• Published 10th Oct 2020
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Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog - sonicfan05

After the two groups meet up due to circumstances, Sonic and the Equestria Girls must team up to defeat an evil genius, who wants to use his power for world domination, while on the run from the government lead by a special agent.

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Volume III - Chapter 9: Chasing Around the World

An Hour Earlier…

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! No, no, no!" Sonic cried as he tried to get himself to stop spinning and to slow down the fall, but he was unable to control himself as he continued to fall faster and faster to the ground. And with the other rings too far for him to grab, he was unable to make another portal for his own escape by being flattened. While he was glad that his friends are safe momentarily, his only regret was not being there with them.

And to say goodbye for real before his demise.

With no way of escaping or breaking his fall, Sonic closed his eyes, embracing the impact…


Sonic eyes flew open the moment he landed in something soft and heard a very familiar raspy voice.

Sonic looked up and was surprised to see that it was none other than Rainbow Dash. Just moments ago, he saw her almost hitting the ground along with her friends, yet here she was, much further up in the air along with him. What stood out to him the most was Rainbow Dash now having pony ears and wings appeared on her body.

"Rainbow Dash!" Sonic stared at the tomboy in awe. "How–"

"We'll talk after we land safely!" Rainbow Dash answered quickly, eyeing the ground as they continued to fall.

With her wings, she quickly flapped them multiple times so that she and Sonic slowly descended towards the ground instead of falling. They eventually reached the ground with rings scattered all around as Rainbow Dash's feet safely landed on a sidewalk in one piece. Rainbow Dash gently placed Sonic on the ground as Sonic looked up at her in awe and gratefulness.

"Wow… thanks Rainbow Dash! I thought I was a goner for sure!"

"Yeah, it was a close call!" said Rainbow Dash before smiling. "But I'm glad that you're okay!"

Sonic frowned. "While I am grateful that you saved me but… how? How did you reach me? You were almost towards the ground… and you got wings!" Sonic paused. "Wait, how did you get those wings!? I thought you gave your geode to Grubber!"

Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "Well… it’s like this…"

Moments Ago…

“I’m sorry, Princess Twilight…” Sunset whispered as she removed her necklace.

As the Equestria Girls removed their geodes, Rainbow Dash was conflicting with herself in dreed.

‘What should I do!? What should I do!?’ Rainbow growled internally as she removed her necklace. ‘There’s no way that Robotnik and his goon are going to keep their word! They’ll most likely turn around and eliminate us as soon as we handed our geodes over to them! But if we don’t do as they say… they’ll hurt squirt and the others… or worse!’

As Grubber one by one took her friend’s geodes, Rainbow immediately turned her back towards everyone as she held on to her own geode. Feeling hopeless, Rainbow dug into her pocket with her other hand and took out her uncle’s necklace, staring longingly at it in desperation.

‘Uncle… what should I do?’ she pleaded in thought. ‘I can’t let these monsters get away with it and I can’t let them have my geode! They will use them to hurt everyone! But… I can’t let them hurt Scootaloo and the others too!’

“Excellent!” Robotnik crowed before glancing at the last girl. “Just one more!”

Rainbow felt all eyes were on her but she kept her focus on her uncle’s necklace.

‘Uncle… I know I’ve always talked to you through this whenever I needed advice, but the truth is… I really needed you right now… not this piece of metal with a similar looking geode as mine–’

Suddenly, her eyes widened. ‘Wait… our geodes looked the same!'

She then heard her uncle’s voice echoing in her mind from her memory many years back.

'This thing saved my life more times than I could count! It certainly gave me luck when I needed it, so who knows? This thing may even help you out someday, or maybe even your friends!'

"...Unc," Rainbow whispered.

“Rainbow Dash!” Sunset plead. “I don’t like this either, but please… do what he said!”

Before Rainbow Dash could say anything, Robotnik butted into the conversation.

“Yes my prism-haired friend,” Robotnik mocked, much to Rainbow’s anger. “Listen to your friend… unless you don’t care about what happens to your little sister!”

“Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow heard Scootaloo shouting behind her. “Don’t do it! Don’t let this egg guy get away with it!”

Rainbow Dash is most certainly not going to let these clowns get away with it. In fact, she had a plan that could potentially give them a fighting chance, but it could be very risky. She wasn't sure if this could pull off without Robotnik and Grubber noticing. And most importantly, she didn’t want to execute her plan without putting her friends in danger.

Not again.

“You watch your mouth, brat!” Robotnik growled before snapping his fingers.

Rainbow felt her heart ripped out when she heard Scootaloo scream loudly in pain due to Grubber's doing.

