• Published 5th Feb 2022
  • 966 Views, 31 Comments

Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony, Ten Year Return - Banshee531

Ten years have passed since the Guardian Rangers saved the world from multi-dimensional evils. In that time, peace has returned to their world. Until now. Can our heroes save the day, or will this be the end of the world as we know it?

  • ...

Chapter 6

Twilight was once again sitting in her living room with her friends, all of which had heard about the five Ranger's fates.

Fluttershy was crying into Pinkie's shoulder and even Rainbow was balling her eyes out. Applejack was comforting the retired athlete whilst Cadance was in the kitchen, making them all something to drink. But she stopped when she got a call, the school principal taking out her phone and seeing who it was.

"Celestia?" She asked, "now isn't a great-" She stopped and her eyes went wide, "what?" This caused the others to turn to her as she looked absolutely astonished. "Are you sure?" A few seconds later, she turned to the others. "Turn on the news." They looked confused, but Twilight did as she was told and switched on her TV.

When she did, she was greeted to a sight she didn't think she'd ever see again. "Flash!" Her husband, once again decked out in the strange red suit he had started wearing the last few months, was fighting some kind of robot on the TV screen. It was being recorded by someone hiding on the street using their phone.

"If he's alive..." Fluttershy's eyes went wide when the phone moved to show the Blue and Green Rangers fighting another robot, then turned to show the Pink and Thunder Ranger fighting another. They all gasped seeing they were alive, but then grew worried when they realised the five of them were losing the fight. Nothing they did seemed to hurt the robots.

"Flash!" She cried when the Red Ranger was blasted backwards, whilst the other Rangers rushed over to him. They all gasped when the three robots fired on them at the same time, forcing them out of their suits. The sight of their injured forms was almost worse then the thought of them being dead. They were then forced to watch as the lead robot unleashed tendrils on energy that zapped the five and stole something from them, the robot cheering as he held them. "GET OUT OF THERE!" The three robots prepared to end it, but in that moment they were struck by several lasers.

A moment later, the camera turned to see where the lasers had come from and they were shocked by who they saw. "Shining," Cadance gasped.

"Sunset," Twilight saw her best friends, brother, father-in-law and a friend from her school days all stepping towards them. "They escaped."

The nine Rangers and their friends stared down the robot, mainly focusing on the one that had once been their teammate. "What's the plan?" Shining asked Flash, who wasn't sure to be honest.

"I don't know," he told them. "Mirage used a gun to change him, but now I'm wondering if it has a reverse function. He seemed pretty happy about turning someone into a machine like him, so I doubt he would take the time to add that to the gun."

"We still might be able to reverse it if we get the weapon," Sunset suggested.

Dusk stepped up, "the four of us will keep the other two busy. You guys see if you can't talk Micro out of it." They nodded and the four newly released Rangers charged forwards. They all placed their Elements into their Morphers and as they leapt over the robots, they transformed in a flash of light.

"Come and get us!" Trail cried, the four running off as Mirage spun around. "Get them!" The three prepared to charge but before Micro could, Starswirl used his magic to grab him and keep him in place.

"Hurry!" He told the other Rangers, "I can't keep this up for long." He missed being in Equestria, where his magic wasn't so limited. As Mirage and Shock disappeared down the street, the other Rangers rushed to Micro's side.

"Micro!" Starswirl's magic finally gave out and the robot could move, swinging his sword at Sandal who managed to duck under it before grabbing his arm. "It's me, bro!" Soarin grabbed the other arm and the girls grabbed his legs, holding him in place.



"Micro!" They all yelled, but the robot kept fighting against them. As they held him in place, Flash rushed up and took something out of his pocket.

"Micro!" He held up a bunch of yellow batteries with a griffin on them, "you know what these are." The robot stared at them, "they're your Magi-Chargers. I kept them because I knew one day you'd return. Even when it seemed like you'd turned your back on us, I knew there was more to it." The machine continued to stare at the Chargers. "Come on! Turn back and take them!"

After a few seconds, the robot stopped fighting and seemed to consider this. Flash smiled, but then saw Micro's eyes glow red and unleash and pair of lasers that slammed into the ground.

"GYAH!" He cried, being blasted back and dropping the Chargers. The others called out to him, but this allowed Micro and throw and kick them off before attack. "Micro!" Flash groaned, pushing himself up. "You have to fight it."

Micro continued to float inside the void, his memories growing weaker and weaker by the second.

"I'm nothing," he whispered to himself. "Nothing special. Nothing great. It's better to just...let myself fade away." And as he said that, the world around him got darker and darker. It wouldn't be long before his humanity was lost forever.

