• Published 1st Nov 2022
  • 1,957 Views, 138 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge - RainbowRaptorDash1

This Halloween and Christmas will be the most eventful yet, with all seven holidays at stake, so the heroes will need to dig deep down and let the scary out!

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Chapter 2: The Witching Hour

Everyone returned to the fountain area as another familiar face appeared, before they noticed that Pinkie was missing.

"Corpse Kid!" Aria gasped with a smile.

"Jack! Aria! Welcome back!" Corpse Kid responded.

"I missed you, little buddy!" Aria said in happiness as she hugged the undead boy.

"Did you see a Frankenstein girl rush by?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, she literally fell apart and went into that trash can." Corpse Kid answered.

"Keep watch. If you see Oogie's monsters coming, hide." Aria told Corpse Kid.

"Okay." Corpse Kid replied.

"Pinkie, get out of the trash can." Mikey requested the party girl as Pinkie peeked out of the trash can.

"Is he gone?" Pinkie whimpered in fear.

"Who?" Apple Bloom asked in confusion.

"Don’t worry, he’s not here anymore." Rainbow Dash answered her scared pink friend.

"Just send me back home. I don't want to fight him." Pinkie trembled.

"Dude… What happened? Where’s that bright and go-party attitude?" Mikey asked in shock.

"Just send me home!" Pinkie shouted.

"This isn’t normal of you, Pinkie. What happened?" Aria asked in concern.

"Oogie Boogie. He's been terrorizing me since I was in preschool." Pinkie answered, making Aria really angry at the boogey man.

"Pinkie, I'm truly sorry that happened to you. But we need your help to stop him." Jack responded.

"We'll be right behind you, Pinkie." Sweetie Belle added.

"R-Really?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah. Now, come out of the trash can." Aria answered.

"I can't." Pinkie responded.

"Stuck?" Mikey assumed.

"Yes. Help! Get me out of here!" Pinkie yelled.

"Okay. Me and Aria are going to the Witch's Shop. The rest of you scout the Pumpkin Patch." Jack ordered.

"Okay." Rainbow Dash responded.

"Wait, we found this note by your house." Sweetie Belle pointed out.

"Let me see." Jack said as he grabbed the letter.

"It's from the mayor." Aria noted as Jack opened the letter and read it.


In your absence I held an assembly, and the whole town made plans for the scariest, most horrible Halloween yet. By the time you read this letter, I trust Halloween Town will be most positively horrific! Rest assured, next Halloween will not disappoint you!

Nov. 15, The Mayor”

"November? That was weeks ago." Scootaloo noticed.

"Let's get moving, everyone." Aria urged.

"Gotcha!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she got Pinkie out of the trash can, but the party girl’s body was all mixed up. "Aaaaand I’ll take care of this." The athletic girl added as the ghost used her geode’s super speed to put all of Pinkie’s parts in the right places within seconds.

"I'm sorry guys." Pinkie apologized.

"The important thing is that we work together." Jack said as the group separated into two directions.

Meanwhile in Halloween Town, Jack and Aria walked to the Witches Shop, before a gate popped out of the ground straight out of nowhere.

"That can’t be good." Aria dreaded as skeletons rose out of the ground and charged towards them.

"Looks like Oogie isn’t going to make this easy for us." Jack noted as he readied the Soul Robber and his Scythe.

"Good. I need a work out." Aria smiled.

"Very well." Jack replied as he and Aria started fighting the skeletons.

While they fought, a mischievous trio stared down at them from the shadows.

"Great. They're here to ruin our fun." Lock groaned in annoyance.

"Wait, doesn’t that snake lady look familiar?" Shock noticed.

"It's Aria." Barrel answered.

"What?!" Lock and Shock gasped, completely caught off guard.

"And she warned us." Barrel added.

"About what?" Shock asked.

"If we cause trouble... Lunchtime." Lock answered.

"If we get caught." Shock added.

"Let's leave." Barrel said.

"No, I’m sure Mr. Oogie would want her gone too, so let’s wait for them at the cemetery." Lock responded as he and the other two trick-or-treaters before the duo destroyed the last skeleton.

"You ever felt like you're being watched Jack?" Aria noticed.

"Many times." Jack answered as the duo walked inside.

"Jack! Aria! You’ve returned!" Small Witch said in joy.

"Hey ladies, been a long time." Aria responded with a smile.

"Much too long." Big Witch agreed.

"Is it true? The whole town is booby-trapped?" Jack asked.

"Oh, it's too embarrassing to talk about." Big Witch answered.

"Any ideas where Oogie might be?" Aria requested.

"His skeletons are unusually thick in the cemetery. Maybe try there." Small Witch informed.

"Thanks." Aria said in gratitude.

"Good luck." Big Witch responded as Jack and Aria went back to the fountain square, and found the others completely exhausted.

"What happened to you guys?" Aria asked.

"We went into the Pumpkin Patch and got swarmed by Oogie's ghosts." Mikey answered.

"We tried to fight them, but they just kept coming." Pinkie added.

"What about the main gate?" Aria questioned.

"No good. I tried phasing through, but I still smashed into it." Rainbow Dash answered.

"That means we need to find Clown." Jack realized.