Right then and there, Rainbow made her decision.


With one last good look at her uncle's bracelet, Rainbow Dash let out a long sigh as she discreetly placed her own geode in her pocket while slowly turning to face Robotnik. She then held out her uncle’s geode towards him with a sad expression.

‘Thank you for all your guidance, Uncle… but I must do this on my own!’

“I’ll… I’ll do it! Just… please don’t hurt her again!”

Rainbow felt a huge twist in her stomach as she watched her uncle’s geode taken from her hands and entered inside the robot's chest. She then noticed that, unlike the others, her own geode didn't glow in color as soon as it was installed, but luckily, no one else seemed to pay attention to it. She could only hope that her plan worked.

As she expected, that mustached snake didn't honor his deal and let Scootaloo and the others fall towards the Manhattan street below. She is about to get past these drones to save her falling friends, but she wasn’t expecting Sonic to suddenly push her and her friends off of the roof and fall along with the others.

“What the heck!?” Rainbow screamed as she was falling.

Rainbow Dash looked up as she was falling and she could see some of Robotnik’s drones explode within seconds, no doubt that Sonic was behind all of this. While she wished that Sonic didn’t have to push her and her friends off of the building, she hoped that Sonic has a plan to save her and her friends while giving Robotnik and Grubber a what for. However, she also noticed that Robotnik had disappeared as well. Before she could fully process this, another explosion appeared in the middle of the building, and then she saw Sonic appeared to be falling along with his rings. From the look on Sonic’s expression, he appeared to be disoriented.

“Oh no!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Realizing that Sonic is down and that she and her friends are getting closer to the ground, Rainbow Dash quickly took out her geode and tried to tap into her magic.

“C'mon, work! Please work!” she pleaded.

Rainbow managed to look up just in time to see Sonic running down towards her with one of the rings. Unfortunately, Rainbow also spotted Grubber flying after him, getting closer and closer by the second. She then looked down and saw her friends were still screaming their way down the building and they were dangerously close to the ground. Feeling panicked and determined to save her friends, Rainbow tightly grasped her geode on her chest.

‘C’mon, please. Please work!’ Rainbow Dash begged desperately. 'I know I screwed up before and my reasons then were selfish, but I really need this magic more than ever!'

Not knowing that Sonic has thrown the ring past her and her friends’ scream grew louder than ever before, Rainbow grasped her geode even tighter.

'I beg you, please…’ Rainbow whispered, a lone tear sliding down her cheek. ‘Let me break free… and save my friends!'

Suddenly, she felt herself stop falling.

Or rather… slowing down.

Rainbow Dash slowly opened her eyes and she saw that she wasn't falling at a fast pace anymore. Instead, she was falling at a slow pace along with everything around her. Even Sonic was slowing down in front of her. That was when Rainbow Dash had an astonishing realization.

‘I'm… I'm in a slowdown… just like Sonic!’ Rainbow let out a toothy cheerful grin. “Yes! Thank you, harmony!”

Her cheers were short-lived when she remembered something crucial.

“Oh shoot, my friends!

Rainbow immediately looked down and was surprised to see that while her friends were still falling, they were falling through a huge portal that she hasn’t seen til now. From what she could tell, they were heading right into a giant haystack within a very familiar barn that she visited many times.

'Oh, thank goodness!’ Rainbow Dash sighed inwardly in relief. ‘My friends are falling through Sonic's ring and into Sweet Apple Acres. I knew that hedgehog had a plan!'

Her eyes immediately narrowed when she saw someone else enter the portal after her friends.

'Wait, is that Grubber!"

Sure enough, that was Grubber who was still riding in his super robot of his along with her friends' geodes that he stole. Rainbow Dash scowled in anger.

"Get away from my friends you freak!'

Rainbow Dash managed to get her feet on the side of the building and rushed herself toward the portal, determined to kick that evil jerk’s butt and get her friends’ geodes back. But as she was getting closer, she stopped herself.

"Hold on… Sonic!

Rainbow Dash immediately turned around to see Sonic, who was too far from the building, slowly continuing to come down with nothing to soften his fall.

"Oh no! He's falling!"

Rainbow turned back towards the portal and was getting smaller. She knew that by the time Sonic reached the bottom, the portal would be closed and he would be crushed. After a quick inner debate with herself, she looked back at the portal where her friends were.

'Hold on a little while longer, girls!'

As the portal closed up completely, Rainbow Dash immediately about-face and with effort, Rainbow Dash ran up on the surface of the building and launched herself upwards towards Sonic.

"I'm coming, Sonic!"

