• Published 1st Nov 2022
  • 1,957 Views, 138 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge - RainbowRaptorDash1

This Halloween and Christmas will be the most eventful yet, with all seven holidays at stake, so the heroes will need to dig deep down and let the scary out!

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Chapter 23: Saving Sandy

The heroes couldn’t find Santa and met up with two elves before…

"Ho ho hooo! Merry Christmas, Jack, Aria, Pinkie, and their friends!" A familiar laughed as the heroes saw Oogie laughing on Santa’s sleigh.

"That's Santa's Sleigh!" Pinkie noticed.

"What’s Santa doing up there!?" An elf gasped as everyone then saw Santa hanging from a line.

"Put me down this instant!" Santa said.

"Santa!" The ninjas gasped in horror as Jack said with a "Sandy!"

The heroes saw the line attached to a rocket as they saw a chomping Oogie train go on the left track, away from the line.

"Ho ho ha ha ha! Now then, Jack, Aria, Pinkie, Sandy. What are you and your friends gonna do? *Laughter* This’ll be fun to watch! It’s payback time!" Oogie darkly smiled.

"We’ve got to get him down, but how?" A second elf asked.

"We’ve got to change the tracks to buy Sandy some time, then stop that train!" Jack deduced.

"Come on, we got to destroy that train." Mikey urged before Pinkie managed to switch to her Halloween Town form and magnetize the tracks, greatly slowing down the train.

"Guys, hurry. I can't hold it forever." Pinkie said.

"Right!" Sweetie Belle responded as everyone charged at the train, tearing it to pieces.

"Your toy's destroyed, Oogie!" Scootaloo quipped.

"Whew! That was close! *Notices Jack* What? You again!?" Santa asked.

"Sandy, it’s not… well, you see… I’m truly…" Jack tried to apologize.

"Aaaaaargh! Can’t anyone PERISH around here!?" Oogie growled.

"Oogie! Hand over that sleigh back to Santa!" Aria ordered as an elf dropped a Halloween Present into the sleigh.

"Without that sleigh I can’t deliver any presents! An entire year of preparations will be lost." Santa dreaded.

"But good children all around the world are waiting for Santa…" The second elf responded.

"Oogie, you've gone too far this time!" Pinkie growled before jingles were heard as a Halloween Sleigh with reindeer skeletons was brought in by Sally.

"Sally!!" Jack and the ninjas noticed.

"Guys! We have our own sleigh!" Sally said as the sleigh soon landed she came out.

"Good thinking, Sally! Now we can chase after Oogie! *As Santa put on his hat* Come on, Sandy, everyone. Let’s go get him!" Jack declared.

"Jack, Aria, the Mayor returned all the Holiday Leaders back to their worlds!" Sally informed.

"That’s great news, Sally. Thanks!" Jack said in gratitude.

"Yeah, really appreciate it! Now we just need to beat Oogie!" Aria added

"Baaah! Not that rag-doll again!" Oogie groaned as he took off with Santa’s Sleigh.

"Oogie, stop!" Apple Bloom said, but Oogie didn’t even bother listening.

"If we don’t hurry, Christmas will be ruined!" Jack dreaded as an elf showed up.

"Sir, I slipped the Halloween Present you gave me into Santa’s Sleigh! It should activate while Oogie’s flying, scaring the daylights out of him and the reindeer!" The elf informed.

"Thanks! Now let’s get him!" Jack declared.

"Where could Oogie end up exactly?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Holiday Trash Hill!" Aria realized.

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Mikey and Crusaders asked in confusion.

"I'll explain on the way." Aria said as she, Jack, Santa and the other ninjas went off on the Halloween Sleigh to chase after Oogie.

Author's Note:

Next Time on Equestria Ninja Girls...

Taking out the Trash