• Member Since 16th Nov, 2014
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Geek boy, aspiring writer, and proud Brony with a story to tell.


While out for dinner, Sunrunner and Flash Sentry entertain Twilight Sparkle and Quiver Quill with stories of their time in the Royal Guard. From their time in the Academy to their adventures on the night of Nightmare Moon's return, they tell the tale of how they became friends and forged the bond they have today.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 65 )

Thanks very much for getting the story started (as well as the fair warning concerning the long wait on the next chapter) . I really appreciate that. Excellent work on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Greatly enjoyed the show and discussion of the preparations for the double date in addition to the mentions of Sunset. And, yeah, I can definitely understand the curiosity concerning how Sunrunner and Flash first met. And great use of the Ramsey Expy and glad to see Twilight and company actually be treated with respect by the restaurant staff. Certainly a big improvement over the difficulty in getting a cab in Manehattan.

Anyway, certainly looking forward to more of this, but I can definitely respect that real world concerns need to come first.

Thank you. The real world issues are being dealt with a little bit at a time, but alas, not all of them are going away any time soon.

Wonderful chapter, as always, and it's great to see you back, Echo!
Looking forward to Chapter 2, however long the wait may be.
As to the wait between chapters:

The real world issues are being dealt with a little bit at a time, but alas, not all of them are going away any time soon.

Been there, done that myself, sadly.
You worry about dealing with those, and we'll be here when they're done and gone.
It's just really great to have you back, hun.
Stay safe and God bless.

Appreciated. The sad thing about this is that I try to cause as few problems as I can, but everyone close to me insists on doing the opposite.

10615290 :twilightsmile:
Yeah, ain't that always the way with some folks?:facehoof:

Looks like a solid start to this story for sure. :twilightsmile: I'm definitely happy to wait for how this will play out. Take all the time you need, Echo my friend. We'll be here. :pinkiesmile:

"Gourmand Ramshead." Damn, that's clever!

Thanks for the kind words and support.

As for the name, it was a case of splitting the difference between the name he has on the Wiki and a punny one of my own. I'm good either way.

Just keep hanging in there Echo, I would think the fact that you got this out is a good sign.

Remember, we are here if you need us. :twilightsmile:

As for the chapter I would agree it is a solid start.

Thank you. I just hope that I'm able to build on this before too long. I'm still optimistic that the second chapter will be out in March, but beyond that, I don't know.

A good start, I'm awaiting the next chapiter.

Eventually, the train reached Canterlot’s train station and slowed to a halt. As its passengers disembarked, three emerged from one of the rear-most carriages, the one unicorn among them pulling cargo behind her. “I am glad that you’ve taken so well to that scarf, Quiver, though you needn’t wear it everywhere.”

Is quiver the unicorn?

“I don’t think any of us are big on alcohol, so no, we’re good.” Flash opened his menu and glanced over the selection. “Wow. I’m not sure what’s more intimidating, how light the menu is or how high the prices are.”

The latter

Twilight stifled a wince before she caught sight of a unicorn stallion approaching their table with bread and drinks. Unlike the younger stallion from earlier, this one was aged and experienced. His coloring reminded her of Applejack without her freckles and his brow was creased, his cutie mark a ball of flame. “Good evening and welcome to Tartarus’ Kitchen, Princess Twilight Sparkle!” He laid out their drinks and bread. “Do forgive me, but I make it a point of greeting the royalty whenever they visit.”

“No apologies necessary, Chef Ramshead, I’m honored.” She gestured to her party. “Allow me to introduce Lieutenants Flash Sentry and Sunrunner, and Mister Quiver Quill.”

No way

“Was her name by any chance ‘Sunset Shimmer’?” At the chef’s nod, Sunrunner smiled. “She and I are cousins. Practically sisters.”

Yea, I would be keeping a distance from her.

A sad smile crossed his face. “Been a long time since I’ve heard her name.” The waiter from earlier approached, at ease with pen and notepad in his magical grip, and listened as his boss continued, “Anyway, you aren’t here to hear me grouse. Do you need more time to think over your orders?”

Was he friends with her or something?

“Twilight’s kept me in the loop about Sunset Shimmer, don’t worry.” He smirked. “She and I might have some words if we ever meet, but something tells me that’s still a while to come.” He turned to Twilight and prompted, “Unless…”

Twilight shook her head. “As much as I’ve figured out about how the portals work, for now it’s on the back burner while I focus on other issues.”

What does that mean?

Thank you. Hoping to get the next chapter out in March.

Quiver is an Earth pony. The speaker was meant to be Rarity.

