• ...

The More, the Merrier

The four heroes, as they were now, gathered together outside the building, which Starswirl noticed bore the legend BOMBAY BEACH OPERA HOUSE, and began to make their plan. "We need to continue heading east," Starswirl urged. "If my research is anything to consider about this situation, we should find Mage Meadowbrook in the place the humans call Lousie Annie. Quite why she is lousy is unclear, but that's besides the point. We need to plot a new route to get there, and along the way discuss tactics."

"Agreed," Somnambula noted. "I can take to the sky and provide aerial reconnaissance. What about you, Flash?"

"This may sound unlike me, but I'm sticking to the ground," Flash replied. "My wings still feel a bit wonky. No harm meant to either of you, but I pretty beat up in that fight."

"I think I have a suggestion of a route to take," Mistmane interjected, and showed them a map. This map routed them through all sorts of interesting places and brought them out in some strange place far away from here.

"OK," Starswirl smiled. "Let's give that route a try and see what happens. Off we go!"

And indeed they did. Upon checking rations were correctly secured, and supplies were in storage, ready for movement, they set off upon their way. Leaving this place behind, they started by heading north (as Starswirl's compass told them so), and not long after heading to the north, they turned left, and then to the right, after which they walked for quite a long time and then turned to the right once again. Or rather they merged into a road that was already there and this merging process happened to take them to the right, but such nitpicking is a pointless exercise in most cases. The team then passed through an area of land that had apparently been scorched by fire, much of the sand and ground still blackened by fire.

Flash took one look at it and closed his eyes, walking onwards as best he could. Seeing a place scorched like this was bringing back unpleasant memories. Thankfully, Somnambula took some time to comfort him, which was fortuitous as they headed into a place that sounded Neighiptian in name, but didn't look it in any way, shape, or form. They continued on the road, before turning right. Then they turned left, and continued onto another road. Then they continued straight for a while, merged onto another road, and then took the last remaining miles through this state. Less than a mile before the border, they stopped, Flash wanting to speak to them.

"Have you been encountering ponies along the way?" he asked.

"Yes," Starswirl said. "We have. However, we were able to evade capture in Edmonton by Project 722 forces, who then levelled the town in retaliation, and avoided capture by several samurai, who Mistmane bested in a dual. Our most recent effort was defrosting a hotel caught in ice. That was shortly before we came here."

"What did you do with them? When we encounter that Sphynx again I want only one thing; its death."

"There is reason to be cautious," Mistmane told him. "The Sphynx may not be acting of its own free will."

"It seemed to be having a ball when it tore through the Legion," Flash replied bitterly. "You really have no idea what Project 722 have been up to, do you? They've been testing tech designed to be used against us, and equipment based on pony magic and technology, on humans. They don't deserve redemption. They only thing they deserve is a quick death."

Mistmane lit her horn. "I would advise against such foolishness," she warned. "There is always more to a situation than meets the eye."

Flash smiled, and raised his shield, Invictus. "I'm ready for you, unicorn. Any day, any time. I know that forgiveness is a wonderful thing, but apologies if I lack any sympathy for the people who BUTCHERED MY ENTIRE FUCKING UNIT!"

Starswirl stepped in before things turned nasty. "I would suggest that we stop fighting one another and focus on facing this threat. Our strength comes from working together, not pulling apart, and our enemies still surround us!"

Flash looked over, and lowered his shield. "Noted. But don't be surprised if I feel little sympathy for any of them."

Mistmane switched her horn off. "I suggest we proceed."

Somnambula landed to talk to Flash. "I know you're hurting inside," she said, "but you need to let go of all this anger. It's not good for you, and anger only destroys everypony you know and love, and including yourself."

"They still don't get it, do they?" Flash asked. "They have no idea how much danger we're in!"

"And they may learn it the hard way," Somnambula noted. "We must continue on our way."

Flash nodded as Somnambula took off once more, and he himself continued to walk slowly towards the big sign with a symbol of a yellow and red sun on it. After crossing over a river on a bridge (which was not over the river Kwai), the sign loudly proclaimed WELCOME TO ARIZONA. They crossed the sign boundary and found themselves in a new state, a state of being, if you will. They passed through a place, and ascended over a mountain pass. Before long, they found themselves walking through a large, featureless desert characterized by sand, flat things, and the odd saguaro.

"It's hot down here," Starswirl sighed. "I could do with some water, to be honest."

"Your beard would make a good water catcher, when it does rain," Somnambula joked.

After taking two stops to fill up and replenish water supplies, as well as a quick shot of a Cloudsdale military substance called 'Gatorade' (nopony had any idea why), they continued on their dour way. They took an exit and went down a street, before joining another road and taking a turning, and crossing a river. After this river crossing was completed, they turned right and merged onto another road. As they approached a set of glimmering lights in the fading sun, the desert slowly gave way to concrete buildings and small plots as they took a series of exits, and merged onto another road before two left turns. They had at last arrived where they were staying, and went indoors, Flash having to remove most of his equipment to avoid setting off the metal detector.

Little did they realize that a being had been watching them. A massive creature that had purple fur and inner fur in a stripe that was of a lighter shade. Attached to the right foreleg was a purple amulet, and on the left a golden one. It wore an elaborate golden headdress, a gold and black collar around its neck, and golden earrings in its ears. Its bronze eyes glared down menacingly. It also had the face of a humanoid, the legs and many features of a cat, and a purple tail that swished about.

It laughed. "So, they managed to escape the Opera House, eh?" it said. "Well, tomorrow won't be quite so easy. They shall fear the power of the Sphynx."

Author's Note:

So apparently..... the Sphinx (or Sphynx, depending on one's spelling. :P) is alive.... that can't be good though.

Anyways..... our heroes by this point have finally left The Golden State of California behind and have crossed into The Grand Canyon State of..... Arizona! :D :yay:

Next time: An encounter with an old foe.....