• Published 17th Aug 2021
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Beginning Anew - Goldfur

A rogue portal dumped Caleb into an Equestrian desert and left him stranded in an unfamiliar universe. He has to start his life anew but a sympathetic earth pony mare offers to help him learn the ways of his new world.

  • ...

Chapter 13

“Wow! That took a lot of guts to say no to Princess Twilight,” Willow said as they stepped out of the alicorn’s castle. “Aren’t you afraid she will pay you back for that?”

Caleb shook his head. “She may be presumptuous and overzealous in her pursuit of science, but she’s also the Princess of Friendship. She’ll get over it. Heck, I might even let her do some scans someday as long as she goes about it the right way instead of just assuming I’d drop everything and willingly be her lab rat.”

“Still, she’s not going to be very happy. You are her guest, after all, and a little favor in return wouldn’t hurt.”

The man frowned. “It’s not like I asked for any of that. Don’t get me wrong – I’m grateful for all their help. However, because I’m stuck here, I’ll end up doing a lot more for Equestria than they have done for me.”

Vectrix said, “Forgive me for being selfish, but I’m glad that you’ll be staying.”

Caleb smirked at him. “Yeah, I know. Can’t say I blame you if I’m understanding your situation fully.”

Willow nudged the man with her shoulder. “Well, I’m glad you came to Equestria because I’ve been enjoying myself more than I’ve done so in years.”

“You two have really helped me,” Caleb admitted. “You’ve kept me sane in this crazy situation. I think if I was left by myself, I’d go nuts before long.”

“I guess we’ll just have to keep you entertained,” Vectrix said. “That’s why I’m taking you to The Bucking Mare tonight.”

Willow gave the changeling a startled look. “You think he’s ready for that?”

“Yep. Besides, he needs to see all sides of pony culture.”

The mare shrugged. “I suppose so. It’s been a while since I’ve patronized that bar. It should be fun.”

The man gave the two a doubtful look. “What are you two getting me into?”

“Let’s just say that you don’t go to that bar for a quiet drink,” Willow said with a mischievous grin.

When they arrived at The Bucking Mare, Caleb thought he understood the earth pony’s cryptic comment due to the loud music that could be heard from outside.

Not so different from many bars back home,’ he thought as they headed for the door.

That conclusion rapidly flew away as soon as he got inside. To the right was the actual bar, but to the left was a large area with tables and chairs that faced a stage. Performing upon it were two mares – an earth pony and a unicorn. Both wore bridles and harnesses that looked more for show than practicality, but they were otherwise just as nude as the average pony. What boggled Caleb's mind was that they were pole-dancing, and their routine was both very professional and left little to the imagination.

“Pony exotic dancers – now I’ve seen it all,” Caleb murmured, unable to tear his eyes from the sight.

The crowd was a fairly even mix of mares and stallions, but both were enjoying the performance of the two very flexible mares on the stage.

“I found us a spot!” Vectrix declared, breaking the man’s fixation on the dancers.

Caleb shook his head and followed… a black stallion with a green mane who spoke with the changeling’s voice.

The pony turned and winked at him. “Yeah, it’s me. Just changing things up for the occasion.” He led them to a table where a pegasus couple was cuddling and kissing. When they saw Vectrix arrive with Willow and Caleb, they waved, got off their chairs, and headed out, wing-in-wing. “Take a seat,” the changeling said. “Those two had gotten in the mood to do more than watch.”

Caleb said, “Vectrix, some things are universal and don’t need any explanation. Still, I never expected this.” He turned to Willow. “Are you cool being here?”

“I’m fine if you’re fine,” the mare replied.

“Okay. So, let’s get ourselves our drinks.”

They hailed a waitress and ordered their libations. Soon, they were all sipping their drinks, listening to the music, and watching the dancers. While Caleb was ambivalent about the suggestive nature of the performance, he had no doubts about the skill and creativity. Meanwhile, Willow was picking up some tips. With her flexibility, she could duplicate all of those moves, but whether she could match their artistry was another question. She looked at the human and observed his enjoyment of the show. Maybe with an appreciative audience, she could give it a try.

