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The Tournament Begins!

*Danyelle's POV*

In about an hour or so, the tournament was about to begin.

Then Vetur showed up. “All done! Here’s the size-changing necklace for Midnight.”

Twilight spoke "He won't be needing it until he starts school though."

Vetur spoke "True. Hold onto it until the time’s right. And ya know, Midnight is kinda like Paul Bunyan."

Twilight spoke "He got the size from his parents."

Vetur spoke "Yeah. But who knows? Maybe he’ll be bigger. But I don’t think that’ll happen. But if it does, I’ll make me and my husband immobile and fat alone for a week."

Twilight spoke "Due to the pony genes, I think Midnight will likely be half Kurama's size."

Vetur spoke "Possibly. *Brings out her right hand/paw* May the best Smasher win."

Using her left wing to shake Vetur's hand, Twilight spoke "May the best Smasher win."

The two shook hands before they let go.

Twilight spoke "I thought you’d pull something on me."

Vetur spoke "Not blaming ya. But on tournaments like this, I don’t like putting potential opponents at disadvantages."

Twilight spoke "Since Danyelle's got that Supernova form, she'll have to have restrictions in place."

Vetur spoke "But I have a feeling that the Supernova form is a last resort."

Twilight spoke "It'll take quite a lot to cause Danyelle to take that form. And oh look, it seems Danyelle and Megaman.EXE are up against Bowser."

Danyelle spoke "So... We meet again... Stupid turtle."

Bowser scoffs Hmph… Crazy hairball."

Danyelle growls "Are you talking to me?"

Megaman spoke "Uh oh, he called her a hairball..."

Danyelle growls "Are you talking to me?"

Roll spoke "He shouldn't have said that...."

Danyelle hisses "ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?!?"

Roll and Megaman both spoke "Now he's in for it!"

Danyelle yowls "MY NAME IS DANYELLE!!!"

Danyelle teleported fast before Bowser could land the first strike and grabs his tail, spinning around fast in a circle.

Danyelle laughs "So long Gay Bowser!"

Danyelle threw Bowser right into a wall before a strange jester ran by.

Twilight spoke "Gamer cat..."

Megaman asks "What was that?"

The Warner Siblings then showed up.

Yakko spoke "A Running Gag."

Wakko did a rimshot on drums after that.

Danyelle set Yakko's pants on fire.

Yakko yelps "Gah! Hey! These pants are trademark!"

Wakko came back in a firefighter outfit as he sprayed his big brother with water from a hose, extinguishing the flames.

Danyelle spoke "You just realized that you interfered in a Smash tournament right? You weren't selected though, I was."

Yakko spoke "We were only answering a question."

Dot spoke "Besides, we were given the jobs as color commentators."

A Chaos Blast sends the trio flying.

Danyelle spoke "Nice try brats, Master Hand decides who is taking part."

But then a floating giant left hand grabbed the Warners.

But another giant floating hand slapped the first one.

Danyelle spoke "Weird."

Megaman spoke "But I thought Crazy was killed by that monster..."

Danyelle spoke "Must’ve been a spirit."

Megaman spoke "If that was the case then those three should be stuck in the wall by now."

We looked and saw the Warners on a wall.

Danyelle growls "Don't make me call Elmyra....."

But they didn’t react, revealing the wall to be just a picture, telling us that they already went back home.

Danyelle growls "Who's dumbass idea was it to add them in as commentators?"

Master Hand spoke "Beats me."

Megaman asks "So who won this round?"

We then heard an explosion.

Master Hand spoke "And the winner is… The Tag-trio of Danyelle, Megaman.EXE and Roll.EXE!"

Danyelle spoke "I'm part of a tag-trio though since my brother is Megaman.EXE."

Megaman spoke "It's true sir."

Looking at the schedule, Danyelle spoke "Seems Twilight's in a tag-trio with Kurama and Matatabi... And they're up against Red!"

Twilight spoke "Well, I hope you’re ready."

Red doesn't say a thing, so he sends out Squirtle first.

To Twilight's surprise, Eren and Mikasa were sparring in the background since the current location was outside Trost.

Twilight roars loud before tail whacking the Squirtle hard and sending it flying.

But then Squirtle went back into his pokeball before Red sent out Ivysaur.

Twilight used a direwolf skill on the Ivysaur, scaring it badly thus making it go back into its ball.

Red then brought out Charizard.

Twilight spoke "Heh, time to fight fire with fire!"