"Duel Morphin Blaster!" Sunset cried as she powered up her weapon and and fired the twin blasts at Mirage, who leapt back as they made the ground explode.

Mirage then jumped back to avoid Dusk's blade. "Give back the Elements!" The Black Ranger cried, "they're not to be used by villains like you!"

"Who are you calling a villain!" The robot cried as he blocked the blade with his arm. "All I wanted was to return home, but your friend Starswirl wouldn't let me. I was stolen from there by Chaos, locked away by Darklight and almost destroyed by you fools. And when I was free and trying to return home, you attacked me and tried to ruin everything. You're the villain in my book." He pushed him away and fired several blasts, the two Rangers leaping away to keep from getting hit.

At the same time, Shock was firing at Shining and Trail. The two Rangers leapt from side to side to avoid the blasts and Shining Armor get in close, dealing several kicks and punches to the robot. "Gyah!" He staggered back and came to a stop, "not bad...captain."

Shining frowned under the helmet, Heart having told him about Shock. "Don't expect your pension after all this. You sold out the people you once swore to protect, and for what."

"For the woman I love," Shock told him. "When this is over, I'll finally have her." He stood tall and pointed his rifle at him, "don't make me hurt you. I'd hate to have to harm my future brother-in-law." Shining's eyes went wide as he realised what Shock was talking about, his expression becoming one of anger.

"You keep your grubby hands off her. There's only one man worthy of her!"

"Yes!" Trail leapt up and kicked the rifle out of his hands, "if you think I'd let you raise my granddaughter, you've got some serious screws loose!" The two Rangers charged, but Shock extended his blade and tried to slash at them both.

The four Rangers soon had the two robots back to back, the lot pointing their blasters at them. "FIRE!" The lasers shot towards the robots, but the pair leapt up with such speed that the Ranger's eyes weren't able to keep up. This caused the lasers to hit them, blasting the quartet backwards. "GYAH!" They hit the ground and slid along the ground, whilst the robots landed.

"What's the matter?" Mirage laughed, "I remember you being a lot stronger than this before."

The Rangers groaned as they pushed themselves up. "Before we had access to fully powered Magi-Chargers," Dusk moaned out as they stood up.

"Such a shame," Shock chuckled. "Looks like you'll have to find another way to beat us. Or better yet, just give up."

"NEVER!" The four cried before charging forwards.

"Augh!" Lyra cried as Micro threw her into the side of a building, the Blue Ranger sliding to the ground as Micro's eyes glowed.

"Look out!" Sweetie rushed to Lyra's side and rolled her away before the lasers made contact and caused the wall to explode, whilst Soarin and Sandal once again grabbed Micro's arms.

"Stop it!" Flash yelled, getting up closer and throwing a punch right into the machine's face. He hoped the impact would snap Micro out of it, but all it did was make Flash's fist hurt like hell. Micro once against threw the other two off and punched Flash, the force sending him flying backwards and crashing down next to where the Magi-Chargers had landed.

"They...they can't stop him," Heart realised as he watched Flash push himself up. "But...he's not giving up."

"Of course," Starswirl told him. "They're the Guardians. The Protectors of the Elements, entrusted to protect the world using their power. Even if it seems impossible, they won't stop trying to defeat evil." Heart turned to him, "they're the Heroes that I found."

"Heroes," Heart whispered before looking back at the others as the four Rangers once again grabbed Micro's arms and legs.

The real Micro, as if hearing Starswirl's words, thought about this fading time as a Ranger.

"You can't be a hero forever." His body, was now beginning to disappear into the darkness. First it was his feet, and slowly the shadows moved up his legs. "One day, we'll all be separated..." The darkness flew up his legs faster. "Just the thought of that made me want to leave. Made me want to try and stop Mirage on my own." Half his body was enveloped as now his hands and arms were starting to fade as well. Soon, there would be nothing left of him.


The man's eyes opened at the sound of Flash's voice. He looked ahead and saw a light, which appeared right in front of him. That light morphed into a screen, showing what his robot body was seeing.

The Red Ranger groaned as he pushed himself up, grabbing the Magi-Chargers in hand. He then lifted his head to stare at the robot. "You're in there...aren't you?"

As he did, Micro suddenly remember a time from their Ranger days. When Flash tried to show Micro that having a plan and sticking to it religiously wasn't a good idea. At the time, he didn't appreciate what he had been saying. But in the years since then, Micro was grateful for the words of wisdom his friend had given him.

"Micro!" Lyra cried, making Micro remember another time. He and Lyra had been working on a science project when Micro accidently caused an accident that made the whole thing go up in smoke, forcing them to start it again from the beginning. Lyra had had every right to be angry, but instead she smiled at assured him that it was okay. They had worked together and managed to finish the project in time.

