• Published 4th Apr 2021
  • 3,290 Views, 94 Comments

Dragon Wish - DanishDash

A boy wishes to be a Saiyan and sent on a great adventure. He is sent to Equestria, in a Saiyan pod to destroy the world. If he doesn't, there will be consequences.

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Chapter 6: New Home

Daiko let out a sigh, he tried not to show he was bored out of his mind, but after having gotten used to flying, a train seemed that much slower. Despite being bored however, he didn't say anything, not wanting to give of the impression that he was ungrateful or anything of the sort.

Fluttershy had been very kind in taking him in, and so he wanted to be on his best behavior. He had gotten a lot of looks when they went to the station, and when they boarded the train itself. Apparently ponies were not used to seeing a saiyan walk around with a pony, though to be fair, if he had seen the opposite in his home world, he might have looked as well. Didn't mean he liked it.

Taking his eyes of the landscape passing by the window, he turned his eyes to his new guardian. Fluttershy, the element of kindness, apparently it was some well regarded title, though Daiko still didn't fully understand it. She seemed aware of the ponies still looking at him, but she did her best to ignore them, for his sake he imagined. He didn't want to be a bother, but Fluttershy felt the same way, and so they had decided to endure it together.

"How far until we get to Ponyville?" Daiko asked, looking back out the window, still amazed at all he could see.

"Won't take us too long, it is not that far away, maybe an hour or so." Fluttershy replied, glancing back at the ponies in the train car. She leaned closer to him, and whispered. "I'm sorry for all the looks.."

Daiko looked at her, then shrugged. "It was bound to happen, if it gets too much I'll just go outside and fly up on the roof and wait there." Fluttershy giggled, and Daiko smirked, laughing a little too. "You don't believe me?"

She tried to stifle a giggle, thinking he was joking. Daiko didn't mind, he knew she didn't laugh at him, and not only that, but he hadn't shown her, or anypony just what he could do yet. He stood up on the seat, opening up the window. Now Fluttershy stopped her giggles, though kept her nervous smile on.

"D-Daiko, what are you doing..?"

Looking back at her, he winked, then suddenly jumped out. Fluttershy let out a startled scream, hurrying to the window, but when she got there she saw Daiko, running beside the train! Her eyes grew with amazement, he was actually keeping up, running as fast as needed to be right beside the window.

"How.. How are you doing this?!" Fluttershy called out to him, smiling in pure awe.

Daiko simply grinned, then set off from the ground, and to the shock of Fluttershy, not to mention to all the ponies who had come to her side of the train to see the strange creature, he flew! Without wings or magic, the little saiyan moved through the air, staying right beside the window.

Daiko waved to Fluttershy, calling out to her. "I'll keep up!" There wasn't much Fluttershy could do, Daiko was clearly okay, and seemed to have no problems keeping up with the train. She just nodded, and with her permission granted, he moved up higher into the air, and flew above the train, keeping himself clear of the smoke.

As he flew in the air, feeling the breeze move through his black hair, Daiko was struck how easy it was to fly now. Although he could still feel the effort he had to put into it, it was like he no longer had any problems with the speed, or keeping himself in the air. It felt amazing, and he couldn't help but do flips now and again, even going so far to fly up next to the locomotive itself.

He felt so free now, not having to hide anymore. Still, he couldn't forget his purpose in Ponyville, he was there to help with the cleanup effort after the mess he had made. Daiko was of course happy no one had gotten hurt, and if he had to help dealing with the damage to make everything better, then that was a price he was willing to pay.

Flying a bit higher, he moved himself to sit on the roof of the train car Fluttershy was in. Once he sat down, he crossed his legs and sat facing towards the head of the train, trying to spot any town coming into view. As he did so, his mind wandered, and he thought back to all that had happened.

So far Daiko still hadn't come up with any answers to how he could have gotten here, he knew he had wished to be a saiyan and for adventure, but that still didn't explain how any of this was possible. Would he ever see his old home again? Did he even want to see it again? The whole thing made his head hurt, but no, he didn't want to go back to his old life. Even if things didn't work out in this world, he had the means to go off and seek a life on his own if he wished. Here he had the powers to set himself free, so if anything, he had chosen to stay, and so was already free. He smiled, liking the sound of that.

Then there was his guardian, Fluttershy. She seemed legit when she said she wanted to help him, and she didn't seem to be the type to lie to him. She wasn't like his old foster parents, she was kind and gentle, something he hadn't experienced a lot with his foster family. Not that he hadn't known kindness before, but this was something else.

As the train came closer to Ponyville, he looked back towards Canterlot mountain, thinking back on the two princesses. Something about Celestia made him a bit uneasy, not that he thought that she was a bad pony or anything. He couldn't explain it, not even to himself, but it was like his mind went into combat mode when he saw those calculating eyes look at him.

Was it just him being untrusting? Or was it some of his Saiyan blood just reacting on instinct to a strong creature? He couldn't tell, but perhaps it was better not to find out at all. For now, he had other matters to attend to, like his new life in Ponyville.

When the train stopped at Ponyville station, Daiko jumped down to the platform from the roof, startling some ponies waiting for the train to stop. He paid them no mind, turning his attention towards disembarking ponies, waiting for Fluttershy to catch up.

Once out, she quickly spotted Daiko and trotted over to him. "Daiko.. Look at your mane, it's all wild now.." She said in an almost motherly tone, making him blush in slight embarrassment.

"Come on, it's not that bad.." Daiko replied, taking a step back to avoid her hoof. Quickly he ran his own hand through it, quickly fixing the worst of it. "Now, shouldn't we get to work?"

Fluttershy smiled slightly, following Daiko out to the main street of the town. Once they did though, both of them froze. For a moment Daiko had forgotten about the whole repair thing, but he was reminded as he saw ponies all over working on some of the damaged buildings. While it was not as bad as Daiko had initially thought, he still felt responsible and bad for the damage he had caused.

As they walked through the streets, Daiko sighed. "I really feel bad for what I did to your town, I'm sorry.."

Fluttershy frowned. "Don't be sorry, there was nothing you could have done."

"I don't know, I should not have been out after dark, I knew there could be a full moon out, and I didn't do anything to keep myself away from it." He let out a small snort. "I'm pretty pathetic.." He didn't really mean that, but he was disappointed in himself for not thinking ahead.

"No you're not, Daiko." Fluttershy insisted. "You're just a foal, and mistakes are bound to happen."

"I don't know.." Daiko replied, looking around at the houses. The damage to them was not too severe, most of it had been caused by the fight outside the town, like him throwing trees, or debris flying through the air. No buildings were burned down, or flat out destroyed. It actually seemed more like a cleaning job than a repair job.

Ponies all around the town seemed in a good mood, while it was clear they were not too happy about doing all of this, they seemed to at least find joy in helping one another and fixing up their town. It was a tight community, and Daiko got the sense that this had not been the first time these ponies had to clean up their town. Thinking back to what happened in Canterlot, Daiko thought about the five ponies that had been with Fluttershy.

She had told him a lot about them of course, but they hadn't stuck around, except for the one called Twilight. Her and Fluttershy stayed in Canterlot while the rest went back home, then she left the day before they would. Daiko could tell Fluttershy had been sad that her friends had left, but she hadn't mentioned it.

He wondered if they were still mad at him, or at least, if Rainbow Dash was. The others had seemed more or less split in their opinions, none really knowing what to think. The pink pony had seemed more open to the idea, and even tried to throw a welcome to Equestria party, but none of them really felt up for it, so she promised she would throw him one when he got to Ponyville. He doubted she would actually follow through.

As soon as he had thought it, a pink pony appeared in front of him, her blue eyes staring directly into his. "Whoa!" Daiko jumped back, never seeing the pink pony coming.

"You're here!" Pinkie Pie squealed, throwing some confetti around. "Welcome to our town, Ponyville!"

Daiko looked to Fluttershy, who simply smiled and sent him an encouraging nod. Looking back to Pinkie, Daiko gave a small acknowledging nod. "Uhm, thanks, Pinkie?"

"No problem my little Saiyan friend!" Pinkie smiled, moving up closer to him, pulling Daiko into a bone crushing hug. "We are gonna have the best party ever!"

"Pinkie." Fluttershy called in a somewhat stern tone. "We've just arrived, and there is a lot to do. I need to show Daiko where he will be staying, not to mention see my animals. The party will have to wait."

Both Pinkie and Daiko looked at Fluttershy, both surprised. Though Daiko had only known her for a short while, he had learned Fluttershy was usually more timid and, well, shy. Pinkie quickly got over her initial surprise though, smiling broadly, she moved in and hugged her friend.

"You're really taking this mommy guardian thing to heart, Fluttershy! You'll make a good mom for our Saiyan friend!"

At her words, Fluttershy blushed, seeming to realize how she had acted, and what Pinkie was saying. "Oh! Oh, no, I wouldn't presume that I.. No no.."

Daiko's heart arched a little when Pinkie suggested Fluttershy was his new mom. He'd never gotten along with his foster mom, and she had never even pretended to be anything close to a real mother to him. Daiko could still remember his real parents, while he was still young when he lost them, he could still see them in mind.

Fluttershy he had just met, and she may be his guardian, but he didn't see her as a replacement to his mom, and neither did he want her to be. He was staying with Fluttershy, that was it. She looked after him until he was of age in their world, nothing more.

Clearing his throat, Daiko got their attention. "Uhm, maybe we should get going? We are being watched.."

"We are?" Pinkie asked, then noticed the ponies around town looking at them. She just smiled even more and waved. "Hello everypony! This is Daiko, he's new in town!"

Daiko flushed red, hiding his face in his hand just like Fluttershy was hiding her face behind her mane. "Uhm, Pinkie? We are gonna get going.." Fluttershy said timidly.

Pinkie nodded. "Oki Doki! You just go on ahead! I'll see you guys later!"

Daiko and Fluttershy walked off, and after a few moments, Fluttershy spoke again. "Sorry about that, Pinkie means well, she just wants you to feel welcome."

Daiko smiled, waving her off. "No no, I get it, I'm just a little overwhelmed I guess." Suddenly Daiko noticed they were walking away from the town, following the old dirt road and moving towards the forest he had been living in. Looking around he noticed less and less buildings, and more and more forest areas. "Fluttershy, do you live outside of town?"

She nodded. "Yes, I like the peace and quiet, and my animal friends prefer it as well. It is easier for them to come and go as they please." Fluttershy had told Daiko about the many animals she was taking care of, and told Daiko there was nothing to be afraid of. Daiko didn't mind, he had lived in the forest long enough to learn most animals weren't really a threat to him.

"So, what will I be doing exactly?"

"Oh, you will help me and my friends around town. You know, run errands, help cleaning up and maybe even build a little."

Daiko raised an eyebrow. "So you guys are keeping an eye on me?"

Fluttershy gasped, not looking guilty, but more surprised at him. "That's not it, Daiko, I promise."

Daiko doubted that, but he did not doubt her. Fluttershy might not see it, but Daiko was sure he would be working with Fluttershy AND her friends so they could all report back on him, or at the very least keep an eye on him. He didn't care, it wasn't like he was planning something evil anyway.ยจ

"Okay, if you say so, Fluttershy." He tried to sound casual about it, but even Daiko felt like his reply had come off a little bratty, which wasn't his intent. "Sorry.."

"It's okay," replied Fluttershy, as if knowing what he meant. "This is a big change, for both of us, and I believe in you."

Daiko was still quite amazed at the pony, he had no idea where her confidence in him came from. He wasn't sure if he truly liked that or not, because it made him feel like he was in debt to her. Life had taught him nothing comes for free, and so he couldn't help be slightly suspicious about this new chance he had gotten from the ponies. Weather Fluttershy was in on it, or if she was just that kind he still hadn't determined.

Fluttershy let out a sound, and Daiko looked at her. She smiled, nodding towards something. "We're here. Daiko, welcome to my home."

Fluttershy's home was comfortable, very cozy, if not a little small. She wasn't kidding when she said she liked animals, and the animals sure liked her. They had barely gotten to the cottage before the smallest critter, to the largest bear, came out of hiding to greet her. Even the birds circled her, welcoming her back home.

