• Published 18th Feb 2021
  • 3,693 Views, 66 Comments

the Fire of Courage - NinjaMare

worlds collide as a hero from another world gets sent to Equestria, but now this wayward hero becomes the newest warrior that protects the land from its evils.

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Chapter 3: A Meeting with Royalty and a Challenge [Edited]

The train ride from Ponyville to Canterlot lasted for about a little more than an hour, and while the ride itself wasn’t all too bad, Flamedramon could definitely say that he doesn’t like train ride too much. The car itself that the Digimon and his entourage was traveling in was fairly cramped, at least for the Digimon as he was twice the size of a normal pony, so he head was close to bumping into the roof. Not only that but the benches they all sat on were rather uncomfortable for him to sit on, with the benches not having enough space for him to sit. The ride was also a little on the slow side, heck, Flamedramon was certain that he could’ve made it to the castle on his own in half the time. As the Armor Digimon took great pride in his speed. But once the ride was over the Digimon was able to exit the train and not feel so confined anymore, but the troubles of the ride to Canterlot were quickly swept to the side as he witnessed the city. Though the city wasn’t as grandeur or monolithic as some in the Digital World, but the city of the ponies was still a sight to behold.

“So this is the capital of your nation.” Flamedramon asked after he and his new friends stepped off the train, and looking at the city before him, and seeing several dozen ponies trotting about. “I must say it’s rather impressive.”

“Well I’m happy that you think so.” Twilight said happily as she smiled up to the tall digital monster as they started to make their way out of the train station, all the while garnering the attention of everypony that the group have passed by.

“We better not keep the princess waiting.” Twilight immediately started to trot out into the city, and began heading straight for the castle while Flamedramon, Rarity, and Spike played catch up as they chased after the fleeing violet unicorn.

As the party continued to make their way through the city, traveling at a slightly brisked pace to keep up with Twilight who was kind of rushing them, Flamedramon took the opportunity to survey the city and see what it has. Compared to other cities that the Digimon has rarely visited or stayed in for some time, the capital of the ponies nation was certainly grandiose in appearance, as buildings were towering, and the streets were full of ponies passing by the group. And speaking of the ponies like the ones in Ponyville, any that even looked in Flamedramon’s way couldn’t help but gaze at him, however the Armor Digimon got the sense that unlike the small town ponies the looks he was getting wasn’t ones of bewilderment or astonishment. If his gut feeling was anything to by, the Digimon felt like these city ponies were, judging him or looking at him with disdain. But he couldn’t quite confirm it without confronting any of the ponies about it.

Putting the uneasy feeling on how the city ponies were looking at him to the side, Flamedramon continued to follow his two pony and lone dragonling guides through the city, and after twenty or so minutes of walking the group eventually made it to the castle. Which was just as impressive as the city itself, although there was one key difference, and it was that there appeared to be armored ponies standing guard at the gates and along the outer wall. Passing through the main gate the Digimon found that there weren’t that many guards out and about, as there was only a handful near the front gate, and maybe a dozen or so patrolling the outer wall. And when he came close to one of them, Flamedramon didn’t feel much of anything from them. he didn’t feel any form of strong admiration to protect, or any strong emotions or convictions from any the guards that his group passes by. In fact, most of them just looked incredibly, board. It’s as if their just waiting out their day and hope something interesting would happen. The only emotions he could sense from the guards was minor shock and surprise, probably because they weren’t expecting to see someone like him just wandering around the castle, and being led by two mares and a dragonling.

Turning his attention away from the guards, Flamedramon started to look at the interior of the castle and seeing just how splendid it looked, from its high and wide hallways and the equally tall windows, as well as the pedestal, vases, and other little nick knacks that try to make the halls less, empty. But as the group continued to traverse through the castle, Flamedramon noticed that he was seeing very little guards on patrol, in fact most of the ponies he and the others have passed by were mares dressed up as maids, and stallions garbed in clothing that made them look like butlers.

“Twilight.” The mare turned to look over her withers as Flamedramon spoke up while still looking around. “If I may ask, how often does your countries military get put into service?”

“Well not that much. Equestria’s been in a state of peace for nearly a thousand years, in fact there hasn’t been any records or historical events that points out our nation being attacked or threaten.” Twilight said as she and the group climbed a flight of stairs.

“So there’s never really been a need to deploy our military. In fact, Equestria doesn’t actually have a military to speak of.” That statement caused the Digimon to look at his guide with a shocked and a rather concerned expression.

