• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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New Year's Cleansing

*Blitzo’s POV*

Come on, come on. Where the hell is she? It’s bad enough I didn’t notice the count on the Big Bang tower showing less than a day until the Extermination.

A warp ring opens up before Danyelle floated through.

Danyelle asks "You looking for your adopted daughter?"

“What gave that away?” I scoffed.

Danyelle spoke "Dimensional Scream remember? I got that ability from my real mom."

“Yeah, well see that giant clock tower?” I asked as I pointed at said clock tower. “That’s the countdown.”

Danyelle spoke "And since I look like a demonic Mew right now, the exorcists might mistake me for a demon and try to kill me."

“Then get the hell outta here if you wanna save your ass!” I scoffed.

Danyelle spoke "I'm not running away with my tails between my legs. Only a real coward would do that."

“Don’t you get it? They’ll fucking kill you!” I pointed out.

Danyelle tail slaps me across the face hard.

Danyelle growls "Don't be a fucking ass! I can defend myself easily since my Chaos Barrier can't be broken that easy."

“Do you even realize how overcrowded Hell’s getting?!” I pointed out!

Danyelle snaps "I'm not blind you fucking ass!"

“Well, that’s why this is happening!” I responded.

Danyelle spoke "And I don't think it can be stopped though."

“Well, yeah. Mortals are full of dark secrets, which is why a ton of ‘em end up here.” I explained.

Danyelle spoke "Same with the immortals. One big example is Celestia's love of cake."

“…I’m not gonna go into that.” I surprisingly admitted.

Danyelle spoke "I'd rather not get a fireball to the tails by Celestia."

“Really? How’d she take it if you challenged her to a cake-eating contest?” I smirked.

Danyelle spoke "Go cough up a hairball you ass, I'd lose though."

Then I dashed off into one of my real good hiding spots.

Danyelle turns herself invisible before floating after me.

Danyelle whispers "I swear, those angels have no sense of real justice..."

“Ya mean the Exorcists?” I checked.

Danyelle whispers "Yeah... But if my recent vision is right, they might target all rings this year..."

“Okay, that’s just insane, in a bad way, even for me.” I responded.

Danyelle whispers "Fuck yeah it is and if those assholes decide to target the above-ground demons... It won't end well..."

“So now what?” I asked.

Danyelle stuffs an apple into my mouth to shut me up.

Danyelle whispers "Shh, I hear them coming..."

Then the clock tower went off as Exorcists appeared.

Danyelle threw up a cloaking barrier to hide me from the exorcists better.

Danyelle whispers "Keep your voice low or they'll find us."

"Whaddya think I'm doing?" I whispered back.

Danyelle whispers "We don't know they've got keen hearing or not."

“Yeah, so keep it down.” I whispered back.

Danyelle kept still so that she didn't give my location away.

Danyelle whispers "I've already alerted a friend of mine about these exorcists, she's on her way now."

“Who exactly?” I whispered back again.

Danyelle whispers "Sonic and I know her as Bayonetta."

“And who is she?” I whispered back.

Danyelle whispers "It's best you don't know."

A voice spoke "SUNDENNA!"

A giant monstrous horse demon suddenly showed up with a female bat Mobian riding it as the demon slashed a group of Exorcists with the horn-like sword on its head.

After pulling a sword out from her hammerspace, Danyelle yowls as she flew into battle.


Ten of the Exorcists got shredded.

The bat Mobian fired at Exorcists with blue guns in her hands and at the back of her feet.

Danyelle spoke "Since these robo-bastards are holy aligned, let's give 'em some Chaos!"

Danyelle launches a Chaos Scar at the exorcists, shredding dozens of them!

Danyelle spoke "*Smile* Alright!"

Danyelle whips up a hella nasty tornado, blowing away all of the exorcists.

Danyelle laughs "And boom! Outta here!"

Danyelle's left ear twitches before shooting down a stray exorcist that was chasing a pair of demons.

Danyelle asks "You two okay?"

The female demon spoke "Yes, thank you. Hmm? You somehow feel familiar."

Danyelle spoke "Oh right... I'm in Mew form right now hence why I don't look familiar."

A swirl of fire later and Danyelle was back in her nekomata-gryphon form.

The pair of demons gasped in shock.

Danyelle asks "What?"

The female demon asks "Danyelle...? Is that... truly you?"

With tears welling up in her eyes, Danyelle spoke "Mom.... Dad...."

And thus, the wall that Danyelle had built up over the past 30 years had crumbled to dust as she cried her heart out while hugging her biological parents.

I decided not to butt into this one, it would ruin the fuckin' moment.

A brown colored Mew was on Cereza's head.

Cereza spoke "Pardon my interruption, Danyelle, but one of your little ones is here."

Danyelle asks "Which one?"

Rani spoke "Mama!"

Danyelle gasps "Rani?"

The brown furred Mew was now on her mother's head.

Then fireworks went off, which means that Princess Charlie's signaling the Pride Ring that the Extermination's over as the clock tower counter reset to 365 days until it happens again.

Danyelle spoke "Thank stars that's over. It would have been worse if I hadn't come to help."

The female demon asks "Danyelle, who's that on your head?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh, that's one of my daughters. Her name is Rani."

The demon couple gasp "Daughter?!"

Danyelle spoke "Not counting the ones I adopted, I have six children. Five girls and one boy."

The female demon spoke "I want to meet your whole family!"

Danyelle spoke "Including adopted children, I have 14 in total. Eldest to youngest are Bluestar, Gallus, Graystripe, Ravenpaw, Flintfur, Irene, Dart, Pouncer, Ruffrunner, Rani, Tikal, Akoya, Daria and Damien. I took Gallus in since he was an orphan. But that's just my family alone. Sonic's got nine wives."

The male demon spoke "That’s a lot."

Danyelle spoke "Irene, Rani, Akoya, Daria and Damien are blood related but Tikal isn't since she's more or less of a reincarnation of another from 4000 years ago."

The female demon asks "Do you think you can help take us back to the surface?"

Danyelle spoke "That choice would have to fall to the ruler since I'm not royalty."

Of fucking course, Lucifer gets to decide that.

Rani glares at me.

“What’s with her?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "She's too young to understand swear words."

“Not like she’ll remember.” I scoffed.

Danyelle spoke "If she does, I'll be there to remind her what's right and what's wrong."

The female demon spoke "*Smile* That’s my girl."

Danyelle's left tail swishes, causing a rubber duck to fall out since it was Rani's favorite toy.

Rani instantly leapt at the rubber duck, playing with it.

It was obvious that the toy had bite marks on it since Rani's teeth were starting to appear.

Danyelle giggles "Wow, my little lioness is growing already."

Rani mewls happily.

Danyelle spoke "Hmm… Still, I should go talk to Lucifer about it."

Picking Rani and the half chewed toy up, Danyelle took flight while dragging me along with magic.

“Hey hey hey! What’re doin’?!” I asked, not liking where this was going.

Danyelle spoke "Go cough up a hairball will you? I don't know where the dude's place is!"

“Oh.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "You know the area better than I do."

Soon, we got to Lucifer’s castle.

Rani asks "Mama?"

Danyelle spoke "It’s gonna be okay, Rani."

The squeaking of Rani's toy soon reaches Lucifer's ears.

Lucifer asks "Who are you? And what brings you here to my humble abode?"

Danyelle spoke "My name is Danyelle Hikari, the little one on my head is one of my daughters. Her name is Rani."

Lucifer spoke "Hmm… I’ve heard of the name Danyelle before."

Danyelle spoke "You probably heard it as Danyelle Doucet though but my last name is Hikari now."

Lucifer asks "Oh? You know Tina and Ken Doucet?"

Danyelle spoke "Faintly but yes."

Lucifer asks "Still, why are you here?"

Danyelle spoke "I saw the clock in my Dimensional Scream so I came to warn Blitz about the cleansing."

Lucifer spoke "Ah, guess some of the demons didn’t notice the counter on the Clock Tower being at zero."

Danyelle spoke "My quick thinking saved them."

Lucifer spoke "And I see you had help from an Umbra Witch."

Danyelle asks "You heard of them?"

A male spoke "I told him about ‘em. Seemed fair since we’re both fallen angels."

We turned around, seeing a bald male bull Mobian with sunglasses.

Danyelle was snickering since she had come up with an idea before opening a warp ring as a purple furred Mobian whippet bitch with bat wings fell out of it, landing on top of me.

Belladonna groans "Ugh… What did ya do that for?"

Danyelle was floating in the air while giggling.

Danyelle giggles "Look who you pinned down."

Belladonna asks "Huh?"

Danyelle giggles "I don't care if Cadence yells at me for this later but I just couldn't stand by and let a lonely demoness keep being lonely, now could I?"

Belladonna asks "What’re you talking about?"

Danyelle giggles "You were looking for love right? Well, there is a demon under you who is single."

Belladonna growls "*Angered blush* Is that supposed to be a joke?!"

Well, did not see this happening.

Danyelle growls "Don't make me call Annabelle down here."

*Meanwhile in Heaven*

Annabelle had flown into a fit of rage after hearing what the exorcists had tried to do.


Nothing happened before she heard something.

A voice spoke "What do you mean mortals from the living realm drove you off?! That’s impossible!"

Annabelle flew over to where she heard the conversation.

Annabelle was furious at the male.


Adam spoke "They’re in Hell, why should I care? I’m doing this to protect Heaven from Lucifer and to keep Hell’s population under control."

Annabelle snaps "For heaven's sake Adam! Overpopulation or not, it DOESN'T give you an excuse to kill them! And since Danyelle's one of nine known Avatars, she'd SHRED you to pieces if you attacked her kids! It's bad enough that the alicorn known as Twilight Sparkle had to make two kills on her own!"

Adam scoffs "Tch, you don’t realize we’ve been doing this at the end of every year."

Annabelle groans "Next thing you'll try is going after the demons that live on the surface! Especially the ones in Princess Celestia's family!"

Annabelle gasped and covered her mouth after saying that.

A voice spoke "That’s enough, you two."

Annabelle immediately knelt down.

Annabelle spoke "High Goddess Faust, this imbecile tried to kill off the demons down in Tartarus again. Among the demons were a pair of nekomatas, a male and a female."

High Goddess Faust sighs "I understand that Adam cares for Heaven, but he’s been in this for a bit too long. I think he needs a break for the year."

Annabelle spoke "High Goddess, one of the demons is a cousin of mine and if she got killed..."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Annabelle, please calm yourself. And you forget that Adam going to kill lives that are living in the middle realm is kind of illegal. I don’t want another mess like Lyle Lipton, even though it was accidental."

Annabelle spoke "Yes High Goddess, and I forgot to mention that the blue aqua is also illegal for the mortals to use."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Not much we can do about that though if they do get used."

Annabelle spoke "But the one known as Iris Cromwell should have ascended to heaven by now."

High Goddess Faust spoke "You forget about the Dragon Balls, especially the Namekian Dragon Balls."

Annabelle spoke "But High Goddess, have you forgotten that elderly vixen? She had severe internal bleeding and it couldn't be fixed."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Old age is a natural cause, but internal bleeding isn’t."

Annabelle spoke "That aside, we should keep Adam on a tighter leash next year."

High Goddess Faust spoke "That’s what I meant by a break this year."

Annabelle spoke "Perhaps I should handle the next cleansing."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Are you sure you know what you’re saying? That job is FAR from clean."

Annabelle spoke "On second thought, maybe we should leave it to the Nekomata of Redemption. She's not as cold-hearted as the racist jerk is unless her kids are threatened."

*Back in Tartarus*

Danyelle asks "So Belladonna, what will you do?"

Belladonna retorts "*Embarrassed blush* Will you please just quit it already?!"

Welp, this is getting dragged out.

Rani giggles "Maybe he dwives you batty?"

Danyelle snickers "Good one Rani."

Belladonna spoke "That’s it, Danyelle!"

Belladonna started chasing Danyelle, who flew off.

Lucifer spoke "Hmm… I thought Danyelle wanted to see me about her parents."

Rani spoke "I no think gwanpa and gwanma can live on suwface, they no have physical bodies."

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK6TXMsvgQg was heard as Danyelle flew about, dodging Belladonna's fireballs as she taunted the whippet.

Lucifer spoke "You forget that they became Sinner Demons. And since I’ve got a family myself, I’ll let them go."

Rani spoke "Mama told me that gwanpa gave his life to save hers when she was vewy little."

Lucifer spoke "And I admit, that truly touched me."

After dropkicking Belladonna at me, Danyelle spoke "I don't think the dragon balls can undo 30 years of being here to my real parents. But maybe... There is another way!"

Lucifer asks "Oh? And what’s that?"

Danyelle spoke "Back when Scootaloo's parents and aunts had Oripathy... Sonic, Newlestia, Celestia and I had used Soul Transfer to turn the four infected ponies into something else. Snap's an echidna, Mane's a hippogriff, Loftwing's a chakat and Holiday's also an echidna."

Lucifer spoke "Hmm… Interesting."

Danyelle spoke "Since my real mom is half gryphon like I am, there is a chance that she might be reborn as a Grecian sphinx since Egyptian sphinxes don't have wings."

Lucifer spoke "Now that would be quite interesting to witness."

Danyelle spoke "Only problem is, I know a Mewtwo that's terrified of ghosts."


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