The implication is that Gourmand Ramshead knew and remembered Sunset Shimmer from when she was a little filly, as her family had been patrons of his restaurant. As for your other questions, you might want to look at the rest of the entries in my storyline. That should clear things up.

Entries in your storylines?

Yes. This is the latest entry in a long series, and Twilight's research into the portal between Equestria and the human world has been an ongoing plot point.

I may have to read those.

Please do. Hopefully, you'll enjoy them.

Well wait. Love this universe of yours and this just gives me an excuse to reread it while I wait.

Appreciated, thanks. Again, however, I hope the wait isn't too long.

Ahh, yes, glad to read this. Maybe it's brief, but all the same, it was still quite solid, especially getting introduced to the pony counterparts of the Shadowbolt Five. I particularly enjoyed the introductions to Sugarcoat and Indigo Zap, though that's not to exclude Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest. (Indeed, Zest provided a good punchline to the whole scene. :yay:)

All told, quite enjoyed the beginning looks into Flash and Sunrunner's start at the academy. Lucky Sunrunner getting to room with Pixie Dust, that's for sure. Flash did *not* have any successes on the roommate front, that's for sure. :rainbowderp:

I've been looking forward to bringing them in for quite a while, actually. Expect a little development for them before this installment is over.

Yeah, Flash isn't going to have an easy time of it, at least to start out. I'd feel bad for his roomie, though - I haven't even thought of a name for the poor fellow. Open to suggestions!

Development of any sort is always a good thing in my book. :pinkiesmile:

Ooh, duly noted... Hmm. Grant? Gareth? Gerard? Grayson/Greyson? Gage, Gregory, Garrison? (Naming him "Griffen" or some variant thereof feels too on-the-nose, though it might explain a lot about his attitude. XD)

Good suggestions. I'll keep them in mind.

Really good job on this latest chapter. Definitely quite well worth the wait. The exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up are all quite well done in all the right places. Definitely understood this description of Flash and Sunrunner's first day in basic training (including the first meetings with most of the pony counterparts of the Shadowbolts). Yeah, it's rough, but that just makes making it all the more respectable. And, indeed, true courage is NOT the absence of fear, but rather doing the right thing in spite of it. But that's for later.

Anyway, very assuredly looking forward to more of this.

Excellent chapter, as always, Echo, and I'm looking forward to the next one to see what happens in it.
Now, that said........

A light chapter, I know, but as anyone who follows my journals knows, I've been creatively challenged of late. Don't be surprised if the next chapter isn't up until May at this rate.

And that's okay.
Stuff like that happens to all of us, and, as I've said on more than one occasion, your stories are MORE than well worth waiting for, so you just worry about yourself, and we can wait.
And May's not THAT far off, in the general scheme of things.:raritywink:

I am very grateful for Youtube for this chapter. Some of the details are thanks to videos there I checked out for research purposes.

Indigo Zap has something of an ego here, don't she?

Thanks for that. Alas, I get the feeling that I'll continue to have creative issues so long as I continue to live with someone who insists on having the television on all the time. A man can only tolerate so much PBS Kids.

10731363 You're quite welcome, hun.
Good point, that, and I know what you mean about that last one.
Younger sibs, nieces, nephews, GREAT-nieces and nephews... been there, done that, as they say.
Just hang in there, Echo. Things wil come when they come.
*sends much love and many cyber-hugs your way*

Universe? Are there other stories in this world?

Yes, literally every other story the author's written on this site.

Do I have to read them in a certain order?

Ideally, yes. Fortunately, the long description of each story says which story comes immediately before and after it in the timeline, with links to each. The starting point is The Sun Also Rises.

However, of special note would be the story Quiververse Bonus Reel. Originally starting as a "blooper reel" for April Fools, it's since expanded to include a couple of behind-the-scenes Q&A sessions answering reader-submitted questions and (most importantly) various short one-shots that detail changes to episodes that took place earlier in the timeline than the official AU start point (the end of EqG1). As such, it's not listed in the links between stories, and when to read them is entirely up to you (I'd recommend at least finishing Family before reading the blooper reel, and catching up fully before reading the Q&A chapters, but the modifications to previous episodes can be read whenever).

Comment posted by Pete100 deleted Apr 11th, 2021

Wow, that’s a lot. Is there like a timeline or something?

Yes, actually. Though it doesn't have just the stories; it covers the relative placement of the episodes and comics before and between as well. Link to that here. There isn't one with just the stories that I'm aware of; you'll need to use the directions in the story descriptions for that.

Comment posted by Pete100 deleted Apr 11th, 2021

Wow, that’s a lot. Are there that many stories in this universe?

There are currently eighteen completed stories and one incomplete entry (this one). The Bonus Reel, meanwhile, has one blooper reel, three Q&A segments, and ten Vignettes that either augment or replace stories from canon.

It's intimidating, I know, but I like to think it's worth reading.

Yes, really, but I'm biased.

Ok, if I wanted to read it, where do I start?

Ok, I definitely will when I get the chance.

Excellent chapter, as always, Echo, and and I'm looking forward to the next one, whenever it may come.
(We BOTH know just how ornery life can be.)
As to this bit:

I hope no one objects too strongly to my portrayals of the pony versions of the Shadowbolts. I doubt anyone will, but you never know.

I most certainly don't, but, as you say, some readers might.
Also, somehow Indigo (one of my favorite colors and characters, btw) and Lightning Dust being sisters didn't surprise me in the slightest, as they seem to have the same sort of ego.
Nor did it really surprise me that they're related to that jerk Windrider.

One thing that I did like about Indigo is (that Dust isn't) is that she was mature enough to own up to and admit her mistake and make, both to Flash and Brigadier General Flintlock.
I'm also glad that she made amends with Flash.
Not many people like her would, which makes me eager to see what you do with her human counterpart when your version of the Friendship Games story hits the site.

Also, and this is just me wishful thinking things, but I think it's be cool if the rest of the pony Shadowbolts end up in Ponyville somehow, for different reasons.
Mainly because I can just see Indigo and Dash getting into a race on Indigo's off-hours like RD and Runnie did.

Indigo Zap and Lightning Dust being related to one another just seemed like a no-brainer to me - the former was intended to be the latter in the early stages of development for Friendship Games, after all. Me deciding that they were sisters was a little bit of artistic license, and having both of them being related to Wind Rider is just me doing my own spin on a bit of fanon.

As for the pony Shadowbolts making their way to Ponyville some day...you never know, though if it does happen, you can bet that Indigo and Dash will get on okay. Might be some teething problems at first, mind you.

10786184 Cool to know.
Although, given their personalities, I actually CAN see them BEING sisters.

Well, that was just a silly little thought on my part, anyway.
Although I have seen other stories where they all end up as members of Twi's guard unit.
Oh, I have no doubt of that!
The two of them, after the teething problems that you mentioned, would get along like a house on fire!
LOL Provided that they didn't drive Twi, Sour and the rest of Ponyville totally bonkers during and after, of course!:rainbowlaugh:

Ah yes, this was a most welcome addition to my day. :yay:

Very much enjoyed reading this, both for the depictions of the pony Shadowbolts (I particularly applaud the headcanon behind Sugarcoat in this continuity - honestly, her and Zesty Gourmand being relatives makes a frightening amount of sense; also, liked the backstory given for Sunny Flare, that makes good sense too) and also for the non-stereotyped depiction of basic training. The characters of the drill instructor and the Brigadier General in particular were nicely done, for what screentime they had.

On a bit of a personal note, it was somewhat amusing to me to witness the ultimate flare-up and reconciliation between Flash Sentry and Indigo Zap. I read someone else's headcanon that posited the two of them as cousins (due, I imagine, to them both having peach skin and lightning bolt marks), and while I don't necessarily have the same thoughts, it does sometimes crop up in my thoughts now and again. In any case, definitely glad to see some spotlight on Zap (a Shadowbolt who I think has been overlooked somewhat), and also quite glad to see her and Flash make peace. :pinkiesmile:

As far as the headcanons go, some of them were just me extrapolating from what we knew from canon, me making conjectures based on the characters' personalities, and me just wanting to do a little world building. And I figured the best way to avoid stereotypes would be to maintain a measure of realism - hence, me not going over the top with Blood Stripe.

It was always my plan for the two of them to have a measure of antagonism, though exactly how much existed in the final story surprised me. Still, they were always going to come to an understanding down the road. And Zap deserves at least a little attention, I'd say. I just hope that I can give her a little more before too long.

All I can say is great job on the exchanges, characterizations and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Really enjoyed the recaps to basic training and the minotaur drill instructor (as well as the reasoning behind it and the pleasant surprise that the drill instructors were NOT as bad as the movies made them out to be). And, yeah, the reflection that there is only so much exercise one can do in order to prepare for basic training makes a lot of sense too. Not much else I can think of to say that other reviewers haven't already said better, but, all the same, quite well done.

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

I always try to maintain a level of realism and plausibility with these. Why shouldn't I?

And alas, I fear the next chapter will be a while.

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