“Are you serious?!” Twilight just nodded as she turned to look where she was going.

“The royal guard is more of a token task force with minimal training, and having no actual combat experience.” The group rounded a corner as they continued on while Twilight continues on explaining the state of her countries armed forces.

“So in actuality the royal guard is more of a peacekeeper force, or something along the line of a higher rank of social security.”

“But surely there’s at least a platoon, or something that has battled ready guards. You can’t expect peace to be a forever lasting thing.” Flamedramon said in a very worried tone as thoughts of an invading force, like the ones that occur in the Digital World, could effortlessly overtake the ponies peaceful society.

“No I’m afraid not. The guards aren’t exactly meant to be a force for fighting and conflict, it’s always been their creed to keep the peace, not break it or contribute to it.”

“…I see.” Flamedramon said somberly to himself as he took in everything that Twilight had just explained to him.

Honestly from just hearing how this nation of peaceful ponies don’t have a legitimate means of protecting themselves, made the Armor Digimon feel greatly concerned for the safety of this nation if something did threaten them. Some time has passed since the party had entered the castle, and wander throughout its halls as they headed to their destination, but eventually the group made it to where they were meant to meet the princess. Which was a set of massive double doors. Using her magic Twilight pushed the doors wide enough for the party to move past them, and when they did Flamedramon found that on the other side was a rather spacious room which was pretty empty aside from the lone throne. At the foot of the pedestal leading up to the throne, two guards stood with another pair of guards off to their sides, and then there was the figure sitting on the throne.

The pony on the throne was certainly different from the rest of population that Flamedramon has seen, as her coat of fur was as white as snow, and her mane and tail were like flowing banners of an aurora borealis that wafted gently in an invisible breeze, and the golden bracer around ponies neck along with the golden crown simply added more to this ponies charm and beauty. The pony then rose up from the throne and started to make their way towards the group, and their magenta eyes never once left Flamedramon’s as they just stared at each other, and when the pony stood before the Digimon it really felt like this pony was studying him. As if they trying to see who and what he really was.

“I must say that in all my years of governing this nation, I’ve never seen anything quite like you before.” The mare said in a soft yet warm voice as she started to look Flamedramon up and down, examining his bare body while he did so in turn. “Twilight’s description of you in her letter doesn’t do you justice.”

“Thank you miss, and if I may say in response I’ve never seen anyone like you as well.” Flamedramon said as respectively as he could give while also giving a very small curt bow.

“I assume that you are the princess that Twilight said might be able to help me.” the mare nodded as she took a step back, and gave her own courteous bow along with a delighted smile.

“Indeed I am. My name is Celestia, and it’s a pleasure to meet you Flamedramon of the digital world.” the princess then stood up straight as she looked at the digital monster with an apologetic look. “Unfortunately, my sister is unable to meet you at this moment in time, as she is resting to fulfill her duties later today.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well princess, and it’s no problem at all.” The Digimon said as he gives a wave of his hand.

“Excellent. Now to get down to business, and the reason why I asked you to come here in response to your question if I am able to send you back to your own world.” the princess said as she lets out what sounded like a disappointed sigh before she continued on speaking, which caused the Digimon to develop a small forlorn frown.

“Unfortunately, I haven’t discovered anything that may help you in this endeavor.” the group collectively winced when the princess said this as she continued on.

“After reading the letter that Twilight sent me, as well as the details of how you came here, plus your ventures in your world, I searched the archives for anything that might be able to help you return to your world. Which is why I didn’t respond to the letter sooner till just now.”

“So I’m afraid I cannot help you with this matter Flamedramon, I am sorry.” Celestia bowed her head in shame as she gave her less than favored bit of news, but the Armor Digimon only shook his head in response.

“It’s not your fault princess. It made me happy to know that you at least tried to help me, that’s more than enough.” The mare gave a small smile to the Digimon as she raised her head and gave him a thankful smile in return. Twilight, Rarity and Spike were also happy to hear what Flamedramon had just said that he wasn’t upset, but they still felt bad that their new Digimon friend wouldn’t be able to return home.

“So what will you do now?” Celestia asked Flamedramon which made the Digimon to think and ponder for a bit, thinking about what could he do while in this world.

“I’m not quite sure. Normally I’d just move from one town, or settlement to the other, seeing if there’s anything that I can do to help those in needed or those that are being threaten by malicious forces.” Flamedramon then brushed his left hand against his scalp as he continued to ponder.