"Micro!" Sweetie cried, another memory appearing. This time, it was when Micro finally asked Rarity out and Sweetie had helped him plan the date out. Thanks to her, Micro was able to make the event one of the best nights of Rarity's life. If that date hadn't gone so well, their relationship might not be as strong as it was today.

"Micro!" Soarin yelled, with more memories appearing. This time, Micro thought back to a time when the school soccer team had an important match but a bout of flu had struck it. Micro had stepped in as a spare bench warmer, but then the team went to penalties. Soarin was the expected shooter, but the teen decided to give Micro the ball. Trusting in his geometry skills and great aim, Soarin told Micro he could do it and sure enough, the nerd managed to score the winning goal and became a hero.

"Micro!" Sandal yelled, and a bunch of different memories flowed through his head. Their times hanging out, Sandal helping with his science experiments, finding the Elements together, fighting as Rangers together and so many more. Sandal, his best friend who was always there for him.

Flash pushed himself to his feet, staggering slightly but standing strong as he gripped the Magi-Chargers in hand. "If once isn't enough...we'll keep trying until it is!" He wiped some blood from his lips and glared at the robot, his teammates continuing to hold him steady. "Micro...we're going to get him back!" With that, he clicked all of the Chargers and they lit up. The few sparks of Element energy that still remained from so long ago was unleashed and covered his fist. He then charged forward, the robot firing several eye beams at him but Flash just powered through. He roared as he got closer and closer, finally getting within range and pulling his fist back. "MICRO!"

Everyone watched as he punched the machine's chest, the power of the Element of Knowledge somehow causing a rift to be opened his said chest that his fist flew through.

Inside the void, Micro saw Flash's hand appear. His Magi-Chargers flew from it and as they did, Micro's hands reappeared and he caught them. He stared at the batteries and clutched them tightly, as his memories returned and became even more clearer then before. "I can't forget." He began to struggle against the darkness holding him, as the rest of his body began to reappear. "I am Micro Chips, the Yellow Guardian Ranger!" With that, he started running through the darkness. As he did, the entire void was filled with the image of a memory. The memory of Micro in his youth and the first time he morphed into his Ranger form.

As the Griffin head flew around him, the present Micro Chips reached Flash's hand and grabbed it.

Back outside, Flash felt his hand be grabbed and gripped it. With a mighty pull, he managed to pull a glowing form of Micro out of the robot.

The other Rangers let the robot go and kicked it away, whilst Flash and Micro fell to the ground and rolled away. "Micro!" Rarity screamed as she and the others rushed over, Rarity pulling him up and hugging him. "You're okay!"

"Yeah," Micro nodded, "sorry for making you worry." The other Rangers stepped around him and were happy he was back. However, their celebration was short lived. An explosion made them look around to see the other Rangers be thrown towards them, crying out as they crashed into the ground.

"Guys!" Flash yelled as they de-morphed, Mirage and Shock stepping into view before Mirage unleashed the tendrils. They struck the four and they cried out, getting lifted into the air and then thrown as their Elements were sucked off of them. "NO!" They rushed to the downed Rangers, as Mirage laughed and caught the Elements.

"YES!" He cried, holding the ten Elements of Harmony and his Magi-Charger in his hand before turning to the Rangers. "You may have saved Micro, but you lost the more important thing." His energy sparked into the Elements, protecting them from being summoned back to the Rangers. "Now, I have everything I need to make this world mine." As he said that, his robotic brain sent a signal to the building they were close to.

Up atop the Mirage Skyscraper, the antenna powered up as a ring folded out of it. Said ring had ten slots that opened up, whilst another slot appeared inside the antenna.

"Rangers," Mirage cried, "I look forward to turning you and the rest of this world into my slaves." He threw the Elements and Charger into the air, the energy tendrils carrying them towards the antenna.

"We have to stop him!" Sunset cried, but Micro held up a hand.

"We can't," he told them. "It's over." The Elements flew into one of the ten slots, which shut as the Magi-Charger flew into the antenna. It activated and began to draw in energy from the Elements, powering up the antenna as the programming began part of the machine.

Mirage turned back to the Rangers and chuckled, "I win." With that, he held up his hand and snapped his fingers. The Rangers looked up at the antenna as it unleashed a wave of energy that flowed down the tower and that shot out through the city in every direction.

"NOOOOOOOO!" The Rangers and their friends screamed as the light enveloped them. A minute later, it struck Twilight's house and hit the inhabitants of the building. The energy travelled throughout the city, then out into the rest of the state, then the country, then the continent and finally, the entire planet was engulfed by the light.

The world glowed with a brilliant light for several long seconds before the wave began to fade away, allowing those struck to finally see. And when they did, they realised something. They weren't brainwashed.

