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Prank Luck/ Restoration of Griffonstone

*Gilda's POV*

It was just another normal day in Ponyville or so Ezee and I thought, that dumb hyena was up to no good again and his main target was Pinkie.

Ein snickers "Heehee! With this spring-loaded TNT, I’ll get that Pinkie real good!"

I used a gust of air to knock the TNT back towards the hyena, causing him to scream once it blew up.

“Hehe! I don’t think this day will go like you planned, dweeb.” I said.

Ezekiel spoke "Gilda, it's not nice to call others a dweeb."

“Yeah, but he deserved it.” I retorted.

Ezekiel spoke "Let's go prank Lillian!"

That made me laugh. “You sure? You know how she gets.”

Ezekiel laughs "We can pin it on the dumb hyena!"

Now that got me rolling on the ground in laughter. “Yeah, we could put Ein’s gold there!”

Ezekiel spoke "Totally!"

“And it wouldn’t hurt to see Ein down on his luck trying to prank Pinkie.” I added.

Ezekiel laughs "Yeah, I'll distract him and you take his gold."

“Actually, I think I’ll distract Ein.” I volunteered.

Ezekiel spoke "okay, I'll take his most valuable treasure..."

“Not too valuable. We don’t want any to get suspicious.” I warned.

Ezekiel chuckles "Gold tools are weaker than wood though."

“Heh. That’s true.” I admitted.

Ezekiel chuckles "But I am glad you patched things up with Dash though."

“Yeah, lashing out like that wasn’t something I’m proud of.” I said.

Ezekiel spoke "But Danyelle understood how you felt back then. She lost touch with a childhood friend but she never saw that person again."

“And I’m glad she brought me back to Ponyville. Otherwise, it would’ve taken much longer for me to be friends with Rainbow Dash again.” I added.

Ezekiel pulls something that I was familiar with out of his backpack.

“What?! How did you-where-I thought this was…?!” I stammered in shock, confusion and amazement.

Ezekiel chuckles "Knuckles helped me get it since he's a strong climber."

“Grampa Gruff will lose his marbles when he hears of or see this.” I said.

Ezekiel puts the idol of Boreas back into his backpack before Ein could steal it.

Ezekiel spoke "Not only that, a new king has appeared."

“Wait, what?! Who?!” I asked.

Ezekiel chuckles "You're talking to him."

That blew my mind as I tried to process what Ezekiel just said before… “WHAT?!”

Ezekiel asks "You okay?"

I said nothing before… Oh, this is embarrassing. I closed my eyes, grabbed Ezekiel’s shoulders and smashed my lips against his, while Ezekiel’s eyes were open in shock, before closing them, kissing me back.

Ezekiel started purring suddenly.

And suddenly I started purring too.

A camera went off since Moeka took a picture of the two of us.

The pink cat laughs as she ran off to tell Zane.

But for some reason, neither of us cared about that.

Ezekiel pulled out a silver ring from his feathers.

I was speechless because of what Ezekiel was holding.

Ezekiel asks "Gilda, will you marry me?"

I stammer "Y-y-you dweeb.... YES!!!!"

I hug Ezekiel as I kissed him again.

Rainbow spoke "Hey G! Ezee! I need your help with a prank!"

After hearing that, me and my new fiancée calmed ourselves.

Rainbow soon notices the engagement ring.

Rainbow asks "Is that what I think it is?"

I stammered until I decided to give it to her straight. “Yes Dash, it is. I’m gonna marry Ezekiel, who’s now the new king of Griffonstone.”

Rainbow spoke "Woah!!!"

A loud belch was heard from Danyelle since there was a letter straight from Gruff himself before it landed on my head.

“What does he want now?” I wondered.

Ezekiel spoke "No idea but we should go talk to him."

*In Griffonstone,*

After being dropped off by Millie who had flown back to Ponyville, Ezekiel spoke "Oh, there he is now."

Gruff spoke "Hello Gilda..."

“What is it, Grampa?” I asked.

Gruff asks "Is it it true? Has our lost treasure been found?"

Ezekiel held up the idol for all gryphons to see, causing them all to bow to their new king and queen.

Greta asks "So what does this mean for all of us?"

Ezekiel spoke "Well, honestly, I’m thinking that Griffonstone will be a free nation, and I’ll form an alliance with Ponyville and Canterlot."

I chuckle "Dash will spit her bridle when she sees the amount of gryphons up in Canterlot later on."

Ezekiel spoke "Not to mention how Twilight and Lillian will lose it."

I spoke "Grandpa Gruff, your stories of our history is important to us so you will be the chronicler. You will be passing these stories down to the next chronicler so our history won't be lost to the ages."

Gruff spoke "I don’t see why I shouldn’t, Gilda."

I spoke "This will be a great day for us all!"

I let out a roar in happiness as Ezekiel roared as well.

While the other gryphons were celebrating, me and Ezekiel looked at each other with half-lidded eyes. “Save the energy for tonight, tiger.”

Ezekiel chuckles "And I can’t wait."

I giggle in delight.

Don’t know what everygriff will do, but I know that tonight, Ezekiel and I will have the time of our lives.

But later, when it got close to midnight, and everygriff was asleep, me and Ezekiel started purring and nuzzling each other, before we started having a night we’ll never forget.

Ezekiel chitters "Love you G."

I purred at the nickname, before I responded, “I love ya too, Tiger.”

I giggled at him saying the same thing twice. “I love you too, Ezekiel. But now, the two of us are gonna have some fun until we can’t move one muscle and feather. *Lustful purring!*”

Ezezkiel spoke "*Lustful purring!* Challenge accepted!"

I yawn before curling up beside my king.

“That was so much fun!” I cooed.

Ezekiel spoke "Yeah, and I bet that left us both exhausted."

But I laid one of my claws on my stomach with me and my fiancée smiling. “And I wonder what the new hatchling will be like.”

Ezekiel spoke "Yes. Indeed."

Ezekiel and I shared one last lust-filled make-out before falling asleep with the tips of our beaks still in contact.

*Two hours later,*

I whisper "Ezee?"

Ezekiel whispers "Yeah?"

I whisper "what will the hatchings look like? Will they be normal gryphons or Mobian gryphons?"

Ezekiel spoke "Hmm… I have no clue. But I know neither of us can wait for that egg to be laid and hatched."

I spoke "Worst case scenario, it could end up as a gryphontaur... And I'd hate to see the size of a gryphontaur egg.... *shudder*"

Ezekiel spoke "You’re a tough gal, Gilda, you can handle it. But that does make me worried."

I spoke "If this kid does turn out to be a gryphontaur... I'll strangle you."

Ezekiel asks "Whoa! Calm down, G. That was a joke, right?"

I laugh "I'm just joshing you Ezee."
