• Published 5th Feb 2022
  • 964 Views, 31 Comments

Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony, Ten Year Return - Banshee531

Ten years have passed since the Guardian Rangers saved the world from multi-dimensional evils. In that time, peace has returned to their world. Until now. Can our heroes save the day, or will this be the end of the world as we know it?

  • ...

Chapter 5

"Finished," Lyra stated as she held up the dimensional transporter. The device was now fulled charged and ready for use.

"Excellent," Starswirl took it. But when he started fiddling with the device, his eyes went wide. "No." The others wondered what was wrong, "breaking and fixing it has caused the device to be reset. I don't have the coordinates for your world or Equestria."

"So we're stuck here?" Heart asked.

"Well I could open a random portal," Starswirl told him. "There's a chance it could open it up onto our world."

"Or it could open a portal to a world that's made entirely out of ice cream," Soarin caught on. "And with an infinite amount of universes out there, we could spend the rest of our lives travelling from world to world every five minutes and not find our way home."

"So what do we do?" Heart asked, only for his stomach to start growling. He hadn't eaten anything in a long time, which was true for everyone.

"Got anything to eat?" Sweetie asked Starswirl, who shook his head.

"I was out gathering more food when I ran into you. I ended up using all of the edible food in this building in the first month. We'll have to go out and find more." They nodded and all began to make their way back towards the stairs, thought they weren't to keen on running into those monsters again.

At the same time, a portal opened up and Shock Trooper stepped out of it. The Mirage Rangers followed suit, along with a group of Peacekeepers.

As soon as he stepped out of the portal, Shock took out his blaster and charger. Like the night before, he brought them together before spinning the barrel and firing. In a flash of lightning, he was transformed into his robot form. He then turned to the Peacekeepers, who were carrying large cases. "Do it."

The machines put the cases down and opened them up, revealing a bunch of identical devices. They looked like giant robotic eyes, which activated as soon as the cases opened. They floated out of the cases and into the air, there being seven eyes in total. The drones then shot off in different directions, whilst Shock gestured for his team to follow.

Back in Canterlot, at the Mirage Corporation, Micro was continuing to look through all the files he now had access too.

He was hoping something in them would give him a clue to the password that Mirage would use for the cells. But so far, nothing in them was giving him any idea. "Come on," he sighed. "There has to be something. Anything." Despite being focused on the files, he was still careful not to get so distracted he didn't notice anything else.

As such, when he heard the door opening he quickly switched off his tablet and hid it under a bunch of papers. But he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw who it was that entered the room. "Rarity."

"The one and only," she smiled as she stepped into his office. "I managed to upload the file like you asked."

"I know," he took his tablet out and showed her his access to the system. He then showed her the images of their friends in the cells, his wife gasping at the sight and saying they needed to free them. "I've been trying, but it needs a pass code and I can't find anything to tell me what it might be."

"So what do we do?" Rarity asked, Micro frowning.

"I'm starting to wish I didn't give Mirage the Magi-Charger yet. I could have used it on Twilight and the others. With their help we might have been able to find a way to save them." Rarity placed a hand on his shoulder.

"They'll be freed from his brainwashing as soon as he uses it."

"Which he won't do unless he has all ten Elements." He let out a sigh, "it's times like this I wish our friends weren't so good at being Rangers. I know we're supposed to protect the Elements, but right now they're doing more harm than good in their hands."

"Maybe we can find them," Rarity suggested. "Tell them what's really going on and have them pretend to lose their Elements."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." He clicked his tablet again and showed Rarity the footage from the previous night, Rarity's eyes going wide seeing Mirage take his robotic form. She then gasped when they were pulled into the portal.

"What happened? Where'd they go?"

"I don't know," Micro frowned. "It looked like a dimensional portal, so I think they've travelled to another world."


"I doubt we're that lucky," he then showed her the image he had seen earlier of Shock and the others stepping through the portal. "If they come back with the Elements...I don't want to think what they'll mean for our friends." Rarity also began to worry, fearing what Twilight and the others would think of this situation.

Flash and the others were carefully making their way through the abandoned city. Luckily, there didn't seem to be any of those monsters around.

"So any idea what happened in this universe?" Lyra asked Starswirl, "I'm guessing those monsters didn't build this city." Starswirl shrugged.

"Sorry, no idea. The only living things I've seen here were those monsters. Clearly some kind of disaster took place which caused the humans that live here to either leave or..." He didn't finish, the other option not one anyone wanted to think about. "It doesn't matter," Starswirl told them. "This isn't our world and we can't change whatever happened. All that matters now is finding a way back to our worlds and stopping Mirage."

