• Published 1st Jun 2020
  • 761 Views, 73 Comments

Aspects of Parenthood - xd77

Nathan becomes rather upbeat about being a father.

  • ...

Part 2

Nathan was sitting on an outside chair letting the breeze from the wind cool him down. As he watched the night sky glow with beauty, he still could not get out that horrible sequence that he visioned in his sleep. Nate kept his emotional thought locked away, but knew he could not hide them from his wife. He was just remaining there on the chair with the breeze blowing through his mane, when out of nowhere..........

"Nathan?" said Apple Bloom's voice behind him, he turned to see her standing there at the foot of the balcony entrance. She was in her robe and slippers and was staring at him with great concern, Nathan just continued to stare at the night sky silently.

"Why the long face?" she asked as she went up and sat next to him.

Finally, Nathan spoke up, "Ah' had a bad dream, that's all."

Apple Bloom was not going to take that for an answer, "What was it about?"

Nathan looked at a necklace she was wearing and clutched it lightly, "Ah' still remember when Ah' gave this to you."

"How long is it gonna take for us to be honest with each other?"

"That's through Applejack, she's the honest one."

"Nathan please, tell me what your dream was."

"Why do ya have to be so nosy about mah' business?"

"You're mah' husband, it's mah' job to worry about ya'. So tell me, what was your dream about?"

Nathan knew that she had to know, "It was about you."

"What happened?"

"It was just a dream."

Nathan got up and walked towards the edge of the balcony then faced her again.

"What happened was, you were screaming in fear because Ah' wasn't there to help you, then you.........."

"Then Ah' what?"

After a short pause, he finally had the courage to say it.

"You died in foalbirth."

"And the baby?" Apple Bloom asked, putting a hoof on her belly bump.

"Ah' don't know." Nathan answered.

"It was only a dream."

"Ah'm not gonna let it come true."

"Ah' understand this baby will change our lives forever, and Ah' get your nervous. But it's completely off way for ya' to have a dream about somethin' that's probably never gonna happen, and if Tirek's inheritance of tyranny evolve around us, we'll be....."

"Ah' know, Ah' know."

"Do ya' think maybe Aunt Twilight might be able to help us?" she asked.

"We don't need her help, our baby is a blessin' from God." Nathan said with a smile, then they hugged.

The next morning, Nathan was out the door with his armor and helmet ready for another day of guarding Princess Twilight. He was soon joined by Zodiac, who also had his armor and helmet on.

"Good morning captain." he said.

"Sergeant." Nathan said with a raspy voice.

"Are you okay?"

"Sorry, Ah' just didn't sleep well last night, Ah'm....Ah'm rather worried."

"Oh let me guess, Apple Bloom being pregnant?"

"Bingo, we have a winner."

"Why are you worried about it, you'll do fine."

"Ah'm not so sure."

They were soon met by regular guards as usual ready for their orders.

"Good morning captain, sergeant."

"Good mornin' guards."

"Good morning."

"Are you feeling all right sir?" asked one guard.

"Ah'm fine."

"I see, your orders sir?"

"Keep the Princess away from any source of Tirek's tyranny spread."

"Yes sir."

As the guards went about their ordered routine, Nathan and Zodiac went into the throne room where Twilight was waiting.

"Good morning guard leaders."

"Good morning Princess." said Zodiac.

"Good morning." said Nathan with a raspy tone.

"Are you all right Nathan, you sound like you didn't sleep well."

"Ah'm fine."

But just like Apple Bloom, Twilight was not falling for it, she walked up to him.

"Nathan, you are not fine, you are here with bloodshot eyes. Second, you've been acting fearful of something, so tell me what's the jig?"

Nathan tried to keep silent, but Twilight stared with seriousness.

"All right!" he groaned, "Ever since we returned from that quest of inspection, Ah've been worried about all the matters that we're probably gonna be facing as we go down the road of recovery. Second, Ah' already know Bloomy's told y'all about her pregnancy, but Ah' just don't get why she waited until the last moment to tell me."

Nathan sighed and hung low, but Twilight lifted his chin and smiled.

"Nathan, I'm sure you're feeling a bit stressed over all of this, but we'll make it through. Plus, you really don't have to worry about your child right now, it's just starting for you two."

"Yeah, it's not like you're gonna lose Apple Bloom." Zodiac said, only to met with blank angered stares.

"Attention guards!" Twilight ordered.

"Yes your majesty?"

"I need you all to leave the throne room for a bit, I want to have a private talk with Nathan."

"Yes ma'am." they said and they left the room, Zodiac following them and the doors closing behind them. Now it was just her and her nephew together.

"Nathan, now look, I know you're hiding the real truth, so please tell me what's really happening?"

"Last night, Ah' had a dream, and it was about Apple Bloom. She was in labor with our child, but Ah' was not there to help her through it, and because Ah' wasn't there......she died!"

Nate then stormed over to the wall and bucked it out of stress, the force from his buck was strong enough to leave a big hole. Twilight was less concerned about that though because it was something that could be replaced, but her nephew's matters could not. She walked up to him and put her hoof on his shoulder.

"Nathan, that was just a dream, it does not mean it's gonna happen."

"Ah' just don't understand why Ah' would even conjure up such a false image."

"You'll be fine."

"Ah'm not sure." Nathan said, trying to hold tears that were forming in his eyes.

"Ah'm not supposed to be even imagining such a nightmare happenin'."

He then faced his aunt with his face now on the verge of a breakdown.

"Who would even want to fill such a gruesome image in mah' head?!"

"Nathan, it was just a dream, you can't let these things get to you."

Finally, the tears started flowing from his eyes, Nathan then let out a sobbing breath.

"Ah' can't take this." he said as he started crying in breakdown mode, Twilight could not bare to see her nephew like this. So she quickly embraced him as he buried his tearing face into her chest.

"I know Nate, I'm gonna help you and Apple Bloom get through this."

She kept him embraced as he continued to bawl.

Author's Note:

Poor Nathan, do you all really think they need Twilight's help?