"Huh?" Flash looked at the others and saw they all seemed just as confused, all having the exact same thoughts about Mirage as they did before. "What's going on?"

"Delayed reaction?" Soarin suggested before they heard someone groan, the lot looking over and seeing a teenager who had been recording everything on his phone. He was curled up, holding his head. The Rangers feared he had been effected and the Elements had protected them, but then he turned to Heart, Rarity and Starswirl and saw they didn't seem effected.

After a few seconds, the teen stopped moaning and opened his eyes. "I remember now," he turned to the Rangers. "You guys are heroes who saved our world. You're not criminals." Their eyes went wide whilst Mirage, who had heard this, gasped.

"Impossible!" He cried, "how could he remember. My mind control antenna was supposed to turn everyone into my obedient zombie. It wasn't supposed to make you remember." But then, he heard a chuckle and turned to see Micro smirking before he broke out into full on laughter. "What do you think is so funny? I reversed your Magi-Charger, so it's effects should have been reversed."

"You're right," Micro nodded. "You did reverse the Magi-Charger, just like I knew you would."


"I've been working with you for three months," Micro pointed out. "And in that time I learned one thing and that's that you don't trust anyone. I knew the moment I gave you a Charger, no matter what, you would reverse it."

Rarity chuckled as she crossed her arms. "So after he used the Charger to free me from your control, he reversed the programming himself before giving it to you." Mirage's eyes went wide hearing this.

"I wasn't lying when I told you the Charger would allow you to control the entire world once you had the Elements. If you had trusted me, you would have won by now." He shot his former employer a coy smile. "But because you didn't, everyone on earth is not only free of your control, but immune to your power. Canterlot has just gotten their memories back." The Ranger's eyes went wide hearing that, as they realised what that meant.

Back at Twilight's house, the girls had all gasped when the energy wave hit them and their memories came flooding back. Each of them slowly began to remember the time they spent with the Power Rangers during their adventures, with four of them remembering the time they first got together with their significant other.

"I remember," Twilight whispered. "Flash...Drago..." She rushed over to the downed picture and lifted it up, staring at the tiny Zord in her daughter's arms. "I can't believe I forgot."

"Whoever did this is gonna pay!" Rainbow looked ready to beat someone up...though from her condition it was doubtful that was gonna happen.

"Sandal," Fluttershy hugged her baby girl, "I'm sorry I blamed you." They all turned back to the TV, which had stopped playing when the camera teen had gotten his memory back. But now it was back and showed the Ten Rangers and their friends once more.

"You think you've won you fool!" Mirage cried, "I can easily reverse the Magi-Charger once again. And without your Elements, you don't stand a chance of stopping me."

"Oh I wouldn't say that," Micro smirked. "Cause I added a secondary function to the Magi-Charger, which only activates when it's powered by all ten Elements." Mirage tilted his head. "Even after the system's shut down, the Magi-Charger will keep drawing power from them. Which means any moment now-"


Everyone jumped when a sudden explosion occurred up at the antenna, destroying the machine and doing something even more important. Everyone watched as ten differently colour lights shot into the sky, Mirage's eyes going wide. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" He roared as the Rangers all raised their hands.

The lights quickly changed direction and shot towards their rightful owners, the ten Elements landing in the Power Ranger's hands and unleashing their energy as soon as they did. They all sighed at the sensation, Micro having missed this feeling. All of their Magi-Chargers were powered back up, with a bolt of red lightning flying off the Element of Courage and hitting Drago. The little Zord roared as he felt his power skyrocket.

"Oh it feels good to have this back," Soarin cheered as Flash patted Micro on the shoulder.

"You are the man!"

Micro smirked as Rarity kissed him on the cheek, she, Starswirl and Heart stepping off to the side as the ten Rangers lined up. "Well, I'm full of surprises. Case in point." He reached into his pocket and pulled something out. Ten differently coloured Magi-Chargers, with one of the ten Zords on it. There wasn't one for Drago, but there was one for the Alicorn Zord. "A little something I was working on before this little fiasco. Managed to finish them off a few days ago." He threw them to the corresponding Ranger, "use them to summon your Zords and see what happens."

The Rangers nodded and held out the batteries. "Magi-Chargers...READY!" They clicked them on, the Chargers glowing with power before the Rangers threw them. "SUMMON ZORDS!" The Magi-Chargers flew off in multiple different directions, off to their individual mechs.

One by one, the batteries activated the Zords in question and their eyes shot opened, the lot of them flying out of their individual hiding spots. They all roared as they rushed towards their partners, the Rangers smiling when they arrived. But those smiles all turned to shock when the ten large Zords glowed, then suddenly shrank down until they were around the same size as Drago.

"Righteous!" Sandal cried as the Fenrir Zord landed on his shoulder, the others Zords circling their partners before turning to glare at the enemies in front of them.

"Does this mean what I think it means?" Lyra asked Micro, who simply smirked.

"Maybe. We'll need to be in Ranger form to find out."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Flash stepped forward, as the others pulled out their Morphers and their Zords jumped in front of them. "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!"

All over the city, the people watched their TVs with great interest as the Rangers took out their Magi-Chargers. The girls had even called their children down so they could watch, the lot of them having regained their memories and excited to see their parents kick butt.

"Magi-Chargers, READY!" They clicked them online before placing them in their blasters, the devices speaking as they did so.











"Energise!" They all yelled as they charged up their Morphers before pointing them to the sky, "Unleash the Power!" The ten Zord heads shot out and flew around them, as white light began to shroud their bodies. The robots fired at them, trying to stop the morph, but the heads spiralled around the group to deflect the blasts. They then bit down on the Rangers, equipping them in their suits.

One by one, the ten Rangers posed as their Zords began dancing around them and they cried their roll call.

Flash: Element of Courage...Power Ranger, RED!

Lyra: Element of Trust...Power Ranger, BLUE!

Micro: Element of Knowledge...Power Ranger, YELLOW!

Sweetie: Element of Love...Power Ranger, PINK!

Sandalwood: Element of Will...Power Ranger, GREEN!

Soarin: Element of Selflessness...Thunder Ranger READY!

Trail: Element of Adventure...Power Ranger, ORANGE!

Shining: Element of Justice...Power Ranger, SILVER!

Sunset: Element of Forgiveness...Power Ranger, GOLD!

Dusk: Element of Darkness...Power Ranger, BLACK!


Flash: Power Rangers!


A massive explosion occurred behind them, signalling the Power Rangers were back and better then ever. Drago leapt into Flash's hands and he quickly changed him to his blaster form, then fired him. "ACTIVATE!" He pulled the trigger and unleashed the energy form of Drago, who flew around him before biting down and decking him out in his battlizer. "Red Legend Ranger...READY!"

The other Zords quickly followed suit, each of them glowing as they leapt at their Rangers. As if on instinct, each Ranger positioned themselves as the energy Zords suddenly merged with their suits.

Lyra, Micro, Sweetie, Sandal, Trail and Shining found themselves wielding an arm weapon that Flash had once used with his battlizer. Lyra held a long sword with a snake head on the handle, Micro had a Griffon-shaped blaster arm with the wings pointing forward to show blasters. Sweetie held a larger version of her Sphinx Shield, Sandal had a long curved blade above his hand, Trail had a whip like appendage on his arm and Shining hard two large horns that snapped together like a claw game claw.

Sunset and Soarin both let their Zords fly behind them and slam into their backs, both morphing into a pair of chest armours. The bird's heads stuck out the front and a pair of bird-like wings stuck out their backs. Soarin was also wielding a pair of swords, the man slashing them around as they sparked with lightning.

Dusk held up his sword, as the Basilisk Zord combined with it. The blade began longer and the handle had the Zord's head on the end of it, turning it into a two handed buster sword.

And finally, the Alicorn Zord merged with Flash's left arm and transformed into a crossbow-like weapon with the wings stinking out and the horn pointing forwards. The ten Rangers and eleven Zords all took up a battle position, ready to take down the three robots once and for all.

"GET THEM!" Mirage ordered, Shock and the Micro-Bot charging forward.

"Let's show these guys why you don't mess with our worlds!" Flash cried as they charged forwards, still being watched by the entire city. The two sides met with the Rangers splitting into groups of five.

Flash, Trail, Shining, Sunset and Dusk began battling Shock, whilst Lyra, Micro, Sweetie, Sandal and Soarin faced off against the Yellow Ranger's robotic duplicate. Mirage stepped backwards, hoping that by some miracle his minion would defeat the Rangers.

"Die!" Shock fired his rifle at the Rangers, but Trail began swinging his whip weapon around to deflect the energy bullets. This allowed Shining and Dusk to charge forward, Dusk reaching the robot first and swinging his new weapon around. The machine tried to block with his blade, but it didn't stand a chance against the buster sword and shattered. "Augh!"

"My turn!" Shining thrust his clawed arm at and the horns closed around Shock, allowing the Silver Ranger to lift him up before slamming him into a nearby wall. "By the way, you're off the force!" He then threw him straight up and as he fell towards the ground, Shining pulled his fist back. "Ultimate Justice Punch!" He threw the fist forward and slammed Shock in the stomach.

"AUGH!" He cried as he was sent flying into the air.