They nodded as they turned a corner and as they did, they found themselves staring at a strange robotic eye that was hovering in the air and staring right at them.

"Destroy it!" Starswirl cried, Flash, Lyra and Soarin firing at the machine. It exploded and the remains fell to the ground in a fiery heap, Starswirl frowning. "It saw us."

"What was that thing?" Sandal asked.

"A drone. Mirage has been sending them into this world constantly. They usually get destroyed by the monsters, and I've been careful to stay out of their sight so he doesn't realise I'm alive. But now it's seen us, so it won't be long before Mirage sends his forces to take us down."

"That's...great!" They turned to Flash thinking he was nuts. "If he sends Shock, then he will have given him a way to get back to our world." They caught on.

"And we can use it to go home," Lyra smiled.

"But wouldn't that just have us going back to Mirage Corp?" Heart asked, "we'd still be trapped." But Lyra smiled and pointed to Starswirl's device.

"Maybe not. If we find out how they're gonna travel back to our world, we can use it to scan and pick up the dimensional coordinates. Then we can open our own portal back to our world."

"Now that's a plan!" Soarin smirked as more drones appeared in the sky. "Here they come!" The Rangers took out their gear and activated their Magi-Chargers, placing them inside their Morphers.

"Energise!" They spun the barrels before pointing them at the drones, "Unleash the Power!" They fired and the heads shot through the air, destroying the drones before flying back and morphing them into their Ranger Suit.

"Alright!" Flash turned to Drago, "let's show these guys why you don't mess with the Power Rangers." Drago roared happily, but Starswirl spoke up.

"Sorry Flash, but I doubt Drago has enough power to make you go Red Legend. I've barely been able to keep him charged up enough to stay in that form." Flash groaned at this, but quickly shook it off.

"Whatever. We can still win this, right guys?"

"RIGHT!" They all nodded, not a second before a bunch of Peacekeepers marched into the street before pointing their guns at them. "Spirit Sabre/Thunder Sabre!" Flash, Sandal and Soarin cried as they summoned their swords and started deflecting the lasers, allowing Starswirl and grab Heart and pull him over behind a nearby dumpster.

As they did, Lyra and Sweetie leapt before the boys and took out their Magi-Chargers. "Ready?" Lyra asked the Pink Ranger.

"Oh yeah!" She nodded before they put them into their blasters, then leapt above the boys. "Magitech!" They both cried before firing, "Online!" Their weapons appeared in hand, Sweetie landing in front of Lyra and using her Sphinx Shield to block the oncoming lasers as they charged forward. Once they were close enough, Lyra used her Serpent Staff to pole vault over Sweetie and land between them. She then started swinging the staff around, slashing at some of the robots whilst grabbing others in the mouth and throwing them.

"Magitech!" Flash and Sandal summoned their weapons, "Online!" Dragon Breaker and Fenrir Fang in hand, they and Soarin charged forward. Flash swapped his sword for his blaster and starting shooting several Peacekeepers down, whilst slamming his giant dragon-shaped fist into others and smashing them to pieces. Sandal was moving at incredible speeds, slicing the robots to pieces.

Soarin took to the skies and began firing his Thunder Morpher, sending out several electrical bolts that struck the Peacekeepers and overloaded them.

"Wow," Heart whispered. He had seen them fight before, but something about the way they were fighting had more life to it. Like the fights they were battling before were just because it was all they knew how to do. But now...they were fighting with an actual purpose.

"Learning the truth about Micro and how they can stop Mirage has clearly inspired them," Starswirl told him. "They've regained their fighting spirit." As he said this, a Peacekeeper that had survived the battle spotted them and charged. Starswirl prepared to attack, but he was beaten to the punch as Heart pulled out the Proto-Blaster and fired it straight through the head. "Nice shot."

"Thanks," Heart smirked. "I have a reason to fight too. I've gotta get back home and save my sister." Drago roared in agreement, also wanting to get home and protect it from Mirage's influence.

"Head Smash!" Flash cried as he socked a Peacekeeper in the chest and sent it flying backwards into the remaining robots, causing it to overload and explode. The other Peacekeepers were consumed by the blast, destroying them all. "Hurrah!" He cheered before suddenly finding himself and the other Rangers getting blasted, the lot staggering back as they turned to see where the attacks had come from. "Shock."

Shock Trooper and the Mirage Rangers stood further down the street, Starswirl's eyes going wide. The others had told him about the fake Rangers, but actually seeing them was another story. "We have to get the other Elements back."

"I don't know how the heck you losers survived," Shock told them. "But you won't for long." He unfurled his blade, "this ends now."

