• Published 8th Feb 2021
  • 1,427 Views, 38 Comments

Emerald - A random pony oc

A changeling queen nymph finds herself alone in a forest not far from Ponyvile. Copying herself as a pony foal, Applejack finds her and took care of her. Of course, with a queen, it needs a kingdom...

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Chapter 3

A few days later...

Emerald was in Twilight tree-library in her room. She was surrounded with five ponies and one dragon which were caged in her magic. The cyan one will the rainbow hair was trying to break free will brute force while the other one were trying to think of an plan...in front of her. She would facehoof right here on the spot if she could, but the amount of energy the pegasus was taking, she was forced to stay still.

She had grown from a tiny Changeling to a much bigger one. Her hair and tail was peacock blue, her insect wings were like every changeling else, an teal-ish color but they were bigger than Chrysalis’ wings and her was sparkling. Her eyes were an eerie green. She had an horn, but instead of holes running through it, it’s was just plain. It was easier to her to cast spell in the state than have holes running through her not so secret weapon. Everything else was an bigger version of her baby self.

Anyways, the colorful ponies finish both their stamina and their plan. they were sleeping on the spot. She didn’t really listened to their little chit-chat as she was thinking if she should just leave them alone and just take their magic. Her magic capacity has grown a lot since she been eating magic. It was useful because it allowed her to make a lot of spells even normal unicorns can’t cast.

That what make changelings better. She already took this whole town.

Then she suspected that they were trying to play dead. The pinkie pony was the only one awake and giving out they play. Guess they really didn’t finish their stamina. No worries there...

“Their magic is what i really need, because I need to sate my greed. They shouldn’t be able to move, so all movement will be removed.”

And the candle flickered.

She felt she was pumped with adrenaline as soon as she finished. What were they holding?

“Pinkie...” the purple one said. She looked annoyed even though they were almost out of power. All of them were. She guessed the pink one was Pinkie. Make sense. Pinkie was filled with guilt and her mane and tail flatten. She then looked to the dragon which got left out of the spell. He stared in horror in what just happened to his friends. His stare turn into a glare at Emerald.

“You. Will. Pay.” He stated. She blew fire out his mouth and Emerald dropped him. He ran to her with death in his eyes while Emerald stayed calm. She dodged his attacks with ease as he kept on shooting fire at her. She grabbed him with her magic and twisted his neck.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” said the purple one. Emerald flinched before looking daggers at her. She was crying her eyes out and it felt... good to taste the misery.

“What’s your name? I haven’t asked you since I came here in a hurry.”
Twilight coughed before replying,

“I-I’m Twilight.”

“Well Twilight, meet circle of life. He was going to die either way. Now please shut up.” as Emerald sneered. She wanted more reactions. More pain!

That shocked Twilight and she just sobbed quietly.

“Now it time to follow my lead, so it is not for you to be the one to flee. Your actions will be binded to me, or everything will burn because of greed." Emerald recited. Twilight eyes turned light green as everyone saw the event turned dark. She bowed to Emerald and she ate up the praise. Emerald turned to the rest of them, signaling ‘Your next.’

A few minutes and spells later...

Emerald was on the train to Canterlot as an unicorn foal so she has the highway to Princess Celestia and Luna. She brought ‘AppleJack' too as a part of the plan. They didn’t make contact with anyone on the train for reasons. As soon as they got to Canterlot she dashed to the streets of Canterlot. She telled ‘AppleJack’ to bring her to the building where Celestia test for gifted unicorns. They went there and went inside. The reception for the place was not nearly as crowded as the outside, for ponies were standing in just two lines. Input and Output. Soon enough It was their turn.

"Welcome to Celestia School for Gifted Unicorns. How can I help you today." said the receptionist.

"Ah like to test this little filly out." said 'AppleJack'

"That be 70 bits please."

Ash handed the money bag to the receptionist. The receptionist pointed to the room on the left where test starts. So Ash and Emerald went to the room. Applejack was seated on the side while the testing room were filled with four ponies. They were on an bleacher and were holding notes already saying A+ on most of them. A few minutes later, a cart with an Dragon egg was pushed in to see how the 'filly' would break it. Emerald breathed in and out before focusing her magic on the egg. A few of the judges lowered their glasses as the egg were breaking. She used a tiny bit extra magic when things started happening. And of course, she caught the Princess eyes.

Author's Note:

That all for now! I hoped you enjoyed the chapter and I see you in the next one! Bye!:yay: