No… at least I don't think so. While we have all sorts of strange creatures back in Equestria, but even I never heard of a thing called the Blue Devil."

Twilight adjusted her glasses. “So I assumed that Lyra asked you about that creature living in your world?”

Sunset let out a long sigh. “Yes… that was the first thing she asked me the moment she learned that I was from an alternate world. But when I answered that the creature never existed in my world, she accused me that I was in cahoots with the creature for three weeks!

Twilight rubbed her chin. "Interesting," she muttered. "If what Lyra said was true, then that means that the creature has been around even before the portal to Equestria was opened!"

Rainbow Dash frowned. "Do you believe there's a blue devil too?"

"Not quite," Twilight answered. "We really need to find some circumstantial evidence that links to a possibility of a new creature before we properly study said creature for the name of science,” Twilight reasoned. “But then again, with things going on lately, if Equestrian Magic from another world exists, then I don't see the reason to not believe the possibility of blue creatures exists as well!"

The girls sat in silence. Most of them still think Lyra claims about a blue creature existing in Canterlot was way out there, but after Twilight pointed out about their lives involving magic for so long, maybe there really was a small possibility that there was more to it than Lyra claimed. Rainbow Dash, still skeptical about the whole creature nonsense, shook her head with a huff.

"Yeah… well, if you want to hunt down and study some mysterious creature, then be my guest! Just as long as you leave me out of it!" said Rainbow Dash before changing the subject with a grin. "Anyway, are we still up for our movie night at my place?"

Almost instantly, the mood shifted more upbeat as the girls nodded enthusiastically.

"Oh yeah!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"You bet! Applejack added.

"Absolutely!" said Rarity.

"Uh-huh!" Fluttershy hummed with a smile.

"Of course!" Twilight perked up.

"You know it!" Sunset grinned.

"And the night after that... slumber party at Twilight's!" Pinkie Pie added with a cheer.

While most of the girls joined in on the cheer, Sunset turned to Twilight. "You still okay with us sleeping over at your house Twilight?" she asked.

Twilight nodded happily. "Absolutely! I just need a little time to prepare for the event and we're all good!"

"What do you need to do exactly?" Sunset inquired.

"Oh just getting some snacks, some games and some other small things is all," Twilight replied.

"Well in that case, want me to come along and help you get those things tomorrow?" Sunset offered.

Twilight smiled. "Of course!"

“And I’ll get the games!” Pinkie Pie added with an eager grin. “We’re gonna have so much fun!”

“Just as long that we’re not playing Monopoly again!” Rainbow Dash chimed in with a groan. “I can’t stand that game!”

Sunset smirked. “You’re just mad because you’re always the first to lose all of your money!”

“And went to jail almost at every turn!” Applejack added with a teasing grin.

Rainbow Dash crossed her arm with a pout as the girls laughed at her expense. “Oh yuk it up girls!” Rainbow Dash remarked.

As the girls continued to hang out and discussed more about their upcoming slumber party, no one noticed that they were being watched by a pair of eyes from outside, staring at them both from excitement... and longing.

Author's Note:

Before any of you are going to ask me down at the comments, let me make one thing clear: There won't be any romance between Sonic or any of the Equestria Girls! The content of the letters between Sonic and Sunset was nothing more than just friendship. And we will learn more about the letters later on in future chapters!

Anyway, here are some notes/references:

You may have already noticed, but this story took place sometime after the events of Sunset’s Backstage Pass special, hence Sunset mentioning PostCrush from her letter.

And yes... the Grape Garden is the EqG's equivalent to the Olive Garden... and it won't be the last time we hear from it.

Lyra demanding Mrs. Cake for Chocolate Milkshake gag was a reference to when Spike demanded Pony Joe for another Donut from MLP:FiM Season One Episode, The Best Night Ever.

Because of her history with being crazy about obsessing about humans (as least on the fandom side), I thought Lyra has the perfect role as "Crazy Carl". :rainbowlaugh:

And yes, the "drawing" Lyra showed was the "Sanic Meme" drawing. :eeyup:

The part when Lyra thought Sonic was a bunny was a reference to one of Sega's original character ideas as the main protagonist for their game before they finally decided to make their hero a hedgehog instead.

The chili dog is a reference to Sonic's favorite food (of course).

The chili dog was from a screenshot of Nerdy Nummies: Sonic Chili Dogs with Gold Onion Rings. If any of you are interested, you can go to this link for the video of the recipe. :twilightsmile:

And of course, the Monopoly boardgame is published by Hasbro, which I thought would be fitting in this universe as well a bit of a meta humor.

Anyway, just one more chapter included in the premiere! :twilightsmile:

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