• Published 9th Sep 2022
  • 475 Views, 64 Comments

Seekers of the Epitaph: World of Azeroth - Xarmar13

Six friends exploring the world of Azeroth. Seven associates seeking Equestria's doom.

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The War of the Shifting Sands

Stella continued to stare at Nefarian’s lifeless body for several minutes. A part of her hoped that what he said about Neltharion wasn’t true, but another part knew better. She couldn’t help but hope that at least some of the Black Dragonflight managed to escape the grasp of the Old Gods.

A few minutes later, Thanatas, Flutashe and Sophia flew down from the overlook to find the dracthyr. The others were floated down via Sophia’s telekinesis. Stella noticed Thanatas’ skeletal wings looked draconic in nature and raised an eyebrow at her. “You’re certainly full of surprises. I never thought I would meet an undead dragon who used a visage form.”

Thanatas chuckled, “I’ve been told that I’m unique.” She then looked at Nefarian’s corpse. “We’re going to need the head to show to Anachronos.”

Stella nodded and moved out of the way for Sophia to begin slicing the head off before she deposited the cranium in a pocket dimension with Onyxia’s head.

With their business in Blackrock Mountain complete, it was time to head home. Since Stella didn’t know the proper spatial coordinates for Orgrimmar’s anchor point, the Horde group was forced to make the journey back to Stonard outpost and pay a Horde mage to send them back to Orgrimmar. There was no way they were going to use Thanatas’ transportation method if they could help it.

Stella opened a portal to Stormwind for herself and her friends. Once they were back in the mage tower of the Mage Quarter they proceeded through the streets of the bustling city which seemed livelier than before, likely because news of King Wrynn’s return spread like wildfire.

While they would like to find a room to rest their weary souls, they had one last thing to do before they could.

The group proceeded through the streets and toward Stormwind Keep. The guards let them pass as they entered the throne room where they saw Varian and his son.

The king was now wearing grayish blue plate mail armor with his left pauldron bearing the image of a lion and his right pauldron a gryphon. His cape clasps, belt buckle and sabatons bore lion reliefs. Around his neck, his gauntlets and his belt were thick layers of fur. His red cape contrasted with his armor. The scars under his eyes and down his left eye were on full display.

At first, Varian had a worried look on his face but upon seeing the people he sent to Blackrock Mountain, that worry vanished instantly. The party moved before the throne and knelt down to him.

“Is it done?” Varian asked. “Has the Lord of Blackrock met his end?”

Bella nodded, “Nefarian and his Dark Horde will never trouble Stormwind again, Your Majesty.”

Varian smiled at the news, “We could never fully repay you for your deeds. Countless lives were saved from the onslaught of the Black Dragonflight. The Kingdom of Stormwind is in your debt.”

“We thank you for your words of gratitude, Your Majesty. We are happy to be of service to the kingdom and the Alliance. By your leave, we must rest. As one adventure closes, another looms over the horizon.”

“Then perhaps you are aware that other adventurers have been traveling the world gathering supplies for an imminent threat that looms over Kalimdor. The Horde has been doing the same.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Flutashe said. “I believe that the Bronze Dragonflight may be working on assembling an artifact from thousands of years ago that will spark the coming conflict. I think they are using me as their agent in this task.”

Varian raised an eyebrow, “Why do we need something to start the battle? Would they not attack regardless?”

“I think so, but this artifact appears to be the key to attacking their stronghold as well.”

Varian nodded in understanding. “I see, so while my forces and the Horde hold back the enemy, your group will be looking for a way to infiltrate the enemy stronghold.”

“You may also want to send forces to the other silithid hives around Kalimdor,” Sophia said. “Those bugs are part of the invading army. I have a contact within the Horde who will inform Warchief Thrall about the hives.”

“Very well, I will direct any able-bodied heroes to cull the hives. Get some rest, you have quite a journey ahead of you.”

Once Varian dismissed them, the party headed back to the Trade District to rent a room at the inn. They would savor nights like these since it wouldn’t be often that they were able to sleep in a proper bed.

