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I was mistaken to think that everything went well today, as I recently learned that The Rainbooms started a brawl in the school canteen. Though I had just passed Rainbow earlier, I had assumed that she was a part of it, indicating that another Rainbow had done something. Upon rounding the bend at the cantine doors, Principal Celestia halted me.

Celestia informed me, "If you are looking for the Rainbooms, they have been moved into a different room," which brought back fond memories for me.

"That's positive." I said before her face darkened, "I was worried that someone could have gotten really hurt, so what happened to the Student who tried to fight them?"

"That's the thing the student who fought the Rainbooms was one of their members," she remarked briefly

"But I saw Rainbow Dash earlier?" How did Rainbow get from one side of the school to the other? I pondered.

"You would be right seeing as it was pinkamena Diana pie who had fought the other Rainbooms," Celestia regretfully answered.

After a minute or two, I inquired, and to say that I was astonished to hear that Pinkie out of everyone was the one who had battled with the other Rainbooms would be an understatement.

"Where is she now I doubt you put her with the others?" She nodded as soon as I asked.

"Correct we sent her to your office seeing as this isn't the kind of thing Pinkie does especially to her friends" she added.

"All right, where are the Rainbooms?" They very likely know as much as Pinkie, and I need to see everything from every perspective." I asked

"They are in classroom 7, and do you want me to tell Pinkie that you will be with her after you ask the others what happened?" she asked, I nodded, and we headed off in separate directions..

I would have to put off my confused thoughts about why Pinkie would fight the other Rainbooms until I got to the classroom. I had heard someone say "come in" when I knocked on the door of classroom 7, and when I did, I realised that it was Cheerlie who was observing them. Rainbow had only punched one of them because of what they had said about her brother.

I turned to face her and noticed each Rainboom at their desk. "Cheerlie, you can go ahead and plan your lesson I will take over from here," I said before she nodded and left. While Fluttershy was reading a book, Applejack was looking directly at the board, while Rarity was simply glancing out the window.

I called out to them, "Hey, all eyes on me," and they all turned to face me. "Okay, now would someone please explain why the hell Pinkie and you three fought because I was under the impression you four were best friends with each other," I stated comfortably.

Applejack remarked, "We just disagreed, that's all," while the others remained quiet.

The others were probably taken aback because they weren't used to any of the teachers being so assertive and demanding aside from Luna, so I said, "I said to tell me not lie," with a little more vigour in my voice.

She spoke a little more formally than before, "I ain't lying, we had a disagreement and then it evolved into a fight."

"If that's the case what were you all disagreeing over?" I asked, coming down from my usual loudness.

"Well, there were more like two disagreements," Fluttershy quietly stated.

"Oh really ok, tell me what they were, Rarity," I said. She gave me a somewhat perplexed expression. "Yes, I did say you tell me Rarity because you haven't said anything yet, so tell me what you disagreed on," I questioned.

"Well, the first was about what we could do to bring Sunset into shut anon-a-miss down," she stated coolly, I wasn't angry; I just kept my mouth shut, but I was furious that they didn't realise it wasn't me still.

"However Pinkie said that until we found any evidence it is her we should leave her alone and not do anything hostile" Rarity spoke with a hint of bitterness that was evident to all.

"You fought over that!" I yelled, furious that something so trivial could cause them to fight.

"No, we didn't it was the other reason we had it the first just made it tenser" Rarity responded immediately.

"Ok, what was that then?" I asked her.

"Well you may not know but after we left the shelter yesterday we had a massive argument with Rainbow Dash and we decided to hold a vote on if she should stay a member of the rainbooms and our friend, we didn't get a chance to cause as soon as I suggested it Pinkie punched me in the gut!" She angrily shrieked for Pinkie to punch her there has to be something else, and I was simply shocked—were these girls usually this cold?—when I heard the classroom door open and Luna enter. This increased the Rainbooms' level of anxiety, and I was just relieved to be able to go.

"Luna, may I ask you a brief question? I remarked, barely able to contain my rage.

"Yes, what is it?" she answered.

She only nodded as I left the classroom, cursing myself for believing nothing bad would happen today. "Please can you take over this little interview because I believe if I keep asking them questions I will go berserk," I begged her, gritting my teeth before she nodded at me and I left the Classroom.

Author's Note:
