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Rescuing Cozy Glow

*Ren's POV (still)*

Sunset spoke "We should find a way to free her."

Oracle spoke "It’ll be hard. Look at all of the crystal walls. Some of them have to be connected to the prison keeps."

Sumire spoke "Not to mention that we have to find the trauma cell one we get to the bird cage."

Danyelle spoke "I'm not that kind of nekomata to give up. Hold on... I see another cage! A bigger one!"

Ryuji spoke "Dude! That’s gotta be the birdcage!"

Yusuke spoke "But in order to create a path, we must collect the power cores in all three prison keeps."

Sunset asks "Is it just me or has a storm broken out?"

Danyelle spoke "Wait, that storm is right at Sweet Apple Acres, and there’s some kind of prison at that place!"

Morgana spoke "Which means that’s the first prison keep we go to here."

Oracle spoke "Fortunately, it’s a clear path to there! Just watch out for shadows or sentries."

Sunset spoke "We don't have Twilight with us which makes it harder for Danyelle to use the Danylight form or the Danyterama form."

Zenkichi spoke "Well, you both be careful."

Mona spoke "Wolf’s right, because since you two don’t have personas, your desires could be stolen by the sentries."

As if fate would have it, Yuki and Lune show up via warp ring since the white cat had pinpointed Danyelle's location.

Yuki spoke "But Lune and I have personas, I've got Bellona and he's got Thor."

Queen spoke "That’s great, but you two will need code names so your identities won’t be revealed to the shadows."

Yuki spoke "Call me Ice."

Lune spoke "And call me Nightshade."

Noir spoke "I think that’s perfect for you two."

Looking at Noir, Yuki asks "Do I know you?"

Noir spoke "Oh, my name is Haru Okumura."

Yuki spoke "Guess I mistook you for a Haru Yoshioka then."

Panther spoke "It’s okay. Joker Met two “Roy”s."

Danyelle's ears perk up before she started growling.

A voice asks "Who are you?! What are you doing in the empress’ kingdom?!"

We looked behind us as we saw sentries around us.

Sunset spoke "Uh guys, I see three cats trapped in the same cage... Two females and a male...."

Mona spoke "Oh no! That means their desires have already been stolen!"

Danyelle's eyes shimmer.

Danyelle growls "Cuss it! It's Haru and Travis along with their daughter, Louise!"

Louise was crying loudly since she was scared.

Out of nowhere, an immortal ginger and cream furred Mobian tomcat with a tux outfit and emerald green eyes was on the back of Toto as the large crow flew at a sentry and grabbing it with his talons and flinging it far.

Mona gasps "What the?!"

Yuki spoke "I asked Toto to go get Baron in case things happened to Haru."

A portly white furred Mobian tom with a brown ear was beating up sentries.

Danyelle spoke "And the butterball's here too."

Mona giggles "Sheesh, you got the ball part right."

Danyelle giggles "Haru, Natoru and I tend to pick on Muta a lot though. His other names are Fatso, Moo-ta, Buta, Tubby and Fat Friend. But his real name is Renaldo Moon."

Mona spoke "Well, I’m case any of you need a ride… Morgana… Transform!"

Mona jumped into the air and transformed into a van, much to some of the others’ shock.

Danyelle and Sunset grab Lune and Yuki before taking flight.

Toto had grabbed Muta.

Queen spoke "Gun it!"

Queen drives Mona while me and the rest of the Phantom Thieves were in the van right to the first Prison Keep.

Danyelle, Sunset and Toto fly after the bus while carrying the four cats.

Queen spoke "Alright! We’re just about at the Prison Keep!"

Baron spoke "Right!"

Sophie spoke "Let’s go!"

We arrived inside the Prison Keep, encountering a huge sentry as we got out of Morgana before she transformed back.

The sentry spoke "How did you get here?! We won’t let you have the artifact!"

The Sentry then transformed into a giant Expressionless Beast.

Danyelle passes Yuki over to Toto before engulfing herself in fire, transforming to Danyterasu.

Danyterasu claws the unicorn's face.

A UFO then floated above us, while me and the Phantom Thieves knew it was Oracle.

Oracle spoke "Great shot, Danyterasu! But the enemy’s weak to curse attacks!"

Danyterasu asks "Then what about chaos powers?"

Danyterasu shot a chaos spear at the unicorn after snapping the horn off.

Oracle spoke "Knocked the enemy right off their feet! Awesome work, Danyterasu!"

“Everyone, now!” I shouted as we executed an all-out attack, before landing on the ground with Danyterasu landing in front of us.

Danyterasu spoke "CHAOS.... BLAST SPEAR!!!!"

The full brunt of a Chaos Blast was concentrated into spear form and destroys the sentry.

Oracle spoke "Now that was stylish!"

Danyterasu spoke "Shadow taught me how to use the same chaos powers he has."

Wolf spoke "Heh. Not bad, kid."

Danyterasu growls "I'm 30 you dunderhead."

Wolf growls "Hey! You’re talking to an officer!"

Yuki spoke "You might want to watch your tone sir, she may be the Nekomata of Redemption but she's also an alpha-queen..."

Wolf spoke "Look, my days of barking are done. I’m gonna hunt Owada down, and bring him to justice!"

Danyterasu snarls at Wolf in an alpha manner.

Danyterasu snarls "Retired or not, you will stand down before I decide to turn you into a wolfskin rug."

Wolf sighs "Whoa whoa whoa! Take it easy! I was just messing around. *Nervous chuckle* Why do I get myself in these situations?"

Yuki spoke "Sorry about that, Dany's got a fiery temper since she's a pyromancer like my sister in-law is."

Danyterasu asks "Wait… Who’s Owada?"

Wolf spoke "He’s the guy who killed my wife in a hit-and-run."

Danyterasu spoke "Oh cuss...."

Wolf spoke "My daughter, Akane is still alive. In fact, she saw that death first-person, and told every authority, even me, and I knew she was telling the truth. So I started my own investigation, but then a threat letter came to me, telling me to either end the investigation, or Akane dies. So I ended the investigation, thinking it was to protect my daughter, but I was just as rotten as those criminals, using others for my own gain, even the Phantom Thieves. But I’m not running anymore! This time, I’ll find the proof to arrest Owada, so that Aoi could rest peacefully."

Danyterasu spoke "Well, you've got help this time. If anything happens to you, I can take Akane in. Plus my friends can help."

Wolf spoke "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it. And if that does happen, tell Akane that her dad went down trying to arrest Owada."

Danyterasu spoke "I swear on my magic."

Yuki spoke "Plus you have help from the keenest and bravest of the Mobian Guard."

Oracle spoke "But even so, Owada’s gonna be hard to arrest. But if we change Konoe’s heart back in Japan, he’ll confess his crimes and involvement with Owada’s crimes."

Violet spoke "We already got to his birdcage, all that’s left is his trauma cell."

Danyterasu spoke "Good thing I got the Tokyo Five on that case, they're from Japan. Twilight went with them in case Konoe attacks them."

*Twilight’s POV*

We found the home that Akira Konoe lived in while he was a kid and entered the friend code ‘Zephyrman’, taking us into his trauma cell in the metaverse.

Zoey spoke "Be on guard girls, this guy might be dangerous."

“Girls, this is the house twenty years ago.” I informed before a man suddenly appeared, his back facing towards us.

Renee asks "Are you Konoe?"

Zoey spoke "Wait... I think that's Konoe's father."

The man however didn't hear us and started talking to someone else. "You little shit... Who do you think feeds you every day, huh?! I swear, you're just a bill. All you do is eat up MY hard-earned money!"

Then we heard a faint voice of a young boy, but we didn't see him anywhere. "Ngh... Ah... Dad, stop..."

"Don't talk back to me! Rrgh!" Konoe's father growled as he punched something invisible three times, like he was beating up someone.

A faint voice spoke "Somebody... please..."

Needless to say, seeing something in the past like this left us speechless and really angry.

I was snarling in anger.

Konoe's Father sighs "Keeping you around's a real pain in the ass. Maybe I should just kill you too."

"...Too?" The faint voice asked in confusion.

"If she'd just handed over the money when I told her to... Nobody ever takes me seriously!" Konoe's Father growled before the faint voice, me and the Tokyo Five realized what he meant.