The Micro-bot swung its sword around, but this was blocked by Sweetie's Sphinx Shield. As she blocked it, Sandal laughed. "Now that Micro's free, we don't have to hold back!" He and Lyra charged and as Sweetie pushed the robot back, they both slashed at the machine. Micro-bot staggered back, as the real Micro rushed over and prepared his new Griffon Blaster arm.

"Usually I'd be against destroying something so handsome." He pointed the blaster at its face, "but there's only room for one Micro Chips in this world!" He fired point blank and the robot was blasted back, as Sweetie rushed forward and pointed her Shield at it.

"Time to test a new feature in this upgrade. Egyptian Roar!" The mouth of the Sphinx opened before unleashing a blast of wind and tiny rocks, creating a tornado of sand that struck the machine and pushed it further into the air.

Both it and Shock were high up and collided with one another, Shock letting out a cry of pain as they did. And as they fell, a pair of shadow flew passed them. "Huh?" Shock looked up just in time to see Soarin and Sunset flying towards them. Sunset began firing her Duel Morphin Blaster, preventing the two from protecting themselves against what happened next.

"Twin Sword Cleave!" Soarin cried as he held his blades up before swinging them down towards in an X formation. This unleashed and electrical blast that flew towards the pair and exploded, zapping them both as they crashed into the ground.

The two Rangers landed and Sunset placed another Magi-Charger into her weapon.


"Phoenix," Sunset aimed the blaster at a robots, "Flame Burst!" She pulled the trigger and fired a pair of fireballs at the two. The fireballs began to spin around and pick up speed, before colliding and transforming into the shape of a bird made of fire. The firebird soared towards the robots and struck them, exploding in a barrage of flames.

Both machines were consumed by the flames and then spat out, Shock crying out as they flew off in two very different directions. He then crashed into the ground with another cry, his body beginning to spark and malfunction. As he stood himself up, he suddenly found himself getting bombarded by a series of energy blasts. "Augh!" He turned to where they were coming from and spotted Flash running towards him, pointing both his Dragon Blaster and the Alicorn Bowgun at him.

Drago fired several lasers from his mouth, whilst the Alicorn's horn did the same. Shock began to avoid the attacks and then pulled out his rifle, which he fired at Flash who blocked the lasers with his wings before leaping into the air. "Go get'em bud!" He threw Drago at Shock and he morphed back to his normal mini form, which charged at the robot and started biting, clawing and stomping on him.

"Gyah!" He cried, "get off me you little pest!" But Drago refused and continued his assault, Flash laughing at this until Drago finally leapt away. He then pulled out his Morphin Blaster and fired it and the crossbow, blasting Shock and sending him flying.

Micro-bot had also slammed into the ground and like Shock, its body was beginning to malfunction. It pushed itself up as parts of its body started to spark and explode. As it did, the other Rangers ran up to it.

"Time to trash this pile of junk!" Micro cried before taking out a Magi-Charger and activating it. "Magi-Charger, Ready! Guardian Buster, activate!" He threw the Charger in the air before it transformed into the super weapon, which he caught and activated.

Magi-Chargers," everyone said, as they activated their Chargers and placed them in the compartments before shutting them. "Locked and loaded." Micro placed his into the main compartment and shut it, the white streaks changing to yellow.


As the weapon charged, the Ranger took their positions behind Micro. "Guardian Buster, Griffon Blast...FIRE!" Micro pulled the trigger and a single powerful blast shot out, which morphed into the shape of the Griffon Zord's head as it flew at the robot. Just before it hit it, the head spun around it with a trail of wind following behind. This effect created a tornado, which sucked Micro-bot up. The machine spun at high speed before flying out of the top and through the air, eventually crashing into a building with enough force that it completely exploded.

Shock groaned as he once again pushed himself up, but fell to his knees as more and more of his robotic body gave out. Flash and the others moved towards him, Flash pointing Drago and the Alicorn Bowgun at him. "Surrender Shock. Don't make us have to destroy you. Return to your human form and come peacefully."

Shock growled at him, "never. I would rather die as I am, then give you the satisfaction of arresting me."

Flash sighed, "so be it." He raised his Alicorn arm as it began to glow, the wind bending slightly before firing a laser that linked the two together and formed a bow. The horn then unleashed a burst of energy that struck the center of the string before Flash used Drago's mouth to grab it. He then pulled Drago back, drawing the bow as the energy stayed in place and stretched to form an arrow-like projectile. "Courage and Friendship, united as one!"

Back at her house, Twilight smiled watching her husband do this. That Zord held her power, whilst Drago held Flash's. This attack, was a fusion of them and showed why they were and always would be the perfect team.