“But as I’m not familiar with your world I’m not quite sure what I should do.” That’s when the Digimon felt something brush up against his side and nuzzled his leg in comfort. Looking down Flamedramon found Twilight giving him a reassuring look.

“You can still stay in Ponyville with me and Spike at the library for as long as you want, until you figure out what you want to do.” The Digimon looked at his lavender friend with a thankful smile as he gives her a gentle pat on the head, getting a small chortle from the mare.

“Thank you Twilight, and I’d appreciate that but only if I’m not an inconvenience to either of you.” Twilight just pursed her lips and blew a raspberry, showing that the Digimon’s statement was unfounded.

“You won’t be an inconvenience Flamedramon, we’re friends, and friends help each other. Even if we’ve only known each other for two days.” The unicorn said as she nuzzled her head into the Digimon’s hand, and getting a few scratches behind her ears in return.

After the meeting between the Digimon and the princess had concluded, the group were about to leave the princess to perform her other royal business, but before they did the princess invited them to have a quick lunch. The party accepted of course and proceeded to follow the princess out of the throne room, and off towards the castle’s dining hall while the group made idle conversation with one another, but as the group was making their way to their destination Flamedramon saw another pony coming their way. This pony was clearly male given his greater size and general overall bulk, though this pony seemed to be of the more broader frame than most stallions that Flamedramon has observed, and judging by his more ornate golden armor with its deep purple collar and starburst symbol, probably suggest that this pony was of a higher ranking officer of the royal guard. After examining the stallion the Digimon noticed the happy smile he has on his muzzle, while also seeing Twilight run over to the stallion where they met halfway, and gave each other a big hug.

“Shining! It’s good to see you!” Twilight says happily as she and the stallion hugged one another.

“It’s good to see you to Twiliy.” The stallion says as he lets the mare go. “What brings you back to—” the stallion stopped in mid-sentence when he took notice of Flamedramon, and his gentle demeanor instantly changed to a more stern one. Twilight seemed to notice the stallions change of mood, and at who he was looking at.

“Oh, Shining this is my newest friend.” The mare said as she trots back over to the group, and stood side by side to the tall Digimon. “This is Flamedramon, and he is a hero from another world.”

“A hero huh?” the stallion questioned as he approached the Armor Digimon, looking up at him with a scrutinizing expression while Celestia spoke up.

“Yes. From what Twilight has written Flamedramon is a wandering hero that comes to the aide of those who need it, in fact, he aided a town that was being under sieged before being coming to Equestria.” The stallion continued to scrutinize the Digimon, but after a solid minute of simply staring at each other, the stallion then gave a salute to the tall figure.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Flamedramon, I am Shining Armor the captain of the Royal Guard.”

Shining Armor said in a upbeat tone as he gives a friendly smile, while he looks up to Flamedramon. The Digimon himself just stood there for a moment and examined the stallion like he did with the other guards, and like the others, there was no sense of alertness, or anything that spoke to the Digimon that this stallion was a harden and readied guard. In fact the stallion even seemed to have his guard down as he stood before the Digimon, seemingly totally at ease within his presence.

“It’s nice to meet you as well Shining Armor.” Flamedramon said as he gives his own salute to the captain of the guard.

“We were actually on our way to lunch captain, care to join us?” Celestia asked the stallion who lowered his leg, and looked over towards his princess.

“I’d love to, but I have my rounds I need to do.”

The stallion then trotted past the Digimon and went about to finish his patrols, while the three mares and Spike went off to the dining hall. Flamedramon on the hand just kept watch on Shining Armor as he trots off for a bit, before turning around and catching up with the group. But before they got too far the Digimon looked over his shoulder, and saw the stallion talking to a pair of guards, and it looked like they were discussing something. Turning his attention away from the gossiping guards, the Armor Digimon continued to follow his female entourage and Spike to their desired destination.

After the group made it to the dining hall Flamedramon saw several tables within the room, one being the longest and in the center of the room, and two smaller tables that had platters, bowls and other food holders that were briming with various foods. Most of which looked like cold items, but there were a few that looked freshly cooked. The group then started to gather up their desire foods, except for Flamedramon as he’s already eaten today but he did grab a few items to eat as to not be rude, and once everyone had their food they all sat at the main table and ate. But as they ate the princess asked if she could hear some of Flamedramon’s adventures in his world, which Spike, Rarity, and Twilight also wanted to hear, in fact all of them were practically briming with excitement at anticipating the Digimon’s stories.

So the digital monster opted to tell the group a tale from one of his more, daring escapades, where Flamedramon and a comrade of his joined forces to stop a SkullGreymon that was set loose on a large town, which resulted in a lot of casualties. The battle was so grueling and taxing that Flamedramon and his comrade felt as if they weren’t to prevail, yet the duo pulled through and mustered all the power they could and continued on to fight the monstrous Ultimate, but they didn’t fight alone as some of the strongest inhabitants of the town joined and aided in battle. By the stories conclusion the mad Digimon was defeated, and Flamedramon and his comrade were able to emerge victorious and save the survivors of the town.

“I must say that was quite a daring venture.” Celestia said as she finishes the very last of her tea. “But it was sad to hear that so many lives were lost during that mad Digimon’s rampage.”

“It was certainly a troublesome fight, thankfully though Raidramon and I weren’t completely alone in that fight. But I did wish we could’ve done more.” Flamedramon lamented as h looked down at his cup of tea with a disappointed look.

“It’s still sad that so many Digimon lost their lives.” Twilight said as she wiped the small amount of tears swelling up in her eyes as she listened to her friends story.

“That’s the reality of my world Twilight, you never know what Digimon will come around, or what their intentions will be before it’s too late.” Flamedramon said as he patted the mare to provide some comfort, which worked as the mare gave a thankful smile to her tall Digimon friend. A moment later and a pony wearing a maid’s outfit came into the dining hall, and started to take the plates in her magical grasp, while also cleaning the table as the group departs.

“Thank you for joining me for lunch everypony, it certainly made my afternoon a bit more enjoyable.” Celestia said pleasantly as she thanks her guest, all of who bowed to the royal.

“Not at all princess.” The two ponies and dragon said in unison as they all stood up, Flamedramon then places a hand over his chest as he bows his head.

“I will like to thank you again for attempting to look for a way back to my world princess.” The princess gave a small smile as she nods her head, before relenting that she was unable to help the Digimon. After giving the princess their thanks for lunch, and their farewell, the group started to make their way out of the castle. However before they got too far, the group found themselves face to face with Shining Armor once more.

“Hey there big brother.” Twilight said cheerfully to her older sibling.

“Hey there Twiliy. Are you and the others heading back to Ponyville?”

“Yup. Unfortunately, the princess wasn’t able to help Flamedramon get back to his world, so he’ll be staying with us for the time being until he figures things out.” after Twilight had finished explaining the Digimon’s situation, the stallion then looked squarely up at the Armor Digimon, which Flamedramon noticed he has some sort of look of determination in his eyes.

“Speaking of your friend, you said he’s a hero, right?” Shining inquired as he looked to his sister.

“That’s right.” Rarity said as she watches the stallion trot up to Flamedramon.

“I’ve been wandering something after meeting you.” The stallion said as he looked up to the Digimon, who looked down with an inquisitive expression. “How would you like to have a quick sparring match with me?” the group was honestly a little surprised to hear this from the stallion, especially Flamedramon as he wasn’t quite expecting it.

“I would advise against it.” the Digimon said in a cautious tone, causing the stallion as well as the others to look a bit confused. “Even if we were to simply spar, it would still end up with you being hurt.” Shining Armor actually looked offended that Flamedramon suggested that the stallion was weak.

“Hey! I’m a lot stronger than I look, I am after all the CAPTAIN of the Royal Guard!” clearly the stallion wasn’t going to back down from this, especially after Flamedramon had basically called the captain a weakling. So the Digimon decided to play along.

“Very well, if you want to have this sparring match, then I’ll oblige.”

Shining Armor gave a cocky grin as he nodded his head, and started to lead the Digimon down the hall while Twilight and her two friends looked on with worry. They were sure that Flamedramon wouldn’t hurt Twilight’s brother, to badly, but after hearing the few stories he’s told them they were greatly concern for the stallions safety. So, to ensure that nothing was going to get out of hoof, the two unicorns and Spike followed after the duo. Hopefully, no pony would get hurt, emphasis on the word, hopefully.

Author's Note:

okay so I initially planned to have the whole dueling scene in this chapter, but I decided to make it its own chapter. which will be short. not like 1000 words short, but probably close enough. so, what do you think is going to happen between the Armor Digimon and the Caption of the Royal Guard?

Cast your votes people!