• ...

Two students and a reunion between family

Sunset ran back to her Apartment, overwhelmed as to why her friends didn't believe her. As she entered her flat, she wrote about what had happened to Twilight.

'They didn't believe you; how could they be so careless and blind?' Sunset noticed that the writing was rather more slanted than usual, signalling that Twilight was extraordinarily angry.

'This is fine. I wasn't expecting them to believe me considering the number of times that they'd blamed me and how unstable the mob was at CHS' She finished writing and waited for a relatively composed response.

'You can come stay in Equestria for a couple of days,' was the last message she was expecting from Twilight, considering her desire to avoid facing Princess Celestia again.

'Twilight, am not sure if that would be a good idea, with Celestia undoubtedly still disappointed in me,' Sunset replied, believing Celestia despise her.

'What are you talking about? She's immensely worried about you. When I returned through the portal, the very first question was, "Are you you okay?" Twilight answered. Sunset was taken aback. At worst, she presumed, Celestia would despise her; at most, she would just be disappointed. She hadn't imagined she was concerned about her.

'I guess I'll come and stay for a few days if I can stay in your castle and I'm not forced to speak with Celestia.' Sunset, who now knew the princess didn't despise or even feel let down by her, reacted with excitement at the prospect of being able to see what Equestria looks like.

'Could you come now or are you going to be otherwise engaged in your world?' Twilight inquired through the book.

'No, I don't believe that. If you're interested, I can come see you right now' Knowing that her friends had betrayed her, Sunset knew she had no plans for the weekend and wrote to Twilight to let her know.

Twilight told her, 'Okay, I'll go set up the mirror; now see you when you come through.'

After going towards CHS with her bag for four minutes, Sunset found herself standing in front of the identical statute that had brought her into the world.

As she passed through, Sunset reminded herself, "Okay, time to go home."

Conversely, sunset's perspective

"Twilight, a bit of help, please." I was able to stand up for myself after calling out when attempting to receive my hoofing. Twilight was staring up at me, her jaw agape, at that moment. How is she staring up at me, I wonder? When I last saw her, we were about the same height.

"Twilight you there?" I hoof-waved to her and said. It was then that she leaped back.

"Sorry, sunset, it's just that you look taller, and um, you might want to look at what's on your back." She stated it cautiously and apologetically at the same time.

What's on my back, then? I pondered when I noticed that I had two nearly identical-sized fire wings on my back when I turned to face Twilight. "Twilight, where's the closest bed or sofa?" I inquired quietly.

"Behind you, why do you ask?" Wondering why I would want to know, she asked.

No reason," I said as I approached it and then immediately passed out on top of it.

50 minutes later

"Wake up, Sunset!" With her royal voice, Twilight screamed at me.

"I'm up!" I shouted loudly to get her to stop.

"Good, now I know you're not going to like what I'm about to send to someone, but we need answers, and only one person may know the answer, Spike!" As Spike ran in

"Yeah, twi, oh hi, sunset, wait, sunset, why are you so tall and how do you have wings?" Upon Spike's question, I simply said, "I don't know either; I just do it for some reason." I was honest with him; I had no idea how I got wings.

Twilight said, "Spike, send this letter to the Princess," and a few seconds later Spike did.

"What twilight I said I would come as long as you didn't force me to talk to Celestia!" I said that I felt duped.

In a soft, sympathetic voice, she said, "That was before you grew tall and somehow had wings of fire; you and I know only Celestia may have the answer."

"I hate it when you're right," I murmured, well aware that Celestia was probably the only one with the solution.

"Sunset, you are back." The lady who I considered to be like a mother was standing there when I heard a familiar voice say it from behind me.

With tears in my eyes and my voice breaking, I said the name of Princess Celestia.

"Little Sun" She put me in a deep embrace and began to stroke my hair, saying, "You've come home."

4 minutes of hugging and crying later

All I could utter was, "Princess, how did I?" before a white hoof covered my mouth.

She gasped at the last word and was dumbfounded that I could call her mom. "No formal title; you are to call me Celestia, Tia, or if you want Mom," she whispered softly with twilight gasping at the last Word.

"Mom, why do I look like this?" After a minute of silence, I questioned her.

She whispered to me, "You are the bearer of magic, which is why you are like this."

"Yet Twilight carries magic that defies logic," I remarked, perplexed as to how Twilight and I could both possess magic.

"That's because you are the human world bearer of magic," she stated concisely and exactly.

"There's a bearer of each in both worlds." Her next response startled me but also made more sense when I inquired.

"No, while each element chooses the bearer in our world, in the human world you are the person who chooses who gets what element other than the element of magic; of course, that's why your old friends were able to use them because you let them without realising it." She told me.

"Then how did they use the elements when they defeated me?" I enquired.

She asked, glancing at Twilight, "Because you were not the only bearer of magic, were you in your world at the time?"

She informed Twilight and me, "But the portal has finally given your real age back, which is why you are so tall."

"Would that mean I would be a human adult on the other side if I went through again?" I inquired

"Most likely, yes, you would be a 23-year-old human adult," she stated to me.

I said, "Good to know," and turned to return to the couch before passing off once more.

Author's Note:

All spelling mistakes to my knowledge have been corrected