"Dragonic Alicorn Arrow!" He pulled the trigger and Drago's mouth opened, firing the bow whilst a laser shot out of his mouth and merged with the arrow. "FIRE!" The arrow was let loose and sent flying towards the traitorous robot.

Shock Trooper watched it coming and stood strong. If he was to die, he was gonna die with dignity. And sure enough, the arrow struck him and exploded. It ripped his robotic body apart, leaving only the spiritual form of his human body behind. He roared as this happened, his spirit being cast to the wind as he did so.

The five Rangers spun around, the explosion highlighting their epic-ness. "And then there was one," Flash stated before he and his team headed off.

Mirage, who had been watching the battle, realised he was well and truly screwed as the ten Rangers charged towards him. He quickly brought his blasters together and charged up an attack, then fired at them. The ground exploded and the Rangers leapt back, but in that moment the Zords disconnected from their Rangers and charged through the flames.

"RAAAH!" He cried as they flew around him, trying to swat them away from the flames. In that moment, Lyra, Micro and Sweetie charged through the smoke. The Zords flew away and he fired at them, but the three easily leapt to the ground and slid passed the blasts as they exploded behind them. They then slid passed Mirage and as they did, they rolled onto their backs and fired at the machine. "GYAH!" He staggered backwards, as Sandal, Soarin and Dusk leapt up through the smoke.

The three sword wielders spun forward and landed after making a three sixty spin, then slashed their blades downwards along Mirage. The three then leapt to the side as Trail, Shining and Sunset stepped up. Sunset loaded another Magi-Charger as the other two preparing to finish the robot off.

Shining used his special punch attack and Trail swung his leg around, firing an energy blade from it whilst Sunset fired another Flame Burst.

The three attacks shot towards Mirage and struck before he had a chance to protect himself, the impact causing a major explosion that sent him flying. The other Rangers gathered around as he hit the ground, his body starting to spark and malfunction like his lackeys.

"Time to end this, once and for all!" Flash yelled as he held out a Charger. "Magi-Victory-Charger!"

"Magi-X-Charger!" Soarin cried as he did the same.

"Combined!" They placed them together, as the other Rangers gathered around and placed their hands on them.

"Together," all ten of them chanted.

"Protectors of right!" The first five Rangers said.

"Ready to fight!" The last five finished.

Flash and Soarin activated the Chargers, causing them both to glow the colours of all ten Rangers before placing Victory into Drago and Maximum into the Morphin Blaster.



Flash combined the weapons as the rest of the team formed a V behind him, then aimed it at Mirage. Flash was about to fire, when Mirage pushed himself back to his feet. "WAIT!" This stopped them, the Rangers curious to see what Mirage would say to try and save himself. "Don't you understand. I'm trying to help your world."

"Yeah right," Shining told him.

"We've heard that before," Trail agreed.

"No!" Mirage told them, "don't you understand. You can't protect this world forever. Darklight, Havoc, Chaos, the Entity. They all came here and tried to destroy your world. And they won't be the last. As long as there's at least two being in the universe, there'll always be conflict. What you have...it won't last."

"You're right," Flash nodded. "One day there will be another threat. Be in magical, technology, alien, monster or multi-dimensional, one day something's gonna show up that'll want us either dead or underfoot."

"You see," Mirage nodded.

"But no matter what shows up, the Power Rangers will be there to make sure it doesn't destroy our world."

Mirage growled, "and how long do you think you'll be able to do that for?" He pointed at them, "you're human. You age, decay, grow weaker with every year that passes. You could continue protecting the world for another ten, twenty, even thirty years. But eventually, you'll be too old and weak to fight off what'll show up to destroy you. Only a machine like me, immortal and powerful, can protect your world forever."

Flash looked down, as if contemplating that statement. Then, he finally spoke up. "You're right, we can't protect the world forever." The other Rangers looked at him with concern, fearing he was going to let Mirage go, whilst the machine chuckled. "But we can protect it long enough for them to get ready."

"Them?" Mirage asked, wondering what he meant. Then, Flash turned his head to the side and Mirage followed his gaze until he landed on the image of the normal humans. Mirage couldn't be sure, but it looked like he was staring at Heart in particular.

Heart was just as confused as everyone else, wondering what Flash was going on about. "Ten years ago, we made a promise. To protect this world for as long as possible." As he said that, something in Heart's mind clicked and he remembered something from a long time ago. Back when he was only a child.

Ten years ago.

A six year old Heart and Soul were hiding with their parents, this being their first response when a bunch of cloaked monsters appeared to attack them. They were lead by a strange rabbit monster with large claws, who had somehow taken out the strange dragon robot that had appeared out of nowhere.

But then someone had appeared that reactivated the robot and began taking the cloak monsters down.

Heart looked around the corner from where he was hiding and spotted a red suited figure punching, kicking, slashing and shooting the monsters down. But as they saw this, one of those cloaked monsters appeared in front of them and attacked. The parents barely managed to jump away, but then another monster appeared and slashed at Heart and his father.

The man cried out as he was knocked back, his son flying from his arms and hitting the ground.

The six year old looked around and saw the monster turn towards him, dagger in hand. But before it could even try and harm him, it was suddenly blasted in the back and staggered away from him. Moments later, the red suited figure leapt onto the scene and slashed the monster, reducing it to a cloud of vapour.

The figure turned to the kid and knelt down, putting his weapons away before helping stand him up. "You okay?" The boy nodded, "good." He turned to the group of remaining monsters, "best leave these guys to me." He turned back to him and ruffled his hair, "I promise I'll whoop their butts and keep you and your family safe." He then stood up and gave him a thumbs up, "then one day, it'll be your turn to be the hero. But till then..." He began to run off, "I'll keep the world safe for you to enjoy." Heart watched him run back into the fray, the sight making him smile with joy and wonder.


"I remember," Heart whispered as Flash chuckled. "You...you recognised me from back then."

"Sure did," Flash gave him a thumbs up. "And I'll keep my promise to keep fighting until you and your generation are ready to take over." He turned back to Mirage and pointed his weapon at him once again. "Peace might not last forever, but we can work together to make it last as long as possible. And when the time comes for someone to show up and disrupt it, we'll be there to protect our world and bring peace back to it."

"You're okay with living in a world you constantly have to fight to protect. Is the limited time you get to peacefully enjoy it really worth constantly being on edge encase someone else shows up?" Flash didn't even have to think about that, since the image of his family back home made his answer and easy one.

"It's completely worth it. Ready guys?"

"READY!" One by one, they each glowed their respective colours. The light then began to flow into the weapon and charge it up as the Rangers spoke in unison. "VICTORY-MAXIMUM...FINAL...STRIKE!" Flash pulled the trigger and the blaster unleashed the ten energy blasts, one in each of the Ranger's colours, which flew at the robot before transforming into the heads of the ten Zords.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" He cried as the Zord heads smashed into him and exploded, consuming him in fire. "You may have beaten me!" He cried as his body began to malfunction, "but I'll still be the winner!" He pressed a button on his arm before it exploded, sending a signal to his building. "If I can't rule this city, I'll simply destroy it and you will be blamed for causing it!" He let out a mighty laugh as he finally self-destructed, the metal making up his body atomising.

As it did, the Mirage Corp building began to glow.

"What's it doing?" Soarin asked as they looked up at the skyscraper.

"Oh no," Micro realised. "He must have set up some kind of explosive device. The whole thing's gonna blow."

"And take out the entire city with it!" Sweetie realised.

"What do we do?" Sandal asked, as Flash reverted back out of his battlizer and held Drago up.

"We save the day. Drago!" He threw the Zord up and in a flash, he reverted to his normal size. The other Zords also returned to their normal sizes, as the Rangers took out the Magi-Chargers and threw them into the air. The batteries grew and entered the robot's mouths, powering them up.


The ten Rangers activated their Mega-Drive and leapt into the cockpits, as the Zords prepared to unite.







Each Ranger was in the cockpit of the Megazord that their Zord was apart of, the five rushing over to surround the building. "Scanning," Micro cried as the building's glow grew larger and larger, "no life signs in the building. But there are some in the underground sections."

"Heart's sister and the other captives," Lyra realised.

"Let's get this thing out of here!" Flash cried, the five Megazord grabbing hold of the building before heaving. Slowly, they managed to rip the building out by its foundation. The underground sections also came up, though one quick slash by the Guardian and Thunder-Charge Megazord's blades disconnected it and they carefully put it down. "LET'S GO!" Flash yelled as the five Zords threw the building straight up before the robots glowed.

The Rangers channelled all of their Element's power into the Zord's systems before they fired beams of multicoloured light from them, those beams hitting the building and pushing it higher and higher until it was almost completely out of sight. And as that happened-


The city shook from the shockwave that the explosion gave off, shattering quite a few windows. The cloud of fire and smoke that appeared in the sky got larger and larger, eventually stopping a mile of so above the tallest skyscraper. If that had gone off on the ground, Canterlot would have been a crater. But it didn't.

The ten Rangers all sighed, some falling to the floor in exhaustion, but they had done it. They had freed their world from Mirage and stopped him from hurting everyone. "Guardian Rangers," Flash sighed in relief. "Victory is ours."

Author's Note:

WOO! That was fun to write. The whole chapter was just a blast to make. Hope you enjoyed how it ended and will be here next week for the thrilling conclusion.