"You're right," Flash told him. "It does end now!" He charged, the other Rangers following suit. The Orange, Silver and Gold Rangers took out their Spirit Sabres, whilst the Black Rangers took out his sword and charged. Flash and Shock met in the centre of the street, Shock slashing at Flash only for the Red Ranger to grab his blade in the mouth of his Dragon Breaker.

Soarin and Black clashed swords whilst Sandal slashed at Silver, only to miss and receive and punch to the chest. Sweetie held up her shield to block Gold's blaster fire and Lyra began fighting Orange in hand to hand. The eight Rangers were on even terms of strength, speed and ability. However, the real Rangers were running on empty stomachs and had just expended a lot of energy fighting the Peacekeepers. They knew they couldn't keep this battle up for long.

"Die!" Shock tried blasting Flash, but the Red Ranger threw the blade away and leapt back.

"Sorry," Flash told him, "but I've got too much to live for to let you kill me!" With that, he threw his fist downwards and smashed it into the ground, causing it to shake as a fissure shot towards Shock. The robot leapt backwards to avoid it, but this allowed Flash to charge forward and slash at him several times with his Spirit Sabre.

"Ahh!" He cried before blocking the next strike with his blade. "And yet you're willing to throw it all away in order to play hero. Don't you care that Twilight..." He turned to the other Rangers, "that all your families are suffering because you're going against Mirage."

This caused them to stop for a moment, the Mirage Rangers trying to take the opening, but they quickly recovered and kept fighting. "I know they're confused right now," Flash stated. "But when we beat Mirage and undo his work, they'll understand this had to happen." He pushed Shock back and prepared to throw a Dragon Breaker Punch at him, but Shock fired several times and Flash was forced to evade them.

"No, they won't. Because you're not gonna beat Mirage. Half your team is under our control and once I beat you and take your Elements, we'll have everything we need."

"They're not under your control," Flash told him. "You've got them trapped and using...something to make those fakers over there, but they can't stand up to the real thing." To show what he meant, Soarin leapt into the air and flew up to avoid the Black Ranger's sword, then dived down and slashed it with an electrified slash.

Lyra pulled out her Serpent Staff and grabbed the Orange Ranger's kick in its mouth, then threw the fake and good several meters before it smashed into the sides of a building. Sweetie continued to block the Gold Ranger's blaster fire and get in close, finally able to spin on the spot and kick the blaster out of hand before slamming her shield into its stomach. And Sandal blocked the Silver Ranger's punch with the side of his blade and then stomped a foot into its chest, making it stagger backwards.

"No matter what you do," Flash stated. "The Power Rangers will always keep fighting to protect our world."

"Is that so?" Shock asked, "but don't you realise that's pointless?" Flash tilted his head, "you can't win forever. You can try and stop threats like Darklight and Chaos for the rest of your life and sure, you might be able to win against them. But nobody wins forever. Even now, you're not exactly as young as you once were. Eventually, you'll come up against an opponent you won't be able to defeat. And they might have a lot more sinister plans then Mirage. So why not take the burden off yourselves and let him rule our world. Beats it getting completely destroyed." The Rangers heard this and knew he was right. It was something they had often thought to themselves, that one day they would lose and their world would be conquered or worse. "Face it, giving up now will make things way easier. After all, Mirage is always one step ahead of you."

At that very moment, Mirage was in his office.

The Magi-Charger Micro had given him was attached to a device, the battery glowing from the energy being sent into it. After a few more moments, the light faded and the device's screen lit up with words. 'Programming reversed.'

"Perfect," Mirage smirked as he removed the Charger, "and to think Micro would try and fool me. Oh well." He reached into his draw and took out an odd looking device, which appeared to be a gun with a small satellite antenna on it. "Looks like I'll need to give him a...promotion."

Micro and Rarity were still in his office, trying to find anything that might help them find a way to free the prisoner. "Damn it!" Micro cried, "there's nothing. Whatever the code is, Mirage made sure there wasn't a clue to it in any of these files."

"So what do we do?" Rarity asked, worriedly.

"Ahh," Micro groaned, "we've got no choice. There's only one other person I know that could possibly hack this. We need to get to Twilight."

"But she thinks the Rangers are all criminals," she pointed out. "Do you really think she's gonna help us."

"We'll show her this," Micro pointed to his tablet. "If she sees her brother, best friend and father-in-law are all captured and held in that state, she might be willing to help us. And if not...well I still have the specs for the Magi-Charger I gave Mirage. I'll make a new one and use it on her." Rarity nodded and the pair began to make their way out of the building, completely unaware that Mirage had just tracked them down by Rarity's bugged company phone.

"Just stay calm and relaxed," Rarity told Micro, though she was more saying it to herself. "Don't let anyone know we're trying to escape."

