• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 4,981 Views, 189 Comments

Back to Normal, No - Revanius

Desperate not to be alone Sunset does something she never wanted to do, lie

  • ...

Chapter 10

"Nope I can't do this," Sunset said turning to start the jeep back up. "Let's skip school today, it's just the first day back we never do anything the first day back."

Sunset had been anxious about the return to Canterlot High School since she woke up and had grown progressively more so the closer she got to the school. Trixie had tried to be supportive though it hadn't amounted to much as Sunset was still nervous about seeing the Rainbooms. Trixie herself had some concerns that Sunset would not be able to avoid them if she saw them again, but she would try to do what she could for her friend.

Before Sunset could grab the keys Trixie snatched them from the car pocketing them. "Come on it'll be okay. Promise." Trixie said locking the jeep.

It was still early in the morning so the school ground was largely empty except for some of the other students that drove there, the rest wouldn't arrive for nearly an hour. Despite that Sunset was still looking around like they would be attacked.
Then they fell on one spot in particular and she froze eyes widening slightly, Trixie followed her gaze to where her friend was looking, it was them.

Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash were sitting by the main steps near the entrance to the school and while they did not look as chipper as usual they were still talking and smiling easily together. Pinkie said something funny to the others and they started laughing, Rainbow Dash glanced their way, her laugh dieing when she saw Sunset and Trixie and quickly pointed them out to the others. Applejack tried to wave them over and Sunset raised a hand to respond but Trixie grabbed the rising hand drawing Sunset's attention away from the Rainbooms.

"There's a free spot near the wall if you want to sit down and relax." Trixie pointed out. "They won't bother us over there and Trixie needs her morning coffee." She held up the bag of donuts and coffee they had gotten on the way to school.

"Sure," Sunset said looking back to where the Rainbooms were gathered, Trixie gently pulled on her hand leading her away. A large part of Sunset still wanted to be with them, to find a way to be their friend, even if she had to further compromise herself to do so. It would be worth it to go back to the way things were before Anon-A-Miss, to have that peace that came with being their friend. But another part of her told her that was not right and to listen to Twilight's advice, find friends she didn't have to lie to, that couldn't be too hard.

Looking around the courtyard she could see there were only a few students and nearly all had their eyes on her, she could feel their total and absolute loathing towards her causing her to shiver. That alone was cause for concern but the fact she had yet to see Lightning Dust or the bully boys she had encountered on Christmas. As they walked over to the wall one of the few students not glaring at her, Roseluck, passed by though she her nose up when Sunset tried to wave.

"Right, no one at the school likes you cause they all think you spilled their secrets to everyone at the school and beyond." She thought. "Finding someone who's connection you haven't already ruined will be difficult."

She groaned at her situation as they sat down. "It's going to be pretty hard to find friends at this school after everything I've done and admitted to. It's kinda funny really, I knew I was killing any little trust I had at this school when I told my friends that I was Anon-A-Miss, but I told myself that as long as I had them it didn't matter. But now I'm supposed to avoid my friends and make new ones While the entire school hates me."

"I'm sure not the entire school," Trixie said taking a sip of her coffee. "I don't hate you and I think there are a few others who would be willing to be friends if you tried."

Sunset gave a humorless laugh. "If the way people were before the break and going by their faces now I doubt there are any who want to be my friend besides you now." She paused as an idea came to her. "Though maybe if I did something to prove to the school that I want to put this behind us all then maybe someone will want to be friends and the rest won't bother me as much about Anon-A-Miss." She turned to her friend. "Your good with grand gestures, you got any ideas?"

"Yeah, don't do anything," Trixie suggested, taking a bite from her donut.

"What?" Sunset asked.

"What I just said, don't do anything to prove yourself to the school. You don't owe them anything and you don't need to prove you can be trusted. Especially when it seems like they don't want to trust you."

"How do you suppose I deal with anyone who confronts me about this then? And how do I make friends with people I don't have to lie to if I don't do some gesture to show them I won't hurt them?"

"Stand up for yourself when they do. What I do when people taunt me about my magic show or give me grief about the Dazzlings is I just ignore them and move on, I might want it to be different but I'm not going to beg them to like me, and if they do it'll be because of what I do."

"And if they bring up Anon-A-Miss?"

"Just tell them you don't care, stand up for yourself like you did on Christmas for me, they'll back down at school."

Sunset wasn't too sure that would work but she shrugged and nodded leaning back against the wall.

"And as for finding friends who are willing to give you a chance without you having to give them proof your not evil, stop by the drama club room. They can be pretty accepting."

"I think Anon-A-Miss spilled quite a few of their secrets and I was never particularly nice to drama students before I changed."

"They'll give you a chance," Trixie pushed on. "They were willing to give the girl half the school calls 'Siren Slave' another chance and even made me club president. Just come by during lunch to check it out."

"Well if you insist," Sunset said giving in, if nothing else it gave her an excuse not to be in the lunchroom with the Rainbooms. And maybe Trixie was right about the drama club, maybe they would give her a chance.

