• Member Since 11th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Emeral Bookwise

A lonely pony amidst the darkness, ever longing for companions to share the night with.


Lost and alone in the Everfree Forest, the showmare known as The Great & Powerful Trixie is beset upon by monsters only to find herself even more lost, and worse still, in a world not her own. Can she find her way home? Is there even anything she cares about going back to?

Perhaps this unexpected turn of events is exactly what the out of luck performer needed to make a fresh start.

This Crossover will feature elements drawn from both Doctor Who and Harry Potter.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 54 )

I'm kind of disappointed that in order to play fair with any potential readers and clue them into the type of story I'm telling I pretty much had to in the summary window spoil some of what would otherwise be the the big reveals of the next chapter. Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this first chapter and are eager for more, because I'm already writing the next chapter and would hate to learn that I've already bored and disinterested everyone.

Also, specially thanks goes out to Mally who so kindly offered his services to proof read this story to endure it's readability.

I'm glad I came into this "cold", since the spectre of previous experiences with cross-overs might have scared me off. I'm skittish like that.

Nice and suspenseful. I look forward to seeing what further hi-jinks our magical blue monomaniac gets up to.

And you've got a real flair for internal dialogue layered with self-justification, you know? Which does not really sound like a compliment, now I look at it....

The Verbose & Magnanimous Bookwise finds it curiously congenial that of all his numerable adoring fans you were the first to read (or at least comment upon) this latest magnum opus of literary excellence.

It gratifies The Verbose & Magnanimous Bookwise that this crossover eclipsed all of your previous unpleasantries with the genre.

Not to spoil the splendiferous surprises yet to come, but The Verbose & Magnanimous Bookwise would presume to assure you that hijinks shall most undoubtedly abound.

Bookwise would also like to assure you that his Verbose & Magnanimous self takes your ascertation of his particular vernacular "flair" as nothing short of the utmost and forthright accolade, and does not see how anyone could rightly recognize it otherwise.

So... it's on hiatus after one chapter? I'm confused here. :rainbowhuh:

Before I even started reading, here is my thought process.
"Trixie? Okay, gotta try this. Doctor Who? Hell yea! Wait...
*Instant thumbs up*

Doh! :facehoof:

I may have only just published it today, but this story has pretty much been sitting on my account FOREVER. I did stop working on it for a period of time, but should have remembered to toggle it back when submitting it. :twilightoops:

Now, after reading, my thought process is this.
"Go Trixie! Now I want more. YOU HEAR ME? MOAR!"
God. Nothing is as scary as the best pony almost getting touched by weeping Pegasi.
I can only imagine what kind of reaction the Doctor would have with Trixie. Sure, there have been many Trixie and The Doctor fics, but they are either Romance (I don't view the Doctor as the type that would settle down) or just badly written. But your story seems to be well-written so far, so I look forward to your next chapter!

Comment posted by ColdGoldLazarus deleted Jul 6th, 2013

I submitted it this mourning (some 16 hours ago); you hadn't made any such promise at that time, and I wasn't going to pull it out of the queue. Sorry if that's a problem

Anyway, that's a ton of errors for Mally to miss; might have to dock his pay or something.

1586520 Ah, okay. And I guess it's okay.

:rainbowlaugh: But he's not getting paid!
...I think. :rainbowderp:

I pay him exactly as much as I pay you... with my boundless gratitude and unending thanks.

... :applejackunsure:

Guess that means that any way you look, docking his pay is meaningless. It has zero physical value and any fraction of zero is still zero. At the same time though, it has an immeasurable emotional value (because the gratitude/thanks is boundless/unending) and any fraction of infinity is still infinite.

Anyway, editorial advice heeded, ignored, or modified as my so-call artistic whims dictated.

1583853 Dammit. It feels like you put more more thought into that comment than I did during the intervening time at work.

...and yeah, I was wrestling fibre directors and punching firewalls in the face. I can't even dress that up an manual labour.

1586714 That works. :twilightsheepish:

Alright, though do you mean 'heeded' instead of 'headed'? :P

... This horror reminded me of SCP... I got nightmares from it the following night... I'm still reading this.

Good to see this go up. Reminds me I still need to go over Chapter 2. Luckily, now that I'm done with the beast that is Background Pony, and midterms are over with, my time is much more open, so I'll likely bludgeon you over the head with a list of errors soon.

Is your avi a ponified George Lucas? cause thats who it reminds me of...
You just had to pick the most Eldridge freeking monsters from DW, didnt you!?
Wait didnt she look it in the eyes?........ oh balls. :twilightoops:

1624075 It's the ponified version of John Goodman as Walter Sobchak in "The Big Lebowski", cut directly out of the background of "The Cutie Pox" from season 2.


It's one of my favourites, but "The Big Lebowski" is NOT a children's movie. And they snuck it in anyway... :pinkiegasp:

...and that's when I knew I was lost to Bronidom.

But, ugh, George Lucas? I feel dirty...