Rainbow Dash felt the gravity pulling her down, slowing her down a little, but she pushed on, determined to save the blue hedgehog. She ran higher and higher up the building like an ongoing locomotive. Unfortunately, gravity finally caught up with her as Rainbow felt her legs slowing down by the second, making things difficult for her to reach Sonic.

'No! I refuse to give up!'

By the power of sheer will and determination to save her friend, blue wings suddenly appeared on her back, along with her pony ears and longer hair. Rainbow Dash used her wings to push herself further upwards until she reached a good spot in a certain area of the building. Then with a little kick, she leaped from off the side of the building and positioned herself underneath Sonic. Rainbow then stretched out her arms, just as real-time finally kicked in and for Sonic to safely land in her arms.


"And that's what happened," Rainbow Dash concluded. "I know what I did was very risky to do but… if it weren’t for my uncle’s necklace… I wouldn't be here saving you."

Sonic smiled, both impressed and grateful for Rainbow’s rescue and quick thinking. "You know what, I don't care what Applejack and the others have said about you. You are the most awesome and clever person I know!"

Rainbow Dash smirked at the praise. "Heh, thanks! I am awesome!" She then paused for a moment before frowning. "Wait… what did they say about me!?"

Before Sonic could respond they heard the most unpleasant voice calling out to them.

"Where are you, hedgehog!?"

They both looked up and became alarmed when they saw Robotnik floating down towards them.

"Crud! He's coming!" Sonic exclaimed. "Let's move, Skittles!"

Sonic cringed immediately when he realized that he unintentionally called Rainbow Dash her most sensitive nickname. He quickly turned to Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, shoot! I'm so sorry!" Sonic apologized with his pleading expression. "I just blurted it without thinking! I didn't mean–"

Rainbow Dash raised her palm, signaling for him to stop talking. To his surprise, instead of being angry, Rainbow Dash had a calm and friendly smile.

"Listen Sonic, if we make it out of this, I'll let you use that nickname as many times as you want. Deal?"

Sonic blinked for a moment before he smiled back. "Deal!"

"Well, well, well…"

Sonic and Rainbow turned around just in time to see Robotnik floating in front of them with his flying vehicle with a smug grin.

"It would seem that the Rainbow Brat is here as well!" His eyes narrowed when he noticed Rainbow Dash's real necklace around her neck. "And you somehow still have your geode around your neck! I don't know how you do it, but I would gladly take it off of your hands when I'm done with you!"

"You leave her alone, Eggman!" Sonic shouted as he stood in front of Rainbow Dash like a shield. "And you will pay for what you did to my friends!"

"And how will you do that?" Robotnik taunted. "With your quill installed on my machine, I'm just as fast as you!"

Sonic let out an angry growl, knowing that the doctor was right.

"Can I give you one genius piece of advice?" Robotnik asked in a sweet tone before grinning. "Don't run. It'll only hurt more if you do. And it's bad for your joints, they proved it."

Sonic and Rainbow scowled. As much as they wanted to kick the doctor’s butt, they both knew that they were no match for him, especially with Sonic's power within the quill in his possession. They both glanced at the many rings scattered around the street before looking at each other. After a moment of wordless conversation, they nodded before looking back at Robotnik with a glare.

"All right, Eggman," said Sonic. "You wanna get fast?"

"Then let's get fast!" Rainbow Dash finished.

The two quickly gathered up all the rings that were on the street and sidewalk with their super speed before they took off away from Robotnik.

Robotnik frowned as he placed his flight goggles over his face. "The hard way it is."

With a push of a button, Robotnik activated the power from Sonic’s quill for his hovercraft before taking off after them at high speed.

Both Sonic and Rainbow Dash were running down the street of Manehatten and dodged a few vehicles along the way as fast as they can to get the doctor off of their backs. Unfortunately, Robotnik was quickly on their tails and had his laser cannon pointing at them again. Worry and determined to get rid of him, both Sonic and Rainbow Dash kicked it into high gear and dashed further, just as Robotnik shoot his first laser. They managed to dodge Robotnik’s laser, only for the laser to hit one of the cars on the road.

Dude! He just destroyed that car!” Rainbow Dash shouted in shock as she and Sonic kept running.

“I knew Eggman is crazy but not that crazy!” Sonic remarked while focusing on dodging the cars.

Before Rainbow Dash could respond, she yelped as she dodged another laser that was meant for her and hit another car. They quickly turned right on the road where there were fewer cars, but Robotnik was still behind them as he continued to shoot his lasers. Getting a little desperate, the two then pulled a last-minute sharp left turn into another street in an attempt to fake him out. However, Robotnik saw through their tricks as he also made a sharp left turn with a grunt.