"Sorry Jack, but I don't know where he or anyone else is." Corpse Kid said before Pinkie noticed the sewer manhole cover rumbling.

"What about there?" Pinkie pointed out.

"You guys ready to fight?" Aria checked.

"I am." Mikey answered as Pinkie, Rainbow Dash agreed.

"Okay Apple Bloom, you and your friends stay behind and keep watch." Jack ordered as the Crusaders agreed before he and the ninjas went down into the sewers and the skeletons attacked.

"Incoming!" Rainbow Dash yelled as Jack latched his scythe to the Soul Robber and began to spin around.

"I am the Pumpkin King!" Jack shouted as the skeletons were pulled into his attack and cut to ribbons. Any skeletons trying to flee were kicked into the attack. When they were destroyed, the sound of a unicycle was heard.

"Wait, that sounds like…" Aria noticed as she and everyone else saw the Clown with the tear-away face wheel out of his hiding spot.

"Jack! Aria!" Clown shouted in happiness as Aria hugged him.

"I missed you, buddy." Aria said in joy.

"No need to panic. You can calm down." Jack added, calming his friend down.

"I can't tell you both how happy I am to see you two. But who are your friends?" Clown asked.

"People who are going to help. But right now, we need to get to the cemetery." Aria responded.

"We need you to open the main gate." Jack added.

"It’s been so dangerous out there I locked the gate and hid here. Now don’t get me wrong, I like a good scare… But those things bite! Oh you want the gate key? Now, where did I put it? Hmm, did I eat it? Hmm… I’ll open the gate once I find it." Clown said as he and the others made their way out of the sewers and back to the gate.

As Clown opened the gate, Mikey decided to ask a question. "Hey Aria, how'd you and the others get here to begin with?"

"Well…" Aria paused.

"It's going to be a while, Aria. Might as well tell them." Clown insisted.

"Okay." Aria said while everyone got comfortable as she started telling Aria and her sisters' first adventure in Halloween Town. "While me and my sisters were looking for a way home, we found ourselves in a strange forest that had seven trees in a circle that had strange doors on them."

"The Hinterlands." Jack simplified.

"Yep. My sisters and I opened the jack-o lantern-shaped door, only to find nothing, or so it seemed." Aria continued.

"And you got pulled in like we did." Sweetie Belle noted.

"Yeah, then we found ourselves as a Phoenix, a Medusa, and a Scylla." Aria confirmed.

"You freaked out like us?" Rainbow Dash assumed.

"Definitely, and you should’ve seen Adagio! It was so hilarious!" Aria laughed.

"When they arrived in town, everyone got a little too... Excited." Jack added.

"Excited was an understatement." Aria pointed out.

"Yeah, sorry about that Aria. Honestly, we weren't trying to scare you guys. We just wanted to welcome you guys openly." Clown apologized.

"I know, Clown. After things calmed down, everyone apologized for the unintentional scare." Aria continued.

"But how’d you meet you-know-who?" Pinkie asked.

"Well, we noticed giant bugs and bags filled with them started attacking people in Halloween Town." Aria answered.

"Talk about a pest problem." Rainbow Dash quipped.

"Besides, Jack’s first weapon at that time was… Whew! Frog’s Breath." Aria added.

"Ewwww." The other ninjas gagged.

"The food here is disgusting, but not bad after you get used to it. We met a lot of new people and Jack got new abilities and weapons too, same with me and my sisters. I’m still surprised that we still survived from being melted by leeches and acid bathes, and being stretched out by stretchy ghosts." Aria remembered.

"Skip ahead." Mikey said.

"Okay. We managed to find Oogie, and managed to make sure that he never left his hideout. But we also met those three Trick-or-Treaters, Lock, Shock and Barrel." Aria finished.

"Those three sound as sharp as a doorknob." Pinkie noted.

"You won’t believe the pranks they pulled on me and my sisters." Aria said.

"So how did you guys leave here?" Scootaloo asked.

"Dr. Finkelstein gave us a key that connects Halloween Town to the Human World. *Sigh...* It was connected to the Equestrian magic we still had." Aria answered.

"Wait, you mean that…?" Rainbow Dash caught on.

"After you guys destroyed our amulets at the Battle of the Bands, we couldn't fuel our keys up to get us here." Aria confirmed.

"Oh… Cupcakes…" Pinkie groaned.

"Sorry." Rainbow Dash apologized.

"It's fine. We deserved it." Aria responded before the gate suddenly opened.

"I got the gate open for you guys." Clown said.

"But not before some of Oogie’s baddies grabbed Sally and carried her off toward the cemetery. I’ve heard the cemetery is pretty dangerous these days. I hope she’s okay." Corpse Kid added in concern.

"What!? Took Sally!? That’s it, no more Mr. Nice bones." Jack growled.

"Whoa, Jack. Who's Sally?" Mikey asked before Jack ran off instead as Aria giggled at that.

"Wanna clue us in, Aria?" Rainbow Dash requested.

"Oh. Well, let’s just say that Jack and Sally are a thing." Aria answered as the other ninjas followed Jack. "Lock the gate behind us and don't let them through."

"Got it." Clown responded as Aria left to catch up with the others.

Author's Note:

Next Time on Equestria Ninja Girls...

The Hanging Tree