• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Turtles in the Underground

*Twilight's POV*

I was talking with Danyelle when I saw a flash of green but it wasn't Manic or Surge.

Danyelle asks "What was that?"

“No idea, and it’s night.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "It kind of looked like a turtle..."

“But how? Turtles aren’t exactly known for their speed.” I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "Unless... they were mutated somehow."

A familiar voice asks "Mutated turtles? Where have I heard that before?"

We looked up and saw Rei on a rooftop before he jumped down to us, landing unharmed.

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake, you nearly gave me a heart attack there Rei!"

Rei spoke "Hmm… We may need to check out Manehatten and Neigh York City, specifically the sewers of those places."

I spoke "I don't think it'd be a good idea to bring Rarity along. She hates getting dirty and a sewer is far from clean."

Rei asks "Now when did I mention bringing Rarity along?"

Danyelle spoke "Neither Twilight or I can leave our little ones alone long and..."

Danyelle quickly threw up a Chaos Barrier around herself, Rei and I to block a laser beam.

Danyelle spoke "That was bloody close!"

I gasp "What was that?!?"

Rei spoke "In a simplified word, aliens."

Danyelle conks Rei on the head.

I whisper "Choose your words carefully Rei. You could have insulted Dren, Sardon, Tarb, Honeystar, M'Della, Draven, K'Dagon, Kiri, Ankha, the Black Arm refugees and I..."

Danyelle whispers "We should be careful, we know nothing about this kind of alien."

Rei whispers "Well, since that beam was purple, could be Kraang."

Danyelle whispers "Maybe but what are they after?"

Rei whispers "Either drain the magic of the place or trying to enslave the planet. Right now, they’re only setting up outposts and we got spotted."

Danyelle whispers "Twilight, go warn Celestia and Luna immediately. I fear we may be in for a war again..."

I whisper "Right."

I teleport to Canterlot fast.

Danyelle whispers "Rei, can you dismantle the outposts without getting caught?"

Rei was already gone before he came back. “Done and done.”

Danyelle whispers "Since my Chaos Barrier is unbreakable, I can taunt them into attacking me while you and the Mewtwos rip them to pieces."

Keeping Chaos Barrier active, Danyelle flew at the Kraang before taunting them.

Danyelle laughs "You freaks can't hit me!"

Danyelle gives the Kraang the stink eye, taunting them into firing at her.

Rei spoke "Alright, time to put those robo-suits outta commission. Phantom Force!"

Rei vanished before attacking the Kraang firing at Danyelle as the strikes slashed them and caused them to fall apart, revealed to be robot suits as brain-like aliens ejected out of them and ran away.

Orion grabs one with Psychic, restraining it.

Danyelle yowls "ANKHA!!!! HELP!!! THERE'S MORE COMING!!!!"

Zoey yowls "FIRE NEKO ROAR!!"

A blast of fire hits Natsu, powering him up.

Natsu spoke "Alright! FIRE DRAGON ROAR!"

Spottedleaf's fur crackles with static as she punched a Kraang's metal suit, shutting it down while keeping it fully intact.

The Kraang was about to jump ship before Rei appeared and blocked the midsection.

Holo howls loud, causing all of the Kraang to freeze in fear.

The suit faces didn’t show that, but the midsection brains did as their eyes opened as the rest of the Kraang ejected from their suits and ran away.

Holo laughs "Talk about lily-livered cowards!"

Pinkie giggles "More like, lily-brained cowards! Heehee!"

Danyelle spoke "If it wasn't for Holo, many of us would have been enslaved. She's a real hero."

Rei spoke "Not to sound overconfident, but we would’ve been able to stop them since they weren’t attacking yet. And I have a feeling we have five new allies."

Holo spoke "You might as well come out Splinter, I can smell you hiding nearby."

Splinter chuckles "Hmm… You are quite skilled to find my location by smell alone."

Holo spoke "A wolf's nose is no joke."

Shirou nods since he was a wolf in alicorn skin.

Then some kind of humanoid rat stepped out of the shadows. “And it seems that you are quite skilled in battle as well.”

Holo spoke "Some of us are, the two-tailed cat inside the barrier acted as bait to draw those aliens' attention towards her so the others could fight."

Still inside the Chaos Barrier, Danyelle spoke "My name is Danyelle Hikari, it's an honor to meet you sir."

Splinter asks "Pardon my curiosity, but I must ask, how do you know of me?"

Holo spoke "I've been around for 1700 years, give or take a few years. I know a lot of things."

Orion passes the Kraang that had been captured to Splinter.

Danyelle spoke "That's Orion, he's captain of the town guard since it was my idea to set one up so that the non-fighters aren't hurt or worse."

Splinter spoke "Hmm… Perhaps it is best to let Bishop handle this one."

Roll asks "What should we do with the mech suits that were left behind?"

Splinter spoke "Donatello can take care of that."

Tails was also hard at work taking the mech suits apart and revamping them into armor for the Mewtwos.

After cancelling out the barrier, Danyelle giggles "He'd get along with Tails easy since the electric-type Ninetales is also a techie."

I whine "Hey! What about me?"

Danyelle giggles "You're an egghead who's afraid of ladybugs and quesadillas!"

But then we heard laughter as we saw a humanoid turtle in a red mask rolling on his back.

The turtle with a red mask laughs "Princess Egghead's afraid of ladybugs and quesadillas!"

But then another turtle, having an orange mask, held a cockroach next to hi, scaring the turtle as he withdrew into his shell.

The turtle with an orange mask laughs "Hahaha! Just like you and cockroaches, huh, Raph?"

I soon had the tip of my weapon against Raph's neck.

I spoke "I'm not a princess yet!"

But then I felt two of Splinter's press against a spot on my neck, making me freeze.

Splinter spoke "You must learn to control your anger."

Dren spoke "Sorry about that, Twilight still can't control her anger since it mainly comes from Momo."

Splinter asks "Hmm... Are you saying that Twilight has two other spirits inside of her?"

Dren spoke "Yes, one of which I'm quite familiar with... given the scars I have. My daughter knows the other one since she took up healing."

But then a turtle with a blue mask and a turtle with a purple mask showed up.

I snicker "Well, Danyelle really loves pizza."

Danyelle spoke "Shut up Twilight! Don't make me stuff a quesadilla down your throat."

I gasp "You wouldn't!"

Then we noticed the orange masked turtle carrying a cooler box as it rattled a bit.

Being the curious Mew she was, Danyelle asks "What's in the box?"

The turtle with the orange mask asks "Oh? This?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

The turtle with the orange mask spoke "Well... If ya wanna. *Opens box* Say hello to Ice Cream Kitty!"

There was actually a living cat made out of ice cream in the cooler box.

Holo spoke "Now ya done it Mikey... The two-tailed cat is drooling since she loves strawberry ice cream."

Ice Cream Kitty then suddenly licked Danyelle on the nose, leaving some strawberry ice cream on her nose.

Danyelle wipes off the ice cream before going into a hunting position.

Holo spoke "Dude, run!"

Mikey noticed the expression on Danyelle's face before closing the cooler and threw down a smoke bomb, vanishing with the cooler.

Danyelle whips up a tornado, blowing the smoke away before pouncing on Mikey.

But Danyelle suddenly found herself a bit above ground, despite feeling something.

And since Danyelle was in Mew form, she was a bit higher off the ground.

Mikey threw down another smoke bomb before he reappeared.

Danyelle was coughing since she was in range.

Danyelle groans "Now I know how Yellowfang felt when she breathed in too much smoke..."

Mikey spoke "It's worse if ya get a smoke bomb in the eyes."

Danyelle downs a jar of honey to ease her breathing.

Danyelle spoke "My lungs are smaller in this form though..."

Mikey spoke "Sorry about that."

Danyelle shot an Ice Beam at Kiri, knocking the weapon out of the Zaterran's hands.

Danyelle growls "You're on thin ice with my temper right now Kiri!"

Splinter spoke "Enough."

Splinter pushed a finger on a pressure point on Danyelle's neck, making her freeze a bit.

Splinter asks "There will be no fighting amongst ourselves. Understood?"

Danyelle stammers "Y-Yes!"

Splinter took his finger off Danyelle's neck, letting her move and breath again.

Danyelle was shivering in fear.

Splinter spoke "Apologies if that scared you, Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "It's n-not that.... Something is coming.... And a l-lot of it...."

I spoke "Danyelle's got a gift not commonly found in Mobians though, she can see things that have happened or have yet to happen."

Leo spoke "If it's more Kraang, we won't have to worry."

Danyelle spoke "We've got Holo and several fighters on standby just in case, plus we got my special ability too."

The ground shook violently.

Danyelle was hissing.

Rei spoke "Sooner than normally."

Danyelle spoke "I knew this would happen! With Cozy Glow and Chrysalis already reformed, Tirek's the last of the baddies to be reformed."

Sonic spoke "The town guard won't be enough to stop a magic stealing centaur!"

A frightened centaur female with a few broken chains on her wrists, legs and neck was near a few chakats.

Rei spoke "If that doesn’t scream abusive circus, I don’t know what does."

Swiftrunner spoke "Go easy on her, she's still traumatized after the abuse the ringmaster put her through."

It was obvious that Swiftrunner's front paws were stained red since shi had killed the ringmaster.

Splinter spoke "It must have been a hard decision."

Swiftrunner spoke "It was sir since the ringmaster was an abusive pony, one that was capturing exotic creatures and forcing them to work in his circus."

A harpy was perched on Swiftrunner's lower back since the poor thing's wings were badly mangled.

Swiftrunner spoke "Good thing I'm a plainclothes guard, I can fool others into thinking I'm just a common citizen."

A lamia had stuck shed from bad health.

Swiftrunner spoke "I was able to rescue these three from a nasty fate since the other slaves had died from shock."

Rei spoke "*Calls out in a Scottish accent* MEDIC!!!"

Spottedleaf got right to work on getting the stuck shed off the lamia's body.

Danyelle spoke "It'll take some time for the centaur to calm down since she's so afraid... More so than Ravenpaw was when he first arrived."

Fluttershy spoke "Oh dear! This harpy’s wings need to be bandaged, STAT!"

Danyelle spoke "I'll leave those shackles for Swiftrunner to deal with."

Swiftrunner spoke "Right."

Danyelle shot an Ice Beam at a tree not far from the group.

Holo growls "You might as well come out Tirek before I take my fangs to your neck!"

The tree became frozen solid from that attack.

Danyelle was growling.

Holo growls "Come out RIGHT NOW TIREK!!"


Rei asks "Oh boy. Should I bring him out so we don’t do anything reckless?"

Holo doesn't say a thing before darting off into the forest thus chasing a rather frail Tirek out.

Danyelle growls "Well, if it isn't Tirek."

Rei spoke "Not like he can do much harm right now."

Danyelle spoke "He better not pull anything or he'll be locked up again. Oh hold on, I'm getting a call from an unknown person via telepathy."

Danyelle goes quiet since she switched to telepathy.

Danyelle groans "{What the fuck do you want now Blitz? Can't you understand that I'm dealing with a trio of rescued slaves?}"

Blitzo spoke "{Well, weird things have been going on in Tartarus, but it’s pretty much normal.}"

Danyelle asks "{Such as an escaped centaur?}"

Blitzo spoke "{Huh, never noticed.}"

Danyelle spoke "{And since today is New Year's Eve...}"

Blitzo gasps "{Wait, what? Oh shit… Us demons down in the Pride ring better take cover and hide good, ‘cause exorcists are coming down to clean up.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Don't bother with hiding Giovanni and Ghetsis though, those two assholes were both killed by Twilight.}"

Blitzo spoke "{Hey, those two buckos are new and don’t know about the Execution at the end of each year.}"

Danyelle giggles "{Giovanni made the dick move of angering Twilight when he tried to take Nyx from her. Then Ghetsis got sliced to pieces when Huey and a bunch of children got kidnapped.}"

Blitzo laughs "{Haha! Wow! If you were already in Hell, I’d offer you to join I.M.P.!}"

Danyelle spoke "{Maybe there could be an above-ground branch!}"

Blitzo laughs "{Hehe, really? What would it be called? K.I.L.L.? HA!}"

Danyelle spoke "{Oh hardee har har. All jokes aside, I'm curious about what happened to my real parents.}"

Blitzo spoke "{Eh, who knows. But if they’re really how you remember, then maybe they’re innocent souls stuck in Hell who got fucked over by someone else.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Based on the vision I had of my real father, he was killed by assassins. But I don't remember what happened to my real mom since I was too little to remember. So if they are trapped there... Please protect them...}"

Blitzo spoke "{…*Sigh* Another bodyguard job, but I know if I don’t do this, you’ll never let me hear the fucking end of it.}"

Danyelle spoke "{I won't be making a habit of this. Plus my friends and I will do what we can to stop those damned exorcists.}"


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