"Ms Rarity?" She almost jumped, then turned to see one of the people in charge of her TV schedule. "We have an announcement to make in fifteen minutes." Rarity panicked, but tried to play it off.

"Oh, I'm sorry. But I'm not feeling to well at the moment. Pregnancy stuff, you know. I'm afraid we'll either need to cancel it or-"

"Nonsense." The two spun around and were shocked to see Mirage walking towards them, "we'll just have you take some green tea and you'll be right as rain. Your adoring public is waiting. We have to announce that our little Ranger problem is officially a thing of the past."

Micro's eyes went wide, "what do you mean?"

"Oh," Mirage smirked, "didn't you know? The Rangers broke in last night and attempted to destroy some of our more experimental inventions. Because of that, there was an accident and they were all...unfortunately rendered deceased."

"I see," Micro stated. 'Either he knows for sure that they're...or he's only assuming. It hasn't been that long since Shock and the fake Rangers left. There's no way Flash and the others would be beaten so easily.. "So you're going to tell the city they're gone."

"Of course," Mirage nodded. "We can't let the people remain scared. This way they'll be able to relax and not have to worry about accidently getting caught in the crossfire."

"And what about their families?" Rarity asked, "you can't expect them to take learning the truth over the news." Mirage turned to her, raising an eyebrow as Rarity realised she had just blundered. She was supposed to act like a zombie under Micro's control, but she hadn't been doing anything like that whilst talking to Mirage.

"No need to worry," he assured her. "We've already informed their families of the situation. I'm sure they'll understand that this was an inevitability with what they were doing. But anyway, come along. I need my beautiful leading lady to make the announcement." The two panicked, knowing that if Rarity refused Mirage would know she wasn't under his control any more.

"Understood sir," she nodded before the three began to make their way through the hallways. But the second they were alone, Mirage came to a stop.

"Micro. How certain are you that your Magi-Charger will work the way we intend it too?"

"One hundred percent," Micro told him. "I made them using the data I acquired when I analysed the prisoners. It'll bypass the resistance they all have and put everyone who's struck by it completely under your spell."

"Hmm," Mirage turned away. "You know...I don't think you're telling me the truth." He took out the Magi-Charger, "I think this device will actually have the opposite effect." He glanced back at Micro. "Instead of removing the resistance..." he turned to Rarity, "it give whoever's struck that resistance." Micro and Rarity both looked shocked by this, realising they had been had. "So you know what I did. Reversed its programming so that it will do exactly what I want it to do."

"No," Micro whispered.

"Yes," Mirage put it away before taking out the strange blaster device. "And now I have to punish you for your...well I can't say betrayal since you were never on my side." Micro pushed Rarity behind him, staring at the device. "On the bright side, I won't have to pay you a severance package. Firing you would be so much hassle. Instead," he fired the beam and it moved so fast that Micro couldn't dodge it, "I'll be reassigning you."

"Augh!" He cried as the beam struck him, Rarity gasping as she staggered backwards.

"MICRO!" The beam emitted a light that completely enveloped his body, which began to reshape and change to a more...angular shape. When it finished changing, the light began to fade and reveal something knew standing where Micro had once been. A Peacemaker. Only this was was bright purple and when it turned towards Rarity, it had a robotic version of Micro's face on it, complete with his glasses. "NO!" She screamed, turning to glare are Mirage. "WHAT DID YOU DO?"

Mirage chuckled, "a little extra tech from my home dimension. In order to survive after a natural disaster made our plants atmosphere poisonous, we developed a way to turn organic flesh into machinery. I might not be as ingenious as your husband, but the schematics were implanted into every member of my race's computer minds in order to make sure the technology could never be lost. This was what I originally planned to use on the five percent of humanity that were immune to my power, until your husband promised to fix it himself."

"Change him back!" Rarity almost screamed.

"Oh I don't think so," Mirage told her. "And since you're now immune to my mind control." He pointed his weapon at her, but Rarity turned and ran as fast as her pregnant body would allow and rushed through a doorway. "Get her!" The transformed Micro began to march forward.

"Accept reality," Shock told the Rangers. "You can't win this fight." He charged with his blade drawn, "just give up already!" He slashed at Flash, but the Red Rangers blocked it at the last moment.

"Never!" He grunted, pushing Shock back and slashing at him. Shock blocked with his and the two clashed blades, appearing at a standstill until Flash leapt back. Shock tried to slash him, but Flash grabbed the blade in his Dragon Breaker before raising his sword and slicing it downwards.

"No!" Shock cried as his blade was shattered, allowing Flash to slash him down the front and make him stagger backwards. The other Rangers managed to knock the Mirage Rangers back, but as they did so Shock held his blaster in both hands. In a flash, the hand gun morphed into a larger double barrelled rifle. He cocked the weapon and fired it, the blast hitting Flash with enough force to knock him flying backwards.

