• Published 20th Jun 2020
  • 9,859 Views, 318 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls and the Crimson Thief - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms join forces with the Crimson Thief Carmen Sandiego to foil VILE's newest scheme

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Mutagen Looting

As the Mutanimals, Keno, and Shini were at TCRI dealing with three of Carmen's former classmates at VILE, Bebop, Rocksteady, and Fugitoid were currently following some Mousers out in the city.

“You two have small robots in sight?” Rocksteady asked his partner and Fugitoid.

“Oh, yeah, baby Ivan,” Bebop answered, “Right on their trail.

“Then we best pick up the pace or we might lose them.” Fugitoid suggested, as they hurried.

The three stopped seeing several Mousers entering a warehouse, “They're in there.” Fugitoid spotted.

“They're gonna find mutagen in there?” Rocksteady asked while rubbing his head in confusion.

“Could be another abandoned Kraang lab. You know they always leave plenty of mutagen there.” Bebop suspected.

“Let's go.” Fugitoid said, as they got closer.

Inside the warehouse, several Mousers were uncovering a hidden stash of mutagen. Before they could escape, the trio busted in, “We got the mousies cornered.” Rocksteady said confidently.

“Nowhere to go now, boys.” Bebop told the Mousers who hissed.

“Surrender the mutagen!” Fugitoid ordered.

Suddenly Stockman's laugh echoed around them, “You're talking as if my Mousers are meant to know when to give up,” The three armed themselves, until Stockman stepped into the light, “Sadly they aren't programmed to surrender. Steranko. Zeck.” he greeted the two.

“Stockman.” the two responded stoically.

“So the rumors are true. The both of you have gone soft,” Stockman mocked them, “What would Shredder say if he saw you two fighting along side his greatest enemies?”

“What's it to you?” Bebop snorted.

“Da. Is not like you still part of Foot.” Rocksteady reminded him.

“Maybe not, but at least I'm still doing what I do best.” the scientist replied.

“Hard to call yourself the best when you fail at every heist.” Fugitoid sassed him.

Stockman frowned, “Never the less, taking out you three will be an added bonus once I deliver this mutagen to the VILE Faculty.”

“Are you so desperate for money you're getting involved with a criminal organization?” Bebop asked rhetorically.

“The money is just only part of what I'm after,” Stockman began, “If I can make very good on my word I just may fill in their empty seat and become one of them. Then I'll really have some respect... Well, at least in the criminal underworld. But it's a step up.”

“Well, we're sorry to disappoint you, Stockman, but we're not going to let that happen.” Fugitoid warned him.

“We'll see about that,” Stockman said, as his Stockman-Bots arrived, “Attack!”

The Stockman-Bots opened fire on the three who split up, “Rocksteady's gonna rock ya!” Rocksteady rammed some Stockman-Bots before grabbing an empty crate and tossed it at them.

Bebop danced around firing lasers from his gloves and hips, “Hee-hee! Wow!” he slid around taking out more of the Stockman-Bots.

Fugitoid blasted some of the Stockman-Bots, before facing the Mousers. One jumped at him and clamped onto his arm, “Oh! Get off me!” he swung his arm around trying to get it to let go, before slamming it constantly into a wall breaking it. As more Mousers jumped at Fugitoid he dodged them and began shooting at them.

Stockman frowned, as his robots were being taken out, “Ok. You've forced my hand. Now you shall deal with my most powerful creations yet.” he clicked on a remote.

Suddenly the wall of the warehouse was punched in creating a hole in the wall. The three looked and saw marching into the building were more robots, but to the three heroes shock, they looked like Triceratons.

“What the what?” Bebop asked in surprise.

“Oh, my.” Fugitoid gasped.

“What is this?” Rocksteady asked.

“Behold, my newest creations, the Cyber-Triceratons!” Stockman laughed.

“You've created robot Triceratons?!” Fugitoid asked in shock.

“Oh, yes. The Kraang while allies to us relied on intelligence for the most. The Triceratons had brute strength which I decided to adapt to my robots.” Stockman explained sinisterly.

“How would even know about them?” Bebop asked, “You weren't even with us when we tried fighting them off in Washington Square.”

“True, I didn't accompany you guys and the Shredder that night, but I secretly sent some Mousers into the city to study their movements, strengths, and everything. It took me months to create a single one, what with balancing my work with healing Shredder and perfecting the super mutagen. But now you see before you the end result of months of hard work.”

“This is not going to be pretty.” Fugitoid feared.

“Get them!” Stockman ordered, and the Cyber Triceratons, charged.

Rocksteady roared as he charged at a single robot Tirceraton and fought it head on matching it in strength. Bebop jumped and slid around using his lasers, but they alone weren't enough to slow them down.

"How about a little glue, dude?" Bebop fired glue at the robots feet, but to his shock, they were strong enough to pull their feet free of the adhesive, "Oh, snap!" the Cyber-Triceratons pulled out their blasters and started shooting at him.

Bebop dodged the shots for his life while formulating a plan, “Alright, let's see how ya like this!” Bebop jumped up and used an energy mohawk attack on one distorting it. Fugitoid was running around blasting at the robot dinosaur men while avoiding getting smashed.

“Oh, if only Mozar and Zanmoran could see this. I imagine they'd be very thrilled or insulted by this.” the cyborg ended getting swatted aside and rolled across the floor.

“Come, comrades, we must not give up!” Rocksteady roared, as he pulled out his gatling gun and opened fire on several Cyber Triceraton's slowing them down.

“I got new move for ya!” Bebop said as he jumped around sticking devices on some of the Cyber Triceratons. He landed on the floor and clicked a button on his belt and suddenly the devices activated and like magnets started pulling the Cyber Triceratons he tagged together. Upon colliding they ended up damaging themselves.

“We got them on the ropes now, boys!” Fugitoid cheered, as he activated his jets and flew around shooting at them from above. This distracted them so Rocksteady could charge at more of them nailing them into the walls.

Bebop suddenly spotted Stockman making off with a bag of what he assumed was mutagen canisters, “Yo, I don't think so!” he fired a laser at the bag putting a tear in it resulting it the canisters falling out of the bag, much to Stockman's dismay.

“No-no-no!” Stockman cried as he tried to gather up some canisters, but could only hold five in his arms.

As Bebop ran to stop Stockman. The mad genius threw a metal ball that released a blinding light, allowing him to slip away. When Bebop got his vision back he saw Stockman was gone, looked to see Rocksteady and Fugitoid just finishing the rest of the Cyber Triceratons off.

Rocksteady panted, while putting his gatling gun down, “That was super tough fight, even for me.”

“I know. Fighting Kraang is one thing, but Triceratons, especially robot ones are even tougher.” Fugitoid admitted.

“Comrade Bebop, where is Stockman?” Rocksteady asked.

“He got away. But good news is he didn't get away with too much mutagen.”

“Well, we still have to make sure he doesn't get any more.” Fugitoid said, as he started packing the rest of the mutagen in a container in case Stockman or any of his bots decided to come back for the rest.

“I feel ya Fuge, so what do we do?” Bebop asked.

“Let's rendezvous with turtle friends.” Rocksteady suggested.

“Agreed, come on!” Fugitoid agreed, as they headed off.