"That was an illegal left by the way!" Robotnik remarked loudly.

Rainbow growled in frustration as she ran around the cars. “Shoot! He’s gaining on us!”

“Keep running!” Sonic shouted as he lept from one car to another to avoid the lasers.

So the two of them continue to run down the Manehatten streets, avoiding one laser after another. They tried to zigzag along the road to make Robotnik’s aim a lot harder, but no matter what they do, the lasers followed their every move. They temporarily split up with Sonic jumping on the lower edge of the building and running across from it. Before Robotnik fired his laser Sonic quickly jumped across another building, striking a quick pose in the process, and then slide down along the second building. Rainbow meanwhile, ran underneath the patio of an empty outdoor restaurant to get some cover. Unfortunately, it didn’t work as Robotnik’s lasers shot through the patio roof easily, destroying some parts of the restaurant in the process. Rainbow dodged all of the lasers before she jumped herself back onto the road to join Sonic.

They both ran towards the bus with an image of an Eiffel Tower on the side which said “Visit Prance”. They quickly slid through underneath the bus just as Robotnik fired his laser at the side of the bus, destroying the bus in the process in flames. They glanced back both in shock and disbelief that Robotnik was still right behind them, leaving the ruined bus in its place.

"How is this guy still on our tail!" Rainbow yelled in annoyance, running beside the blue hedgehog.

"I don't know!" Sonic exclaimed. "Aside from you, no one has ever caught up to me before!" He then quickly took out one of his rings from his small bag. “I think I have an idea!”

Before Rainbow Dash could ask, Sonic threw his ring in front of him, picturing that location from the bus from earlier. Seconds later, the ring grew bigger, creating a portal that leaves to a different location. With no time to waste, both Sonic and Rainbow dashed their way toward the portal with Robotnik tailing after them.

Somewhere in another country, a mime was performing his act in front of a woman and her little girl. He did the whole gig of him being trapped inside an invisible wall by making it appear that he was pressing against it, sliding it, and even tapping it as if he was trying to convince them that he was inside. Unfortunately, neither of his audiences, especially the little girl, was convinced nor entertained by his lame act.

The mime then tried to make a motion with his fingers by forming an arch from above his head and down around towards his legs. Unbeknownst to him, he timed his arch perfectly as the ring portal appeared behind him, startling the woman and girl in front of him. Thinking he was finally getting somewhere, the mime continued with his performance, until he saw Sonic and Rainbow Dash running past him from the corner of his eyes.

“‘Scuse us!” Rainbow Dash said quickly.

“Coming through!” Sonic added.

Confused, the mine turned to look behind him, only to be startled when he saw a large flying machine coming through the portal and coming straight at him.

"Sacré bleu!" The mime shouted as he, the woman, and the girl dove away before Robotnik plowed into them.

"Excusez-moi, monsieur!" Robotnik apologized before chucking with mad glee and continued to chase after the blue hedgehog and teen.

As they were running across a foreign street, Rainbow Dash quickly glanced behind her, only to be dismayed that Robotnik was still behind them. "I've always wanted to go to Prance, but not like this!"

As they were running, Sonic spotted another poster of a different location from one of the buildings as they passed by. Sonic then quickly took out another ring.

"Let's try another location!"

Seconds later, a portal opened up for Sonic and Rainbow Dash to run through and they were in a brand new area from another country. This time they were running along the top of a very long and tallest wall in the entire world. Unfortunately, Robotnik also flew through the portal and continued to chase the two from behind them.

“Here we go! Room to open it up!” said Sonic who was still running.

“Let’s hope so!” Rainbow Dash added, running along beside the blue hedgehog.

With a burst of speed, both Sonic and Rainbow Dash ran ahead in an attempt to leave Robotnik in the dust. But Robotnik, however, also bust forward, trailing along behind them.

With the fastest speed possible, Sonic and Rainbow Dash ran along the path of the wall, even along the curves of the path. They were even running along the side wall of the path and kept jumping to both sides in an attempt to go faster and confuse the Doctor to avoid getting hit by his laser. While Robotnik wasn't shooting at them, he was still trailing after them with a determined glare.

After running for what felt like minutes, Sonic and Rainbow Dash jumped back on the main path and kept running.

"We can't shake this guy!" Sonic remarked in annoyance.

Rainbow Dash furrowed her brow in thought before an idea hit her.

"Mind if I make a suggestion?" Rainbow Dash asked as she took out her ring from her pocket.