"Raaah!" He cried, hitting the ground whilst Shock began firing on the other Rangers. They all cried out as they were knocked back, allowing the fake Power Rangers to opening they needed to hit them hard.

"Guys!" Heart cried, as the five fell to the floor. They all moaned and as they pushed themselves to a kneeling position, whilst Shock prepared to end it with his blaster.

"It's over," he told them. "Once I have your Elements, I'll have everything I need."

"Except you'll be trapped here," Flash pointed out. "How exactly do you expect to have everything if you can't get out of this destroyed world." Shock laughed at this.

"What are you, an idiot?" He pulled out the spherical device, "with this I'll be able to head home whenever I want. I just need to deal with you losers first." But then something happened. Shock couldn't see Flash's face under his helmet, but his body language told him he had just made a serious error.

"The only idiot here is you," Flash stated. "Drago!" Suddenly, the little robotic Zord appeared from its hiding spot in a tree and bit down on Shock's wrist, making him cry out and drop the device. Flash took this opportunity to leap forward with all his might and slam both his feet into the human turned robot and knocking him staggering back, Drago leaping from his wrist and landing on the Red Ranger's shoulder.

The other Rangers charged forward, slashing or blasting the Mirage Rangers and knocking them all backwards. They groups moved away from the device, allowing Starswirl and Heart to rush up and grab it.

"What do we do?" Heart asked as he looked the device over, Starswirl pulling out the dimensional portal generator.

"Activate it and create a portal." Heart was about to ask how, but then noticed the button on top. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the button and the machine started beeping. Their eyes went wide, fearing Shock might have tricked them and handed over a bomb.

"GYAH!" Heart threw it as hard as he could and as he did, it exploded seconds before hitting the side of a building. And sure enough, that explosion produced a portal in the middle of the street. Heart realised that the portal must lead to Mirage Corp, where his sister was being held.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the card he had stolen the previous night, which would allow him to go anywhere in the building. "NOOO!" They heard Shock cry as he tried to get passed Flash, but the Red Ranger managed to hold him back.

"Starswirl!" The wizard nodded and pointed the device at the portal, the machine activating and sending a signal through the vortex. After a few seconds, it got an answer and beeped.

"Got it!" He smirked, "your world's dimensional coordinates."

"Then let's end this!" Flash told the others, who nodded whilst all re-positioning the Mirage Rangers before kicking them away. The four slammed into one another in a group, as Lyra and Sweetie put a Magi-Charge into their blasters whilst Sandal and Soarin did the same to their swords. The girls spun the barrels and the boy swung their sword around.

"GO!" They yelled before unleashing their attacks, the four blasts striking the Mirage Rangers and combining to explode.

Shock growled at this, whilst Flash kept fighting. "It's over Shock."

"Not yet it's not!" He cried before looking over at the portal, seeing that it was already beginning to shrink. If he didn't jump through it, he would be trapped there.

At the same time, Heart stared at the portal. Then he did something stupid. He pulled out his blaster and charged, "HEART!" The Rangers heard Starswirl's yell and turned to see the teen leap through the portal, Flash gasping at that.

"No!" But this distracted Flash long enough for Shock to kick him away,the Red Ranger groaning as he fell to the ground and the robot charged.

"Oh no you don't!" Starswirl cried, getting between him an the portal. Shock tried to blast him, but Starswirl used his staff to knock the blaster away. As he did, the other Rangers arrived and each grabbed an arm or leg. "You're staying here until that portal's closed."

"NO!" He roared, as his chest armor suddenly swung open. Doing so revealed a large glass orb that began to glow before unleashing a wave of energy, the Rangers gasping as they were struck by the energy.

"GYAH!" They all yelled as they were knocked backwards, Shock rushing forward and body checking Starswirl. "Augh!" He cried, falling to the ground whilst Shock rushed to the ever shrinking portal. And just as it was about to close, he leapt through it and disappeared before the vortex vanished.

"HEART!" Flash cried, worrying for the boy he had come to respect for his courage.

Back at Mirage Corp, Shock knelt in the abandoned portal room.

In a flash, he returned to normal and started panting. "Damn those Rangers!" He growled, pushing himself to his feet. He moved over to the elevator and swiped his new pass card to call it, only for the elevator to be engaged. "What?" He asked, pulling out his phone. "Mirage? Mirage, are you there?"

"Shock," Mirage chuckled, "Back already. I hope this means your expedition was a success."

"Not exactly. The Rangers are still alive and they've found a way to return to this world."

"What? That's impossible!"

"Don't know what to tell you. They were alive and they had a guy with wizards clothing and Flash's pet dragon with them." This caused Mirage to remain silent as he seemed to realise what was happening. "What do you wanna do?"

"I'm sending you a signal. Our little computer worm has properly joined our side. He's off after another little annoyance that's decided to cross me. It's time we make her see what getting on my bad side gets you."

"Understood," he nodded as the elevator finally started coming down to him. "Where are you anyway?"

"Watching the show."

"So you're not in the elevator?"

"No. Why?"

On another level, Fire Heart had just stepped out of the elevator and found himself in a strange lab. Unknowingly, he was in Micro's laboratory.

"Please let her be in here," he told himself as he looked around. But there was no sign of any place that looked like it held captured people. "Soul?" He called out, "Soul, you in here?" But nobody responded. He would have called out again, but before he could the elevator dinged to indicate it was about to approach.

Not wanting to be found yet, he rushed over to a corner of the room and hide behind a large machine. A moment later, the elevator opened and Shock Trooper stepped out into the lab. His heavy footsteps filled the room, his rifle in hand as he looked around.

Heart glared seeing him and pulled back around before he could turn in his direction, pulling out his Proto-Blaster and preparing himself to try and fight his way out of there if needs be. But Shock simply walked around the room, not bothering to look in the direction he was in. And after a few minutes of searching, he pulled out his communicator.

"He's not here either."

"Check the cells," he then heard Mirage's voice state. Shock moved over to a desk and swiped his card through it, the thing beeping several times before a screen lit up.

"They're all there. Want me to activate the Mirage Ranger system."

"Not yet. If he's not there he likely ran out of the building. Meet up with our new friend and do what I ordered before."

"Understood," he nodded before cutting the call and rushing back to the elevator. Once he was gone, Heart came out of hiding and moved over to the desk. Taking out the key card, he slotted it until the system came back online and showed a layout of the entire building.

Several different sections had lines coming off them connected to words. 'You are here' was one of them and Heart looked the map over until he found the ones marked cells. He pressed that section and the screen changed to show the cells where all of Mirage's prisoners were being held. Including-

"Soul!" He cried, seeing his sister in such a state being heartbreaking for him. "Hold on sis. I'll get you out of there."

In the streets of Canterlot a mile or so away from the Mirage Corporation, people were waiting for the next Mirage broadcast.

However, in that moment a portal appeared and the people all began to scream and run at the sight of it. Those screams doubled when the five Power Rangers leapt out of it along with a strangely dressed man, the six and their little robot landing on the ground and quickly standing up to take in their surroundings.

"We did it!" Lyra cheered, "we're back!"

"Celebrate later!" Flash told her before running in the direction of Mirage, "we gotta find and save Heart!" The others nodded and rushed after him, completely ignoring the screams of terror that surrounded them.

Rarity continued to run as fast as she could. She had managed to escape the building and was now in the street behind the building, which was more like a loading dock for materials and where newly built items were shipped out.

She was forced to come to a stop and catch her breath, putting her hand on her stomach as she looked around. She was just about to think she had lost him, when a bunch of crates near her exploded before her robotic husband stepped out of them. He stood still for a second before turning towards her, marching forward as Rarity slowly stepped backwards.

"Micro," she pleaded, "please stop this. This isn't you!" She cried, but the robot didn't respond. "You're stronger then whatever Mirage did to you. Please, fight it!" But still, the robot continued to march towards her. "MICRO!"

In a dark void, Micro stood there in a daze.

He couldn't move. He couldn't think. All he could do was stare ahead, looking at something that was glowing before him. That something was a large screen, which showed a clip that was on constant loop. It was a clip of the day he and Sandal found their Elements, when they first met Doom and discovered the gems trapped in stone.

His eyes then shifted to see another clip, this one being of the first time he ever morphed and fought as a Power Rangers. There were others, all around him. Memories from his life. Saving the Manticore Zord. Using the Magi-Drill Blades for the first time. And not just his Ranger life. Days he spent playing video games with friends. Working on science projects. Dates he took with Rarity. Their first kiss, the day he proposed and the day they were married. So many memories he cherished beyond belief.

However, as he stared at them the images got fuzzier and fuzzier. And as they did his actual memories of those times got fuzzier and fuzzier. "My memories," he finally whispered. "My soul." He tried to remember, but nothing he did allowed him to regain those times. They were fading and it's possible they weren't coming back. "Who...who am I?" He felt his head getting duller and duller. "WHO AM I!"

Rarity found herself backed into a wall, Micro preparing to grab her.

