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Crystal Empire part 1

*Lillian's POV*

Five months had passed since the royal wedding and Twilight had a filly. To the surprise of many, the filly was an alicorn of all things.

Twilight spoke "She's so cute...."

Danyelle sighs "I'll get Bluestar's vest..."

“This is a first. A baby pony being an alicorn.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "Of the current era... You forget, Light Breeze was born an alicorn too."

“I meant pony born in Equestria.” I added.

Zoey spoke "She's so cute!"

Danyelle spoke "But I have a feeling that she’ll be pretty strong with her magic and flying, even at her current age."

Zoey spoke "But we have a pair of half alicorns that can help rein her in."

Danyelle soon burps up a letter from Light Breeze.

Reading the letter, Danyelle spoke "It's BACK!"

“What is?” I asked.

A teary eyed Radiant spoke "My home... The Crystal Empire... It's back..."

Twilight asks "Crystal Empire?"

Radiant spoke "Yeah, it's been gone for a thousand years but it's back..."

Danyelle spoke "But you-know-who might be back with the empire."

Radiant spoke "Exactly so that's why I'm going with you."

With the alicorn filly tucked into Danyelle's backpack since Twilight couldn't leave her alone long, the Mane Six and I along with the Mobian Guard head to the train station.

Radiant tags along since she was from the Crystal Empire.

Kevin and the Changelings stayed behind with Danyelle's children since the Empire was no place for them.

Danyelle spoke "We'll have to be on full alert."

Knuckles spoke "Exactly."

Sonic spoke "Too bad Kevin and the other Changelings couldn't come."

Danyelle spoke "I told them to stay behind because they feed on love still... And the Crystal Empire will be full of it..."

Yuki spoke "Good call Dany."

Ben spoke "I agree."

Danyelle spoke "Thanks, guys."

*After the gang arrives at the empire,*

Wendy spoke "Brr!"

Gray spoke "I don’t find anything wrong with the weather."

Natsu spoke "I can tell, since your gloves, shoes and socks are gone and stripped off!"

Danyelle growls "You two shouldn't have come! I don't think the other Crystal ponies would take well to an adult dragon!"

Radiant spoke "King Sombra is one unicorn you don't want to anger..."

Natsu spoke "Actually, maybe it’s best I’m not here. Since I do use fire dragon slayer magic."

Gray spoke "Gah! Almost forgot about Juvia! I better head back."

Danyelle sends Gray and Natsu back to Ponyville via warp ring, just as Shining arrived.

Sunset spoke "I got a bad feeling about this..."

Twilight asks "So it’s not just me?"

Danyelle spoke "I feel it too..."

Wendy was carrying Spike on her back when her feathery ears perk up after hearing a roar that didn't sound like a dragon.

Danyelle, Zoey, Renee and Gadget growl.

Twilight saw someone in the distance. “Wait, is that…?”

Radiant shouts "RUN!!!! IT'S KING SOMBRA!!!"

Twilight spoke "Shining Armor!"

It was indeed Shining Armor, but he was being chased by a black ominous mist.

Wendy fired a sky dragon roar at the mist, dispersing it before running after the others towards the dome.

A tundra unicorn blasts the mist with magic, buying Shining Armor time to escape.

The tundra unicorn spoke "Follow me!"

Shining spoke "I owe you one miss!"

The tundra unicorn spoke "No time for thanks! Into the town with the Crystal castle!"

Shining nods before galloping after the group.

After narrowly escaping Sombra, the group soon got past the barrier.

Danyelle spoke "Focus Rarity, we're not here to do any sightseeing."

Radiant's horn was laced with magic negating crystals, as was Shining's horn.

Radiant spoke "Sombra crystals, never a good sign."

Danyelle's left wing was laced with black crystals, rendering her unable to fly.

Danyelle spoke "You’re telling me...."

Radiant asks "But why did he attack me though....?"

The tundra unicorn asks "You’re a crystal pony, right?"

Radiant spoke "Yeah... I was also Sombra's childhood friend... But since he doesn't recognize me now..."

Danyelle spoke "Calm down Radiant, he's not the pony you remember anymore..."

Radiant spoke "I know..."

Shining spoke "Come on, we need to hurry. Cadence is getting sleepy, so the barrier won’t hold much longer."

Danyelle spoke "Right."

Maria was using her healing powers to help keep Cadence's energy up.

Maria spoke "I can't keep this up much longer... But the good news is, Twilight and her friends have arrived."

Cadence sighs "Phew. That’s great. Thanks, Maria."

Maria spoke "As is Sunset, Lillian, Wendy and the Mobian Guard too. 16 pairs of eyes is better than 7 though."

Cadence spoke "I don’t doubt it."

Maria spoke "There's a crystal unicorn with them too... Plus there's a little foal with Twilight too."

That made Cadence freeze before she squealed in excitement.

Maria's ears flatten.

Maria spoke "And it's an alicorn too...."


The little alicorn foal poked her head out of Danyelle's backpack.

Twilight spoke "Shining, meet your new niece, Akari Sparkle."

Shining had fainted.

Danyelle spoke "And he fainted... Rarity, soak him."

Rarity spoke "But of course."

Shining jolts awake after getting drenched by Rarity.

Twilight asks "You okay Shining?"

Shining spoke "Sorry, it’s just, I’m surprised you already have a kid, I’m already an uncle and Cadence is already an aunt."

Danyelle spoke "I already heard Cadence squeal in happiness... Maria probably told her."

To Shining's surprise, Akari was an alicorn.

Shining asks "An alicorn?!"

Sunset spoke "Before you decide to strangle the one responsible, it was pure luck that young Akari was born an alicorn."

Shining spoke "I’m not gonna strangle anypony, I’m just completely surprised that the baby’s an alicorn."

Danyelle spoke "Just leave Flash alone then."

Shining asks "Flash Sentry?"

Danyelle spoke "Whoops!"

Ears pin back, Twilight spoke "SHINING STARSPARKLE ARMOR!"

Shining Armor spoke "I-I’m just joking, Twily!"

Twilight spoke "You better be... I'd hate to take my teeth to your neck and..."

Danyelle spoke "SIT GIRL!"

Twilight was face down on the floor.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that Shining, Twilight's a bit cheesed off because she's still mad at Ein...."

Shining Armor spoke "Twily, you know I can take care of Ein."

Danyelle spoke "He nearly killed Rarity one time..."

Shining spoke "Well, if there’s one thing I find scarier than me, it’s an angry Cadence in a bad mood after being pranked."

Wendy spoke "Erza is way worse.... There was this one time Gray caused her to drop her strawberry cake... And then Elfman squashed it further.... *shudder* Let's just say you don't mess with Erza..."

But then, Shining Armor’s mane and tail turned white with fear. “Something’s telling me that Cadence is just as scary as your Erza friend.”

Danyelle spoke "I scared Gray once though."

To be continued