Somewhere near Camp Everfree, one teenage boy with green hair was finishing up raking all the leaves and twigs off of the camping grounds. As the boy picked up the last bunch of leaves, a teenage girl, which turned out to be his sister, with long raspberry hair walked up to him and offered him a glass of lemonade. With a silent thanks, the boy sipped his lemonade and let out a satisfied sigh.

Ah… that hits the spot!" He said. "It took us almost the whole day, but everything in the camp is cleaned up on time for our new campers tomorrow!”

“I’m just glad that we finally got it done!” The girl said cheerfully. “With our camp all cleaned up, we can focus on setting up many activities so we can give our campers the best time that they'll never forget!"

The teenage boy frowned. "Gloriosa, while I admire your optimism, I don't want you to overstress yourself and do everything on your own like last time. Let me help you when you need it, okay?"

"Don't worry Timber, I'll be sure to let you know, I promise," Gloriosa assured. "I got– I mean, we got this!"

Suddenly, a portal opened in front of them, surprising both siblings. Soon, both Rainbow Dash and Sonic ran out of the portal and ran across the camp.


“Love the settings!”

Shortly after that, Robotnik emerged out of the portal and zoomed after them.

Agh! Hate the outdoors!” Robotnik complained, sniffing as his allergies were getting to him but kept his focus on his chase.

The three of them sped around the camp, ducking into the cabins, through the trees, and even running through the water as Sonic and Rainbow Dash tried to outrun the evil doctor. Unfortunately, in the process, they ended up making a mess of the camp as leaves, debris, dirt, and twigs were everywhere all around the camp, much to the horror of the two siblings. Rainbow Dash realized that this wasn’t working as she once again took out another ring and tossed it. The ring quickly grew into another portal, which Rainbow and Sonic ran through with Robotnik in tow before the portal closes.

With those three gone, Timber stared at the state of their camp in shock and disbelief. He slowly turned his head towards his sister and was nervous to see Gloriosa just standing there with a crazed look and her left eyelid twitching.

“Uh… Gloriosa?”

“That’s okay…” Gloriosa stated sweetly, despite her mad state. “I’ve got this!

Somewhere in Canterlot Movie Studio, everyone was getting ready for the latest Daring Do movie with the cast on set and the filming crew setting up their equipment. Among those people, a man with green hair and glasses was sitting in his director's chair while a teenage girl with two long green ponytails and glasses stood next to him.

"Thank you again for giving me another chance, Uncle Canter Zoom," said the girl with a grateful smile.

"Don't thank me, Juniper," said Canter Zoom. "It was thanks to your friends from CHS who are giving you the good word!" He then narrowed his eyes on his niece. "But if you attempt to sabotage my movie again, I will kick you out again! No ifs, ands, or buts! Got it?"

Juniper quickly nodded. "I won't! I learned my lesson! I promise!"

Canter Zoom nodded. "Good! Now, please bring me my smoothie!"

"Yes sir!" Juniper saluted before leaving the area to get her uncle his smoothie.

Canter Zoom shook his head. While he was happy that his niece is making amends, it was still going to be a while before she regain his trust. He then put his niece aside as he directed his focus back to the filming stage.

"Alright places everyone and start from the top!" Canter Zoom announced with his megaphone.

He watched as the actor and actress were now in position, waiting for his signal.

"And… action!"

The taller bulky man began to act his lines with a sneer. "Your luck has finally run out, Daring Do!"

The actress glared as she took out her whip. "Guess again, Ahuizotl!"

Before the two of them begin to 'fight', a portal suddenly appeared right behind them, startling the two actors.

Canter Zoom blinked in shock and glanced at his notes. "Hang on! This wasn't in the script!"

Before anyone could blink, Sonic popped right out of the portal, along with Rainbow Dash, and ran past the two actors.

"Sorry! Heads up!"

"Love your work!"

Seconds later, Robotnik also popped out of the portal and flew after Sonic and Rainbow Dash, nearly barreling the two actors. Luckily, the two actors jumped away before he could hit them.

"Out of my way!" The doctor shouted.

The three of them ran/flew across the movie set, knocking down all the background and props in the process. Before they reached the other side of the studio, Rainbow Dash took out another rung and tossed it in front of her, causing another portal to appear. Shortly afterward, Sonic, Rainbow Dash, and then Robotnik entered the portal before the portal disappeared completely.

Canter Zoom, the two actors, and many movie staff were staring at where the portal was in disbelief. They then looked around their studio, surveying all the damages that were caused by what they witnessed moments ago. As they were still processing this, Juniper returned to the studio with her uncle’s smoothie.

"Here's your smoothie, Uncle!" Juniper announced.

