• Published 17th Aug 2021
  • 3,847 Views, 650 Comments

Beginning Anew - Goldfur

A rogue portal dumped Caleb into an Equestrian desert and left him stranded in an unfamiliar universe. He has to start his life anew but a sympathetic earth pony mare offers to help him learn the ways of his new world.

  • ...

Chapter 20

“I appreciate that your method is an efficient way of pre-heating the work, Marigold, but in the interests of safety, please return to your normal form,” Caleb said with a touch of exasperation.

The nirik’s flames doused and the kirin looked up at the man with puppy dog eyes. “But I made sure that my work area was clear beforehoof.”

“I know, but it’s always better to assume that the unexpected could happen. That’s why you need to learn how to do things the accepted way initially. Once you’ve mastered the technique and you’ve graduated, you may experiment with alternative methods. However, to pass my course, you need to do things my way first.”

Marigold nodded. “No problem, Teach!” She then picked up her acetylene equipment and fitted the heating nozzle. She lit it with a brief lick of flame from her hoof and set to work.

Satisfied, Caleb turned to observe the progress of his other students. He walked up behind a frowning Willow who was pressing her hooves against different parts of a freshly welded joint. He said, “A copper bit for your thoughts?”

Willow swished her tail while staring at the piece. Eventually, she looked up at Caleb.

“It just doesn't make sense. Anything else in the world: Pottery, wood, bones, ceramics – all of these are by definition weaker where they have broken and been repaired. But with welding, the bead is stronger than the surrounding metal. I can feel it in my hooves.”

Caleb smiled. “Which is why Prince Mark is so gung ho on the idea.”

“I guess so.” The earth pony mare grinned up at him. “It's almost like you are bringing your own kind of magic to Equestria.”

Before the man could fully process this, a shout drew his attention.

“Hey, Caleb! You’ve got a visitor!”

Looking to the upstairs walkway, he saw Sky who had attracted his attention. Next to the anthro mare was a familiar figure waving at him – a young adult male dragon.

The man waved back. “Hi, Spike! Give me a moment and I’ll be up there.”

Caleb made sure that the rest of his trainees were doing their tasks properly before heading up to meet his friend. He gestured for the drake to join him in his office. The man could still keep an eye on the students through the large window overlooking the workshop in case a problem arose. He pulled out a seat for his guest before sitting behind the desk.

“It’s good to see you, Spike. What brings you here today?”

“I don’t know why I haven’t checked this place out before. It all looks fascinating. Anyway, I’m here to invite you to Guy’s Night up at Canterlot.”

“Guy’s Night?”

“Yeah, a bunch of us get together to play poker, have a few drinks, and generally hang out while our mares are off doing their own thing.”

“Sounds fun. Who will be there?”

“Prince Mark Wells, Prince Shining Armor, Gallus, Phil Martine – unicorn style, Crimson Boulder, King Thorax, and me, of course.”

“Hobnobbing with the power players? Sure, why not?” Caleb said with a chuckle. “Things have gotten a little routine lately. Mind if I bring along Vex?”

Spike tilted his head and raised an eye ridge. “Who’s Vex?”

“Vectrix’s unicorn stallion alter ego.”

“Oh. Yeah, that’s fine.”

“So – when is it?”

“This Saturday. We’ll meet for dinner first.”

“Good. I had plans with my mares for earlier that afternoon.”

“Right. Be up at the castle by six. Now that that’s sorted, mind if I ask a couple of questions?”

The human took a long look across the shop before answering. “Curious about what we do here?”

The dragon nodded. “This is all new to me. I’ve been to many places with Twilight, but I’ve never seen anything like this welding school.”

Caleb chuckled. “That’s not surprising considering it’s the first of its kind. I’m teaching skills that are new to this world.”

“You have a lot of different creatures here besides ponies. The Triarchy is sure serious about spreading those skills around. How long does it take to learn to be a welder anyway?”

“Well, that depends. If this was back on Earth, some start as teenage apprentices or entry-level positions and it would take them three or four years to earn their certification. However, this is Equus and there’s nowhere for apprentices to learn. Take Smooth Fit, for example.” Caleb gestured out the window, pointing to the unicorn colt. “He had already started as an apprentice in an engineering workshop before getting wind of this course. Now, instead of spending years in a factory, he’s getting an intensive course that will cut his apprenticeship in half. On Earth, students could get their diploma from a community college with a one or two-year degree. On the other hand... uh... hoof, several of these students are already experienced metalworking professionals who want to learn new techniques. They might be ready in less than a year. I don’t know yet. I have zero data to work with until I get through the curriculum that I’ve laid out. I don’t expect every being to progress at the same rate. However, none will be certified by me until I am satisfied that they have a thorough knowledge of and practical ability with every aspect of the trade.”

Spike looked back at Caleb. “You sound very strict about it.”

“I have to be. Many of my students will go back to their hometowns and will teach their own students. I intend that they don’t take back any bad habits or misconceptions.”

“That makes sense,” the dragon said with a thoughtful nod. He then grinned. “Mind if I try my claws at welding? Just for kicks, I mean. I have a career already.”

“Not during classes, but maybe we can plan a day some weekend soon… or a Friday evening if we are both free.”

The dragon shook his head. “Can’t be this week. The Canterlot Comic and Gaming Convention starts Friday and I’ve signed up to play one of your Earth games Friday night: Risk.”

The human sat up straight. “Risk? Really?”

“Sure. Strategy games are a hit across pretty much all species. Plus I have to defend my title from last year.” The dragon narrowed his eyes and smirked. “You know, we could make a little side wager on who places higher in the tournament. That’s if you decide to get your flank handed to you… I mean decide to play.”

Caleb chuckled. “You don’t fool me one bit. You’re trying to get a feel for how I play before the poker game. Still, what sort of wager are you talking about?”

Spike spread his arms wide. “Just the standard amount between dragons. A tenth of your body weight in medium and high-quality gems or gold, your pick.”

The man threw back his head and laughed. “I can’t believe the apprentice to the Alicorn of Friendship is trying to hustle me. No bet.”

Spike showed off his sharp teeth. Somehow, he made it look friendly. “Actually, younger brother or Number One Assistant. Anyway, feel free to stop by the convention center when you get off work on Friday. It’s the latest extension added to Canterlot Castle.”

“I think…yeah. That sounds like fun. I’ll do that.”

“Good enough. Well, I’d better get back to the library. My lunch break is nearly over.”

Caleb stood up. “Good to see you again, pal. I’ll see you Friday night.”

Caleb locked the door to the school. He turned to see Willow staring at him with one raised eyebrow.

“You seriously want me to go to a comic convention?”

“Sure! Spike will be there. It should be fun.”

The earth mare’s look intensified into what could only be described as ‘the stink eye, equine edition.’

The man turned to Sky, who shrugged. “Sorry. No interest. Plus, I have some mandatory training I can’t put off any longer.” With a flash of green fire, the changeling appeared in his base form. “I’ll be back around midnight.” With a buzz of wings, Vectrix was gone.

Bereft of any reinforcements, Caleb crossed his arms and tried to give Willow the same stare in return. “So what’s so awful about comic conventions?”

“The ponies there… smell funny – like they haven’t bathed in days.”

“Hmm. Well, it won’t just be ponies. Also, there will be gamers there, too.”

“They smell even worse. Wait.” Willow’s ears swiveled forward. “Do they have wargaming? Like Advanced Squad Leader or Tactics II?”

The man blinked, recalling those names from his childhood. “I don’t… hold on. How do you know about those?”

The mare clopped her hooves. “Our commanding officer Aerial Ace brought in his copies and told us all about them. Constantly shifting strategies carried out on a battlefield made up of hexagonal cells. Intricate rules to memorize and apply better than your opponent. What’s not to love? I just hope they have a novice tier.” She cantered toward the Castle of Friendship, swishing her tail. “Let’s get a move on!”

Caleb had to jog to keep up. Exactly what had he unwittingly awakened in his friend and roommate?

Caleb had attended a few board gaming tournaments as a teen. He found the atmosphere of the gaming room to be comfortably familiar. The various colored clothing worn by humans had been replaced with many shades of coat colors and plumage. Good-natured discussions happened all around him with no regard made to race… except for the zebras who seemed more stand-offish than other participants. Still, everyone was civil and in a good mood. Everyone except for Spike, whose reputation as last year’s winner resulted in his opening round opponents focusing on him in the early game. A few bad rolls of the dice later, he had been knocked out.

Caleb won his round after a seesaw battle with an adolescent minotaur heifer left him on top. The human offered to shake hands on a good game, only to have the female kiss the back of his hand, look at him knowingly, and leave the table. The human was not sure what that meant in the minotaur culture and decided it was safer not to know.

With a half-hour to wait until the final round and Willow fully engaged in her board game, Caleb wandered across the hallway to the comic dealers’ room. The first and most prominent table featured all sorts of merchandise for a superhero group called The Power Ponies. Before he could study it further, he heard a voice behind him.

“Hello, Caleb. It’s nice to see you again.”

After turning around, he was brought up short to see a white anthro unicorn with a blond mane and tail smile at him shyly.

The man recognized her from the first day that he had come to Canterlot. She was one of Mark’s daughters, although he forgot by which of his wives. Thankfully, like the last time he had seen the mare, she was clothed, sparing him the embarrassment of looking at a nude female. However, bizarrely, she was wearing a superhero outfit.

“Is that a Wonder Woman costume?”

The young mare’s blue eyes sparkled and she pumped a fist. “Yes! You recognized it! Do you like it?” She twirled around to show it off. She faced him once more, drawing in a deep breath that made her bust and cleavage stand out.

Struggling to keep his eyes off her boobs, he replied, “Well, yes, it looks very authentic. But why are you wearing it now?”

“I love superheroes and their costumes! Uncle Phil brings all the latest movies from Earth and my mother makes replicas of the costumes for me.”

A bespectacled hippogriff with a clipboard trotted up. “Sorry! Sorry! Director Pearl? I’m sorry to interrupt, but there’s another emergency, I’m afraid.”

“Ah. Excuse me.” The anthro mare looked away from the human. “What is it this time, Sunbeam?”

The hippogriff adjusted her glasses. “Endless Scroll says he’s as sick as a dragon with scale rot. He won’t be able to lead the panel about his Far Vision Trilogy.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Let me guess. Our favorite unicorn author ate meat… again.”

“Of course! Something called ‘artificial bacon bits,’ whatever that is.”

“I wish he’d research his griffon stories ANY OTHER TIME!” The anthro mare sighed. “OK. Go find Splint Wing. She should be at her dealer table. Tell her she’s now leading that panel at ten o’clock. No one knows Endless Scroll’s universe like she does. Ironwood can look after her table while she’s gone. Anything else?”

The hippogriff beamed over her withers as she cantered away. “Until the next emergency comes along? Nope! Enjoy your five minutes of peace, Director.”

“Director?” asked Caleb.

Pearl turned back to face the man. “Yep! I loved superheroes and Uncle Spike’s comics so much growing up that I decided to organize a convention. We added gaming two years ago and speaker panels this year. It’s a headache, but soooo worth it!” The mare hopped up and down once, giving Caleb a hypnotic demonstration of boob physics.

“Uhh… I see them. I mean, I see!”

A tinny voice came from the speakers overhead. “Two minute notice! Seating for the Risk finals is happening now!”

Caleb said, “That’s my call. Anyway, this convention is great – thanks for making it happen. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?” He held out his hand to shake.

Pearl looked down at the offered hand for a moment before grasping it and repeating the gesture the minotaur had done. She stared into his eyes. “Take my luck with you.”

Caleb noticed her cheeks were blushing as she turned away.

Slowly, he lowered his hand back to his side. “What exactly just happened?” After a few seconds, he hustled back to the game room. “I think I’d better learn a bit more about minotaur customs.”

The next evening, Caleb stepped out of the Canterlot portal, closely followed by Vex and Willow. The man had been concerned that the mare would be put out by her exemption from the evening’s activities. However, Willow pointed out that if all the stallions were gathered for their night out, their mares had surely planned some social activity too. Caleb couldn’t argue with that, so he had no objection to her tagging along.

The Royal Guards stationed at the entry to the portal room nodded in acknowledgment of the human and his companions, but it was a large earth pony that stepped up to greet them.

“Welcome, Caleb. Good to see you again.”

The man frowned as he tried to remember where he had met this reddish-colored pony. Then his eyebrows rose in realization. “Crimson Boulder, isn’t it? I haven’t seen you since you brought me to Prince Mark just after I arrived in Equestria. You did me a solid favor that day.”

The pony grinned. “You’re welcome.” He turned to the others. “So, this is your stallion form, Vectrix? Not bad. Might even be Guard material.”

“Oh, ha-ha, Crimson. I’m retired to the reserves now and don’t have to put up with your smart flank anymore. And call me Vexing Conundrum in this form, please.”

Crimson chuckled before addressing the last one in the group. “Welcome to you too, Willow Branch. Princess Trixie guessed that you’d come along and she has invited you to join her and the rest of the mares after dinner. She says that you all have lots to talk about.”

Willow grinned as she shot a glance at Caleb. “Called it!”

The stallion said, “If you’ll all follow me, dinner will be served as soon as we get to the dining hall.”

“We’re the last to get here?” Caleb asked. “We could have been earlier if necessary.”

“No, you’re exactly on time. Their highnesses had matters to discuss with some of the other guests prior to your arrival.”

“Ah, that makes sense,” the man replied as they walked briskly down the hallway.

Upon entering the dining hall, Caleb found all the previously mentioned male guests as well their partners and a few other members of the royal family. He greeted them casually as he had learned that Prince Mark and family preferred outside of formal occasions.

Pearl bounced up to him with a broad smile. “Congratulations on your victory, Caleb! Would… would you teach me how to play the Risk board game?”

The man was surprised to see her still in her Wonder Woman cosplay outfit. He thought the convention’s last day was Friday. Before he could enquire further, Mark’s voice cut through the air.

“Pearl – please allow our guest to join us at the table.”

That sounded a bit terser to Caleb’s ears than he was used to hearing from the alicorn stallion. Also, why were his wings puffed out? “Okay, Dad!”

The anthro mare stepped aside and the man took a seat at the table with Vex on his right and Willow his left. Vex nudged him and said quietly, “I bet you wouldn’t mind seeing Sky in that outfit.”

Caleb rolled his eyes at the grinning stallion before looking around at everyone already seated. He recognized most of those at the table including Mark’s other wives; the griffon, Gallus, and his dragon mate, Smolder; Phil Martine the unicorn with his griffon wife, Rosa; Princess Twilight Sparkle and the King of the Crystal Hive, Thorax; and Spike, of course. Seated next to the dragon was a unicorn mare with a light purple and pink mane who introduced herself as Sweetie Belle.

Mark’s wife spoke up. “Trixie is glad that you could join us, Caleb. Trixie believes you have yet to meet Princess Cadance and her husband, Prince Shining Armor.” She indicated the pink alicorn mare to her left and the white unicorn stallion accompanying her.

Upon hearing Cadance’s name, Caleb began to wonder if there was a little more to this night out than had been let on. Nevertheless, he smiled politely and said, “Pleased to meet you, Your Highnesses.”

The alicorn mare’s smile held genuine warmth. “The pleasure is ours, Caleb, and please – just Cadance will do.”

“And you can call me Shining,” the stallion added in a surprising accent reminiscent of a California surfer rather than something more cultured.

At that moment, the servants emerged from a door, pushing trolleys laden with food. Conversation paused while the castle staff placed bowls in front of the diners.

The first course was curried pumpkin soup served with warm bread rolls and pats of golden yellow butter. The main course was ratatouille with goat cheese polenta. After the dessert course of apple pie a la mode, Caleb felt quite full but he still appreciated the cappuccino to finish off the repast.

Normally, this was when everyone would converse for a while, allowing their meal to settle. However, Trixie stood up and declared, “It’s time to allow our stallions to have their little get-together. If you mares would care to accompany Trixie, she has some light entertainment prepared for us.”

All the females got up, most kissing their partners before following the blue alicorn. Before leaving, Twilight promised to later compare notes with Caleb about their experiences as teachers. The man readily agreed, happy that the Alicorn of Learning had something to discuss with him other than medical tests… on himself. Chrysalis smirked at the man before trailing after the others. Now Caleb was certain that something wasn’t quite right, but he had yet to figure out what.

“So – what have you got planned?” the man asked.

Mark replied, “Oh, a few games of poker, some drinks, and chatting about guy stuff. Have you seen any sporting events here yet?”

“As a matter of fact, Vex and I went to a hoofball match just last weekend. I’m still learning the rules but I could become a fan. Now I have a question. Something seems a bit fishy about this evening. What’s going on?”

Shining Armor laughed. “Told you he’d catch on as soon as he met Cady.”

Mark sighed and said, “First of all, we really are having a Guy’s Night. We do so fairly regularly. However, I admit that we had an ulterior motive. We have an interest in your welfare and we hope to address one issue affecting you.”

Caleb folded his arms and leaned back in his chair. “And what would that be?”

“Mixed species relationships. Don’t give me that look – it’s perfectly natural and understandable, but it still bears bringing up. All of us here have had involvement with it. My son, Gallus, is a griffon while his mate is a dragon.”

“A real hot dragon, if you know what I mean,” Gallus said with a grin.

Mark continued, “Phil is a human who becomes a unicorn with a griffon hen as his wife.”

Phil said, “I can’t imagine Rosa being a mare, and that suits me fine.”

The alicorn nodded in agreement. “And then there’s Thorax, an evolved changeling with an alicorn wife.”

The changeling king smiled. “There could be no one who knows me and loves me more, and I her.”

Mark pointed to the white unicorn next. “Shining has a changeling son.”

“Whom I love and I’m very proud of,” the stallion said with a broad smile.

“And there’s Spike who was raised by ponies and is Shining and Twilight’s brother. Plus he’s dating my wife Rarity’s younger sister.”

“Right on!” Spike declared and fist-bumped Shining’s hoof before turning back to Mark. “So, future dad-in-law – when can I get back-pay on all that allowance you’re gonna owe me?”

Mark said, “You’ll have to talk to Hondo Flanks on that one.” That got a chuckle from around the table. “And I have a changeling queen for a mate.” He gave Caleb an earnest look. “Then we have Vectrix, you, and Willow. We all have had varied experiences – both the good and the bad. Yours isn’t a new situation but, coming from an Earth background, you have very little understanding of how to deal with it. I know it was quite a culture shock for me at first. We’re here to give you advice from our perspectives if you need it.”

All of you?” the man asked. “What about Crimson Boulder? You never said anything about him.”

“Dating a kirin,” the earth pony replied.

Mark asked, “I thought you were still with that hippogriff? Are you ever going to settle down with a mare?”

“Not if I can help it,” the stallion replied.

“You don’t know what you’re missing out on,” Phil said.

“Pretty sure I do, thanks.”

“I bet Cady could change your mind,” Shining said.

“Why? Want to be in a threesome with me?” Crimson shot back with a smirk.

Everyone laughed as Shining gave him a flat look. “You know what I mean.”

Caleb said, “Speaking of Cadance, I presume her presence today isn’t a coincidence. I know there’s a portal to the Crystal Kingdom so it’s not like you’d be away from your wife for a few days just for this get-together.”

Shining looked at him earnestly. “Sooner or later, you should talk with her. She has a way of putting things into perspective.”

The man looked at his unicorn changeling companion and nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been given that advice already. We’ll see. Meanwhile, I was promised a game of poker. We can talk while we play. Who’s got the cards?”

There were too many players for one game, so they broke up into three groups of three. The human asked how any betting game could be fair when playing against creatures that read your every emotion. Shining reared up to look Caleb eye-to-eye and put a comforting forehoof on the man's shoulder. “Two pieces of advice: First, control your emotions – for all of us, it’s second nature by now. Second and most importantly, get good.”

Fortunately for Caleb, Vex and Thorax ended up in different groups.

When one player was eliminated from each group, the remaining six were recombined into two groups. Once again, a player was taken out of the game from each and they had their final four. Caleb survived the two elimination rounds but was the first to go bust after that. Gallus mercilessly crushed his father next, but the eventual winner was a very smug Crimson Boulder.

“Thank you, gents,” the earth pony said as he raked in his winnings. “This makes a nice addition to my meager wages.”

Vex rolled his eyes. “Says one of the highest-paid personal guards in the castle.”

Mark said, “Anyone for coffee and cake? I’ve had enough booze for tonight.”

There were several who accepted the offer and they all settled into lounge chairs to chat some more while indulging their refreshments when the servants brought them in.

“I hope we’ve given you some perspective about interspecies relationships tonight, Caleb,” Phil said.

“Your experiences were enlightening, I admit, even if I’m not sure yet how I will fit in. However, I’m sure Willow will appreciate your help.” The man glanced at Vex. “Not to mention Butterfly Sky. I’ll mull it over for a while.” He took a swig of his coffee before giving Mark and Shining Armor a serious look. “Now, tell me straight – was this evening your idea or Princess Cadance’s?”

The white unicorn chuckled. “Do I need to answer that?”

Caleb shook his head. “I figured that was the case from what I’ve heard about her. She probably learned a lot about me from Princess Twilight and Princess Trixie.”

“Got it in one,” Shining admitted. “She also knew you’d realize it was her idea and told me to tell you that she was ready to discuss any issues you have.”

“It still seems weird to me that the ruler of a kingdom would find so much time for someone like me,” Caleb said.

“Love of all kinds is Cady’s domain and special cases like yours always interest her. You’d be doing both of you a favor indulging her.”

“I already promised somepony I’d consider it. But, for now, I think I’ll let things develop a little longer. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon and I don’t want to rush something important like this.”

Mark said, “Wise move, I reckon. Anyway, enough about that for tonight. Who’s got an idea for our next Guy’s Night?”

As Caleb and the two mares settled into bed that night, the man asked Willow, “Did you and Princess Cadance talk about our relationship too?”




“What? For whom?”

The mare didn’t reply except to snuggle in closer as Butterfly did the same behind him.

Caleb sighed. “I get it. If I want answers, I have to go ask her myself.”

“Smart stallion,” Willow murmured sleepily.

The man mused that being patient probably was the answer for now. After all, it was hard to be worried when sandwiched between two warm mares. He let himself drift off to sleep with that thought in mind.

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Author's Note:

Airy Words provided the convention scene as further excuse for Pearl wearing the costume.

Art by Foxenawolf.

Tips via Ko-fi appreciated if you are enjoying the story and art.