• Published 9th Sep 2022
  • 475 Views, 64 Comments

Seekers of the Epitaph: World of Azeroth - Xarmar13

Six friends exploring the world of Azeroth. Seven associates seeking Equestria's doom.

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The next day everyone woke up and prepared themselves for the challenges that may come. Bella had to spend an extra hour brushing her hair because the humidity of the swamp made her hair frizzy.

Once they were ready, everyone reported to Ysiel to check on the status of the scouts who were being prepared for an attack on the Coilfang Steamvaults. However, there was a change in plans according to the expedition leader. “We have received word from Shattrath requesting your presence, all of you. While you are away, my forces will begin setting up a forward post in Coilfang Reservoir in the meantime.”

“Won’t the naga just keep draining the lakes if we don’t stop them from making the pumps?” Flutashe asked.

“Fear not, my forces are small but skilled. We will work on sabotaging their efforts until you are able to assist us.”

Groun walked up to Flutashe and presented her with a stack of pages containing notes detailing the species within the Underbog. She furrowed her brow as she went through the papers. “I see, the caverns are its own ecosystem with the naga and broken intruding in some places. Most of the species of Zangarmarsh appear to be represented in that cavern. I am curious what kind of gas the sporebats and nether rays use to keep afloat…” She mumbled for a few minutes before she handed the papers to Ysiel. She smiled at the tauren druid and bowed slightly. “Thank you for helping me with this.”

The tauren blushed slightly about how cute she looked when she did that but quickly regained some composure to respond. “Uh, you’re welcome.”

With their current business in Zangarmarsh concluded, the two groups traveled south from Cenarion Refuge, down the main roads. They passed by a village of lost ones, a few who futilely tried to attack them. They continued on their path for a couple of hours until the scenery changed once more as the bluish green ground gave way to dusky green and the mushrooms gave way to trees with an unhealthy shade of green.

Stella pulled out a map given to her by Commander Danath. “So according to this, we should be entering a place called Terokkar Forest. According to the Alliance Expedition reports, this is a region that’s been affected by fel sickness which turned the trees into the color it is. Apparently, the leaves used to be constantly orange, yellow and red. Shattrath City should be close.”

As they turned a corner around a hill the city came into sight. A circular, walled city of draenei design stood before them. The city was themed with a dull brass color inscribed with vague depictions of naaru to symbolize their idolization of the ancient creatures of the Light.

The entrance was guarded by a pair of draenei on elekk, elephant-like creatures with tusks and horns. The guards briefly observed the coming group but held their gaze on Raida longer than the others. They were told that this group was coming so the guards went back to looking for invaders.

The two groups entered a tunnel into the city. The lower tier of the city appeared to be slums, given the tents all over the place. Parts of the area also appeared to be in a state of disrepair. The market also appeared to be in the same area though. Old war veterans from the Second War appeared to have made their home here, humble as their dwellings were. They also spotted a strange-looking being who was shaped like a humanoid but looked like he was made of energy wrapped in bandages and some armor. As they explored the slums, they also found a species of hunched over bird people.

“Looks like you guys finally made it,” said a familiar voice. The groups turned their heads and spotted Sophia waving at them. “I know you want to explore the city more, but you have an appointment with the ruler of this city and apparently he is especially eager to meet Bella.”

“Me?” Bella inquired.

Sophia said nothing as she led the groups up a ramp to the upper terrace and into a large building that stood in the center of Shattrath. As they approached the building, a melodic chiming sound was heard as if a beautiful wordless song was being sung. Bella heard such a sound when she was aboard the Exodar and that told her that they were about to meet a naaru.

Sure enough, the center of the building was where they found the naaru. Though unlike O’ros, this one was even more radiant; the light he emitted was pure white.

Standing beneath the naaru was an elderly looking man wearing a blue and white robe with a white vest and mantle. The naaru brightened briefly before the man turned around to see the party. “Ah, there you are, we’ve been expecting you. Glad to see you’ve all made it here safely.” He then spotted Stella in her visage form and smiled. “And Stellaglim, I haven’t seen you since you were but an infant. You have grown into a splendid young woman.”

Stella chuckled awkwardly, “About that…” She cleared her throat and explained her origins to the man whom she identified as Archmade Khadgar. When she finished her explanation, the archmage let out a good-natured laugh.

“I find it a little ironic that you ended up regressed to an infant by a spell while I aged forward by a spell,” Khadgar said. “Frankly I would have preferred your affliction. What fascinates me more is the fact that you were originally a creation of Neltharion before he became Deathwing. Little is actually known about his past.

“But where are my manners, allow me to introduce you all to the ruler of Shattrath City, A’dal. I have learned many things from him and I hope you each gain a little wisdom during your time here.”

The continuous singing from A’dal turned into a message for all of them, “Welcome to Shattrath City. Here you will find safety.”

A’dal then turned his gaze upon Raida and delivered a message meant only for her. “Only you can hear me now, I know of your affiliation with the Illidari but fear not, I am aware that you bear no ill will towards us so you are as welcome here as any other. Your secret is safe with me.” Raida breathed a sigh of relief.

He then turned his gaze toward Bella, “You, who bears the Gift of Sight, I can see that you have been blessed by O’ros. You will be tested in the coming days. The Light within you shall guide you toward your destiny. I see great things in your future.”

“Thank you for your kind words, A’dal,” Bella said with a deep bow.

A’dal then turned his gaze toward Mena, his song taking a lower pitch, as if expressing a frown. “You live a life straddling the line between Light and Shadow, yet you choose to embrace both. You follow a dangerous path and can so easily fall under the sway of one force. Stay true to your path and you will be greatly rewarded.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” Mena said.

“So, now that the introductions have been made, perhaps you may now tell me your business for finding me, Stella? A’dal did say that you were seeking me but never told me why.” Khadgar inquired.

Stella gasped as she remembered her business. The sight of A’dal had briefly distracted her. “Ah, yes!” She cleared her throat. “The Kirin Tor requires your assistance in reopening Karazhan as the Violet Eye has managed to scry enough of the tower to determine a faint demonic presence within.”

Khadgar chuckled, “Either the mages of Dalaran are getting better or the wards on the tower are weakening.” He then frowned, “This is dire news though, if a powerful demon has infiltrated Karazhan, then they may gain access to the ley line beneath the tower and use it to open a portal to allow the Legion into Azeroth, given time.

“Unfortunately, I did not account for the possibility of the two worlds connecting again. When I was certain that I was stranded on Draenor, I split my key into three pieces and hid them away in containers in places that were safe at the time I hid them.”

“Where are they?” Stella asked.

“The first fragment is in the depths of the ruins of the Draenei mausoleum of Auchindoun in the center of a desolate wasteland to the south. These days, the Shadow Council uses that place as a headquarters. The second was hidden in a cavern beneath Serpent Lake in Zangarmarsh. The place is known today as Coilfang Reservoir and the fragment is hidden in a deep pool.” The group gave the archmage a look that suggested that he wanted them to look for a specific cloud on a cloudy day. “Would it help narrow your search if I told you that I used the second cavern from the left? Anyway, the third fragment was hidden in the highest of Tempest Keep’s satellites.”

“Tempest Keep?” Bella asked in surprise. “Velen did mention that the Exodar was one of the satellite ships that accompanied a vessel of that name.”

“Yes, the fragment is located inside the Arcatraz where the naaru contained dangerous entities in their travels. Getting inside is going to be difficult though.”

Talia groaned, “Let me guess, we need to procure some things before we can enter that place?”

“Yes mortal,” A’dal answered. “I recently received one of the fabled Ata’mal Crystals from an agent of the Scryers. There was a message embedded upon it from the ethereal known as Nexus-Prince Haramad.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what’s an Ata’mal Crystal? What’s a Scryer? Also, what’s an ethereal? You made that one seem like you were referring to a person?” Flutashe asked.

Khadgar chuckled at the druid’s inquisitive nature. “The Ata’mal Crystals are seven holy artifacts given to the draenei by the naaru. The locations of the other six are unknown. Ethereals are mysterious world travelers with highly advanced technology. You may have met one on your way here if you saw a being who looked like energy wrapped in bandages.” Khadgar heard approaching footsteps and turned to see who was coming and sighed in exasperation. “As for the Scryers…”

Approaching the gathering was an elderly male blood elf in black and white robes with gold bordering. He was accompanied by and giving a death glare to a female draenei in ornate blue robes. She was snubbing the blood elf.

Khadgar sighed again. “Everyone, these are the leaders of the Aldor and the Scryers. The blood elf is Voren’thal the Seer who leads the Scryers while High Priestess Ishanah is the leader of the Aldor priesthood.”

“How come there are blood elves in Outland who have sided against Prince Kael’thas?” Feloma asked.

“I had a vision of a glorious light shining over Quel’thalas that promised hope and salvation for our people, young one.” Voren’thal responded. “I understood that the light of the naaru would ease our hunger and torment. Also, I’ve noticed that our prince had grown mentally unstable and I felt that he was hiding something. To my surprise, I recently learned that Prince Kael’thas had been consorting with the Burning Legion. One of my agents even brought me proof of his treachery.”

“So it was true…” Raida thought. She suspected that Kael’thas planned on betraying Illidan and if Voren’thal’s testimony was true, then something needed to be done about the blood elf prince.

“Thank you for coming,” Khadgar addressed the two. “I have introduced these fine people to the leaders of Shattrath, now may I introduce you to the vanguard who will lead the assault on the Illidari and Legion leaders on Outland. A’dal has high hopes for them.”

“If A’dal vouches for them, then they shall have all of the support that the Aldor can offer,” Ishanah said.

“The Scryers shall do all we can to support your cause,” Voren’thal said, before glaring at Ishanah again. The parties raised their eyebrows at the two.

“Before you go searching for the fragments to my old key, A’dal requests your assistance with other matters that will ultimately benefit all of you in the long run,” Khadgar said. “Stella, you and your friends are asked to go to Shadowmoon Valley, the southernmost region in Outland where The Betrayer has his base of operation. The Aldor have a base in the northeastern part of the region near the Black Temple and the Alliance Expedition has a base in the southwestern part of the region led by Kurdran Wildhammer. A’dal wishes for you to look for clues to the whereabouts of an artifact called the Cipher of Damnation. It must be recovered before anyone else with ill intent learns the words.

“Lokosh, A’dal wishes for you and your group to do some hunting. Your paths will eventually bring you face to face with the lord of the gronn, Gruul the Dragonkiller. We need to make sure his seven sons don’t interfere with that final confrontation. Start your hunt in Nagrand, west of here. The Aldor have a tunnel leading into that region from their base on the top tier of this city but are only allowing you to use it once.”

“How come?” Lokosh asked.

“Unfortunately, your affiliation with that blood elf in your group will put my people on edge,” Ishanah replied. “I do not mean to offend your friend but too many of our own have been slain by the very elves who we have to share a city with. Such wounds do not heal easily and I’m afraid that the Aldor have come to view all blood elves as either Scryers or as part of Kael’thas’ forces. The only reason we are allowing you a one-time use of our passage is by A’dal’s request. Do not expect another opportunity to set foot on our rise.”

“The Sons of Gruul are fearsome opponents by themselves,” Khadgar warned. “I would recommend finding assistance in dealing with them.”

With that, the two groups made their preparations, stocking up on what food they could buy, including a few apples from a brown orc who appeared to have gone stir crazy from being next to a cart of apples for too long.

Once everyone was prepared, the Horde group proceeded up an elevator to Aldor Rise where they were met by the wary glares of the draenei. Feloma could have used her pheromones to distract the Aldor but Lokosh quickly rejected that offer because he would rather not risk starting an unnecessary fight in Shattrath. They quietly entered the tunnel, heading to Nagrand.

The Alliance group finished their preparations and proceeded out of the city and traveled the long road to Shadowmoon Valley.

Along the way, they found a Cenarion Expedition post that was abandoned and its residents dead. Stella sensed the magical radiation in the area and it gave her a migraine just being near it. They quickly moved away from the side and took a side road to avoid the town of Tuurem which had become a haven for the savage lost ones. They paid a brief visit to another Alliance stronghold which was named after the missing Ranger-General, Alleria, to restock on supplies used during their travel through the forest.

After half a day of travel from Shattrath, the scenery changed from the dusky forest to a land forever blackened. The ground was a greenish black and the sky had an eerie green color to it. As they traveled through this fel-scarred wasteland, they found the wreckage of siege machines around them along with patrols of demons who were associated with the Burning Legion, some of whom tried to attack them but were easily dispatched. They also found pools of lava that were tainted by fel and colored bright green. This dismal landscape painted a picture to the party of what will happen to their world should the Legion conquer it.

In the distance, the party located a Horde settlement where the outskirts sported many craters which Raida figured was an attack by infernals, the Legion’s fiery war golems. It appeared that the attacks had stopped so she figured that the Legion ran out of infernals for now or something was done to dismantle them.

Further down the road, the party finally came upon the tall, damaged walls of Wildhammer Stronghold, the Alliance base of operations in Shadowmoon Valley. They noticed craters around the area which suggested that the Legion had been hitting both places simultaneously.

The party checked in at the stronghold to see what was going on and were glad to see that the defenders held strong against the onslaught.

The stronghold itself was made of dwarven design with the keep built into a mountainside, like most pieces of dwarven architecture. A sunken stone structure served as a stable for the numerous gryphon mounts.

Wandering around the area was a dwarf with a red beard and dark blue markings on his nearly bald head to show that he is a member of the Wildhammer Clan. He was wearing red and gold platemail armor.

“Hail, travelers,” the dwarf greeted. “What brings ye tae this sorry spit of land?”

“Well met,” Bella responded. “You wouldn’t happen to be Kurdran, would you?”

“Aye,” Kurdran said. “Been livin’ here since the Dark Portal closed down.”

“We came here on a mission from A’dal. We’re looking for something called the Cipher of Damnation. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”

Kurdran thought for a moment then shrugged, “Can’t say I have. We’ve had plenty of other things goin’ on around here though. We put a stop tae the infernal rain comin’ from Legion Hold to the west and put a stop tae their production of those monstrosities. Bad news is that some foolish adventurer set free Teron Gorefiend, a wicked death knight who gave us a lot of trouble during the previous invasion.”

Raida recalled the Illidari’s latest ally, a human corpse with an orc’s soul. She didn’t trust him any more than she trusted any of Illidan’s allies. She suspected that the death knight was looking out for his own self interests and didn’t truly care about the war against the Legion.

Kurdran continued, “Still, there are a couple of problems in the region which need resolvin’. The shamans around here are goin’ on about the elements not listenin’ or somethin’. Some representative of the Earthen Ring went tae some altar north of here to try and find the answer. He might need some help.”

“Earthen Ring?” Raida asked. “Never heard of them.”

“Aye, plenty haven’t. They usually keep tae themselves fer the most part, but when it comes to issues from the elements, they tend to be there tryin’ tae pacify them. Though in this case the shaman might be in over his head this time.

“Another issue is that a call for assistance has been made from the Aldor near that blasted temple. They need assistance in dealing with some Illidari broken who are ransacking the ruins near their base on the other side o’ that mountain in the center o’ this region.” He pointed northeast toward a tall mountain in the distance. “Other than that things are quiet here. If ye wanna help ‘em out, it’d be a load off my mind.”

“Thank you for the information, Kurdan,” Bella said.

Once Kurdran walked away, they decided to talk among themselves. Bella went first, “It seems that we have to make a decision; do we help the Earthen Ring or do we help the Aldor?”

“Why not do both?” Raida offered. “It would probably be smart to split up into two groups.” She thought for a moment and realized that facing the fel-corrupted elements might not be the best idea at this time as her presence might anger the elements further. “I’ll help with the Aldor,” she quickly added.

A slight grin appeared on Bella’s face, she knew that Raida will probably want some private sisterly bonding time to catch up with each other, likely to air out some grievances along the way. “Very well, I will go to the altar with Stella and Mena while you and Flutashe will assist the priesthood.” She didn’t miss the look of worry on Raida’s face but she wasn’t backing down. Whatever they needed to talk about in private needed to be said.

“Alright, good luck you three,” Flutashe said. Raida slumped in defeat.

With that, the group split up with Bella, Mena and Stella heading to the nearby altar where the Earthen Ring shaman was last reported while Flutashe and Raida prepared for a journey around the tall mountain.

Author's Note:

Things are going to be a little busy for the groups for a while. The Alliance party members are now on their way to beginning the attunement quest chains for two of the nine raids which will be featured this season.

I added the whole gronn hunting thing to give the Horde party something to do until it's time for the raiding to start.

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