While the Alliance party was making their report, the Horde party returned from the way they came from. They crossed the length of Burning Steppes and walked through the unguarded pass in eastern Redridge and entered the murky Swamp of Sorrows. Once they reached Stonard, they paid a mage to send them back to Orgrimmar.

While they waited for the mage to prepare, Lokosh, Talia, Groun and Farra’jin mumbled their complaints about how the Alliance were able to return home the easy way but there was nothing they could do about it since none of them knew portal magic, not even Talia who knew all sorts of Equestrian magic.

Once the mage opened the portal, they stepped inside and emerged in the Cleft of Shadows beneath Orgrimmar.

Knowing the route by now, the party headed straight for Thrall’s throne room with Thanatas behind them. After all, this was their glory that they would share with the warchief.

Inside the throne room, the four stood before Thrall while Thanatas walked off to the side to listen in.

“Is it done? Have you brought proof of Rend Blackhand’s demise?” Thrall asked.

Talia presented the former warchief’s head to the orc leader. “We present you with the head of the Warchief of the Dark Horde,” Lokosh announced. “He, his whole Dark Horde and the Black Dragonflight who supported him are finished.”

“Lok’tar!” Thrall shouted, then returned to his normal tone. “You have pleased your warchief this day! With the threat of Blackrock Mountain neutralized, we can now focus our efforts on the coming battle in Silithus.”

“What would you have us do, Warchief?”

“Rest for now, then you may join your fellow heroes of the Horde in gathering supplies needed for the war.”

This brought a sigh of relief from them. After all they went through they needed something easy to do for a change of pace. It would also give them a chance to explore the world in their search for the Epitaph Fragments.

Once Thrall dismissed them, they went straight for an inn for some needed rest and relaxation.

Meanwhile, Thanatas was left to give Thrall and his advisors the detailed report. She left out some details like Stella’s draconic powers though. She knew that Thrall had no significant ill will toward the Alliance so she knew that he didn’t mind that his people cooperated with them for the mission.

It was the next morning when the Alliance party rose from their beds and prepared for their next journey. They had a feeling that they were going to be traveling great distances this time.

Once everyone was ready and they had restocked their supplies, Stella opened a portal to Theramore Isle, an island city just off the coast of the swampy Dustwallow Marsh. The mage was asked why she couldn’t open a portal directly to Tanaris but she countered that she had to create anchor points at locations to create a portal there like she did at Blackrock Mountain and doing that required her to actually get there. Theramore had a publicly used anchor point for Alliance mages so that was the closest she could get everyone.

Thankfully, the seas were calm enough that they could charter a ship to Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris. After paying the captain the fee for everyone, they soon set sail. It was only a few hours before they reached the goblin-run port.

Once they disembarked, the ship sailed back to Theramore since goblins charged an obscene docking fee on a per hour basis.

The party traveled west through the desert while dealing with the wildlife and bandits on their way to Gadgetzan. Once they neared the town’s walls, Stella established an anchor point in a hidden area out of view of the goblin cartel. Last thing she wanted was for the little green money-grubbers to charge her for the anchor.

Not wanting to waste time talking to the living symbols of greed, the party immediately headed south toward the Caverns of Time. They fought off more desert predators and bandits on their way there.

After an hour's walk, they reached the caverns with the out of place buildings tucked in the small valley. Anachronos was still guarding the door. They also spotted Baristolth at the foot of the mountains, waiting for them. They approached the night elf who had an expectant look in his eyes. “Did you bring the head of Broodlord Lashlayer?”

Sophia gave the elf a disappointed stare. “You can drop the bit, Baristolth. I think you and I both know that you are waiting to see the heads of Deathwing’s children.” She then opened a pair of rifts into her dimensional pockets just large enough for Baristolth to gaze at the faces of Nefarian and Onyxia.

A bit of sorrow rose within Stella as she remembered that name. She recalled reading about Deathwing in Dalaran’s archives. For the great Aspect of Earth to be so far gone as to change his name to reflect his genocidal madness, it was an utter waste of a gift from the Titans.