Instinctively, Daiko felt like taking a step away from the bear as it eyes him, but another reassurance from Fluttershy, Daiko let it examine him, and before he knew it, he could pet it the large carnivore. The animals trusted Fluttershy, and she in turn trusted them not to hurt any pony, or Saiyan. That went for almost every animal in her care, except for the white evil, Angel...

Fluttershy had barely let Daiko in the front door, when a white lightning suddenly jumped at him. While Daiko had not accepted it, he saw the attack coming, and so caught the little monster midair. "What the? A bunny?"

The little beast tried to bite him, Daiko held him by his foot, keeping him upside down so the bunny had trouble getting to him. Though Daiko doubted he actually would be hurt by the bunny, he rather not tempt fate. Fluttershy gasped. "Angel!" Quickly she took him, much to Daiko's relief. "Angel, what have I told you about newcomers?

The little bunny made a series of gestures and sounds, at times pointing at Daiko. How Fluttershy could understand him he had no idea, but it seemed she knew what he was saying, or at least, meant to say. "Yes, I know I've been gone, but Big Mac has been looking after you, hasn't he?"

The bunny crossed its arms, seeming to relent some point Daiko could only guess at. When he did, Fluttershy smiled, even seeming to blush slightly. "Good. As for Daiko, he will be living with us starting from today, I'm his guardian." There was a certain amount of pride in her voice, like if she had managed to complete a race.

Angel however, looked mortified, then made another series of gestures, many of them pointing towards Daiko. While he couldn't understand what the little bunny was getting at, he gathered whatever he was trying to say, it wasn't very polite, because Fluttershy gasped horrified. "Angel! Language!" The bunny crossed its forelegs, giving off a slight, 'hmph', as it did so.

Fluttershy turned to Daiko, looking embarrassed, as if Daiko had overheard something very rude. "I'm so sorry about this, Daiko, but could I ask you for a favor?"

"Uhm, sure?"

"Could I get you to go to Sweet Apple Acres and get some apples?" Daiko raised an eyebrow, slightly confused. "The pantry is probably not worth much, and I need to deal with this." It was clear she meant Angel, something the bunny noticed too, and so stuck out his tiny tongue like a child.

"Okay, it's the apple farm, right?" Daiko asked, and Fluttershy nodded.

"Yes, just tell them I've sent you. Do you think you can find it?" Fluttershy actually sounded slightly worried, as if sending a child into town for milk on their own.

Daiko just nodded. "Yeah, I know where it is." With that, he hurried outside, leaving Fluttershy to deal with her little monster. Without looking back, Daiko leaped into the air and flew off and over the forest.

When he did so, he let out a little gasp. It seemed that the little flying trip with the train had tired him out a bit more than he initially thought, but he was still good to go. If he was being honest, he was glad to have been sent on this little errand. It didn't have anything to do with Fluttershy, no, she was nice and everything, but it was nice to have some alone time.

After having been in the palace for days, he had felt like a bird in a cage. While they had said he was free to roam the palace, Daiko knew the guards were keeping a close eye on him. So it was nice to fly freely now and not having to worry about being seen by a pony.

As he flew over the treetops, he could still see the destruction of his great ape form. There were footprints that had flattened trees, and soon enough he was able to trace them back to where he first transformed. Thinking back, he wondered if his scouter and Saiyan pod was still there. As far as he knew he was in no hurry, and so followed his footprints back to his old camp.

It looked like a mess, but his Saiyan pod was still there, still in one piece. Moving closer, he landed on the ground, looking around with hopeful eyes. It took him a few minutes, but after a while, he finally uncovered his scouter, and it was still intact!

"Yes! I hope it still works." Quickly he put it on, pressing the side button to give it a test go. To his relief it lit up, numbers and symbols running by his eye, scanning the surroundings. Before it had finished however, he switched it off, looking back at his pod.

He wondered if he should tell Fluttershy about it, or even those princesses. Then again, if his stay here didn't work out, he could perhaps use it as a last resort. The thought was terrifying, but the option was there. For now though, he decided to cover it up, hide it the best he could before he flew off again, this time heading directly towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Like at his camp, he landed gently, his feet touching down comfortably. Looking around he saw no one at first glance, but thanks to a quick click with his scouter, he quickly found there was someone inside the farmhouse. He could have of course knocked on the door, but the fanboy inside him still couldn't help but try and find excuses to use the scouter, it was still damn cool.