As soon as she entered the studio, she stopped immediately when she noticed the damaged state of the movie studio. She then felt uneasy as everyone, including her uncle, turned and stared at her as if they wanted answers from her.

"I–I have nothing to do with this! I swear!" She insisted in a panic.

Somewhere in Equestria Land's theme park, a group of performers was standing on their floats, getting ready for their rehearsal for their big parade. From the sidelines, there stood a young woman named Vignette, a social media celebrity and also in charge of Equestria Land from last time.

After the success of the grand opening, she was placed in charge again of directing the parade again for the upcoming event in a few weeks. And ever since the events of the grand opening, Vignette decided to change her mindset to just being yourself while not becoming a "better version" just to appease other people.

“Okay, people! Chop chop!” Vignette announced. “We must make our parade in Equestria Land even better than the last time! And also try to be excited about it so that our guests will be excited to come back for more with even more guests!” She then winked. “Remember, BYAHF: Be Yourself and Have Fun!

Everyone nodded in smiles as they got themselves into positions on their respective floats.

“And… queue the parade's opening!” Vignette cheered.

The performers then began to play their instruments and waved as their floats started to move. Things were going swimmingly, until a portal appeared floating above one of their floats, causing Vignette to gasp.

“What the–”

“'Scuse us!” Rainbow shouted.

“Watch out!” Sonic yelled.

The two of them ran across the float and then jumped towards another float. At that moment, Robotnik flew through the portal next and chased after Sonic and Rainbow Dash, causing everyone to jump out of his way.

“Ah, an amusement park!” Robotnik stated fondly. “It reminded me of a similar place where I burned it to the ground as a lad. Good times! Good times!

The three of them rushed across one float after another, damaging everything in sight much to Vignette's dismay. Before they reached the end of the last float, Rainbow Dash took out another ring, tossed it, and opened another portal. Rainbow and Sonic ran through the portal with Robotnik following after them and the portal closed behind them.

Everyone stood in shocked silence, wondering what the heck was that about. Vignette herself felt an overwhelming amount of stress and despair after seeing all her work she put into was now destroyed in a blink of an eye.

“Someone get me a stress salad!” she screamed, causing one of her assistants to run out in panic to retrieve their boss's salad.

With a loud groan, Vignette began to type on her phone, then drooped in defeat. “Hashtag… ParadeDisaster!”

Somewhere in an outdoor stadium in another town, the crowd gathered around the stage to see their favorite band performing live. Many believe that their show at the Starswirl Festival would be the last live performance but to many fans' surprise and delight that they began touring again. The crowd’s excited chatter was interrupted when they heard an announcement from the two voices on the loudspeakers.

“Good evening everyone!”

“Are you ready to ROCK?”
The crowd screamed loudly in delight.

“Then please put your hands together…”

“For the one and only… PostCrush!”

The stage suddenly exploded into a smokescreen and then flooded in pink and cyan lights. Then, silhouettes of two people raised from the stage and appeared before the crowd. Once the smoke cleared up, it was revealed to be everyone’s favorite two band members of PostCrust: Kiwi Lollipop, aka K-Lo, and Supernova Zap, aka Su-Z.

“Ready, Su-Z?” asked K-Lo with a smile.

“You bet, K-Lo!” Su-Z replied cheerfully.

They were about to start playing their instruments and perform their song when a portal suddenly appeared from one side of the stage, much to the surprise of PostCrush and the crowd. Before anyone wondered if this was part of the show, Rainbow Dash and Sonic ran out of the portal and ran across the stage.

“Excuse us!” Rainbow Dash shouted, running past PostCrush. “Sorry for the interruption!”

Sonic was about to run past PostCrush too, but then he stopped and ran back in front of the duo with an excited expression.

“Oh my gosh! You’re PostCrush!” Sonic squealed, surprising the two girls. “I am such a huge fan! May I have both of your autographs?”

Before the shocked duo could even respond, Robotnik suddenly popped out from the portal and flew towards the hedgehog.

“Uh… maybe another time!” Sonic said hastily before running away. “Later!”

Sonic quickly caught up to Rainbow Dash as she tossed another ring near the other side of the stage, creating another portal. As they both stepped through, Robotnik flew after them, but not before he scoffed in disgust as he surveyed around him.

Agh, I hate pop music!” Robotnik muttered.

The portal then disappeared as soon as Robotnik entered through it.

PostCrush blinked at where the portal was, before looking at each other with confused expressions.

“What the heck was that about?” K-Lo questioned with a perplexed expression.

Su-Z said nothing as she simply shrugged, just as clueless as her friend.

