• ...

We got a Battleship...

"What are you doing now, Stygian?" Rockhoof grumbled, as he hauled himself out into the sunlight.

"I thought it would be worth it, given the historical significance of this area, to keep both an image and historical record of this place," Stygian replied, manipulating a quill using his magic. "I may even go and write a song about this area, if the inspiration comes to me."

"What gives you the idea for a song?" Somnambula asked. "Although you have been our strategist and bard for a very long time, I have never asked you what your process is."

"It's rather funny, really," Stygian said. "I sometimes get inspiration in the strangest of places. That song you heard when you arrived at Hayseed Swamp? I had the idea for that one in the bath. Writing down my ideas before I forgot them was quite challenging!"

"I don't write anywhere near as fast," Starswirl admitted, "but I will say right now that recording lots of information over a short period is quite difficult." He illuminated his journal and gave it a look. "This has been a work in progress for several years."

"Anyway," Flash interrupted, looking at the sun. "What are we doing today? Continuing our journey to this Maxwell place? That seems like a sensible place to go. After all, it's where we were told to go."

Mistmane turned and looked at them. "Seeing as this could be our last chance," she said, "before... well, I have a feeling-"

"That tonight's going to be a good night?" Stygian said quickly.

"-That this could be our last chance to socialize before whatever struggle faces us." Mistmane's face was deadly serious. "To this end, I suggest we spend a day looking around this place."

Stygian's face lit up. "A chance to collect information across the area? This sounds perfect! Count me in, Mistmane."

Meadowbrook looked confused. "If they were constantly pausin' ta look at stuff, no longer it took so long fer them ta get here."

"Aye," Rockhoof sighed. "I, for one, have a score to settle with the Pony of Shadows."

"I think we all do," Starswirl told them. "He has taken something from each of us. But at the same time it would not be unwise to take a break. To this end, I fully support Mistmane's endeavor. Lead the way, O Eastern Mage, and let us go into new lands afar! What did you say this strange place was called?"


"As in the portable communications device humans use?" Somnambula asked.

"Yes, but pronounced 'Mow- beel'," Mistmane explained.

"Pronounced 'Mow- beel'," Stygian noted, writing it down in his book for future reference.

"Shall we proceed on our way?" Starswirl asked. "There is not a moment to waste, and I fear this day will not get any cooler, I'll wager."

There was much nodding in agreement, and at long last our seven heroes set off into the distance, with much to do and say as they went on their merry way.

They had started outside the place they were staying in this strange town, and then began to head towards the south, being the place that they intended to go to in all intents and purposes. After heading south for a while, they turned to the right, followed by a left, and then a left, and then another left (lots of left turns in this place, eh?), before suddenly entering a tunnel (but not squeaking through any funnels as that would be silly, for they didn't have funnels and thus squeaking through a funnel would make absolutely no sense at all). They soon emerged from the other side of the tunnel, and then turned to a slight right in the road, before keeping left. They then joined an old road, very old indeed, before taking another right and finding themselves in front of a very old and very big boat, that was painted grey and floating in a drydock.

"A very large grey thing," Stygian noted. "What is this object? Do humans use it for things?"

"Yes, normally to blow things up," Rockhoof noted. "Imagine being on the receiving end of that!"

"Scarcely bears thinking about," Flash said. "And trust me, having flown through heavy flak fire, I should know."

The seven boarded the vessel and began to look around. There were many decks and lots of things to look at. But partway through, whilst looking at a monitor, a strange grey shape manifested itself on it, and began to project until the very visage of the Pony of Shadows himself was formed.

"Pillars, hear me!" he said. "I am the Pony of Shadows, the Lord of Chaos, the Lash of the Primordial Darkness! You and your fellow Pillars are cowards! Lowly lickspittles! You must be emulating those wastes of flesh you call Princesses, for you are as feeble and useless as them! I am ripping this world asunder, and yet you do nothing! I see you hiding in this world inside this cozy exhibit, weak and pathetic. I am here, in this world. FACE ME, IF YOU DARE!"

Just as suddenly as the image had appeared, it vanished, and the radar screen was back. "Did any of you see what I just saw?" Rockhoof asked. "Because I'm pretty certain I just saw the Pony of Shadows projecting onto a screen inside an ancient object."

"You're not the only one who sees it," Starswirl said grimly. "Make no mistake, his evil has worked its way into the entire world through his villainous influence. And it will take all our power to stop him, given his strong he is now."

Stygian shuddered. "If that possession was him in a severely weakened state, and he flattened most of Hayseed Swamp whilst controlling me, how powerful must he be now?"


As the Pillars left, they saw a group of sailors heading towards the ship, many of whom seemed to have tools and other equipment. Another was a lorry loaded with fuel oil, according to the notice on the side. What was going on?

Author's Note:

Ah.... the U.S.S. Alabama. :) Man.... I remember seeing and going on that Battleship, along with visiting Battleship Memorial Park, back during the mid 2000's or so when me and my family went down to Mobile to visit some people we knew there. :)

And heck... it was quite an interesting experience even though your boy is still a hardcore railfan for life. X3

Anyways... next chapter shall arrive next week by the following date: Wednesday January 19th, 2022. :)