“I-I see,” Baristolth muttered. Seeing as Nefarian was now dead by their hands, that had to mean that they had an encounter with Vaelastrasz, based on what his master told him. He then turned to Flutashe. “So does that mean that you have it? The shard?”

“Yes, I have it right here,” Flutashe said. She turned her pockets and pulled out the red shard that Nefarian had taken.

“Then it is time for you to meet my master.” Baristolth led the party into the valley toward the entrance to the Caverns of Time and toward the large bronze dragon who guarded it. “My master, the young druid has come bearing the heads of Deathwing’s children and the red shard of the Scepter of the Shifting Sands.”

Anachronos looked down at the visitors. Upon hearing his servant’s words, he transformed into a human with gray hair and ornate bronze plate armor. He looked upon the group of mortals gathered, his gaze locked on the strange rabbit girl longer than the others. There was something odd about her. Regardless, he addressed the others, “Greetings mortals, I thank you for providing your assistance in this dire time. Before we proceed, I would like to provide you with the knowledge of the enemy that you shall soon face.” He then pulled out a book for them to read.

Twilight, who had been observing all of the events transpire from the observation room in the Sphere Institute, zoomed her camera in on the tome and eagerly awaited them to open it. A thousand years had passed but she was still as much of a book lover as ever. Once the tome opened, she read along with the others.

From what they read, the War of the Shifting Sands occurred nearly a thousand years ago on Kalimdor. The night elves, led by Fandral Staghelm, defended the Silithus desert from a race of giant insects called the Silithid and a race of insectoid people called the Qiraji. While many elves defended the desert, it would prove meaningless before the seemingly infinite swarm that poured from the fortress city of Ahn’Qiraj.

Staghelm’s arrogance proved costly as he had his son, Valstann Staghelm, defend a nearby village in the eastern part of the desert. The defense was futile and the village was overrun and Valstann was captured and slain before Fandral’s eyes. While his son’s death hit Fandral hard, the Qiraji were not finished tearing his pride to shreds as they eventually pushed the night elves out of Silithus and back to Tanaris, rendering his son’s valiant sacrifice meaningless.

Fandral pleaded with Anachronos to lend his aid to protecting Kalimdor. At first the bronze dragon refused, but when the Caverns of Time were attacked by the legion of insects, they became involved. It was still not enough though so Anachronos had to call on the other flights to help.

It was through the combined efforts of Anachronos, Merithra, Caelestrasz and Arygos, the children of Nozdormu, Ysera, Alexstrasza and Malygos respectively, that they found a solution to stem the infinite tide of chitin.

As they exected their plan, Arygos sensed a dim magic coming from the temple in the southern quadrant of the city of Ahn’Qiraj but was unable to identify it at the time.

In the end, they used their own walls to imprison the Qiraji within their city for all eternity.

Once they finished reading the book, they gave it back to Anachronos. “So this wall was used to imprison the Qiraji, the forces of the Old God?” Mena asked.

Anachronos turned his head toward the gnome. “Yes, we didn’t know at the time, but we would later find out that the city once housed the prison of C’thun.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” Mena said, her curiosity satisfied.

Anachronos sighed and rubbed his temple, sensing a headache coming. “You already know about the existence of the Scepter of the Shifting Sands, so I will fill in the parts about what happened that ended the war.

“In one final desperate defense, the night elves with the aid of myself, Merithra, Caelestrasz and Arygos, pushed the Qiraji back to their fortress. We needed to hold them back long enough for me and Fandral to seal the gate into their city. Merithra, Caelestrasz and Arygos sacrificed themselves to give us the time we needed. We succeeded and the wall was sealed with the Qiraji within.

“I gave the Scepter to Fandral for a time in the future when it would be needed to gain entry into the fortress. However, I underestimated his grief. He shattered the Scepter on the wall and shattered his bond with the dragonflights, vowing to find a way to bring his son back from the dead.”

“So that’s why he’s been so disconnected from his people? Because he’s under some delusion that he can bring his son back to life?” Flutashe asked.

Anachronos nodded, “I fear that his grief has driven him to madness. His future looks very bleak.”

“No, we’re not changing the guy’s future,” Thanatas told Sophia through the link. “I’m not even sure we can at this point. His psyche has been affected by not only his son’s death, but also his obsession to return him to life and the fact that his mind has been further addled by the Emerald Nightmare. Long story short, he’s just about right to be a snack for Violetta. Only reason he isn’t is because I forbade her from eating his mind because I need him alive for a few more years.”

Anachronos continued with the story, “After the Scepter was shattered, I gathered the pieces and returned here. Intending on keeping the Scepter from those who would seek to cause chaos to our world, such as the Twilight’s Hammer, I gave three shards to three powerful members of their respective flights and kept the rest to myself. Unfortunately, those three have fallen to tragedy. I gave one shard to Vaelastrasz, however in his zeal to eliminate the children of Deathwing he fell into their trap.”

“Are you referring to the moment when Nefarian corrupted Vaelastrasz?” Flutashe asked. “If that’s the case then we already saved him thanks to Violetta consuming his corruption.”

Anachronos was taken aback, he didn’t imagine a timeline where Vaelastrasz would be cleansed of his corruption. Granted, he was glad that the red dragon was saved. Of course, it appeared that the Bronze Dragonflight would be unable to properly follow the timeline in areas where Violetta was concerned, likely Sophia and Thanatas as well. He had brought up the matter with Nozdormu but he said that interfering with their missions would “anger powers that Azeroth was not prepared to face” and that it would be in their best interest to stay on their good side.

“I…I see.” Anachronos shook his head and resumed his explanation. “Anyway, another shard is in the possession of Azuregos who has been wandering the lands of Azshara for years. He’s a very eccentric dragon who has had one too many run-ins with treasure hunters. Sometimes you see him as a ghost and sometimes he is alive and wandering around until another greedy treasure hunter comes to slay him. Don’t ask how he keeps coming back to life, even I have a hard time believing it.

“The third fragment was entrusted to Eranikus.” Flutashe gasped as she heard the name. She recognized Ysera’s consort and one of the most powerful green dragons out there, second only to the Aspect of Dreams.

He was also twisted by the corruption in the Emerald Dream, the Emerald Nightmare.

Flutashe was the one who explained the fate of the dragon to the others.

“Do you know where he is, Flutashe?” Stella asked. “Is he in the Emerald Dream?”

“He is, but it would be suicidal to face him there. Ragnaros and Nefarian were powerful, but only Ysera would have any chance against him in the Emerald Dream. Sadly, she has been out of contact with everyone recently.”

“You may find clues to Eranikus’ whereabouts at the place where he was corrupted, young druid,” Anachronos offered.

“You mean the Temple of Atal’Hakkar?” Flutashe asked. “It’s worth a shot.”

As Thanatas fed Sophia information through the link, the bunny templar relayed it to everyone. “The Temple of Atal’Hakkar is an ancient place that belongs to a dark faction of the Gurubashi Troll Empire. The faction is known as the Atal’ai or Devoted Ones. This group of fanatics are worshippers of an evil loa named Hakkar the Soulflayer. The temple was sunken beneath the swamp by Ysera but some of the trolls survived and are working to bring their loa into this world. A number of green dragons were sent to guard the place but they were all overtaken by the Nightmare. The dragons leave the trolls alone while they conduct their foul rituals. It is also said that a shadow of Eranikus’ power slumbers there.”

“Then we will need to go there. But first, I would like to try to get Azuregos’ shard. I have a feeling that getting that is going to be a lot easier than getting Eranikus’ shard.”

“Then your course is set,” Anachronos said. “Once you bring me the other two shards I will reassemble the Scepter. I pray that you mortals will be able to face the horrors that will emerge from that place. C’thun’s power shields his minions from our ability to sense them so I could not tell you about what lies within.”

“No need to worry about that,” Sophia assured. “We have our own source of information who can give us a heads up on what to expect.”

The party then said their goodbyes to the elder bronze dragon before Stella created a portal to the night elven city of Darnassus. That still put them far from their destination but it was the closest she could get them.

