• Published 18th Feb 2021
  • 3,692 Views, 66 Comments

the Fire of Courage - NinjaMare

worlds collide as a hero from another world gets sent to Equestria, but now this wayward hero becomes the newest warrior that protects the land from its evils.

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Chapter 5: An Ally of Courage Arrives [Edited]

Several days have gone by since Flamedramon visited Canterlot to not only visit princess Celestia, but also inquire if the princess is able to send Flamedramon back to the digital world. After the meeting in the castle, and the Armor Digimon and his friends returned to Ponyville the Digimon simply enjoyed the peace and tranquility of the town, which he was finding very enjoyable.

Although the peace and quiet wouldn’t last forever though. At least that is what life has always taught him no matter where he is. And his stance on past experience was proven true, as one day a pale blue unicorn show performer came to town and started to stir things up. The worst of which was when she was indirectly responsible for influencing two colts, who foolishly brought a massive creature called an Ursa Minor to Ponyville, which then started to run amok. Luckily, and quite surprisingly, there wasn’t much destruction, but the town was in an uproar. In the end Flamedramon was able to scare off the large beast when Twilight informed the Digimon the Ursa was a baby, and only needed some encouragement to leave town, so the Digimon used his fire powers to scare the massive beast out of town. While also wowing the ponies with his display of wrapping himself in fire, and even creating a huge pillar of fire to scare the beast back to the Everfree.

But for the moment things in town were nice and peaceful, and the Digimon was sitting on the balcony of the Golden Oaks Library and simply enjoying the bright sunny day, while listening to the far off sounds of the ponies going about their day. As the Digimon was sunbathing on the balcony, his mind started to wander about his world and how things there could possibly be going. But considering the state of world was in before he was sent to this new world, the dark factions are probably still at large and trying in spreading their influence anywhere they can, while good-hearted Digimon or those that wish to be left alone fought back. Although those that did fight back would undoubtably end up being defeated and then subjugated, or were just simply destroyed and then absorbed into the invading forces that had killed them. Preventing them from being reborn and live new lives.

“Blaze?” A sudden voice caused the Digimon to open his eyes and look behind him where spotted Twilight, using his new nickname that Pinkie Pie gave him and looking at him while in the door way.

“Hello Twilight. Are you done with your magic lessons for the day?” the Digimon asked as he rose to a sitting position while the unicorn trotted over to him and sat down beside him.

“I’m just taking a break for a little while before going back to my studies.” The mare said before peering up at Flamedramon with a curious look in her eye as her tail flicked about.

“What are you doing out here?” she asked plainly.

“Oh nothing much. I’m just enjoying the peace and quiet and the warmth of the sun.” Blaze said as he stretched out his back, before leaning back with arms keeping him propped up.

“I rarely got to enjoy peaceful moments like this back in my world, so I plan to take as much of it in as I can while I was thinking about how things back home was going.” Blaze said as he closed his eyes and went back to just bathing in the sunlight, but while the Digimon went back to lounging on the balcony, Twilight looked at Blaze with a concerned look.

“I guess after hearing everything about your world when you tell us stories about it, I can see how you like the peace and quiet?” Twilight said in a slightly dowered tone which got the Armor Digimon to look down at her with a curious look.

“I mean, from what you told us of your world, it sounds like a harsh and brutal world to live in.” Blaze gave an understanding nod to the little mare as he then started to speak.

“While my world can be unfair and hostile, there are times when it’s just as peaceful here. It’s just that now adays the peace is being challenged by those that wish to disrupt that harmony.” The Digimon then gave the small mare a more serious look as he continued on with his explanation.

“You also have to remember that in my world, its survival of the fittest, you either live or die by the strength and power that you possess. I know to you ponies it sounds like a cruel way to live, but this is how my world has always functioned, and it will always be that way. And because of that, I want to help as many Digimon that don’t want to be dragged into conflict that is currently ravaging our world. And help my fellow Digimon find peace again.”

“I understand Blaze, but still it’s sad to hear that is how your world is, and that it’s such a common way of living.” Twilight lamented as she hung her head while she seems to be understanding what the digital monster was saying but she still looked sadden that Blaze’s world has to abide to operate with such primitive laws. The Digimon then placed a hand on Twilight’s head, and started to gently pet her causing the mare to smile softly and enjoy the little comforting motion.

“I appreciate your concerns little one.” Twilight looked up to Blaze and saw a warm smile on his face, which made the mare feel a little bit happier to see that she was able to bring some level of happiness to the digital monster while they talked about his world. Though the moment was a bit downplayed That’s when the Digimon’s stomach started to gurgle and grumble. Loudly.

“Guess somepony is hungry.” Twilight chortled as she covered her mouth with a hoof while Blaze place the hand that was petting Twilight on his stomach.

“I guess so.” Blaze said as he sat back up and started to wonder what should he have for lunch today.

“If you want we could go out for lunch, I know a good eatery to go to.” Twilight suggested as she too got to her hooves.

Accepting the little unicorns invitation to going out, the Digimon followed Twilight down the library’s interior before heading out into the town to get some lunch, but not before placing a sign on the door that simply said, ‘out for lunch’. As the pair started walking and trotting through the town they made small talk, with mostly Twilight asking several more questions about the Digital World, as well as other types of Digimon which Blaze tries to answer the questions as best he could. Blaze has never before come across someone who was so inquisitive as Twilight. Eventually the pair made it to the eatery that Twilight was talking about, and as it turned out, it was the same diner that Rainbow Dash took the Digimon to. Stepping onto the patio and after picking out an empty table under a nice overhanging curtain to keep the sun off of them they both looked through the menu at the table, while also waiting for a waiter to come over to them. Which didn’t too long, as Blaze spotted a familiar peppy pink pegasus mare flying towards them.

“Good afternoon my dears I am—oh! Hi there Blaze! How’s it going?” Floral asked in her typical cheerful voice while the Digimon chuckled a little at the bubbly mare’s energetic attitude.

“I’m fine Floral. It’s nice to see you again.” The Armor Digimon said in a polite manner, while the pegasus wiggled in place in mid-air all the while saying.

“Oh my! Oh my, oh my, oh my!” After the very bubbly pegasus has had her moment of adorable weirdness, the mare asked what the pair would like to drink and eat. Twilight got something called a deluxe daffodil combo basket, with crispy hay fries and a glass of raspberry lemonade. As for Blaze, he ordered a veggie burger with curly fries, with a glass of apple cider. Once the orders were placed Floral zipped back into the building to get their food underway.

“Say Twilight, can I ask you something?” the Armor Digimon asked the little unicorn sitting across from him.

“Of course.” Twilight said eagerly. But when she looked up to Blaze, she saw that he looked kind of, serious. As if something was weighing on his mind.

“I was wondering, since the princess can’t find a way to send me back to my world, would I be able to stay here in Ponyville?”

“Of course you could stay Blaze.” Twilight quickly responded before she continued on.

“Like I said back at the castle, your more than welcome to stay here in Ponyville. And if you want to find your own place to live, I’ll help you find a place of your own to stay. Or if you want you could stay with me and Spike at the library.” the Digimon gave the small unicorn another thankful smile which brought an equally pleased smile to the mare herself.

“Thank you Twilight.” The Digimon then gave a small sigh before continuing on. “Lately I’ve been wander if I should, or possible could stay in town, instead of just wandering around the country.”

“You mean how you did back in your world with your wandering drifter life-style?” the Armor Digimon nodded his head before placing his chin in the palm of his right hand, before glancing out towards the town. Watching the ponies trot about, talking, laughing, and living their lives.

“I’ve never stayed in one place for long so seeing everything here so peaceful and no one fighting each other for dominance, to gain strength and evolve, or wage campaigns to expand their territories, I started to wander if I should stay here if it was really possible? Honestly, this little town makes it feel like I ended up in paradise.”

The small unicorn developed a small smile on her face, as she watches the Digimon sitting across from her , who was a wandering warrior that would fight enemies wherever they were, relax and look more calm and collected. Just as the pair were enjoying their little quite moment, while engaging in minor conversation, Floral came back with their desired drinks before flying off back into the diner, and then returning a few minutes later with their orders. Now with their orders in front of them the two started to eat, while still making more small talk. Their conversation even shifted to what should Blaze do to spend his days. Like finding him a place of employment in town, Twilight even suggested that if he wanted to she could help him be part of the Royal Guard. But while in the midst of eating their meal, the both of them heard some kind of big ruckus coming from the nearby shopping district, and when they and the other patrons of the diner, even some of the workers looked to where the commotion was coming from, they all saw a bunch of ponies crowding around the shopping district.

“Is there some kind of celebration going on today Twilight?” Blaze asked the little pony as he watched the small crowd start moving back into the central plaza, where even more ponies started to join the ever growing crowd. It was even impossible for the tall Digimon to see what the commotion was about.

“I don’t think so.” Twilight said before a knowing smirk came over muzzle along with a small chortle.

“But this is Ponyville so it’s hard to tell when an actual holiday happens, and when Pinkie Pie decides to throw a party for somepony.” Twilight said as she looks at the crowd, seeing the ponies backing away from something.

Just then both Twilight and Blaze saw what was causing such a commotion, and for the both of them it was quite the sight to behold. Walking through the crowd of ponies was a tall armored pegasus that looked to be roughly the same size as princess Celestia, whose wings had beautiful golden feathers, a light orange coat with white marks on their underside and legs, while their mane and tail was a nice pale cream color. As for the armor itself, it was gold just like the royal guard, but it has more details on it than the guards, and it looked far more smoother and leaner in overall design. All in all, Twilight was utterly bewitched by the tall equine, as they just exude an aura that simply captivated her. Although the unicorn was a little confused to why the pony had batwings sticking out of the back of its helmet, but it was a minor thing. As the large, armored pony trotted pass the crowd of ponies, Twilight was startled when Blaze suddenly lept out of his seat and landed on the other side of the patio’s railing, before he rushed over to the large pegasus.

“Pegasusmon!” Blaze half-shouted as he rushes over to the armored pegasus, who looked towards him and appeared to be surprised when being called out to. But the moment that the large equine saw Blaze, their blue eyes widen before they galloped towards the Armor Digimon.

“Flamedramon!” the tall pegasus said in a strong smooth male voice. The two figures then skid to a stop in front of each other, before they gave each other a playful shoulder bash.

“So this is where you’ve disappeared to my old friend, I was worried when word spread that you were defeated by Zamielmon.”

“Don’t worry old friend I’m fine, but how did you get here?” Blaze asked as Twilight, and a few other ponies gathered around the two friends as they talked. “Did you happen to be struck by a small black data sphere, with pulsating protrusions and purplish electricity coursing around it?”

“Yes actually.” Pegasusmon confirmed as he tapped the ground with an armored hoof. “It happened when I was assisting a squad of Unimon and a platoon of Firamon in protecting a sacred site in the Northern hemisphere, when a horde of Devidramon came to destroy it to create a new hideout for one of the dark factions. And they weren’t alone as they were being led by a NeoDevimon.”

The armored pegasus Digimon explained to his fellow Digimon comrade, which made the armored dragon Digimon developed a very worried look and visibly tenses up, while the ponies around the pair only seemed to look confused. But behind their looks of confusion, the ponies were just marveling at the fact that there was another Digimon from another world in their town, but this newcomer looked just like an alicorn-sized pony, decked out in golden armor. Twilight herself especially was absolutely blown away by how this large equine Digimon looked, he was certainly unlike any pony in Equestria and yet, he exuded a strange sense of familiarity. But the unicorn’s fascination shifted to one of concern as she heard the two Digimon continue to talk to each other, particularly about the events that Pegasusmon took part of.

“So the dark factions are even stretching their influences past the eastern borders that they’ve taken control of, and are even striking at forbidden and sacred sites.” Blaze said more to himself, but Pegasusmon nodded to the assumption all the same, before divulging into more details of the events that he took part of.

“Yes. It was a grueling battle Flamedramon. We spent hours in fighting off the swarm of Devidramon while trying to keep the ruins they were guarding safe, in the end we managed to hold our own against the Devidramon as they were uncoordinated, and our maneuverability gave us the edge.” The equine Digimon’s demeanor then shifted to one of great dread as he continued on.

“But when the NeoDevimon eventually decided to take part in the battle…” a full body shutter ran down the armored equines back and down his legs, while his wings ruffled nervously. “It was a veritable bloodbath when he joined in, cutting down our forces with ease while we barely did any manner of harm to him. But even when he put himself into the melee, we managed to defeat all the Devidramon while only losing a small portion of our own force, but…”

“In the end the NeoDevimon defeated you all, and was the one that used that data sphere on you right?” Pegasusmon nodded to Blaze’s assumption about the final conclusion of the battle was.

“He was going to use it on Firamon as he wasn’t backing down, and was trying his best to defeat the Ultimate, but when he went to use the data sphere I jumped in before it collided with Firamon. Then the next thing I knew I was in the middle of a wasteland after waking up feeling horrible pain that coursed through me.”

“I then spent the next few days just flying around, and wondering where it is I was transported to.”

“Well, I’m just glad that you’re in one piece my friend.” Blaze said as he places a claw on the pegasus Digimon’s whither, and giving Pegasusmon a comforting smile who seemed to have done the same, even if his helmet was blocking his facial expression.

“Same to you my friend.”

“Um excuse me Blaze?” the two Digimon turned to look down to Twilight, who was looking up to the pair with an intrigued look, which was shared by the other ponies that were gathered around them.

“Is this a friend of yours from your world?” the mare asked to the bipedal Digimon, who just nodded his head as he gestured to the armored equine.

“That’s correct Twilight. This is one of my fellow crusaders in the venture of bringing back peace to the Digital World.” the armored equine took a step closer and introduced himself formally to both Twilight and the crowd as they look upon him.

“My name is Pegasusmon, the Flying Hope.”

Author's Note:

i'm not sure if this how a fic gets featured, but this fic of mine is listed among the 10 fics we see on the main home page. is that how featured fics work? if so, WHOA!