But before he could, they heard someone yell out. "HYAH!" They turned towards the voice, seconds before a red boot stomped into the robot and sent it flying backwards.

Rarity turned to see the Red Ranger land next to her, "Flash!" He turned to her, as the other Rangers arrived on the scene with Starswirl. "You're all okay!"

"You...you're happy we're here?" Sweetie asked

Rarity nodded, "Micro managed to undo Mirage's control on me. I remember everything." The others Rangers smiled under their helmets, then heard the robot begin to pick itself up.

"Let's take this thing down!" Soarin cried as they charged, only for Rarity to jump in front of them.

"NO! It's Micro Chips!" The Rangers were shocked by this, turning to the robot and seeing his face in the metal. "Mirage did something to him. Turned him into...that"

"Indeed I did." They looked behind Micro and spotted the robot disguised man standing behind the machine, who slowly stepped forward. "Micro has now joined my race in shedding our feeble bodies, replacing them with cold hard steel." He stepped up next to Micro and patted his shoulder. "You should be happy for him. He is now immortal and indestructible. Nothing will ever harm him again. He'll feel no pain. No fear. No sadness."

"No love," Flash pointed out. "No joy, excitement or any of the other emotions that give life meaning."

"Small price to pay."

"Change him back!" Sandal ordered, but Mirage simply laughed. Sandal growled, but before he could charge forward he was suddenly bombarded by a barrage of laser fire.

"Sandal!" The others cried as they rushed to his side, Flash looking up and seeing the robotic Shock Trooper marching towards him with rifle in hand. "Great."

"This is your final chance," Mirage told them. "Hand over your Elements and I will forgive your previous sins. I'll use my power to make people forget you were ever Power Rangers, or fugitives. You'll be able to return to your lives and your families, never having to worry about risking everything as Power Rangers again."

"And in return you'll turn the entire world into your mindless zombies," Lyra glared at him. "No thanks."

"Very well," Mirage nodded. "Don't say I never gave you a chance." He pulled out the device he used on Micro, "when this is over all ten of you Rangers will join my race and act as my personal army." With that, he morphed into his robotic form. Mirage, Shock and Micro stood in line, whilst the Rangers pulled out their weapons.

"Let's end this!" Flash cried before the two sides rushed forward, Starswirl and Drago protecting Rarity as they rushed over to a more safe area.

At the same time, Heart stepped out of the elevator and found himself inside the cell block of the building.

It had taken a while to find it, but now he was finally at the one place he had been searching for since his sister was taken. And sure enough, there she was. Soul and the rest of the prisoners were all trapped in the strange cells looking asleep. He stepped up to his sister's cell and tried to open it, but found it required a key code.

"To heck with this!" Heart pulled out his blaster, seeing he didn't have much energy left in it. Enough for probably one more shot strong enough to break through the cell. He pointed it at Soul's door but just as he was about to fire, he stopped and turned to the cells holding the other Rangers.

The four unconscious heroes remained where they were, waiting for someone to save them. And as Heart looked back and forth between them and Soul, he finally made a decision. Pointing his blaster at the chosen door, he fired.

The streets were in chaos as the Rangers did battle against the three robots.

"Wow!" Flash cried as he avoided Mirage's lasers, using his Spirit Sabre and Morphin Blaster to try and do damage but the machine was just to strong. Flash, exhausted from the day's events and running out of energy in his Magi-Chargers, wasn't able to fight to his full potential. "Gyah!" He cried as a blast struck him in the chest and he was knocked backwards, Mirage stepping forward and preparing to point his robot making ray at him.

"Once you power down, I'll be taking your Element and adding you to my ranks."

"Not happening," Flash told him as he rolled back to his feet and pulled out his blaster. He pointed it at the ray, but stopped before he fired. If he destroyed that device, there would be no way to reverse Micro's condition. "Gotta get it without damaging it."

"You can try!" He fired several more shots, Flash barely managing to avoid them. He then brought both his arm lasers together and unleashed a super charged blast, which struck the ground and made it explode.

"AHHH!" Flash cried as he was blown backwards.

At the same time, Soarin and Sweetie were battling against Shock. The human turned robot fired his rifle, but Sweetie blocked using her shield. "Thunder Sabre!" Soarin leapt over her and swung his blade, unleashing a lightning bolt that struck Shock. But the robot threw off the lightning and fired, "GYAH!" The shots struck Soarin and he staggered backwards, Sweetie leaping in front of him to defend her teammate.

"I can't believe he's still going," she stated as Shock charged. "Morphin Blaster!" She fired the weapon, but the bullets simply bounced off his body. "No way!" Shock held up his arm as the blade unfurled, Sweetie barely managing to block it with her shield.

