• Published 1st Jun 2020
  • 766 Views, 73 Comments

Aspects of Parenthood - xd77

Nathan becomes rather upbeat about being a father.

  • ...

Part 5

Things really spiraled to the end of the road this time, for Twilight had now messed up for being more dictator than ruler. Later that afternoon, back at the Cadenza household, Apple Bloom was sitting on the couch reading a book when the sudden sound of the doorknob being twisted caught her attention. She looked up and saw a very irritated and angered Nathan standing there, he then used his magic to slam the door shut. Apple Bloom could tell her husband was really infuriated about something, so she put her book down and got up to walk to him.

"Uh oh, Ah've seen this facial expression before." she said as she got in his face, "Doughnut Joe run out of strawberry jelly filled again?"

"Oh no, it was much worse than that Bloomy." Nathan answered in a sarcastic tone, "Ah' go in to try and do mah' duties, yet Aunt Twilight scolds me for being only five minutes late. Ah' told her, and this is the fourth time Ah've done it, that you and Ah' are havin' twins soon."

"Okay, so what's the loophole?"

"She care more about guardin' than about helpin'."

Apple Bloom showed concern, "Is that true?"

"If it means her carin' less and less about us, yes!" Nathan exclaimed. "Ah' really can't see how all of a sudden, she's all order and less assistant. Not even Spike could be that strict on patrols."

"She's just concerned, Ah' mean ya' know how bad Tirek's attack was."

"Bloomy, you don't get it, the attack was two months ago. We have been getting back to normal, are magic is where it belongs. So why should she completely overdo us patrollin' over something that is never gonna happen again?!"

"Ah' believe she might be sufferin' PTSD and maybe that's why she overreactin'?"

Nathan gave a mocking laugh, "Oh yeah, that's what's gonna answer it all, Ah'm just really mad at her right now."

Nathan then went over to the couch and sat down, Apple Bloom sat right next to him.

"Look sug, Ah' just wish there was some way in this moment, that we could remind her that the past is gone."

"Ah' understand Nate." Apple Bloom said as she rubbed her husband's shoulder, "But Ah'm just hopin' that she understands this predicament we're goin' through."

"But, how can she even forget the fact that she's about to be a great aunt?!"

"Well, if she's too order and law on ya', Ah'll see if Kyle and Luke could help."

"Sure, they can help a bit. But soon, Aunt Twilight's gonna realize we need her way more than she needs us. And she's gonna find that out one way or another."

"We'll find a way through this." said Apple Bloom as she and Nathan kissed each other on the lips.

Meanwhile, just a few blocks from Nathan and Apple Bloom's apartment house, Zodiac was watching their drama unfold from his balcony. He stared at his friend and her as they kissed, giving a saddened expression, then quickly switching over to anger as he went back inside his home. As Zodiac sat on his couch, he just stared at the wall, feeling nothing but raged and disgusted over what he had just seen happen.

"First the attack, now Twilight turns order mad on us?!" he asked himself as he got up from his couch and fixed a drink. He was just about to take the first sip of it when he heard the ghostly wisps hissing behind him. He turned to see none other than the ghosts of Celestia and Luna standing there with looks of concern.

"We've definitely seen this facial expression before." said Luna.

"What happened son?" Celestia asked.

"Mom, Aunt Luna, now is not a good time to be here."

Zodiac went back to his couch and sat down again, Celestia and Luna followed and joined him on the couch.

"Now son, you know we've always been the first ones you always talk to about problems."

"Yes, you can tell us anything." said Luna.

Zodiac sighed and covered his face, "Today has been one of the worst days of our lives."

"What happened?" asked Celestia.

"Ever since Tirek and Chrysalis attacked Equestria, Twilight has been helping us less. Instead she has been nothing but orders, orders, orders."

"Is that so?"

"In case you didn't notice, Nathan and Apple Bloom are going to be parents soon."

"We know that already."

"Yes, but the thing is, Twilight promised Nathan that she would be there for him because of it. For the past few weeks, he's been having one anxiety attack after another, because he and Apple Bloom are having twins. That's a big thing to accomplish, especially for him."

"Go on."

"Well, I guess she didn't really mean it when she said she would help him, or any of us for that matter. You should've seen it Mom, Nathan came into the throne room this morning, he wasn't himself as usual. He was messed up, his face looked like hammered alfalfa, and he appeared exhausted."

"I see."

"But instead of asking what happened, and how she could help, Twilight scolded him for being late. I backed him up by telling her what was going on, the guards helped too, but she just stomped all over us. She was hoeing us with orders to resume our positions, even though there's a crisis going on with Nate, she was all over us and being mean to us."

"Really Mom, sometimes I wish you and Aunt Luna never made her ruler, because as of now, she is not the Twilight I grew up with. The real Twilight would get off her high heels and assist the one who is in trouble. Not get in their face and scold them for it."

"Zodi, don't say things like that, she has every mind and heart to be ruler." said Luna, "She's probably just still over slammed from the attack, she's just wanting what's best for everypony."

"Either she's overreacting from it, or she's let power get to her head. Either way, I don't care, I'm gonna go down to Nathan's place and see if I can help him and Apple Bloom. I'll see you two later."

"Farewell son."

"Be safe."

Celestia and Luna's spirits then faded as Zodiac headed out the door and locked it.

Author's Note:

Even Zodiac can't stand a pony that turns tyrant.