Twilight blasted a smash ball with her magic before she engulfs herself in fire, transforming to Twirama.

Twirama roars loud.

Red sighed before a smash ball appeared as Charizard shattered it, before Red brought out a Mega Bracelet, allowing him and Charizard to use a solo final smash, evolving the Pokémon into Mega Charizard X, before the mega evolution roared back.

Twirama used the Roar of the Elders to push Mega Charizard X back.

But then Mega Charizard X had blue flames going around him as he charged up for an attack.

Magenta flames swirl around Twirama.

Mega Charizard X shot all of his charged up flames at Twirama, creating a fiery fissure that erupted beneath her.

But due to the fire powers Twilight had, she barely felt a thing.

Twirama laughs "Was that it? I'll show you real fire power! FIRE EXPLOSION!!!"

A pillar of magenta fire engulfed Mega Charizard X, knocking the fire lizard off of the stage.

Master Hand spoke "And the winner is… PRINCESS TWILIGHT!"

Twirama roars loud in victory.

Red tipped his hat with a smile, acknowledging Twirama’s strength.

After reverting back, Twilight threw up.

Popping up out of Twilight's shadow, Twiliterasu spoke "Woof {Smash sickness... I heard that it happens to a lot of new fighters.}"

Chameleo spoke "Huh. Must be a thing in this universe. And before you say anything, I’m only a spectator in this tournament."

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof. {Smash sickness tends to bother a lot of greenhorn Smashers though since they aren't used to it yet.}"

Vetur then showed up. “Ooh, I’m getting excited!”

Danyelle flew over since she had recently creamed Banjo and Kazooie in a fight.

Danyelle spoke "By the looks of it, Vetur is going up against the echo fighter.... Twiliterasu."

Twiliterasu gasps "WOOF?!? {WHAT?!?}"

Vetur spoke "Whoa! Now THIS will really test my strength!"

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark {You thinks you're stronger than me? I don't think so!!}"

Vetur spoke "Well, it looks like one of the coliseums from my daughter’s dimension will be our battle ground."

Danyelle spoke "About that, the location has already been picked. It's the Far Far Range."

Vetur spoke "Oops! My mistake. I get things confused sometimes."

Danyelle spoke "No worries, just watch out for them tarrs."

Vetur asks "Guessing they’re a gimmick on that stage?"

Danyelle spoke "Yes but a very dangerous one... Though not as dangerous as titans."

Vetur spoke "Oh."

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark {Fight me if you dare, chicken.}"

That made Vetur freeze as a strange mask fell onto the battlefield.

Vetur spoke "Oh no… You did not just call me a chicken!"

Vetur went into her 1,000 pound form before noticing the mask.

Vetur spoke "And you won’t like what happens when I’m called a chicken!"

Vetur grabbed the mask and put it on her face, before it molded around her head as she spun into a Draconequus-sized whirlwind before stopping with her head green and smiling. “Ssssssssmokin’!”

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark woof bark {Strange mask or not, you're still gonna lose!}"

The Mask spoke "Well, I’ll come off her face when she uses her final smash."

Vetur? pulled a rope before a safe fell on Twiliterasu.

A foggy mist had surrounded Twiliterasu, slowing time down so that she could avoid the safe.

Vetur? brought out a small car horn and squeezed it gently before the horn grew into a giant mouth and emitted a terribly loud honk.

Twiliterasu countered with a powerful hurricane, knocking the masked draconequus back.

The Mask spoke "Wow! Gotta thank you for that, ‘cause you sent me flying right into the Smash Ball."

The said Smash Ball shatters as the head head turned back into a mask and went of Vetur’s face.

Vetur spoke "Now you’ll see my real power!"

Twiliterasu soon had the mask on her face.

Twiliterasu started laughing before calling down a right nasty thunderstorm, zapping Vetur over and over.

Vetur spoke "You’re right in front of me."

Vetur snapped her fingers, teleporting herself and Twiliterasu to an astral plane, with the masked fighter by herself. She looked up to find a randomly spinning 16 sexdecillion-pound Vetur flying right toward her, much to me and everyone else’s shock.

Twiliterasu spoke "AWOOOO!! {TIME STOP!}"

Vetur crashed right into Twiliterasu with her chest right as time stopped.

Twiliterasu glows brightly before unleashing her Final Smash on Vetur.

Twiliterasu spoke "AWOOOO! {SOLARIS STORM!!!!}"

The full brunt of the attack sends Vetur flying far.