The faint voice spoke "No... Not Mom... You didn't..."

But then a TV Audio from upstairs came on. "Here he comes! Enemy of Evil! Champion of those in need! Listen up, viewers! It's time to band together and call for Zephyrman, protector of justice! Zephyrmaaan!"

Konoe's Father scoffs "Huh? Guess I left the TV on..."

The faint voice spoke "Okay... I get it now. There are no heroes... No one's coming to save me. It's up to me... I have to become stronger... I have to. I'll kill him...! And then I'll be the hero!"

"What the cuss are you mumbling about, you freak? Not like it matters, you'll be joining your mother soon enough!" Konoe's Father declared before he turned around and walked towards us. "I'LL KILL YOU!" He roared as Konoe's Father transformed into a warden monster with bazookas, before me and the Tokyo Five found ourselves surrounded by jail cells. "It's like I'm some kind of joke to people... You want to die? Trust me, I'll be glad to get rid of you!"

I blasted the bars with fire, freeing myself and the others.

Zoey growls "I just can't believe that guy! Killing his own wife over some money!"

I snarl "Too bad we can't interfere though..."

Renee growls "Or can we?"

But then the monster launched a fire projectile from one of his bazookas. "Would you just die already? Your mother knew when to quit, why don't you?!"

I fired a Tailed Beast Bomb at the monster, hitting it.

But then the monster retaliated with an ice projectile from another one of its bazookas. "Let's see you keep that mopey little face when you're dead! Hahahahaha!"

I roar loud, knocking the ice attack back at the monster.

I shout "FIRE KYUBI ROAR!!!!"

Zoey shouts "FIRE NEKO YOWL!!!!"

Corina screeches "AERIAL FEATHER BLADE!!!!"

All three of our attacks hit the monster, damaging it a good amount before it shot electrical and wind projectiles from its bottom two bazookas. "A protector of justice? Hahahahaha! Did one of those things save you?"

Renee spoke "Ren told us that Konoe honestly thought he was a hero. So this is why he's trying to be one."

Bridget spoke "It's because he had no friends to help him... It's unbearable..."

I growl "Konoe! Listen! A strong man stands up for himself, a stronger man stands up for others!"

A roar was heard before a larger than normal earth stallion rams head first into the monster, biting it.

But it didn't sound like I was heard as the monster prepared for an almighty shot from all four bazookas in unison at once. "Wipe that stupid look off your face! I call the shots, you little freak!"

Zoey spoke "Ugh! I'm sick of this!"

Out of nowhere, a Heaven's Piercing Light hits the monster and knocked it back.

Twiliterasu howls "Bark howl bark bark! {Help has arrived!}"

Two Chaos Spears hit the monster thus wounding it.

Maria flew into battle while carrying Shadow.

A Gale Wing Strike slices the monster's skin.

Ezekiel screeches "ATTACK!!!!"

We all attacked the monster, destroying it.

"So that was Konoe's father... He suffered being alone all of his life..." I lamented, knowing that Cozy Glow would've ended up the same if Danyelle didn't have that vision.

Shadow spoke "Overcoming PTSD is never easy though...."

Zoey asks "Is everyone alright?"

Renee spoke "You bet! In fact, I felt a whole lot better after we put that bastard in his place!"

Ezekiel spoke "But it's not over yet."

Sonic spoke "Agreed. It still doesn’t mean what Konoe is doing right. But I think we have to send him a calling card."

Knuckles spoke "True there."

Tails spoke "Maybe we should go over this with Joker and the other Phantom Thieves."

Blaze asks "Can we discuss this later?"

Sonic spoke "We have to be careful though, Lillian's counting on us to free Cozy from the darkness."

“So we’re heading back to Equestria?” I assumed.

Danyterasu spoke "Not until we bust open those last two cages."

I spoke "It's not going to be easy though... Plus I see a cage in Cloudsdale... that's the origin of Cozy's pain!"

Zoey spoke "Then that’s gotta be Cozy’s Trauma Cell."

Corina spoke "We have to figure out how to free her."

But then Ren and the other Phantom Thieves showed up.

Ren spoke "We got all three of the power cores."

Ryuji asks "But I just don’t get it. Why are they a pair of chess pieces, a white bow, and a diary?"

