• Published 20th Jun 2020
  • 9,897 Views, 318 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls and the Crimson Thief - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms join forces with the Crimson Thief Carmen Sandiego to foil VILE's newest scheme

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Teacher and Pupil

April and Karai were panicking as Bellum was prepared to dissect them, “Uh, listen, Bellum,” April began nervously, “I'm no Donnie, but if you give me a minute, I can explain, as best as I can, how I got my powers. So you won't need do any dissecting! Cool?”

Bellum just chuckled, “Nice try. Now don't worry, you shall only feel a slight pinch.” she was ready to move the small buzz saw closer to the red head.

“April!” Karai cried.

Before Bellum could bring the saw any closer, a laser shot hit it right out of her hand, “What?” Bellum gasped, before hearing a familiar laugh.

“Hee-hee!” suddenly Bebop appeared, grabbed her by the hand and spun her around with a twirl, “Long time no see, Dr. B.”

Bellum looked at the mutant warthog, before giving a laugh, “Anton! My start pupil!”

Bebop smiled, before noticing the Cleaners, “Hey, Boris. Hey, Vlad.”

The two men keeping their dry expressions answered with a nod, “Zeck.” the two took their leave.

Dr. Bellum continued, “It's been so long since I've seen you, Anton.”

“I know, right?”

“Look what's become of you.” Bellum said in sympathy.

“Yeah, wouldn't be my first choice in a new look.” Bebop shrugged.

“For what it's worth, it is good to see you again.” Bellum admitted.

“Yeah. Good to see you too.” Bebop smiled, as the two kunoichi looked at each other oddly.

Meanwhile, the ninjas, Rainbooms, and thieves followed the trail leading them to Stockman's hideout, “Stockman's place.” Sunset noted.

“Of course.” Raph said dryly.

“Come on, yo!” Mikey began, “Let's get in there and...” As he grabbed hold of the door handles he ended up getting shocked before being launched back into a wall.

“Mikey!” Leo and Pinkie ran over to him.

“Are you ok?” Leo asked.

“That hurt.” Mikey groaned.

Twilight looked up seeing several security blasters on the side of the walls, while noticing electrical currents running through the doors.

“Security upgrade. Getting in there won't be easy as other times.” she said.

Donnie went to the security box, “Let's see, I think I might be able to-” Donnie was suddenly zapped himself, as he tried to hack it, “Aaahhhh!” he dropped to the ground with his body smoking.

“Donnie!” Applejack called.

“That's gotta hurt.” Zack said.

“Are you alright?” Rarity asked in concern.

Donnie groaned, “Dr. Bellum must have rigged it so it couldn't be hacked! I don't know whether to be impressed or annoyed?!”

“How are we gonna get in to save April and Karai?!” Rainbow asked the group.

The group tried to think, while Pinkie and and Mikey suddenly got an idea and nodded to each other, “Everyone stay here! We know who can deactivate Dr. B's security system!” Mikey said.

“You do?” Ivy asked curiously.

“Who would that be?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“You'll see... be back in a flash!” Pinkie answered, as they threw down some smoke bombs and vanished.

“Whoever they have in mind, they better be quick.” Fugitoid said.

“Yeah. No telling what Bellum's gonna do to them.” Carmen said in worry.

Back inside, Bebop and Bellum continued to converse, “I see you've made some modifications to my suit,” the doctor began, as she paced around looking at her former pupil, “I had hoped to give it to you as a graduation gift.”

“Hey, I got it didn't I?” Bebop shrugged.

“Anton, why did you do it?” Bellum asked in disbelief.

“VILE was meant to unlock my true potential, and you succeeded,” Bebop began, as he thought back to his days at the academy, “But stealing for one organization? Nah, there had to be more to it. So I decided to start thinking what was best for me. Working for myself to make some profit. And let me tell ya so many others were willing to pay me top dollar to steal stuff for them, even trying to out pay each other. What would you give me in return for completing my missions?”

“A roof over your head, good food, and comfort!” Bellum answered, “That is what family does!”

“Maybe so, but being out there living the life instead of in one location. That was living.”

Bellum scowled, “Anton, it was bad enough you went and betrayed VILE to go solo. Now I hear from Stockman you're out there playing the hero and turning on your own?”

Bebop frowned, “That's not your business.”

Bellum frowned back, “It is my business. You belong with me and VILE. It's where you've always belonged.” Bebop looked down, as guilt started to creep over him.

Back outside, the guys continued to wait, until Mikey and Pinkie reappeared, “We're back!” Pinkie announced.

“Bout time.” Raph replied.

“So who did you guys bring to help?” Applejack wondered.

“Just some dude who's good with electronics.” Mikey smirked.

Everyone looked, and to their surprise saw Graham running over looking out of breath, “You two gonna tell me why you needed my help?” he looked to Pinkie, “And why you dressed me up in this?” he motioned to himself, as everyone saw he was wearing his old VILE jumpsuit.

“Well, you see, two of our friends got kidnapped and taken to this place.” Mikey explained.

“Kidnapped?” Graham gasped.

Carmen spoke, “Sorry about this, but you may be the only one who can help us get in and save our friends.”

“Before the ones who kidnapped them do something terribly bad to them.” Shini added.

“Okay. So why am I dressed like this?” Graham continued.

“I thought you should look the part.” Pinkie grinned, much to Graham's confusion.

“Please. I know this is asking a lot, but we really need your help.” Carmen added.

Graham looked to Carmen, before turning to the Turtles and Fugitoid, “You're not really cosplayers, are you?”

Leo sighed, “No. We're not.”

Graham pondered, before smiling, “Well, New York is always full of crazy stuff. Count me in.”

“Really? Like that?” Twilight asked in disbelief.

“We're the good guys, aren't we?” he asked.

Carmen smiled, as did Sunset who answered, “We sure are.”

“Alright, let me see what I can do.” Graham started studying the security box and started tinkering with the controls.

The group watched him work, as Rainbow whispered to the others, “Wow, for not remembering being a thief, he still knows his field.”

Finally Graham disabled the extra security, “And, bingo!”

Applejack punched the doors down, and they rushed in, “We gotta hurry. Hopefully Bebop got here in time to help.”

Suddenly they came to a halt as they saw the Mutant VILE Trio, the Cleaners, and several Stockman Bots.

“You guys ain't going any further.” Tigress growled, while showing her claws.

“Crikey.” Graham gasped.

“Take 'em!” Leo ordered, as they split up.

Shini, Mikey, and Casey fought against the trio, while Leo and Raph went for the Cleaners, leaving the others to fight the robots.

As Leo attacked Boris, the man dodged, before grabbing a mop and fought back, “Do not underestimate the Cleaners.” he warned the turtle leader.

“How about I clean both your clocks?” Raph asked, as he attacked Vlad who used his own skills to dodge Raph's sais.

As Carmen took out one of the Stockman bots, she turned to Graham, Zack, and Ivy, “Go!” Graham taking the hint slipped past the enemies, and went on ahead with Carmen's partners.

When they arrived, they kept hidden, before seeing Bebop and Bellum still conversing. Zack noticed April and Karai, “There they are.” he whispered.

“Cover me, you two.” Grahama ordered.

“We got your back.” Ivy assured him, as he slowly crept along the ground with the sibs following.

Bellum continued speaking to Bebop, “But, I am a forgiving woman. So, I'm willing to give you a second chance, if you return to VILE.”

Bebop still feeling overwhelmed with guilt suddenly noticed Graham and the two sibs sneaking close to Karai and April, with Graham giving him a wink. Bebop renewed with confidence provided a distraction.

“Sorry, Dr. B, but you must think I'm pretty dumb, if you think I'd back to VILE just like that! Cause leaving VILE was the smartest thing I ever did! And I've seen where working for bad guys has led me. So you can take your offer and stuff it in your lab coat pocket, cause I ain't never going back to VILE!” he squealed.

Dr. Bellum had walked to him with her head down, “I understand...”

Suddenly, Bebop was shocked and dropped to the ground, “Bebop!” the two kunoichi's cried. Until Graham came up behind April's table.

Bebop groaned, as he clutched his side, while looking up at Dr. Bellum who had been holding a crackle rod.

“Such a disappointment. It would appear I shall have to mind wipe you after all.” The doc took out a mind helmet.

As Bebop struggled to get up, he spoke to her, “You know, Dr. B, you're a smart girl. But even smart people can slip up.”

“And why do you say that?” Bellum asked curiously, while unaware Graham had freed April and Karai, while Zack and Ivy returned their weapons.

“Cause I was distracting you this whole time! Right, ladies?”

Dr. Bellum whipped around and was met with two kunouichi's fists, and they punched her back, making her drop the helmet.

“Booyakasha!” April and Karai announced.

“Wow. Michelangelo's right. It is fun to yell.” Karai admitted.

Bellum frowned, and was ready to attack, until Bebop got up and called, “Shamone!” he launched an energy mohawk at her knocking her to the floor.

Bellum looked at her former pupil seeing him stand tall and proud, “They... grow up... so fast... Ugh!” she groaned.

Suddenly flying down the hall and crashing was the Cleaners and Mutant operatives, “We had them on the run, but that nerd girl used her power and flung us all back.” Tigress groaned.

The heroes arrived with Pinkie holding some Stockman Bot parts, “Is the party too late?” Pinkie asked.

“Nah, girl. You're here just in time.” Bebop answered.

Bellum frowned, and activated a remote summoning Tricera-Bots, “Alright, round two.” Rainbow said eagerly.

The ninjas and Rainbooms took off attacking the robot dinosaurs, as the Mutant trio resumed fighting. April used her psychic powers to make the robots turn their blasters on each other and take themselves out.

“That felt good.” April told herself.

Karai nodded, before turning to Bellum still armed with a crackle rod, “My turn!” she shifted into her snake mode and went for her.

“My goodness!” Bellum gasped, as she tried to his the snake girl with the rod, only for Karai to knock it out of her hand.

“Now see what it's like to get bitten.” Karai tried to bite her with her snake head hands, only for Le Chevre and El Topo to block her.

“Now you get the horns!” Le Chevre rammed Karai backward, but the snake girl coiled around the goat man and tightened her grip until he passed out.

El Topo turned to the faculty member, “Doctor, we better take off while we can.”

Dr. Bellum scowled, and sighed, “You're right,” she turned to Bebop and addressed him, “Goodbye, Anton. When next we meet it won't be as student and teacher.”

“Until then.” Vlad said, as Boris grabbed Le Chevre, and Tigress landed by them. The Cleaners tossed a flash bomb blinding the group allowing the villains to make their escape.

Graham turned to Bebop and spoke, “That was some messed up teacher you had there, mate.”

“You got that right, man.” Bebop answered.

“So, um, name's Graham. And you are?”

“Anton Zeck. But you can call me Bebop.”

“Well, Bebop, nice to meet ya.” Graham said, as they shook hands.

“Likewise. And thanks for saving my homies.”

“You're welcome. And thanks for the distraction.” the two smiled, as the group left the lab.

Once they got away from Stockman's lab, Graham spoke, “Well, I better get going. It's been a long night.”

“Graham, you won't tell anybody about my mutant friends, will you?” Carmen asked in concern.

“Not to worry. I'd never rat out a friend. You guys are all right by me.” he told the turtles and Bebop.

“Thanks, Graham.” Leo replied.

“You truly have honor.” Rarity admired.

“Thanks. Well, see ya.” Graham took off.

As he left, Bebop looked a little down, which didn't go unnoticed by Fluttershy, “Bebop, are you okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, I'm good,” Bebop answered with a sigh, “It's just that...” he took out a picture of himself when he was human and Graham when he was Crackle, “Crackle and me were buds back in the academy.”