But that also caused Vetur impossibly obese body to rebound, sending Twiliterasu flying far as well, before both of them flew off the stage.

Twiliterasu grabbed the ledge with her vines, avoiding a knock out.

But then her vines suddenly snapped, causing her to fall.

Twiliterasu flew back up onto the stage.

Twiliterasu howls loud.

But then we all felt a earthquake of cosmic proportions, telling us that Vetur crashed outside the stage, even though we can still see her.

Danyelle spoke "Guess the godly alicorn wins this round."

Master Hand spoke "And the winner is… TWILITERASU!"

Twiliterasu howls once again.

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof! {I’ll admit, Vetur was a challenge.}"

Danyelle spoke "I wonder who I face next."

The cloaked figure spoke "It appears I’m you next opponent."

Danyelle spoke "Fiery Nekomata versus mystery ninja...."

The male spoke "I must warn you, do not take me lightly."

Danyelle spoke "I won't go down that easy."

The male spoke "Yes, I can sense that."

The cloaked figure went into a stance that was really familiar to Chameleo.

Danyelle was in her kung fu stance as she prepared herself to fight.

Danyelle charged forward while trying to disorient the cloaked figure before he started to spin.

The male spoke "Rotation!"

An impenetrable barrier then appeared around him, blocking Danyelle’s attack as she was sent back a bit. But as the figure stopped, his cloak went flying away, revealed to be a Gallade with white eyes, before Chameleo gasped.

Chameleo gasps "Galleji?!"

Galleji spoke "I can see you're strong, which means I must fight with everything I have. Byakugan!"

Galleji’s eyes sharpened as veins popped up on his face next to his eyes.

Hinata gasps "That's the Hyuga clan specialty!"

Chameleo spoke "Let’s just say that he’s a counterpart of your cousin, Neji Hyuga."

Hinata spoke "But my cousin is dead...."

Due to Danyelle's keen ears, she was able to dodge Galleji's attack since she had trained under Toph to listen for movements in the air.

Chameleo spoke "I understand, and I’m sorry for that, Hinata. The Galleji in the mirror world is dead as well."

Danyelle attacked, only for Galleji to dodge and jabbed her arm.

But Danyelle countered with a Fire Fang attack since she had trained with an Entei.

Galleji winced before he threw Danyelle behind him with a swing.

Danyelle's wings were soon flapping.

Danyelle spoke "Fire Release: FIRE BLADE!!!"

Twilight spoke "She's fast.... But not as fast as Sonic though."

Danyelle fired a blade made of fire, before Galleji dodged it as it shattered a smash ball before landing.


Danyelle fused with Megaman and Roll to become Megadanyoll.

Megadanyoll spoke "GIGA BUSTER! FLAME SHOT!!!"

The attack sends Galleji flying off the stage.

But he then disappeared, revealed to be a shadow clone, as the real Galleji was right behind her.

Galleji spoke "8 Triagrams… 64 Palms!"

Galleji then unleashed a storm of jabs.

Galleji spoke "1 palm. 2 palms. 4 palms. 8 palms. 16 palms. 32 palms. 8 Triagrams; 64 Palms!"

Galleji jumped away after striking Megadanyoll.

Megadanyoll smirks suddenly as her fur glowed red.

Megadanyoll spoke "HERE'S MY OTHER FINAL SMASH! CHAOS..... BLAST!!!!"

The Chaos Blast was so sudden that Galleji didn't have time to react and it sent him flying off the stage with a Goofy yell.

Chameleo snickered. “That… Has never happened before!” Chameleo then fell down onto his back in laughter.

Twilight was on her back while laughing.

Twilight spoke "Oh my god.... That was hilarious!"

Naruto and Leon were in the same situation as Twilight and Chameleo.

Rainbow was heard laughing.

And so was RD, Raptor and Raptoris.

Megadanyoll was also laughing.

Hinata giggled a bit.

Master Hand spoke "And the winner is… The Tag-trio of Danyelle, Megaman.EXE and Roll.EXE!"

Megadanyoll splits back into Danyelle, Megaman.EXE and Roll.EXE.

Danyelle giggles "I still cant believe I sent him flying... and that yell! Oh god! it's too much!"

Then Captain Celaeno showed up. “Hahaha! Yeah!”

All of a sudden, Danyelle's cutie mark was glowing thus indicating a problem had popped up in Capper's home town of Abyssinia.

Danyelle spoke "Oh boy."

Melira soon arrives via warp ring.

Melira spoke "My fur feels like it's on fire though...."
