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Scared My Shell Off

Halloween night was here in Canterlot. Three figures were running in the moon light. They were Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, The CMCs. They were wearing their own makeshift costumes they wore at the CHS Halloween party the night before. Applebloom was a scarecrow, Scootaloo was a speed demon, and Sweetie Belle was a countess. They were getting ready to go trick-or-treating.

"C'mon, guys! We promised Karai and Shinigami they can come trick-or treating with us!" Applebloom called.

"And we told our sisters we'd check in with them before we went" Sweetie Belle grinned.

"They were meeting with the Turtles at the barn at Sweet Apple Acres, Right Applebloom?" Scootaloo asked.

"That's right! If we hurry, we can reach the best places to get candy!"

It didn't take the three long to reach the barn at Sweet Apple Acres as AppleBloom caught her breath.

"Phew! I think we're getting faster since Applejack and Rarity were okay with us joining their ninja training."

"Yeah! It's gonna really help us out trick-or treating." Sweetie Belle agreed.

Applebloom opened the door to notice the barn was pitch darked.

"Hmm that's odd. I could've sworn they were meeting here."

"Maybe we missed them?" Scootaloo suggested.

The three then heard thumping in the barn as they all entered.

"Big Mac? Is that you?" Applebloom called.

Then thirteen shadows emerged from the dark. They looked like vulture creature wearing cloaks. As they saw the three girls, they hissed, snarling, and snapping as they slowly walk to the trio.

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all hung to each other.

"W-what are they?" Sweetie Belle shivered.

Scootaloo was equally scared. "Do you think they hurt Rainbow Dash and the others?"

"If they did, Remember what Leo said." Applebloom stood, trying to look brave. "A ninja never shows fear!"

The CMCs all made Ninja poses while trying not to look scared. As the creatures came close, one was reaching to Applebloom, who was shivering trying not to flinch. But then the creature pulled his arm away and reached to his shoulders, followed by the others. As it turned out, it was the Rainbooms, the Turtles, April, and Casey in disguise.

"Happy Halloween!" They all cried.

The lights turn on, revealing Karai, Shini, Bebop, and Rocksteady near the switch.

The CMCs all breathed in relief.

"W-we knew those weren't really monsters" Applebloom smiled.

"Oh really? cuz I think I see sweat showing on you girls." smirked Raph.

Leo smiled. "But it was good you three stood your ground. like in your training."

The three smiled.

"I guess training them was a good idea after all." Rarity whispered to Applejack.

"Yep. At least the basics, anyway." Applejack shrugged.

"Told ya those girls wouldn't run screaming." Bebop nudged Rocksteady.

"Da. I owe you chocolate bar." Rocksteady held up his candy bag as Bebop picked a candy bar from in there.

Scootaloo was observing the vulture heads. "These are really cool!"

"Awesome enough to scare up some fun!" Rainbow Dash giggled.

"Juniper's uncle was getting rid of some props from old movies and she let us use them for Halloween fun." Donnie explained.

Mikey grabbed his vulture mask and used it as a puppet. "I'm a stupid bird. Booyakasha."

"So what're you guys doing for Halloween?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Well, since The school had a party, We're going to be telling scary stories at a campfire" Sunset explained.

"And we're making a contest out of it to see who tells the scariest. And I won last year's competition!" Rainbow gleamed.

Applejack glared. "More importantly, we're just gonna have a little Halloween fun together."

"Keno's with Flash, Sandalwood, Micro Chip, Trixie, Wallflower, and Sapphire getting pizza. They'll meet us there." Casey mentioned.

"While Mikey and I brought some extra Halloween candy" Pinkie cheered as she and Mikey held up trick-or-treat buckets filled with candy.

"Speaking of candy, Let's get started on our trick-or-treating!" Scootaloo said.

"Well then. Let's go." Karai smiled as she and Shinigami followed the CMCs to the door.

"We'll see you gals later?" Mikey flirtatiously winks at Shini.

Shini chuckled. "The night is young."

"Now you three behave yourselves and don't be out too late!" Applejack called.

"We will." The CMCs left the barn with Shini and Karai not far behind.

Fluttershy turned to the group. "Where are we doing this again?"


"Camp Everfree?"

Sure enough, the group arrived at Camp Everfree, which was closed for the season.

"So from what Rainbooms told us, This is where magic geodes come from, ya?" Rocksteady asked.

"Yeah. and where we fought a being known as Gaia Everfree." Mikey added.

"Hoo-wee! What a freaky place." Bebop whistled.

"Y'know, there's a chance there are more spirits in the woods." Scandalwood said, trying to be scary.

"If you guys are too chicken, I'll just reclaim my winnings and be on my way." Rainbow scoffed.

“Is that a challenge?” Sapphire asked slyly.

"We can handle anything." Micro Chip stated.

"Alrighty. Come on then." Leo stated as Twilight used a key to open the barricade.

As they walked in the dark woods, Flash asked Twilight. “You sure Timber is okay with us here, Twilight?”

“Yeah. I phoned him earlier and He’s okay as long as we clean up our mess.” Twilight explained.

“Where is Timber?” asked Leo.

“He and Glorsia had to go out of town for family affairs.”

“Oh well. Just one less person to scare.” Rainbow said.

Before long, the group made it to the campfire area and started a campfire. As everyone sat around the campfire, Keno passed around the pizzas and drinks. As everyone ate their slices, Rainbow Dash spoke to the group.

“Okay, Everyone. Buckle up and get ready. The sooner I scare you all, the sooner I’m home cozy in my bed!”

“Bring it on!” Raph declared.

“Anyone wanna go first?” Leo asked the group.

Pinkie suddenly perked up. “Oh! Oh! Pick me! I gotta scary story!”

Applejack sighed. “This isn’t about the time when you got locked in the bakery because you slept in the bathroom, is it? Because that’s not really that scary.”

“Well, when you see it through my perspective-” Before Pinkie could finish, she was interrupted by Trixie.

“Well guess what? NOBODY CARES!” Trixie stood up. “Get ready to quiver in fear for the Great and Powerful Trixie has a real scary story and it’s all true.” Trixie cleared her throat. “It was a dark and stormy night……….”


It was raining as Trixie was entering a magic shop. The owner looked with a smile.

“Welcome, Trixie. And how may I help my number one customer?” he greeted.

“Just restocking on supplies, as usual, Herb” Trixie took off her coat.

After getting stuff for her magic tricks, Trixie then noticed something that caught her eye. It was a ventriloquist dummy that was in a box all chained up.

“Hey Herb. What’s with this doll?”

Herb saw the doll and gasped. “You must never use that doll! At all!”

“I don’t know. Could use it in a ventriloquist act.”

“I must warn you, Trixie, that doll is nothing but bad news! Everyone who’s bought that doll has died mysterious deaths!”

Trixie looked unamused. “just put it in the bag.”

Shrugging, Herb put the doll in Trixie’s bag and the magic girl made her purchase and left for home. When she got home, she immediately took out the box and looked at the doll.

“How bad can one doll be?” she thought out loud as she used bolt cutters to break the chains and opened the box. She looked the doll, seeing potential in it for her magic tricks. After observing the doll for a bit, she went to get a drink. As she poured her glass, a voice suddenly caught her by surprise.

“Will you be my friend?”

Trixie looked to see the doll move its head and looks at Trixie and repeated it’s question. “Will you be my friend?”

Trixie looked surprised at first but saw an opportunity. “Sure. I’ll be your friend.”

The doll and Trixie had fun together from playing video games, practicing magic tricks, having sodas, and playing with makeup. Shortly, Trixie was relaxing on the couch with the doll.

The doll spoke. “Are you happy, my friend?”

“Yes. That was the best-” Trixie checked her watch. “thirty-five minutes of my life.”

“Great. Cuz this is only the beginning! We’re going to be the best of friends forever and ever and ever….”

Hearing that started to make Trixie feel uncomfortable. “Y-you know what? Trixie needs to go on a walk.”

“Oh no you don’t.” The doll reached down to grab Trixie’s umbrella. “Not without your umbrella.”

“T-thank you.” Trixie took the umbrella and tried to open the door.

“Let me get that.” The doll opened the door. “Wait for me.”

“Could you do me a favor?”


“Could you just leave me alone for five minutes?”

“Anything but that.”

Trixie was at her wits end. “Okay. The understandable and reasoning Trixie can explain this in two reasons. Step one. Look over there.”

As the doll looked, Trixie ran into the rain away from her home. After some running, She hid behind a shed to catch her breath.

“What’s the matter?”

Trixie gasped as she saw the doll come out from behind a tree.

“Are you not happy?”

“Trixie is happy! I just need my space so go away!”

“You don’t understand! You said you would be my friend and we would be together forever!” The doll’s eyes began to glow red.

“Go away!” Trixie kicked the doll, but the doll ran up to her and grabbed her leg. No matter how hard she struggled, the doll kept coming back. During the struggle, the shed door got damaged and an axe dropped on the muddy ground. Seeing it, Trixie grabs the axe and began to chop the doll to pieces violently. As she chopped it one last time, lightning crackled the sky.

Exhausted, Trixie went home. As she opened the door, she set her umbrella by it.

“What a night! Maybe I shouldn’t have bought that doll. Oh well. Nothing lasts forever.” She shrugged as she grabbed the TV remote.

But what she didn’t know was that over at the doll pieces, they began to move again. But instead of rebuilding, each piece became another doll.

Later that night, Trixie was sleeping in front of her TV when she was awakened by a loud thumping. She woke up to find the whole house shaking. She quickly hurried to the door and crept it open and, to her shock, was the doll only looking more disformed.

“Will you be my friend?” It creepily said.
Trixie screamed and slammed the door and looked out the window to see more disfigured dolls out in the lawn, asking the same question. Even though Trixie barricaded all entrances, the dolls were breaking in.

“I uh take it you’re still mad?” Trixie asked as the dolls close in on her. “I’m sure we can fix this.”

“Why don’t we sit down and discuss THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS!”

“Then, they tore me apart!”

Pinkie, Sandalwood, Micro Chip, and Wallflower ran away screaming.

“That was pretty scary, Trixie.” Flash sighed. “I gotta go. I’m their ride.”

“I better go too.” Sapphire followed Flash out.

“Wait a minute. If they tore you apart, how are you still here?” Leo pointed out

“And in one piece?” Donnie added

Trixie’s eyes widened.

“Magic Girl said this was true story, Da?” Rocksteady stated.


“AHA! Busted!” Raph cried.

“You made it all up, didn’t you?” Sunset said slyly.

“Uh…….. Hey Look! Gaia Everfree’s ghost! Ah!” Trixie ran to the exit, pretending to be scared. “Poopyheads!” she called back to the group.

“And then there were fourteen!” Rainbow smirked.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

Easter Eggs-
-The vulture creatures at the beginning were based on the Skeksis from Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal.

-Pinkie's so called story about getting locked in a bakery for sleeping in the bathroom was from a Robot Chicken skit.

-Trixie's story is a combination of the Annabelle movie and the sorcerer's apprentice as well as Scared Shrekless.