“You really were friends?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah. He was pretty much the only real friend I had when I was at VILE,” he confessed, “But since Dr. B mind wiped him, he's never gonna remember all that.” he looked down.

Carmen laid a hand on him grabbing his attention, “He was my friend at the academy too. And I got mixed feelings when I saw him again. But you know, you've still got one friend from the academy.” she winked.

Bebop smiled, “Thanks, Carm.”

“And it's not just her, Bebop,” Sunset said, “You have new friends now in all of us.” she motioned to the rest of the group.

“And we're not just friends. We're a family.” Applejack added. Bebop smiled, as the whole group gathered around him from both sides in a group hug.

Shadowsan appeared, “So it appears you all succeeded.”

“Shadowsan, where were you?” Carmen asked.

“Yeah, we lost sight of you while in pursuit of the Cleaners.” Leo noted.

“Let me just say I had my hunches Michelangelo and Pinkie Pie were planning on brining Mr. Graham in to help infiltrate Stockman's lab. I did not want my appearance to possibly reawaken any hidden memories within him at the time. Why else would I have kept my face away from his sight at Murakami's?”

“Makes sense.” Donnie admitted.

“But it didn't look like being close to Bellum or any of the others triggered anything.” Twilight noted.

“Probably because he wouldn't recognize his old classmates with those hairy faces.” Ivy replied.

“Come on, team. Let's go.” Leo said, as they headed back to the lair.

Later on, Bellum and Stockman were seated with the rest of the Faculty, who did not look too pleased, “What have you to report?” Maelstrom inquired.

“Well, first off let me just say it's an honor to be sitting with all of you here.” Stockman began, until Cleo spoke up.

“Today, Stockman!”

Stockman nervously gulped before speaking, “Right. So the mutagen is all ready. It's prepped and ready to be administered.”

“I can confirm on that.” Bellum assured her fellow faculty members.

“But I will need files on all your best operatives to determine what DNA to combine with them.” Stockman noted.

“You're asking us to hand you classified data on our most skilled operatives?” Maelstrom asked while squinting.

“If you wish for me to perfectly suit your operatives with the right type of DNA, I'll need to know more about them inside and out.” Stockman answered.

“How do we know you won't keep those files for yourself?” Brunt asked suspiciously.

“Coach, what use could I have with keeping such files?” Stockman asked rhetorically, “I am a scientist, not an investigator.”

“I concur,” Bellum agreed, “The only way to properly see our operatives work at their peak with their mutated DNA is if Stockman knows them the way we do.”

The three faculty members looked reluctant, before Maelstrom sighed, “Very well, we'll send you the files.”

“Thank you.”

“Hey. Hola? Perdoneme?” a female voice asked, speaking in Spanish. The Faculty and Stockman turned to see a teenage latino girl waitress with short dark brown hair, and holding a coffee pot. Her name tag read 'Gabrielle', "Are you weirdos gonna order something or just loiter around here all day?" She asked, while impatiently drumming her fingers on the table. As it turned out, the group of adults were seated at a diner in the city.

Brunt held up her mug, “Top me off, sugar pie.”

“I'll take some too.” Stockman added.

The waitress filled their mugs and left. With her gone, Cleo spoke, “And what to do about the Turtles and the Rainbooms?”

“Not to worry, Countess,” Bellum replied, “Stockman, has working on something special for each of us.”

“And how soon until they are ready?” Maelstrom asked.

“Give me a day and they'll be fully ready.” Stockman promised.

“We'll hold ya to it, Stockman.” Brunt said.

“Should this work, Stockman. You may be finding yourself sitting at the Faculty's side.” Maelstrom smirked.

Stockman smirked, “Professor, you can count on me.” he took a sip of his coffee, before snickering.

Author's Note:

The waitress at the diner, Gabrielle or Gabby for short was a character from the Mirage TMNT comics, where she was a waitress and Casey Jones' wife. She was Caucasian in the comics but here she is Hispanic American.