Not wanting to be in the same city as Fandral Staghelm longer than necessary, they quickly left Darnassus and took a ferry to Auberdine where they spent a night at its inn before they continued their journey.

From there the journey lasted several days as they traveled the roads of Darkshore and Ashenvale Forest.

On their way, the party spotted numerous adventurers gathering supplies in the form of clothing scraps that could be weaved into robes, animal skins that were processed into leather for use in crafting leather armor, ore mined from the hills to be smelted into metal and forged into armor and weapons and herbs that would be used as reagents for various alchemical concoctions. This was one of those rare times where the Horde and Alliance worked together for a common cause as the war against the Qiraji drew near.

After several days of travel through the forest, the party finally arrived in the eternal autumn lands of Azshara. Everyone but Flutashe stared in awe at the red, gold, and orange colors that made up the grasslands and tree leaves of the region. Few places displayed trees of white bark. Flutashe had been to this region a few times in the past so the novelty had worn off by that point.

Azshara was a large place and despite the fact that they were looking for a blue elder dragon as large as Nefarian and Anachronos, it would not be easy. To shorten their search time, Flutashe shifted into her bird form and Stella took to the skies. Stella searched along the northern peninsula while Flutashe searched along the southern peninsula.

It took a few hours but Flutashe finally located the blue dragon they were looking for. She returned to her friends while they waited for Stella to return from her search. Stella returned half an hour after Flutashe did.

“Any luck?” Stella asked.

Flutashe nodded, “He’s wandering around the southern peninsula, follow me.”

It took an hour on foot to reach the southern Peninsula of Azshara and find Azuregos. The dragon paid no mind to his surroundings until a large purple bird with a pink crest started pecking him between the eyes.

“Ow! What did I ever do to you?” Azuregos asked.

Flutashe lowered herself to the ground and shifted into her night elf form. “I’m sorry Mister Azuregos, but I needed to get your attention.” The others soon joined her with Stella returning to her elf form.

“I don’t need a reminder that I’m older than the hills, just Azuregos will do.” He then examined the people among her before his eyes locked on to Stella. He narrowed his eyes, “Playing hero with a bunch of mortals? To each their own, I guess.” He returned his gaze to Flutashe, “So I take it that you are here for the shard that was given to me?”

“Yes, do you have it?”

“Of course not! That would be asinine. I’m not going to walk around with a proverbial villain magnet. This place is full of savages! I can’t take five steps without some orc or human trying to poke my flank with a stick trying to rob me! Anyhow…I hid it. Go on! Ask me where.”

“I could just pluck it from your memories and save us the vocal exercise,” Sophia offered jokingly.

“And then we would miss a perfect bonding opportunity which would be your loss,” Azuregos countered. “I get lonely sometimes, you know! Moving on, that shard was going to be nothing but a headache. I knew it even back then. All I wanted was to study the magic in this area and its magical artifacts. But what do I get? Nothing but a bunch of glory-seeking wannabe heroes who want to reassemble that blasted Scepter and try their luck with Bug City. I got tired of babysitting the thing so…I gave it to a fish.”

“A fish?” Flutashe repeated.

“Not just any fish, it was a minnow! It’s a very special minnow!”

While Flutashe, Mena and Jaqueline were concerned that they would have to hunt for a specific fish out of billions, Stella and Sophia were not thrown off by this. “Certainly you have a means of getting this ‘minnow’ to return to you in case of emergencies,” Stella figured. “I would think that Malygos would entrust the shard to a dragon who was at least somewhat responsible. It would be a major embarrassment to him if everyone found out that he entrusted an artifact that could potentially destroy the world in the claws of a lazy and irresponsible dragon.”

“Ha! You must be out of the loop if you think that would work,” Azuregos scoffed. “Malygos lost his mind millennia ago after our flight was decimated during the War of the Ancients ten thousand years ago.”

Stella made a point to read up on the War of the Ancients and other major events she missed out on while in stasis when she returned to Dalaran. At this point her knowledge of history spanned back several centuries. She was planning on looking further back but her magic lessons were taking up most of her reading time.

Azuregos continued, “Anyway, I do have a means of drawing the minnow back to me. Two words: Arcanite. Buoy. You want the shard, you have to make one yourself.” He then opened a rift and a small book flew out. “If you do end up making the lure, it’s fair to warn you that I gave the minnow some special powers.”

“So you made a dangerous fish and gave him the shard…what part of what you said so far isn’t irresponsible?” Stella deadpanned.

“You try guarding the thing for five hundred years from loot-crazed idiots and tell me how you feel after that!” Azuregos snapped.

“Have you ever tried spreading false rumors or misleading adventurers with false leads while concealing the shard in a pocket dimension where they can’t get to it?” Stella countered.

Azuregos narrowed his eyes at the elf mage that he knew was a visage form. “You know, for a dragon you think a lot like a mortal. By the way, do they even know you’re a dragon?”

“Of course they do.” When Stella transformed into her dracthyr form Azuregos’ eyes widened in surprise, though oddly the reaction was not quite what she expected.

Azuregos looked at her with curiosity. “That’s a strange shape for a dragon. You resemble a drakonid but they don’t have wings and they’re larger and bulkier. Some sort of new variant?”

“I’m a dracthyr, didn’t Malygos tell you about my kind?”

“He only tells us what we need to know, though he did briefly mention some dangerous creatures Neltharion made that he put into eternal stasis.”

While the two continued their conversation, Mena picked up the book that Azuregos dropped. She picked it up and looked through the contents. It only took a moment to realize that she couldn’t read any of the writing in the book. It was written in what she figured was draconic since Azuregos was the one who wrote it.

Mena interrupted the conversation to ask Stella to see if she could read it. The mage took the book and looked through it before she conjured a piece of paper and a writing quill. She then wrote the translations and schematics on the paper and gave it to Mena before she continued her conversation.

As she read the translated schematic, she suddenly remembered something important. She ran toward a nearby tree and urged her dark counterpart, Surprise, to help her up the tree. When Surprise took over she conjured shadowy claws over her fingers and shoes. She then climbed the tree and entered the canopy. After a few minutes of searching, she dropped a gem-studded buoy onto the ground and climbed back down.

“What the heck is that?” Jaqueline asked.

“It’s an Arcanite Buoy, silly,” Mena answered.

“What was one of those doin’ in that tree?”

“I stashed one there a long time ago, just in case of Arcanite Buoy emergencies.”

While the party and Azuregos stared at the gnome priest with their jaws wide open, Twilight looked at the monitor as nostalgic memories of a bygone era filled her mind. She never could figure out how Pinkie was always prepared for every contingency. She even made her own funeral one filled with laughter; her final joke that she prepared years in advance.

While everyone else was dumbstruck and left with nothing to say, Azuregos looked at the gnome in awe as he said, “Genius! I thought my idea of a minnow guarding the shard was brilliant, but you prepared for that contingency in advance? You are a true genius!”

Mena blushed from the dragon’s praise.

“How did you even get here in the first place?” Stella asked. “It doesn’t even make sense how you could have made an Arcanite Buoy and stashed it here years ago.”

“Stella, drop it,” Sophia warned. “Trust me, you don’t want to go down that road. Only madness awaits there and you do not want to give Violetta an excuse to eat your mind. For your own sake, anytime in the future that Mena breaks reality, just leave it be and chalk it up to this being normal for her.”

Stella wanted to argue but the threat of being a victim of the eldritch horror’s insatiable hunger made her decide it wasn’t worth it.

Azuregos continued, “Now that you have an Arcanite Buoy, place it in the ocean and my minnow will be attracted to its magical emanations. Once he comes near the buoy- BLAMMO! It will explode in a glorious pulse of arcane energy, revealing its true form. Also, you may or may not incur the wrath of Neptulon. A fifty-fifty chance I would say.”

“We’ll take our chances,” Sophia said.

With the buoy in hand, the party left the eccentric dragon and headed to the bay. As they were wondering where they were supposed to place the magical device, Mena looked at the schematic again. “It says that for maximum effectiveness, the buoy must be placed in open waters in a swirling maelstrom.”

