• Published 8th Feb 2021
  • 1,427 Views, 38 Comments

Emerald - A random pony oc

A changeling queen nymph finds herself alone in a forest not far from Ponyvile. Copying herself as a pony foal, Applejack finds her and took care of her. Of course, with a queen, it needs a kingdom...

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Emerald Conquers - Appleloosa

The wind was coughing as dust was blowing everywhere as far as the eye can see. Tumbleweeds were rolling around like lighting and cacti were almost impossible to see through the sand. A sandstorm was forming and barely anyone knew why.

Except of course...

The Appleloosans and the buffalo were working together to either lead Emerald away or stop her altogether. After hearing what happened to Manehattan and Canterlot, they took precautions to make sure they serve a stand against the evil highness.

Buffalo came around to make the sand more shiftier. Pegasus flew around, making wind for the sand to blow into the desert and masa. They had the women and children evacuate as the warriors brought out the pie. Of course, they brought out more deadlier items like pistols, slingshots, hand knifes (hoof knifes?), and more.

Of course it was futile, as the changelings were ready too. As the sand got into their eyes, and the town seemingly so untouchable, their dominant queen ordered them to transform. They grew appendages to quickly overcome the sand, and brought goggles just in case. The high image in their hearts just grew higher every day for their Queen.

How their queen knew how to do everything, even the unthinkable!

'Oy, Chrysalis?'

Emerald bothered Chrysalis, driving her to the brink of insanity just for information. She had become the spoiled brat she is!

'If it wasn't the Hive hanging in the balance of surviving or not, you wouldn't have existed.' Chrysalis scowled.

'I really must thank you though! For your incompetence and stupidity, I'd never become so powerful!' Emerald said. She loved the feeling of anger, sadness, and more caused by her actions.

Emerald smirked, knowing the victory was hers and hers alone. She climbed the seat she was on, to see Celestia and Luna running requests. Their divinity was hers to use after all. They won't become tired, unless you count their mental being. And as they serve the warriors flying, they were abused and threw away like the trash they were!

Soon she saw the city in the distance, as she leaped out the chariot and bellowed.

"Congratulations my troops, we have now reached Applelosa!"

The army cheered as they swooped down.

A few days later...

The conquest this time wasn't as bloody as Manehattan, in fact Emerald made sure not a drop of blood fell onto the ground. Instead, she kept the Applelosians as slaves for building. Their love stolen and chained, the spirits of the Applelosians fell. But the changelings thrived, seeing how they fidgeted to their every needs.

Emerald, as to mock them threw a party and banquet. She invited everyone to come, but of course the Applelosians couldn't. They were chained together, each of them carrying equipment to rebuild the city or make it even better.

The food was magnificent, as Emerald made sure to put the buffaloes to good use too. The entertainment? Ponies suffering above fire, of course. She needed punishment for the ones who hid the delish kids from her. Although it was easy to find them.

A filly crawled near Emerald, eyeing the banquet Emerald had set for the occasion. The filly wanted at least something to eat, as they were starved because of the Queen's orders.

Emerald noticing the filly, bit a fruit. She filled it with the venom in her fangs, her head already fantasizing the pain the filly will go through. She dropped it 'accidently', with it rolling towards the filly. The filly slowly crawled forward, before swallowing it and sprinting back to the cells before they gets caught. It has been a miracle how she hasn't been caught already.

As Emerald savored the victory again, she wondered which city was next...

Author's Note:

I don't hate Luna and Celestia, it just fits the theme of the story. Going to the more intense parts of the story, Emerald must have her way :D