• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 4,955 Views, 189 Comments

Back to Normal, No - Revanius

Desperate not to be alone Sunset does something she never wanted to do, lie

  • ...

Chapter 11

"Get in there!" Lightning Dust said flinging Sunset into the classroom closing the door behind her as Sunset got to her feet.

Sunset brushed herself off looking around the classroom seeing they were alone, backing off a few paces as she did so. "At least she didn't bring any friends with her." Sunset thought thinking how many people wanted revenge against Anon-A-Miss and silently thanked the fact that Lightning Dust hated to share.

"You shouldn't have come back Anon-A-Miss," Lightning Dust said cracking her knuckles, "now your going to pay for what your little website did."

"Wait a second Lightning, I don't think this needs to get violent," Sunset said backing further away, keeping her hands up in case she needed to block a punch while searching the room for anything she could use if Lightning full-on attacked her.

"Oh I think it does need to get violent, for everything you've done you deserve a good beating, but I want you to know exactly what happened since our last little chat." Lightning paused in her advance. "Because of your little post on MyStable my reputation around here is ruined and Rainbow Dash told me today that I'm off the soccer team. Me! The best player at this school all because of a little rough training you put on the internet." She banged her fist against a desk. "So did you really think you could just walk around the school as if nothing happened and not expect me to do something about it?"

"Of course she got kicked off the team, thanks Rainbow." Sunset thought remembering the pictures Applejack told her about. It made sense considering the endangered kid had been Scootaloo but that did not make the situation any easier for Sunset.

"Alright your mad, I get that, but that doesn't mean we need to fight okay," Sunset said, hoping she could talk her way out. "You're mad about getting kicked off the team right? Well maybe I can help you get back on, Rainbow might listen if she believes you're sorry, and if-" The rest of what she was going to say was cut off when a fist slammed into her right eye out of nowhere sending the redhead reeling back into the wall clutching it.

"I guess that's why she's called Lightning." Sunset thought glaring with her uninjured eye as Lightning Dust smirked at her.

"You are not getting out this one Anon-A-Miss, you're going to pay for what you did to me and a few nice words aren't going to change my mind." She said.

"Well if negotiating won't work it's time for plan B." Sunset thought thinking back again to her conversation with Trixie earlier.

"You know what Lightning?" Sunset asked edging slightly to the right, "I'm glad you got kicked off the team, it's probably one of the few things about Anon-A-Miss I don't mind taking the credit for."

"Why you..." Lightning advanced again, Sunset hopped back moving around another few desks, this time keeping enough distance and desks between them so Lightning couldn't just lunge at her again.

"Yeah, I mean you could have seriously hurt Scootaloo with those kicks of yours, what were you thinking endangering a middle-schooler?"

"She asked to practice with me, and it's not like she actually got hurt."

"A bit of miracle really considering how hard you kick," Sunset commented moving down a few more desks, Lightning mirrored her but Sunset still remained out of the athlete's reach as she continued to stoke her anger. "You nearly hit her head how many times?"

"I don't know, three? four?"

"And if any of those hit her she could have been seriously hurt, she could have lost who knows how many teeth or broke her nose at least." At least she assumed, she didn't have much experience with soccer. By now the two stood half the class away from each other, Sunset felt that was far enough.

"But she wasn't and thanks to you I'm off the team for nothing!" Lightning shouted, she looked ready to blow, just one more taunt would send her over.

"And by beating me up you'll just give them another reason to keep you off the team, scratch that you'll likely be suspended. Great thinking there, by the way, the team must have only kept you on cause you're fast and kick good, it was obviously not for your brains."

That did it, Lightning let out a furious shout rushing at full speed towards Sunset who stood waiting, gripping one of the desks, as the raging athlete got close Sunset flipped the desk on its side and stepped to the side as Lightning crashed into the desk tumbling to the floor. As Lightning scrambled to her feet faster than Sunset had hoped the redhead made a break for the door, taking a loop around the desks keeping a wide berth from Lightning Dust. She turned her gaze from the athlete who was quickly closing the distance between them to grab the handle, thinking she had made it when a mint blur crashed into her sending them both to the ground.

"How in Equestria is anyone that fast?" Sunset questioned as Lightning place a hand on her chest keeping her down.

"You're not getting away that easy." She said glaring down at Sunset, fist raised. At that point, the ex-unicorn's pony instincts kicked in and she lashed out with her feet, bucking Lightning in the chest sending her back. Sunset reached for the door pulling it open while still half on the ground, before she could get out though, Lightning grabbed her legs and pulled and Sunset was facedown on the ground.

"You... are... not... getting... away..." Lightning huffed pulling Sunset back in by the legs. Sunset tried to resist but Lightning was stronger and on her feet, Sunset grabbed the door frame but was yanked back in the classroom by a sharp tug to the legs that caused her to yelp. Lightning put her foot to Sunset's back as she closed the door, then forced Sunset onto her back placing the foot on her stomach.

Lightning Dust had a sadistic look on her face as she glared down at Sunset. "Now you are really going to pay Anon-A-Miss, bet you won't be spilling any secrets online when you can't use your fingers. But first I think I'll take out those legs of yours, don't want any more kicks."

The door flung open behind them, Sunset felt a surge of hope thinking a teacher or someone had seen Sunset get dragged back in and had come to help. Her hope died when she saw the tall muscular teen with white pink-purple streaked hair and amber eyes that always seemed to be glaring, Gilda Griffon. The large teen looked at Sunset on the ground then to Lightning, folding her arms as she leaned against the door frame.

"Now what's going on here?" Gilda asked.

"I'm just getting some payback on Anon-A-Miss, none of your business Gilda." Lightning said applying some pressure to Sunset's stomach.

"Looks like you already got enough," Gilda remarked looking at Sunset's black eye. "Get out of here Dust before a teacher shows up, I'll take care of Shimmer."

"NO way Gilda, this girl owes me big time, I'm not letting her go with just a few bruises." Lightning protested pushing harder into Sunset's stomach, the redhead wheezed as the air was forced out of her, silently thanking Celestia Lightning had not worn cleats today.

Gilda grabbed Lightning's shoulder pulling her off Sunset. "I said to get out of here Dust, now." Lightning Dust glared at Gilda looking like she was going to protest. "Don't make me force you," Gilda said cutting off Lightning's protest.

Lightning Dust's eye darted to the muscular arm holding her then grunted, tugging her shoulder free but backed away to the door. "This isn't over Anon-A-Miss." Lightning Dust said as she opened the door, she cast one more death glare to the prone teen before closing it, leaving Sunset alone with Gilda.


If there was one student that Sunset was more worried about angering than Lightning Dust or Rainbow Dash it would be Gilda Griffon. Physically she was the strongest student at Canterlot High, even stronger than Applejack, and in the past had been a bully, in fact, she was the only one Sunset had never been able to hold back so the two had once had an understanding to stay out of each other's way back when Sunset herself was one. Sunset hadn't really heard much from Gilda since she had been hit by the Rainbow Beam, just seeing the larger teen walking around the school glaring at everyone and keeping to herself. What really made her worried about Gilda was that she did not know what she was capable of, Gilda had always been more of the threat of physical bullying than actually doing it but considering how strong she was Sunset was pretty sure she could hold up those threats.

"You really got yourself into a situation Red," Gilda said chucking as she kneeled down next to Sunset. "This whole Anon-A-Miss thing has got the school against you more than ever."

Sunset gave a soft groan in response turning her head to look up at Gilda, the glare was still in the larger girl's eyes but it seemed less pronounced than normal. Gilda shook her head then grabbed Sunset by the arms and hauled her to her feet, lifting one of Sunset's arms over her shoulder leading her out of the classroom. "Come on Red, let's go."

"Where are you taking me?" Sunset asked as they walked through the halls.

"The nurse where else?" Gilda responded. "I thought you were supposed to be a genius Red."

"Okay, why are you taking me to the nurse? I thought you were mad at me too."

"Why would you think that?"

"Cause you've been glaring at me almost as hard as Lightning Dust and I heard you wanted to chat with me and I assumed it would be like Lightning's."

"Well I am mad at you, but probably not the way you think I am and I was glaring at Lightning Dust. I had a feeling she would try something like this. That part of the reason why I wanted to talk to you," Gilda explained looking down a hall to make sure it was empty before leading Sunset down it. "I'm angry at you because you're taking Anon-A-Miss lying down and not even trying to say your innocent anymore when we both know you are."

"What? Why you think that?" Sunset asked wondering why Gilda of all people would think she was innocent.

"Because I know your work Red, I've seen your style of bullying since you started doing it and Anon-A-Miss is way too sloppy to be you. Kinda surprised everyone else hasn't figured that out."

Sunset gave a hollow laugh in response, either due to landing harder than she thought or because her closest friends had been the first to accuse her while two of the students she had avoided had figured out the truth on their own, it didn't matter. "You know what Gilda, I'm not really sure myself. I guess they just never really believed I had changed to begin with. Or it was just some leftover resentment towards me they had built up and let out when given the chance."

"Sunset? What h-happened to you?" A small voice stammered out behind the two teens. Gilda spun around unintentionally dragging Sunset as she did to see a visible horrified Sweetie Belle.

"What Happened?" Sunset responded thinking fast. "I ran into a door then fell a bit, it's nothing Sweetie." She promised, Gilda raised an eye but Sunset slowly shook her head.

"R-really? B-but why is there a-a boot mark on your shirt?" Sweetie Belle's asked pointing to Sunset's shirt. Looking down she saw where was a dirt outline of Lightning's shoe on her shirt, she quickly moved her jacket to cover it.

"That's nothing, Gilda accidentally tripped over me when I fell." Sunset lied.

"But-" Sweetie began.

Gilda grunted angling her body so that she blocked Sunset from Sweetie Belle's view, glaring at the younger student. "She just ran into a door and took a fall kid, I'm taking her to the nurse, so scram." She said gruffly jerking her head.

"O-okay, if you say so." Sweetie Belle stammered withering under the glare but she didn't look like she believed the two.

"Hey, wait," Sunset said before Sweetie Belle could runoff. The middle schooler looked up at her. "Think you could find Trixie and tell her I'm in the nurse's office. I was supposed to meet her in the drama club room for lunch, but I got sidelined. She's probably worrying right now and it'd be great if you could tell her where I am."

"Sure," Sweetie Belle nodded. "Feel better Sunset." She said taking off down the hall in the direction of the drama club.

"Why did you not say it was Lightning?" Gilda questioned once Sweetie was out of sight.

"I'll explain at the nurse's office, I have a feeling Trixie's going to ask as well and I don't want to explain twice," Sunset answered. "By the way, sorry about saying you stepped on me."

"It's fine just make sure you tell me everything when the magician shows up," Gilda said as they continued on their way to the nurse's office.


When Trixie left her second period she was in high spirits, she had worried a bit about what the students might do to Sunset but she was sure her friend was fine. And now she had a meeting with the drama club and Sunset had promised to come plus the remaining two classes she shared with Sunset so she had a good reason to be happy. Just thinking about it gave her a spring in her step.

She noticed some students were giving her dirty looks as she walked down the halls, she was used to it and it didn't bother her. There were always a few looks her way when she walked the halls though it was nowhere near as bad as the looks she saw given to Sunset. Trixie just ignored them and moved with confidence down the hall to collect her lunch from her locker then meet up in the drama club room.

"Well well, look who it is, it's Trixie Looneymoon." A mocking voice said halting Trixie in her tracks.

"It's Lulamoon." She corrected turning around.

The bully boys were standing together as always while the leader, Dumb-Bell which was a name Trixie thought was appropriate for him, seemed to consider what she said. He shook his head and said. "Nah, I think Looneymoon suits you better."

"What do you three want?" Trixie asked. "The Great and Powerful Trixie has a very important engagement to attend and does not have time for you three."

"Yeah right, who in their right mind would hang out with you?" Dumb-Bell said. "Besides Anon-A-Miss that is."

"That was really Looney even for you Mooney," Hoops said snickering at what he seemed to think was clever wordplay.

"She probably wants someone to come to her next show, can't see why else she would want to hang out with the one girl at school with a worse rep than her." Dumb-Bell guessed.

"Uh-huh." Score said dumbly.

"Her last show was pretty good," Hoops commented. "I really liked it when she and Shimmer ran away in that jeep."

"And the little art show that came after was fun," Dumb-Bell added the three laughed as they remembered their vandalism.

"Is this going somewhere?" Trixie asked. "Trixie really does need to be somewhere."

"Right," Dumb-Bell said frowning. "We wanted to pass along a message."

"From who?" Trixie questioned.

"Doesn't matter who Looney." Hoops snarled.

"Just stay away from Sunset Shimmer." Dumb-Bell finished.

"Why would I do that? Sunset's my friend."

"They thought you'd say that," Dumb-Bell said. "They said to remember what happened to Sunset's old friends, she ditched Snips and Snails for new friends, then she humiliated those friends when she got the chance, what will she do to you when she's done with you?"

"Sunset wouldn't do anything like that to me," Trixie said confidently, Dumb-Bell shrugged while the other two snickered to themselves.

"Believe what you want Looney, that's the message." He said turning around.

"See ya Looneymoon," Hoops said waving in a mocking way.

"Bye-Bye." Score said following the other two.

"She wouldn't do that, you know the truth and they don't." Trixie thought after she collected her lunch while she made her way to the drama club room. She knew Sunset was not Anon-A-Miss and had not done anything to the Rainbooms, and she knew Snips and Snails didn't hold any grudge to Sunset for cutting ties with them. She did wonder who would send those three to pass a message to her and who would want her to stay away from Sunset, and she doubted they were trying to help her. She was still thinking about who could have sent the bully boys when she entered the drama club room.

"Look out!" Snips shouted as she entered. Trixie looked up to see a paint can flying her way and just barely managed to avoid getting covered in green paint.

"Sorry Great and Powerful Trixie." Snails said as the two middle-schooler shuffled over, spattered with green paint, eyes cast down.

"What were you two doing this time?" Trixie asked wondering how those two always seemed to make a mess.

"We were just repainting the tree props, they looked a little faded when Snail accidentally tripped on an extension cord." Snips explained.

"Well be more careful then, Trixie does not want to greet our guest covered in green."

"What's wrong with green?" Watermelody asked from the small stage they had at the back of the club room, narrowing her eyes at Trixie while twirling her short light green hair.

"Nothing, nothing at all." Trixie hastily amended. "Trixie just meant she didn't want to be covered in paint when our guest arrives! Yes, that's what Trixie meant."

Watermelody raised an eye but shrugged opening up the scrip she had been reading while Trixie took a moment to collect herself and look around. The Drama clubroom was really a small version of the theater room, with a smaller stage for one or two members to rehearse lines and an area to work on props before a show, it was also just a good place to hang out with fellow performers. The club itself only had a few permanent members at the moment, Snips and Snails who also worked as stagehands for theater productions, Watermelody, Lavender Lace, Fuschia Blush, and Trixie were the other full-time members and the other regular actors at the theater being part of the club but they rarely showed up to meetings, like Rarity who Trixie was glad to see did not attend todays.

"You mentioned a guest Trixie, who is it?" Fuschia asked, she and Lavender were sitting together to the side in the chairs eating their lunch. "A new member?"

"No, though with any luck she might join," Trixie said. "It's actually Sunset Shimmer, I invited her to come to today's meeting."