Somewhere near a highway, three teenage girls were offroad trying to fix their van. Ever since their van randomly stopped working, they spent nearly the entire day trying to fix their van in hopes of ever going on the road again since they don’t want to risk or have the money to call for their car to be towed and repaired. However, only the two girls were busy under the hood to fix their engine while the third girl was sitting on the roof of the van, trying to watch her show on her tablet.

"Agh! Quit slacking off and help me fix this engine already!" The poofy orange-haired girl complained impatiently with a grunt.

The two purple and teal pig-haired girl looked up from the hood and glared at the poofy-haired girl. "Well, we could've finished this sooner, but someone is too busy gluing her face on our tablet!"

The long blue pony-haired girl looked up from her tablet with an indignant pout. "Hey, Taco Chronicles just released a brand new season! I just have to watch them!"

Before the two pig-haired girl could argue, the poofy-haired girl interfered. "Forget her, Aria! Just focus on fixing this piece of junk!"

The pig-haired girl let out an angry huff before she and the other girl went back to fixing their van's engine.

The long pony-haired girl paused her show for a moment and look up, appreciating a beautiful twilight sky as the sun slowly sets behind the trees. Suddenly, she heard a “ding” sound and looked in the direction of the road. To her surprise and shock, a giant ring opened up, revealing what looked like a different location. Seconds later, a blue creature ran out of the “ring”, followed by a rainbow-haired teenage girl who looked familiar to her, and then a strange man riding on an egg-shaped flying vehicle. She watched as they ran down that long highway for a few miles until one of them threw something which revealed that giant ring again, and everyone went through it before the big ring disappeared completely.

The long pony-haired girl stared in the direction with her eyes nearly popped out of her sockets. “Whoa!

The two girls stopped working on the van and looked up when they heard the long pony-tailed girl scream.

"What!? What is it?" The puffy-haired girl demanded.

"I just saw something amazing!" The long pony-haired girl exclaimed.

"Well, what did you see?" The two pig-tailed-haired girl pressed in annoyance.

"I saw this magical portal thingy open and this huge blue hedgehog was running through it at a high speed. Then some rainbow-haired girl who looks just like the one we faced at the school months ago, who was also running really fast! Then some strange man with a mustache, who was riding on some flying machine that looks like an egg, flew out of the portal too and was pursuing them. And within seconds, the blue hedgehog threw something in front of him, which opened up another portal and they all went through it before the portal closed behind them with a loud PHVWOW!!"

The two girls stared at the long pony-haired girl in silence with deadpanned expressions. They then looked at each other, knowing the exact same thoughts they have about this “story” before they slowly turned their heads back at the long pony-haired girl.

"Okay… I think you need a break from your tablet for the rest of the day!

“Yeah, go back to sleep, Sonata!”

After escaping the highway, Sonic and Rainbow Dash escaped into another location, which took place in a different part of the world. They were somewhere in a hot desert with endless miles of sand all around them. There were even some pyramids, old statues, and there was even an ancient sphinx in the background. But despite all that, Robotnik was still chasing after them, much to the two’s frustration and fear.

"Agh! We can't lose him!" Sonic exclaimed.

“Just kept running!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “He can’t just chase us forever!”

“Ya sure about that?” Sonic remarked.

Rainbow Dash didn’t have time to answer as a laser suddenly came out of nowhere, nearly hitting her. Robotnik nearly ran out of patience in chasing them and just keep firing his lasers until he could hit them no matter who or what gets in his way. The two quickly separate and run faster to avoid more of Robotnik’s lasers. Their eyes sting as they felt the dust of sand covering their faces, but Sonic and Rainbow Dash pushed on to run farther than Robotnik and avoid his lasers.

They eventually reached a massive hill of sand where an old ruin took place. Rather than going down the hill, both Sonic and Rainbow Dash two slide back after dodging another Robotnik's lasers, tricking him to go a bit further than them. As Sonic and Rainbow Dash knelt on the ground, they both looked down at the dusty sand and then at each other, and the two of them give each other knowing grins.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Sonic asked slyly.

Rainbow Dash smirked. "If you can't beat ‘em, blind ‘em!"

With a quick nod between the two of them, the two then rushed underneath Robotnik’s ship and began to run around together in a huge circle. The sand quickly picked up its speed into a huge dust devil, which eventually turned into a giant sandy tornado, trapping Robotnik in the process. Robotnik struggled as he was trying to gain control of his ship while trying to see through a now thick wall of sand.

“Lost… visual contact!” Robotnik grunted, spitting out sand as he spoke.

Both Sonic and Rainbow Dash quickly stepped away from the tornado and stopped running, admiring their well-executed plan.

“Alright, it works!” Rainbow Dash cheered with a huge grin.

“But not for long!” Sonic added before pointing at one of the pyramids. “Up there! Hurry!

Without wasting any more time, they both ran toward the pyramid in hopes to escape without Robotnik knowing.

Robotnik growled as he continued to struggle with his controls from within the tornado. He swore that as soon as he get himself out of this mess, he will make sure that these two will rue the day they ever messed with him, especially that rainbowed-haired brat. It was then that the tornado finally died down a little Robotnik managed to see something through a weak part of the sandy wall, which was a blue blur running up on one of the pyramids.

"Hey! You two are not allowed up there!” Robotnik shouted angrily. “It's one of the Seven Wonders!

Robotnik quickly pushed the button, which activated his jet boost to blast himself out of the tornado and straight toward the pyramid.

Sonic and Rainbow Dash ran toward the top of the pyramid at their maximum speed. Once they were more than halfway to their destination, Sonic took out his ring and tossed it in front of him. The ring then grew and opened up a portal with an image of Canterlot High inside the portal.

“Alright, next stop, CHS!” Sonic shouted.

“Yes, we’re gonna make it!” Rainbow Dash cheered as she ran past Sonic in excitement.

Unbeknownst to Rainbow Dash, however, Robotnik caught up to them and he quietly took his aim at her with his laser. He waited for a few seconds until his tracker zoomed in on to Rainbow Dash and the words on his screens said “Target Locked”. With a wicked grin, Robotnik pressed the button and fired his laser.

Sonic glanced behind him just as Robotnik fired his laser. Sonic’s eyes widened in horror as he realized who was Robotnik’s target and quickly turned back to Rainbow Dash.

“Skittles, look out!” Sonic screamed.

Giving himself a huge boost, Sonic burst forward with all the speed he has to catch up to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow turned her head around just as Sonic pushed her away towards the portal and out of Robotnik’s target.

Unfortunately, in the process, Sonic was hit in the back by Robotnik’s laser, as he was launched forward due to the blast.

This led to Sonic crashing into Rainbow Dash again, and the two were flung forward and disappeared right through the portal toward their intended destination.

Author's Note:

Looks like Rainbow Dash saved Sonic from falling to his doom and she outsmarted both Robotnik and Grubber by giving away her Uncle's necklace instead of hers. :pinkiehappy:

But Robotnik still has the upper hand with Sonic's quill and he just blasted Sonic towards the portal! :pinkiegasp:

Is he okay!? And what will happen next!? :derpyderp1:

Also, as I re-watch the chase scene between Robotnik and Sonic, it just occurred to me of how many people he possibly killed at he shot so many cars throughout San Francisco. That's pretty messed up if you think about it! :twilightoops:

So, for notes and references:

The background music used for Rainbow Dash's slowdown was Run to Break Free based on the Equestria Girls music video, Run to Break Free.

As Sonic dodged Robotnik’s lasers and jumped to another building, you can briefly see Sonic did the exact pose from his Super Smash Bros. Ultimate render.

Credit goes to TimerWolf43 for pointing that out.

According to Google Translate, Robotnik's line, "Excusez-moi, monsieur" is a France translation to "Excuse me, sir!"

I believe there were two references involving France:

The first, which was less likely, that it was a callback to one of Sonic’s levels "Rooftop Run" from Sonic Unleashed, which was based on various places from Western Europe, such as Italy, Spain, and France. But the reason it was less likely was that the stage mostly resembled Spain.

The second, which is more likely, was that Sonic once traveled to France in Archie's comic series version of Sonic X.

Their second location, the Great Wall of China, was most likely a callback to "Dragon Road", another stage from Sonic Unleashed when Sonic also ran along the great wall, as well as on a dragon.

Since this is a crossover between Sonic and Equestria Girls, I figured I have them visit various places in the Equestria Girls universe based on the EqG specials in the following order:

• Camp Everfree from EqG: Legend of Everfree
• The Movie Studio from EqG: Movie Magic
• Equestria Land from EqG: Rollercoaster of Friendship
• PostCrust stage from EqG: Sunset's Backstage Pass

I know I said that the highway chase scene is the only time we see the Dazzlings, but just for the sake of this chapter and humor, here they are again! :raritywink:

There are actually two Egypt-based levels for Sonic. The first was "Sandopolis Zone" from Sonic 3 & Knuckles. And the second was the "Pyramid Cave" from Sonic Adventure 2.

Next time will be the final battle between our heroes and Robotnik! What will happen next!? Stay tuned for next week to find out, and it will be a bumpy ride! :rainbowdetermined2:

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