Vectrix was quietly congratulating himself. Bringing Caleb here had been a bit of a gamble, but his instincts had been correct. The man was relaxed and happy while Willow was opening herself up more and more. He wondered if she realized how much she meant to his hopes. He was certain that the human was his destined Companion but the bond was being very slow to develop. Part of it he knew was because of Caleb’s resistance to the concept, but there was also the feeling of alienation due to being stranded in a very different universe. Outings like these would help, but he sensed that the mare’s relationship to the human was also going to be the key to unlocking Caleb. It was not enough to make him welcome – he had to feel at home. And home was not just a place – it was people. Vectrix intended that he and Willow would be at the forefront of those people but it might take a bit of time for his efforts to bear fruit. Meanwhile, he would enjoy the beer and the company.

The three were pleasantly buzzed but not drunk when they wandered back to Twilight’s castle while enjoying the clear evening air. They had barely stepped inside before Spike came hastening up to them.

“I’m glad I caught you. Prince Mark left word for Caleb to meet Phil at the portal room tomorrow at ten.”

“Thanks, Spike,” Caleb said. “You could have just left a note in my room though.”

“Yeah, no. I didn’t want to risk you wandering into the living room. We spent a lot of time persuading Twilight not to persist in hassling you for her tests and we don’t want to set her off again.”

“Is she always this bad?”

“Not really since everypony normally cooperates, as she said. I think she has a hard time grasping that not everyone is interested in furthering science in that manner.”

“I might have been a bit more amenable to the idea if she hadn’t just laid it on me like that,” Caleb admitted.

Spike held up both his hands in a stop motion. “Whoa! Don’t mention that to her – she’ll never quit. Best to avoid her as much as you can. Any progress with finding digs for yourself yet, by the way?”

The man shook his head. “I haven’t had the time. Perhaps tomorrow after my trip to Earth.”

The dragon nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

“Well, I’d better head straight up to my room, I guess. It’s a bit early to go to bed yet though. Would you be interested in a game of cards?”

Vectrix grinned at the man. “I don’t suggest playing poker. You can’t bluff changelings.”

Caleb grimaced. “Right. That emotion-sensing thing. Okay, let me introduce you to a card game that my family calls ‘Oh, Hell!’. The first rule of the game is to come with a sense of humor!”

“Urk! Not… Guk! sorry,” Vectrix choked out as Caleb mock-strangled him.

Spike and Willow laughed at the man’s antics – schadenfreude was strong right then. Caleb had been poised to win the game, only to be beaten by a lowly Two of Hearts. Winning the game was only half the objective – making the other players lose in frustrating ways was the other. Vectrix had been masterful in the execution of the latter. He wasn’t even the winner – that honor was claimed by Spike.

Caleb released his victim who smirked while the human pouted. “You’re not supposed to be that damn good on your first try at the game,” the man complained.

“We think the same way at times like these, so of course I caught on quickly,” the changeling replied.

“I never knew a card game could get so physical,” Willow commented. “But it was certainly fun. We’ll have to play this again sometime.”

“Yeah, you can count me in for a rematch,” Spike said. “I’ll have to defend my title, after all.”

“What title?” Caleb asked.

“First grand champion of ‘Oh, Hell!’ in Equestria, of course!”

The man had to admit that the dragon had a point. “Well, we’ll pencil it in for next weekend. Right now though, I think I’d better hit the sack. I don’t want to oversleep tomorrow morning.”

Spike got up and headed for the door. “That’s my cue to say goodnight. Sleep well, folks.”

Vectrix said, “Before Caleb decides to have another try at choking me to death, I reckon I’d better head out too. I’ve got to prepare for the trip to Earth.”

“Okay, I’ll catch you in the morning in Canterlot,” the man replied.

As the door closed behind the changeling, Caleb looked at Willow who was still seated and was showing no signs of getting up. He raised a querying eyebrow at the mare who looked away, biting her lip. “Haven’t you got a home to go to, Willow?”

She nodded. “Of course I do.”

“And you’re still just sitting there why?”

The mare turned back to him, a pleading look in her eyes. “I’d rather stay here with you tonight.”

Caleb blinked in surprise. “You’re neither half-drunk nor passed out from tiredness, so you won’t be mysteriously ending up in my bed yet again. So, why do you want to stay? Afraid of walking home by yourself in the middle of the night?”

Willow snorted contemptuously. “I’m a trained soldier – anypony trying to mug me would come off second-best.”

“The question still stands.”

For a long moment, Caleb thought that the mare wasn’t going to reply. Then she sighed and said, “Because I haven’t slept so well in years. And for the first time since I lost my fiancé, I haven’t had nightmares for three nights in a row.”

Caleb was stunned. He moved his chair next to Willow’s and put an arm around her withers. “Want to tell me about this problem?”

Willow reluctantly nodded. “Blazing Shield and I had been promised for a couple of years. We had our big plan – we would save most of our pay to buy a house for ourselves and start a family. We finally put enough together to purchase a little cottage on the outskirts of Ponyville. We took all our belongings out of the barracks and moved in immediately. Then, when we were settled in, we intended to have a combination marriage and housewarming party. The day before the wedding was scheduled to occur, we were deployed to deal with the threat of Grogar. It was frustrating, but that’s what happens sometimes when you’re in the military. What neither of us dreamed of was that only one of us would return. That cozy little cottage felt so empty and cold.”

The mare sniffled and wiped her watering eyes. “I couldn’t get to sleep for three days. On the fourth, I took my Captain's advice and asked for a compassionate discharge. That night I drank myself to sleep. Same for the next several nights before I finally dragged myself out of the bottle and stopped feeling so damned sorry for myself. I was a military mare, not a wussy colt! I volunteered for reconstruction with the Equestrian Damage Control Corps. That’s how I got into construction work. Ever since then, I have lived by myself in that cottage and kept as busy as possible during the day so that I don’t have much time to think. I go to bed exhausted most nights but I never sleep well. Almost every night I have nightmares – mostly of how Blazing died so horribly in the jaws of one of Grogar’s monsters.”

“Doesn’t Equestria have mental health services?” Caleb asked with concern.

Willow nodded. “It does, but I was too proud to ask for help, and since I was an active member of society again, I was not forced to undergo counseling.”

“It can’t have been good living all by yourself though. Wasn’t there an alternative?”

“I told you earlier that my parents were killed. I have two sisters, but they’re in the army and live in the barracks. I can’t stay there because I’m no longer in active service – reserve status doesn’t count. I literally had no place else to go.”

Caleb frowned. “I’m told that the battle with Grogar happened many years ago, so couldn’t you have found someone… somepony else to fill your life?”

“I felt I didn’t need anypony. I didn’t want anypony else. Oh, I hung out in the bars with the mares and ogled the stallions, but my heart was never really in it. So I kept going home to my empty bed with the promise of yet another nightmare. And then, one day, I woke up in bed with you. For the first time in years, my sleep had been undisturbed and I felt rested. The next night was even better because I had no hangover. The third night, I could feel your presence comforting me and I had the first really pleasant dream since before Blazing’s death. I woke up at peace with myself at last.”

“Willow, I’m not a replacement for your dead fiancé.”

The mare gave the man a gentle smile, her eyes brimming with emotion. “You could never replace Blazing Shield – he and I had a special relationship. But that relationship came to an end years ago. I’m not saying that we have one yet but I feel something with you that I haven’t in a very long while. I feel safe with you. I don’t know why – we only met a few days ago, but I love the feel of you being there with me in bed. We’re herd creatures, Caleb, and I was foolish to ignore that. Now that I’ve had a taste of it again, I don’t want it to go away. So I’m asking you again – can I stay with you tonight?”

“I… well… I’m not used to the idea of sharing a bed with someone who isn’t a human.”

Willow raised an eyebrow. “Was it so bad sharing it with me?”

Caleb had to admit that, up until the moment he had realized who was there with him, it had felt quite nice to have someone to cuddle up to. Just because the revelation had shocked him didn’t change the fact that it had been harmless and pleasant. Did it really matter if that someone was a pony? “No, it wasn’t,” he admitted.

“Then, can we go to bed now?”

The man sighed. “I give up. Sure – go ahead. But I’m not sleeping nude!”

Willow giggled. “You’re so silly, but I can live with that.” She slid out from under his arm and trotted over to the bed. After pulling back the covers, she jumped onto the mattress and patted a spot next to her. “Coming?”

Caleb shook his head in wonder. How had he ever gotten himself into this situation? He turned off the main lights, leaving the room illuminated solely by a small bed-stand lamp. He then stripped down to his undershorts before joining the mare on the bed. He turned off the lamp, pulled the covers over both of them, and settled in.

After a few moments, Willow murmured, “Caleb?”


“Would you cuddle up close to me, please?”

The man considered the request and then shrugged. He did as he had been asked, one arm going over the mare’s barrel. It felt odd but pleasant at the same time. He realized then that he had missed company in bed too. He sighed and relaxed completely. As he drifted off to sleep, he heard a whisper.

“Thank you.”

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