At that Watermelody dropped her script and looked at Trixie in shock. "Sunset Shimmer? As in Anon-A-Miss, why did you invite her here!?" She demanded hotly.

"Because she's nervous about people judging her and I said she could come here if she wanted to be with some students who won't unfairly judge her," Trixie explained eyeing her clubmate.

"But she turned the school against itself again, she spilled everyone's secrets, including the one about me and Blueberry." Watermelody protested.

"To be honest Water you and Blueberry being together wasn't much of a secret," Lavender commented, Fuschia giggled but stifled it when Watermelody turned her gaze to them.

"And we told you that Sunset isn't Anon-A-Miss." Snips said as he and Snails finished cleaning up the paint.

Watermelody sighed. "Why do you two keep defending her about that?"

"Because Sunset never used someone's sexuality against them, not even at her worst. Like this one time she was trying to get dirt on this one football player who stood up to her when she was bullying this one nerd so she sent me and Snails to find out what we could on him and we found out he and the nerd were dating, we told her and she said to find something else on him and be happy for him and his boyfriend." Snips explained.

"Well, maybe she changed." Watermelody continued to argue though Trixie thought it sounded weaker than before. "Anon-A-Miss was certainly more obvious."

Snips rubbed the back of his head averting his gaze. "Yeah, I don't think she would."

"Why do you believe that?" Trixie asked genuinely curious, perhaps they might reveal something that might help Sunset.

"We can't say." Snips said.

"What do you mean? Of course, we can." Snails said, Snips tried to quiet him but he continued on. "Remember when we asked her why she wouldn't use the two guys dating she told us she didn't use something that she did too against them."

"Snails! Remember Sunset asked us to not tell anyone ever." Snips scolded, his friend seemed to remember that, blushing as he realized what he said.

"Wait so Sunset's..." Watermelody trailed off.

Snips sighed and nodded. "She bisexual, I think I remember her having a short thing with a band girl a little bit before she started dating Flash, kept it on the down-low. Please don't tell her we told you, she actually asked us not to tell anyone instead of ordering us."

Trixie patted Snips on the shoulder nodding. "Don't worry I know everyone will keep that secret to themselves," Trixie said putting that information to the side, for now, she wouldn't be able to use it to help Sunset without hurting her anyway. "Now regardless of whether Sunset is or is not Anon-A-Miss Trixie does not want anyone bringing it up or giving Sunset a hard time. Everyone be on their best behavior when she gets here."

The others all agreed and went back to their own tasks, Trixie smiled, all that was needed now was Sunset. "Umm, excuse me, Trixie." A small voice said behind her.

"Sweetie Belle? What are you doing here?" Snips asked.

"I needed to talk to Trixie." She said.

"What did you need?" Trixie asked tilting her head.

"Sunset sent me to get you, she had an accident."

Author's Note:

So from the top, I'm going to say I do not have the most experience with writing action scenes, especially hand-to-hand action scenes in a drama story. But I did my best with it in the end. Second, Gilda finally has a speaking role, and surprise surprise she's good in this story, I always liked her character and feel like she got a raw deal always being portrayed as a monster when all she really did in the show was be a bit of a jerk. For this, I decided to go with her being someone who is gruff and a bit blunt but is a good person at heart, she was a bully herself in the past but isn't anymore, the reason will be explained later.

Sweetie Belle has gotten a bit of a shock seeing Sunset beaten up, I wonder how she will act on it. Hmmm.

As for the Drama Club, it's not so much the theater production and more of a club of those who often take part in the theater with a clubroom. Snips and Snails being stagehands is something from the shorts and I included Watermelody since she screams drama (also her being with Blueberry Cake is something I got from the Cafeteria song). Also, did anyone note a particular character's last name, I think it will come up in the future.

As always I hope you enjoyed this part of the story leave a comment below if you want to share something about it. And if you catch any mistakes comment so I can fix them.