Daiko, switching off his scouter again, started to walk towards the farmhouse, expecting to see Applejack in there. He couldn't remember her power level, so it could be someone else. Before he got halfway there though, a voice shouted out to him.

"Hold it right there, mister!"


Before he could turn to face the voice, a lasso flicked through the air, and made its way around Daiko's torso. With a quick poll, the noose tightened around him, pinning his arms to his sides.

"We got it!" A second voice exclaimed, both of them sounded like girls.

"Do you think it was the one from the other night?" A third voice joined in.

Daiko turned around and was faced with three fillies looking at him with slight trepidation, and yet some excitement. One of the fillies he recognized, she had a red mane and tail, and that big pink bow, she was also the one holding the rope. She was the one who screamed, and alerted every pony in the area about his presence.

Looking down at the rope, he looked back at the three fillies with a blank expression. "So, what is going to happen now?"

The three fillies almost looked startled, as if they hadn't expected him to talk. Then two of them looked to their flanks, which made him raise an eyebrow. They looked disappointed, both of them sighing. Okay, what was he missing here? The filly who held the rope kept staring at him, and the two others had checked their flanks for something.

"Still no cutie mark.. Not for lasso throwing, or for alien hunting." The orange filly with wings said, disappointed.

The white unicorn looked at the red maned filly, then and the orange filly. "Well, maybe it's because Apple Bloom was the one to capture it?"

"Then why didn't she get a cutie mark?" The orange filly replied.

Did they just refer to him as an it? And were they supposed to get something for capturing him? The two fillies started to discuss something Daiko didn't care to pay attention to, just waiting to be told what was going on. The third filly, the one holding the rope in her mouth, just stared at him in a mix of disbelief and, was it fear, or anger? Daiko wasn't sure.

Daiko was starting to get impatient, and it seemed the one known as Apple Bloom felt the same way. "Will you two stop it?" She said, her words muffled a little thanks to the rope. "We have to ge-WhoaH!" Before she could finish the sentence, she was pulled forward by Daiko, who had decided to just continue on his way towards the farmhouse.

Soon enough Daiko found himself dragging three fillies along with him, as the two others had hurried to help their friend trying to pull the rope. It didn't make a difference, Daiko kept walking forward as if there was no rope at all. Either the three fillies didn't notice or didn't care, but Daiko soon found himself stopping and turning to them.

The three fillies laid in a bundle, all of them still holding on to the rope. He looked down at them, and they back at him. For a moment they seemed to think they had managed to stop him, but he quickly put an end to that misunderstanding by grabbing the rope with his hands, and pulling it apart, snapping it two. The three fillies gasped, and the rope slid off his body and to his feet.

"Now if you don't mind, I'm here for apples." Daiko stated, turning around yet again, thinking that was the end of it.


He was wrong. "Ooufh!"

To his surprise, the fillies rushed him, tackling him to the ground. Or at least, he thought it was all three, but he was surprised to find only one, Apple Bloom. Daiko managed to turn around onto his back, Apple Bloom trying to pin him to the ground. If he was in doubt about if she feared him, or was angry at him, he was in doubt no more. He saw anger in her eyes.

Daiko could of course lift her off easily, but he was too stunned to do anything, he just kept looking up at her. There was complete silence now, even her friends seemed shocked by their friend's action. Daiko wasn't sure what to do, he had promised not to do anything against another pony, and he was too stunned to move anyway, so what would happen here today?

As for Apple Bloom, she seemed to be on the verge of yelling at him, or crying. Then she raised her hoof high up, was she gonna punch him?? Her friends gasped, seeming to think the same as him. The hoof swung down, but just before it made contact with his face, a stern and more adult voice called out.

"Apple Bloom!"

Author's Note:

I will admit, I don't feel very confident in writing Fluttershy. I've never had her for such a large role in any of my stories, so I'm sorry if I don't exactly capture her.

If anyone has suggestions or wants to help me write her a bit better, feel free to let me know. :twilightsmile: