• Published 4th Apr 2021
  • 3,300 Views, 94 Comments

Dragon Wish - DanishDash

A boy wishes to be a Saiyan and sent on a great adventure. He is sent to Equestria, in a Saiyan pod to destroy the world. If he doesn't, there will be consequences.

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Chapter 5: Preparations

Daiko never knew how much one could miss a nice warm bath. It had only been a few hours after the whole ordeal in the throne room, afterwards, his chains were undone, and he got to enjoy a nice hot meal, and a nice bath while the palace staff cleaned his clothes.

Once done, he put everything back on, sliding on his Saiyan armor and tapped his chest as he was done. "I feel a whole lot better!" He stretched, feeling so refreshed he was almost forgetting he was in a cage just a short time ago.

A small giggle caught him off guard, and he quickly turned around to face whoever had snuck into his room. It was that yellow pony, Fluttershy. She looked at him with such kind eyes, something that he found strangely soothing. "I'm sorry," said Fluttershy hiding her face in her mane. "I didn't mean to interrupt."

Daiko turned to face her, and shook his head. "It's okay Ms. Fluttershy."

She waved her hoof. "Oh, you don't need to call me Ms. Fluttershy, just Fluttershy will do, if you don't mind."

"Sure, okay," said Daiko, sitting down on the bed as he put on his boots.

Fluttershy watched him for a moment, taking him in as he was more relaxed now. Truth be told, she was still quite shocked about how it had all turned out. After the whole Ponyville incident everything had gone so fast. From when she first saw the little boy out cold, to when he was stripped of his armor and put in that cage, to now. It all seemed like a blur now.

She had known right away he was a child, and she had protested seeing him being chained up and caged. Fluttershy was very kind and compassionate, but she wasn't naïve, at least not about him. While not knowing much about him, she insisted from the very beginning he wasn't in control of his great ape form. She might not know anything about Saiyans, but she knew animals, and what Daiko had done in his form, going berserk, she could tell he was in distress.

Now she had become his guardian, a decision she had taken in a split second without really thinking about anything else. She couldn't handle the thought of someone looking after him that already had a negative, or at least, compromised view of him, would be bad for Daiko.

That didn't mean she was completely confident. She had a love to take care of animals, but this was no animal, this was a child, an alien one at that, not a foal. So not only was she out of her depth, she was on completely uncharted territory.

"Fluttershy?" Daiko suddenly called, looking at her from his spot on the bed.

"Hm? Yes?"

"Can I ask you something?"

He seemed a little uncomfortable, something Fluttershy recognized all too well. She smiled gently, hoping to calm him down and let him know it was going to be okay. "Of course you can, what is it?"

"Well.. I just wondered, why did you decide to become my guardian..?" Daiko had been with foster parents before, and he hadn't really been thrilled about them. Fluttershy was on the opposite end of the scale, she seemed to legit care about him, something he wasn't quite used to.

"Oh, well.."

Fluttershy wanted to help him, sure, but still the decision to become his guardian had come so fast. Taking a page from Applejack's honesty book, she moved in closer and sat down on the bed, sitting next to him. The sight was a little weird, a pony and a monkey boy. Fluttershy didn't mind, she had seen a lot of strange things in her life.

"I don't know how to explain it." She admitted. "To me, if you don't mind me saying, you look lost." Fluttershy noticed a sort of shift in his expression, but she couldn't read it. She couldn't tell if he was tense or nervous, perhaps a mix of both. "I just don't want you to feel alone, I want to give you a chance, and I hope you will take it." She blushed out of slight embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I know it doesn't make sense.."

Daiko held up his hands, shaking his head. "No no, it's alright.." He let out a sigh, looking down at the floor. "I am kind of scared.." He admitted feeling his cheeks warm up as well, as he didn't like to admit it. "I know a Saiyan is not supposed to be scared, but the truth is, I don't really have much experience fighting."

This was no lie, but he wasn't exactly telling the truth either. He kept his human life a secret, filled in some gaps from his old life with the filler of what he knew of the Saiyans. Soon enough he had constructed this whole history for himself, a fake life, something that would explain his inexperience, and not reveal who he really was, and how he got there. Daiko had no problems with lying, while he recognized it was not very good to do it, he still didn't mind using it. He had lied before, and to him his lies was not to hurt others, but to protect himself.

Being a good idea or not, he was a child, and so in the moment found it easier to lie, and even found some comfort in it. Not the lying itself, but in the fact he could bury his old life and forget about it while starting over. Morality was for the ones who were able to afford it, at least according to Daiko.

"I'm kind of the runt of the litter.." This was a misleading truth. The foster home he was in had older kids who usually picked on him because he was the youngest. This could be interpreted as him being weak for a Saiyan his age, and Daiko knew this, but it still felt good to say, getting it off his chest even though she would not connect it to anything other than a life he never had.

Fluttershy nodded slightly. "I used to feel like that too.." Then she smiled at him. "How about we go for a walk? I can show you my favorite garden."

Daiko smiled, actually happy not having to continue this discussion, it still felt weird, but he was happy Fluttershy seemed to sense when it was best to stop for now. "Okay then." The two got up, and left the room.

It had been quite a night, and day, Celestia was ready to turn in for the day. Other than the night's attack, there was the whole scene in the throne room, not to mention setting everything up with Twilight so she could stay informed. There were a lot of pieces that needed to come together.

Though even now, as everything seemed calm again, she knew it was just a matter of time before her sister would come to her and demand answers. It was to be expected, and Celestia could hardly blame her for it. She had taken the decision without consulting her, but Celestia had seen something in this Saiyan, something she needed to act on right away.

And just as expected, her sister came through the doors, slamming them shut behind her with her magic as she walked in. "Sister, why have you allowed this Saiyan to stay here?"

The older sister turned to her younger sibling, gave an apologetic look, and sighed. "Forgive me, sister, but I had to seize the opportunity when I saw it."

"What opportunity?" Luna asked, then paused for a second. "You're planning to use him as a way to defend Equestria?"

"His arrival here is a sign, Luna. We both know there are evils out there coming back to haunt us. First Nightmare Moon, then Discord, more is coming, new as well as old foes. I want us to be prepared for it." Celestia explained, not sounding thrilled about it at all. "What if more Saiyans were to turn up here? They sent a child to deal with us, what if they send an adult next time, Luna?"

Luna thought about it, she still did not know if these Saiyans were as good as Daiko had led them to believe. Even so, that great ape form, Daiko was just a child, and if adults could control the form, maybe even finding ways to use it without her moon, what would it mean for them?

"He has potential to be a great ally one day." Celestia finished.

Luna's eyes narrowed. "That's why you sent him to live in Ponyville, it's not about punishment, you want him to fight for us."

"Yes and no." Celestia shrugged. "I hope that kid will never have to fight again, I hope he can live a happy life without having to fight another battle again. I want him to have a chance at life, see how we live it, and become one of us. Family, friendship, that is what this kid deserves."

"But," Luna continued. "If that does happen, he's likely to fight to keep them safe, should it come to that."

Celestia nodded, not seeming happy about it, but it was a win win scenario. If his skills were never needed, then he had a peaceful life, but if the time came, she hoped he would stand with them.

The next few days were spent on getting Daiko up to speed about some basic knowledge about Equestria. Like the role of Celestia and Luna, some cultural stuff. Some things did not surprise him at all, other things did, like the fact Celestia and Luna moved the sun and the moon, that to him was just insane.

They also spend some time preparing for his stay in Ponyville. Nopony was to know he had been the great ape who had attacked their town, they thought it best not to mention it, though not all were happy with that decision.

The matter of his diet was pretty easy to solve. Didn't mind fish, and while he had lived in the forest he had found out he could use his tail to fish with. More importantly though, Fluttershy was used to feeding her animal friends meat, like the bears and foxes and so on. So she did not mind Daiko having some, she didn't want him to starve after all.

About four days later everything was set. Daiko was ready to head to Ponyville and start his new life. When he left Canterlot with Fluttershy and her friends, he wondered, what kind of adventure was waiting for him ahead?

Author's Note:

I think I'm back to a 100% now, still a little tired, but I'm better.

I will spend the next few days going through my chapters and edit them. Sot he chapters coming up should be longer and more detailed.

Thank you for reading along so far, and again, if you guys have ideas about upcoming chapters, feel free to share them with me. :twilightsmile: