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BONUS CHAPTER Ninja Thriller

In the theater at the mall at the Canterlot Mall, a scream is heard. Suddenly, Raph runs out of the theater panicking.

“For the love of Mikey, make it stop!” he cried.

Shortly after, everyone was coming out of the theater, including the other Turtles, the Rainbooms, Fugitoid, April, Casey, and Timber. Timber and Mikey were singing and laughing together.

“Yo! Ho! Yo Ho! A bug’s life for me! Hey!” they sang. Leo noticed Raph panting and sweating near a garbage can.

“Raph?” He spoke.

“Are you all right?” Sunset asked.

“You even afraid of animated roaches?” Casey laughed.

“It’s Halloween!” Raph snapped. “That’s not the kind of thing I’d watch for Halloween!”

“Need I remind you it was Mikey’s turn to pick the movie.” Donnie pointed out.

“And this Buggy adventure sounded like a good family flick” Mikey added.

“I liked it.” Pinkie stated.

“me too.” Fluttershy added.

“I enjoyed it” Timber smiled.

“What would you pick, Raph?” asked Rainbow

“Oh, I don’t know. Something with…. Mummies! A radioactive lizard! At least a zombie or two!”

“Zombies don’t sing.” Mikey said before Raph slammed a popcorn bucket on his head.

“That proves my point!”

“Do you ever think he’ll ever change?” Rarity asked the others.

“Doubt it.” Applejack stated as Twilight shrugged.

“I bet our own music number will liven things up!” Pinkie smirked as she pulled the bucket off Mikey’s head.

“And I know who’s gonna star in it” Mikey agreed when the lights suddenly shut off.

“Now What?” Raph groaned.

Suddenly, Multicolored lights blinked in rhythm as Mikey began singing with Pinkie playing a random guitar.

Mikey: Two hours to midnight
And something evil’s coming in the dark!

Raph looked unimpressed. “Where we parked the Shellraiser?”

Everyone began to walk as Mikey continued. As he continued, several ghosts joined him.

Mikey: (with Casper and Uncles) Oh what a big fright
That your heart just thumped like twice!

“Just who were those guys?” Raph asked, pointing at the ghosts. Sunset just shrugged.

Mikey: (with the Boo Brothers) You close your eyes
And hope these shadows are not real

“Seriously no one finds these ghosts curious?” Raph pointed out again.

“They seem friendly enough.” Fluttershy commented as they pass a pink haired girl with glasses.

Mikey: (with Tenderheart Kisses) You seem surprised
And want things just to be so very swell

Raph: Mikey, Stuff it in your shell!

Mikey and Pinkie just chuckled at Raph’s line.

“I don’t know. I find this enjoyable.” Fugitoid commented.

“Yeah. It’s gotta nice beat” Rainbow tapped.

Raph just rolled his eyes and as the group passed a graveyard, Splinter walked out of a shadow and, takes a sip of tea, speaks to the audience.

“Darkness falls across the land. The midnight hour is close at hand. Creatures crawl in search of blood. To terrorize your neighborhood. And whosoever shall be found without the soul for getting down must stand and face the hounds of hell, and rot inside a corpse’s shell.”

As The Ninja master’s spirit spoke, from the graveyard merged many deceased enemies of the Turtles such as Shredder, Rahzar, The Rat King, Dregg, Newtralizer, Justin, Kavaxas, Dark Codex, The Pony of Shadows, the failed April clone, General Mozar, and several crippled Krang droids.

“The foulest stench is in the air, the funk of forty thousand years, and grizzly gouls from every tomb are closing in to seal your doom. And though you fight to stay alive, your body starts to shiver. For no mere mortal can resist the evil of the thriller.”

The villains began to walk like zombies toward the group, who noticed them. They all drew out their weapons while Timber hid behind Twilight. As the zombies walked closer, Raph smiled at the sight.

“Now this is more like it!” he grinned.

“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea” Mikey shivered.

Raph looked to see Cockroach Terminator walk up to the group

“Oh, it’s you.” He glared.

Even though he defeated it before, Raph still shutters at the sight of cockroaches.

“Okay, Leo, what’s the plan? Leo?” Raph turned to Leo only to find him a bulky ravage monster roaring at him.

“What the-?”

Raph turned around to see the rest of the group turned into zombies as well while Sunset became She Demon while Twilight was Midnight Sparkle. Fugitoid looked all busted up.

“Girls? Sunset? Twilight? Donnie? Mikey!”

Then, out of nowhere, everybody was gathered and began dancing to eerie music. Raph somehow felt his body moving to the beat as well.

“No! Not this! NOT DANCING!”

But no matter what he tried, Raph was dancing alongside his zombified friends and the zombie villains. Then Mikey began singing.

Mikey: Attract the Thriller!
All night long
It may just sound real dumb
But you can’t help but love this song
Might love the Thriller (Fluttershy: woo hoo.)
You can’t run
Because you really know the beat is just really really really fun

Pinkie: I love the Thriller!

Mikey: This feels right!
You shrug it off but know it’s a

Pinkie: Chiller!

Rahzar: Killer!

Mikey: Through the Niiiiiiiiiiiiight!

After being forced to dance, Raph found the source of the music, which was a boombox and smashed it. Afterwards, he leaned on a nearby fence to catch his breath.

“Amazing how much dancing can take it out of you.” He sighed.

He then quickly noticed his zombified friends and the villains were closing in on him.

“Oh, sewer apples. C’mon, girls. Leo? Donnie? Mikey! It’s me!”

Mikey leaned towards his petrified brother and said in a spooky way, “A bug’s life for MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!”


“Raph? Raph!”

Raph gasped as he woke up. As he looked around, he was in the theater surrounded by his friends. Leo was shaking him to wake him up.

“The movie’s over. Let’s go.” Sunset said.

“Woo! It was all a dream!” Raph breathed.

“Did you sleep the entire movie?” Timber asked.

“Aw! You missed the best parts!” pouted Mikey.

“Let’s head out and figure what were gonna do.” Pinkie stated.

“Okay as long as we don’t go by any graveyards.”

Everyone looked at Raph confused. “What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked.

“There aren’t any graveyards around here.” Twilight stated.

“I knew that! I totally knew that!” Raph quickly said before walking out.

“I think Raphael has had enough Halloween for one night.” Rarity told the others.

“Eyup.” Applejack agreed.

“Yeah, I’m kinda beat myself.” Yawned Rainbow Dash.

“Me too.” Casey sighed.

“C’mon everyone. Let’s go home.” Leo said.

As the group left, Master Splinter walked out from the shadows, chuckling before looking at the audience.

“Happy Halloween.”

The End

Author's Note:

After watching the Shrek version of Michael Jackson's Thriller, I thought this would be good for the Ninja Turtles and Equestria Girls.

Easter Eggs-
Tenderheart Kisses is the OC of :iconmissmandy2: who wanted her and Casper, his uncles, and The Boo Brothers to make a cameo (I couldn't find a place for Sagwa. Sorry)

And That's it.
Hope you enjoyed this.
Have a Happy and Safe Halloween!

Sequel coming soon

Comments ( 4 )

Excellent and love the Thriller parody song

Thanks. I just couldn’t resist when writing this

talk about a good scare dude.

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