Shock then held up his rifle as it charged up and unleashed a powerful blast right into the air. He leapt back as it exploded, raining down lasers on the two Rangers. "AUGH/RAAAH!" They cried as they were bombarded by it.

Meanwhile, Lyra and Sandal were doing their best to beat Micro without hurting him. The robotic Ranger had summoned a sword from somewhere and was slashing at them both, Lyra leaping around to avoid it whilst Sandal blocked with his sword.

"Come on bro!" Sandal told him, "you're gonna have a kid soon. Don't you wanna be there to see them?" Micro didn't respond and just kept slashing at the pair, who were forced to remain on the defensive. As Micro slashed sideways through the air, Lyra leapt over him whilst Sandal rolled beneath the sword. Both got to their feet and spun back to Micro, swords raised protectively as Sandal turned to Lyra. "I can't fight knowing that's really him!"

Lyra agreed, "but if we don't do something..." In that moment, Micro's sword became charged with energy and he swung it around to unleash a crescent energy slash that struck the two Rangers and exploded. "GYAH/AUGH!" They cried as they were blasted backwards.

"RAAAAH!" Flash cried as he was knocked backwards, hitting the ground and rolling several times. He eventually stopped and looked up at Mirage, as the machine walked towards him. "Okay," he pushed himself up, "I'll admit you're strong." He then slammed his sword and gun together, hitting the buttons that opened the slots. "But I'm not giving up!" He placed his Magi-Chargers into the weapons and shut the slots, both of them beginning to glow. "Blast Cutter!" He fired before slashing his sword through the air, the two attacks merging into an extra powerful attack that soared towards Mirage.

But Mirage simply brought his arms together and fired another supercharged laser. It struck Flash's attack and pushed against it, eventually overpowering the attack and flying towards Flash.

The Red Ranger screamed as the energy struck him, sending him flying backwards as Mirage laughed. "Is something wrong?" He joked, "or are you finished already?"

"Not yet!" Flash cried as he pushed himself to his feet, the other Rangers staggering over to him as Micro and Shock stepped up next to Mirage.

"Let's end this," he told his minions before charging up another energy blast. Shock cocked his rifle and Micro's sword glowed, the three unleashing the attacks upon the Rangers. They struck the ground and exploded, the Rangers all screaming as they were knocked backwards and crashed into the ground, finally hitting their limit and demorphing in a flash.

"NO!" Rarity screamed as the five were laid out, their cloths damaged with several cuts and burns covering them.

"Get up!" Starswirl yelled, only for Mirage to step forward and hold up his hand. As he did, he unleashed a burst of lightning that struck the downed Rangers. They all screamed as they were zapped and lifted into the air, the lot feeling the energy wash over them and stop when it found something.

The next thing they knew, the energy was pulled off of them and they fell to the ground. As they did, the energy retracted into Mirage and pulled five gems towards him. "No," Flash moaned as Mirage grabbed the crystals and laughed, "the Elements."

"Are finally mine!" Mirage cheered, "finally. I have everything I need to make this world mine." He turned to the Rangers, "a world that you don't need to be apart of." The three robots charged up their attacks, Starswirl and Rarity gasping.

But before the robots could fire, they were suddenly struck by a quartet of lasers that caused the ground around them to explode. "Huh?" Flash spun around and his eyes went wide, "no way."

"Hey son!" Trail Blazer smirked as he and three others stepped towards him.

"Looks like you guys could use a hand," Shining Armor smirked.

"Looks like we got here just in time," Sunset stated as Dusk nodded.

"The whole team's almost completely back together." They reached the downed Rangers and helped them up, the lot looking at them in amazement.

"But...how?" Lyra asked, "you were captured."

"We had a little help," Sunset smiled. In that moment, someone else ran into the area. Fire Heart, spotting Starswirl, rushed to his side.

"I found the cells in Mirage Corp and freed the Rangers!" He stated, "Soul would have wanted this."

"And we'll save her and the others once Mirage is taken care of," Shining assured him. Flash smiled at the team and gave him a thumbs up, Heart smiling back before they turned towards their opponents.

The three robots got up, the newly freed Rangers seeing Micro and going wide eyed. "Is that..." Trail couldn't finish, but the others nodded. "Not good."

Mirage growled at them, "you're free." He then looked shocked, "that can only mean..." He got his answer when the four held up their Elements, proving they had gotten them back. "NO!"

"This battle isn't over yet!" Flash told him. "As long as even one Ranger has their Element, we'll never stop fighting to take you down." They all nodded, knowing this could be their final battle. And no matter what, they had to claim victory. The entire fate of the world rested in their hands.

Author's Note:

Well, that escalated quickly. Next time, the battle that will determine the fate of their world.