"Sunset Shimmer, I'm glad to see you're still here." A young voice said near them. Sunset looked up to see the middle school chess player, Cozy Glow, standing not far away from the two teens. "I was afraid you wouldn't be at school."

"Why would you think I would not be at school?" Sunset asked.

"Well golly there was a horrible rumor going around that you had been expelled for school. An email went out from Principal Celestia saying someone had come forward as Anon-A-Miss and was being punished. A lot of students were saying that they expelled you. I'm glad to see that it's not true."

"Well thanks for your concern," Sunset said.

"There's something else," Cozy Glow said. "Since your here I was wondering if you thought about my offer to join the chess club, we're having a meeting today during lunch."

"Thanks, Cozy Glow but I think I'm good today. Trixie invited me to check out the drama club room during lunch, maybe some other time."

For a second Sunset thought she saw something in Cozy's look that seemed off but before she could get a better look it was gone. "Sure any time you like, just tell me so I can get it ready. Oh and as long as we're talking I have something else to tell you. Stay away from Gilda."

"Why? Did she tell you something?" Sunset asked slightly nervous, she knew Gilda was upset at her judging from the looks the large girl had given her the last two times she saw her. If Gilda was now making open threats against her that would be bad news for Sunset, Gilda was the toughest girl in school after all.

"Just that she wanted to have a chat with you if you turned up at school, and considering how almost all of the school seems to hate you it would be best to avoid her. Also, you didn't show up with the Rainbooms so I'm assuming something happened between you guy's so that would be even more reason to avoid her in case she gets violent and you don't have your friends to help you."

"Thanks for the warning Cozy, I'll remember to stay out of Gilda's way today."

Cozy smiled again and said, "Good and if you change your mind remember the chess club is available."

"Thanks, see you around," Sunset said waving as Cozy Glow left.

"Who was that?" Trixie asked once the middle schooler was gone.

"Cozy Glow, I ran into the day you asked if we could be friends, she invited me to join the High School chess club."

"Ah okay."

"And it looks like I might not need to worry about making new friends after all."

"Why's that," Trixie asked confused.

"Because if Lightning Dust doesn't kill me when she sees I came back then Gilda will finish the job."


Once the rest of the students had arrived and the first bell rang Sunset and Trixie had to split, each having a different class in the morning. It seemed that the students hatred for her had not died down over the break as she had hoped, instead, it only seemed to grow as they had time to stew. Everywhere she looked she heard muttering that she was sure were about her, she also had to watch for Gilda with each corner, worried the large girl would be waiting for her. To her surprise though she made it to her first class without any real issue and she was able to file into her homeroom with the rest of the students, once she was there though she was faced with a new problem.

She shared her homeroom with Fluttershy and since the Fall Formal, the two had sat next to each other in homeroom, even during Anon-A-Miss' reign, though then Fluttershy would only sit there refusing to talk, though Sunset thought she saw her cry a couple of times. Sunset remembered that Fluttershy had wanted to talk at the New Year's party but Sunset had been called over to the other room before they could, then Sunset ran off and the two didn't get the chance to talk. Sunset was curious about what Fluttershy had wanted to say yet she was supposed to avoid them for the time being. But Sunset still needed to sit down and the only available seat was next to the shy girl.

Fluttershy seemed just as nervous as Sunset as she sat down next to the pink-haired girl, shifting in her seat and glancing away anytime Sunset moved. Sunset meanwhile resisted the urge to try and talk to her, to try and explain herself about New Year's despite what Twilight said.

"It'd be fine just to say hello." Sunset thought. "It can't hurt right?"

It certainly could hurt. The voice in her head responded. Say one thing and next thing you know you'll be begging the Rainbooms to take you back a third time. Just keep quiet and wait the class out.

Sunset made a low grumbling noise giving the voice no answer but she kept quiet till homeroom started and she was able to focus on the teacher. She still made a few glances at Fluttershy and at points, it looked like the shy girl would try and talk but each time she would just look away and say nothing. Each time Sunset reset her attention back to the teacher to avoid saying something herself.

When the bell rang Sunset made to leave as fast as possible but before she got two steps she felt a light tap on her shoulder, turning to see Fluttershy shifting nervously on her feet. "Hello Sunset." She said quietly.

"Hey Fluttershy," Sunset answered looking away.

"Um Sunset, I'm sorry if we made you run away from us on New Year's and I get if you don't want to talk to us right now but I still wanted to say. If you ever want to tell us what's really going on we can still help."

"No you can't," Sunset thought remembering her dream, what happened when Anon-A-Miss started, and the confrontation in Sugar Cube Corner. "If I ever tell you the truth you'll never want to make things right no matter how long I wait. That's why Twilight wants me to avoid you."

Out loud she said. "Thanks Fluttershy, I'll think about. Well, bye."

"Sunset..." Fluttershy said softly looking like she was going to follow but her outstretched arm fell limply to her side when Sunset turned back. "Take care of yourself please."

Instead of answering Sunset headed straight for her next class which was one she did not have with any of the Rainboom. Math passed easily enough and by the end of it Sunset was feeling a bit more relaxed, on Mondays, she had lunch after math class so she would be able to see Trixie soon, and going to the drama club room meant she didn't need to be in the cafeteria with so many angry students, plus she hadn't seen any sign of Gilda or Lightning Dust. She just needed to get her lunch and get out and then she could see her friend.

She was almost to her locker to drop off her stuff when she heard voices around the corner near her locker, one was talking about Anon-A-Miss. Pressing herself against the wall she listened in on the conversation.

"So yeah, apparently Anon-A-Miss has found herself a new minion, guess whatever she's planning next needs some help, that or she just loves having someone to boss around." A boy's voice said.

"Really who?" A second voice, this one a girl's asked.

"The Siren Slave Trixie," A second boy said, Sunset's fist-clenched as she heard the insulting name given to her friend. "We saw them together over the break."

"Really, I thought those two would have hated each other after the Battle of the Bands," The girl said.

"Guess the two found common cause in hurting people, evil loves evil after all. And I bet the Siren Slave was looking for a new master after her last ones were beat." The first boy said Sunset growing angrier with each comment against her friend.

"And I guess Anon-A-Miss was so desperate for a new minion she was willing to take her, not that she has many options after all she's done." The second boy said, "Still scrapping the bottom of the barrel though."

"Yeah, still a little surprising but interesting. So why are you guys telling me?" The girl asked.

"We wanted to get word around that Anon-A-Miss has a new minion and to watch out for them, they could be up to something. Don't want to give either of them any more chances to hurt the school."

At that Sunset had enough, she could take the insults against herself, even though they hurt, but she wasn't going to stand by and let these people insult her friend. Stepping around the corner she said, "Hey!" startling the three.

The girl was Aqua Blossom, a light blue-skinned girl Sunset knew was a friend of Rarity's, and the two boys happened to be Big Boy and Runt, the same two boys who had pranked Trixie during her magic show. When they got over their surprise the two boys leered at Sunset. "Well look whose here, the demon Anon-A-Miss herself. Where's your new minion? Hiding behind the corner maybe?" Runt taunted, Aqua Blossom slowly backed away till she was out of sight, Sunset ignored her, her anger was directed at the two boys.

"I don't like you guys spreading rumors about me and Trixie being up to something, we're just friends hanging out not villains plotting," Sunset said folding her arms.

"Really? You expect everyone to believe that the school's worst bully and the girl who helped nearly destroy the world to be friends and not plotting something?" Runt asked.

"We're not and why would you care if we were? Last I checked you two didn't love Canterlot High much."

"We don't but we dislike you even more so we'll spread whatever rumors we like, it's not like you can stop us from doing so." Runt shrugged, Big boy chuckled next to him. "Especially now that you took down your account Anon-A-Miss."

Sunset's fist clenched again, she hated it every time they called her that and she hated how they were going to drag Trixie down with her just to further ruin her reputation. But there really wasn't much she could really do about it nor was she going to give them any satisfaction.

Taking a deep breath to collect herself and remember the advice she had been given she said. "Fine, spread all the rumors you like about us but we're not planning anything evil. So go on waste your time insulting us. Now if you excuse me I have to go see my friend." She said walking around them to her locker. Runt and Big Boy eyed her as she did but said nothing, just grumbling to each other as she locked her locker, they were still grumbling to each other when she left.

"That actually did feel pretty good." Sunset thought, standing up for herself with confidence felt better than she realized, perhaps she would do it more often.

"Wonder what Trixie will say about this new rumor about us?" Sunset thought allowed as she headed for the cafeteria. "I bet she'll-"

She was cut off when a hand clamped down on her from behind silencing Sunset, before she could reach for the hand an arm wrapped around her pinning her arms to her chest holding her firm. "Got you Anon-A-Miss." The voice of Lightning Dust whispered in Sunset's ear. The redhead's eyes widened and she squirmed against the hands holding her in place but Lightning Dust was strong and with her arms pinned the way they were made it even harder for Sunset to resist.

"Let's have a little chat." Lightning Dust said lifting Sunset off her feet carrying her away as Sunset tried to fight her way free but with her arms were pinned and Lightning holding her jaw in place with a thumb so she couldn't bite. All she could do was hope someone would see before something bad happened.

Author's Note:

Yep, a cliff hanger, I am that evil, and it'll have to stay this way for the foreseeable future because of two main reasons.

1) I have a new story that I want to work on for the time being, build it up since I like it and I don't want to stretch myself thin by focusing on two major stories. It would not do justice to this one and my new story

2) Since I started writing this the original plan for the story no longer works as once I started writing this the characters and story developed in a different direction to my original plan. And now each new chapter I have to think up while I'm writing instead of having it planned in advance which is the main reason why the 4-day schedule no longer works. So I need to take time to think of a new plan before I can start writing again.

And yeah leaving on a cliffhanger really is the evilest thing any writer can do and it wasn't supposed to be one but the chapter developed into one and I thought it was a nice leave-off space. I'll make a blog post when I'm ready to start posting this story again.

Now there were sections in this chapter that I just did not like, and I leave it up to the fact that I just couldn't think of a better way to write this, some just seemed plain wrong while I was writing them. Still I hope you all liked it.