The others groaned as they heard that. Once they were prepared, they jumped into the bay and swam around. Flutashe used her bird form to look around the bay to find something like what Mena described. After a few minutes, she spotted an area that was cluttered with wreckage spinning around in a small area. She flew to the others and led them to the spot. Sure enough, the wreckage was moving in a maelstrom.

Once they were ready, Mena deployed the buoy into the middle of the wreckage. Uncertain as to when the “minnow” was going to show up, the party considered moving back to dry land so they could keep their strength up for when they dealt with the fish.

They didn’t wait long, however, as the buoy sent out a pulse of magic that transformed a harmless-looking fish into a giant shark.

As they stared at the shark and floated around in what seemed like a cliche reenactment of a certain shark movie, Azuregos hovered over the party for a moment to tell them something, “By the way, I named him Maws. Isn’t he an adorable little fish? Ta ta now, have fun playing with him.”

The minnow turned shark swam lazy circles around the party. He could practically taste the anxiety of his prey as he drifted closer to his latest meal.

Sophia was having none of that. She dove underwater so that she would be obscured by the dark waves. She then transformed her legs into a chitinous fish tail so she would have mobility underwater and mutated gills for underwater breathing.

She then sent a jolt of electricity at the shark to gain his attention. Enraged, Maws swam rapidly toward the mermaid-like bunny templar. This only resulted in a well-timed punch to the shark’s snout which stunned it. She then wrapped her arms around Maws and dove fast for the sea floor where she suplexed him into the ground.

Now with a bloody snout, Maws freed himself from the ground and looked for his prey, which was seeming like she was more adversary than prey at this point.

Without warning, Maws felt a sharp pain in his right flipper…except that it wasn’t there anymore. His blood began pouring out of the gaping wound where his flipper used to be. He turned around and saw Sophia with his missing flipper in her mouth. She spat it out and gave him a fanged grin, revealing rows of sharp, pointy teeth.

As her fingers mutated into sharp claws, Maws realized that he was the prey in this case and that he was fighting a monster he was not prepared to fight. Sophia drove the point home when she swam past Maws slow enough for him to bite her only to find his teeth not up to the task of piercing her chitinous tail. Some of his teeth cracked and others broke off.

The others dove into the water after Sophia but they were unable to get any idea of what was going on since Maws’ blood was obscuring everything. Of course, the party also feared that the blood might be Sophia’s. Without any idea of what was going on, the party had no choice but to wait and see who emerged from the blood cloud.

They got their answer ten seconds later when Sophia swam out of the cloud in her usual form and unscathed. She had a satisfied look on her face and a blue shard in her right hand.

Even as the party returned to land, Sophia was not about to tell them what happened during that fight and that all they needed to know was that she thrashed the shark and took the shard.

While the party wasn’t looking, she looked back at the bay to see a shark skeleton floating in the water. She also rubbed her belly in satisfaction of the seafood dinner she just ate.

At the moment, the sands of Silithus were the same as usual, tall sand tornadoes roamed the desert, red crystals jutted out all over the place and silithid buzzed around everywhere.

In the northwestern corner of the desert, Zoias stood before a cowering old man who was part of the Twilight’s Hammer cult.

She had been nice to him at first as she presented the whole talisman, the enchanted elementium and the essence of Ragnaros. The old man celebrated in triumph as he forged the vessel of his master’s rebirth and released Thunderaan the Windseeker from his prison. He then witnessed the Prince of Air, who was a giant armored air elemental armed with a weapon that looked like a cross between a sword and a jacob’s ladder, attack Zoias.

Using her mastery over earth, Zoias was able to quickly overpower and subdue him and trap his essence in the blade. She took the blade and pointed it at the old man who cowered before her but decided to let him live with his humiliation. With her prize in hand, Zoias teleported away using her earthen technique.

Author's Note:

I had fun writing this chapter. I love how Azuregos trolls the player in game whether it's the Scepter questline or during the Azshara zone questline during Cata.

Next time: The hunt for the green shard begins in the last non-raid dungeon I will be showcasing in Season 1.

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