Heh sorry about that, you havta admit it looks a little bit like em though.
Here take these to scrub yourself with. :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

1624148 Well, there is resemblance, especially if you mistake the green in the background for mountains of money.

...but I think I'll leave Spike out of this. He doesn't deserve to be a loofah.

A Harry Potter crossover starring Trixie. Please tell me Dobby will be somewhere in this fanfic, if for no other reason then that a conversation between the two would be quite amusing...

I agree, and he's probably my favorite character (that the movies mostly cut him out has always been a major disappointment to me). Regrettably though, this crossover will be be set after the events of the 7th book, so... :unsuresweetie:


Ah. Pity, I was hoping it was a different timeframe. I've had "Dobby In Equestria" in my own list of plot ideas for a good while, but I doubt I'm ever doing it... :twilightsmile:

Alright, well that was interesting. I liked how you wrote Trixie in this; the perfect combination of 'slightly up herself showmare' with... Hrrrmmm... I can't think of the word... not 'relatability'...

Well, still, I want to read more of this, like it and favourite it, so you're doing several somethings right. :twilightsmile:

Soo... just wondering on how this story is still going. Decided to check up on my favourite stories and this here is one of em. Sad to say that a few of my favourited stories have MIA authors and a few cancelled :applejackunsure:

Wow! Has it really been over 7 months since I posted this?

Not only that, but I've still got at least one loyal fan that wants more. I feel absolutely terrible. The even sadder thing is that the next chapter was actually almost complete before I got distracted by other stuff. I'll see if I can get that finished up in the next week or so.

No promises, but please do feel free to remind me again if I miss that deadline.

Thanks for the poke. The chapter is with my editor now and will be posted as soon as all grammar, spelling, and what other not corrections are made.

Well, I'm excited. Hopefully stuff will happen, and things will happen too. Anyways, are you like Zervziel? I waited months for them to start updating their story again, but they didn't even think about it until I asked them.

is used to inspiring shocked aw

1. Isn't it Awe?

Huzzah! It's updated! And here I thought I would need to poke bi-monthly :p Also, you hit the featured box with this update too. Also, what makes you think I'm a he?:trollestia:

I can also remember Hagrid's voice. Ahh, the nostalgia... Though this does make me wonder at the moment, at which point in time she entered their universe and... actually, she would most likely be possibly around Harry's and the gangs age to possibly fit in better with it, though of course like before, when would be the key answer.

I never actually forgot about this fic, I just lost track of how long I'd been neglecting it. :facehoof:


1. Isn't it Awe?

Yes it is, thanks.

Oh, and sorry for any gender confusion. The adult male demographic for MLP gets bandied about so much in this fandom, that sometimes it's easy to forget are other fans as well. Although, I was also always trained in English class to default to male pronouns when gender is uncertain. Either way though, sorry for the false presumption. :twilightsheepish:

2816127 I was actually kidding. Didn't notice the :trollestia:? :derpytongue2:

Now you're just being mean, maybe I should just call you an "it" instead and see how you like that. :derpytongue2: :trollestia: :moustache:

Glad to see this up, and I was glad I could be of service! Also, you're featured right now! :pinkiehappy:

2816183 Yes, "It" seems like the most appropriate term :derpytongue2:

It's not really hard to get into the feature box now days. This update hit it within the first four readers while there were still zero new comments or favs. I won't be impressed unless I'm still there after my fic has scrolled out of the latest updates list.

Doctor Who...and Harry Potter. This can't be bad.

...damn you. Damn you and your Tartarus-damned weeping angels. Just... damn those things are creepy.

But seriously, I like the story. I shall continue to read it.

...damned angels...

When Hagrid identified himself all I could think was "No. Fucking. Way!" :rainbowlaugh: And Weeping Angels. This story could be very very good or bad depending on how things go from here. I have high hopes for this fic though.

2816281 2816582
Hope I can live up to the expectations.

I swear, someone else gave me nearly this exact same statement back in Ch1. I can't seem to find it anymore though. Maybe it was by PM? Anyway, I took it as something of a compliment back then that I'd made effective use of the monsters, and I'll choose to take it as such again.

Oh sweet! It updated, yay! :pinkiesmile:

I'm not really into Harry Potter stuff, so this is an interesting fic for me. Plus, it means my ability to suspend my disbelief will be much easier, so I'll be able to focus on the actual story. Yay! :twilightsmile:

Anyway, I trust you to get this stuff right. I am going to enjoy this story! :pinkiehappy:

Hot damn you updated! I hope you don't update in a few months again:heart:

This story, IT IS GLORIOUS!
Please update soon!

I was totally in the mindset that this was a DR.Who crossover with the moving angels, so a bit confused when Hagrid was introduced XD

Haha, this is awesome work, can't wait to read more :D

Please tell me you're working on this.

Yes, but not as much as I should be. Still, it's requests like these that help remind me that there are peopel eager for more. So thanks for nagging me.

3309248 The pleasure is mine. And good luck!

Oh, wow. I only yesterday read a MLP/HP fic. Only that one didn't feature best pony as the main character. I hope to see more of this.

Also, Weeping Angels. :pinkiecrazy: Don't blink.

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