I growl suddenly since the others and I were surrounded.

I growl "Uh guys, we're surrounded."

The sentry spoke "We won’t let you cause harm to the empress!"

Danyterasu asks "You thinking what I'm thinking Twi?"

“Definitely.” I agreed as we fused into Divine Danyterama.

Divine Danyterama roars loud, knocking all of the sentries backwards.

Black lightning crashes down, destroying the sentries.

Ranga pops out of Divine Danyterama's shadow.

Ranga spoke "Rimuru sent me to help you out."

“Good timing!” Ren said.

Divine Danyterama spoke "Agreed!"

Blaze asks "But how are we gonna get to that one?"

Sophie spoke "We just have to enter “Friendship” in EMMA."

Divine Danyterama asks "EMMA?"

Joker spoke "That’s the app that takes us to the Jails. Somehow, the metaverse is back, and we’ve already dealt with five jails."

Haru yowls "HELP!!!!!"

Noir spoke "Oh no! That can’t be good!"

Baron spoke "It just got worse... Blaze and Lune's father has been corrupted!"

Mona spoke "Oh man! That could mean he has a jail or a palace!"

Muta spoke "Since he's royalty, he's got a palace."

Skull asks "You don’t know much about palaces much, do ya?"

Muta spoke "Let's just say King Phoebus doesn't like me that well, not after what I had done one time."

An older Mobian she-cat with yellow eyes and brown fur shows up via warp ring.

The cat spoke "My husband's gone to far this time. Attacking my niece? I won't let him get away with it!"

Joker spoke "Okay, that sounds like twisted desires to me."

Mona spoke "Agreed, so it’s time to take his treasure."

Lune growls "He won't listen to anyone now!"

Violet spoke "Well, we’re the Phantom Thieves, and changing the hearts of rotten adults is our duty!"

Haruka spoke "I'm afraid Phoebus is too far gone...."

Joker spoke "I almost thought that Shido was that, but we managed to change his heart. So I can say that we can change Phoebus’ heart."

Muta spoke "If a former criminal like me can change, then just maybe.... He can too but..."

Haruka spoke "He's let the power go to his head..."

A bolt of black thunder hits the ground near Divine Danyterama.

Yuki spoke "Oh cuss! That's the same stuff that had corrupted Starlight!"

Mona spoke "No, we’re in the metaverse, which means we’re up against his shadow."

Lune spoke "And since my father uses fire powers...."

Sonic spoke "We don't have Blizzardstar with us to stop him!"

Yusuke spoke "Then allow me. Goemon, strike!"

Yusuke’s mask burned up in blue flames before a kabuki appeared, blowing some kind of icy mist from his mouth as all of the flames froze.

Lune facepaws before sighing "That'll only piss him off more..."

Mona spoke "Too bad, because that’ll let his guard down."

A blood blade hits Mona.

Lune growls "But Natori and Natoru are protecting him... Which will make it harder for anyone outside the Felis royal family to get near."

Mona spoke "Those are only his cognitions of Natori and Natoru. But I admit they will be hard."

Zoey hisses "I don't think so! They're real! That Natori nearly sliced my left wing off!"

Mona spoke "In the metaverse, cognitions can be real enough to kill you!"

Blaze spoke "It's bad enough that the males of the Felis royal family have the habit of taking females out of other families.... But Lune and I broke away from that habit."

Skull asks "Wait… You’re a chick, so shouldn’t you not have that habit?"

Blaze's ears pin back.

Lune spoke "Father forced her into an arranged marriage with the hero of Mobius 15 years ago, no way to avoid it."

Skull spoke "Dude, that is just messed up."

Haruka spoke "He's a psychotic cat that won't listen to anyone but Natori now."

Blaze spoke "It's the berserker blood in his veins."

But then the real Natori appeared in complete confusion. “What?! What’s going on?! And why is there another me?!”

Blaze spoke "Advisor Natori, I'm afraid father has lost his mind. He won't listen to me or Lune now."

Joker spoke "We’re inside Phoebus’ heart!"

Natori stammers "H-Heart? Th-That’s crazy talk!"

Haruka spoke "It's true Natori."

A voice laughs "A phony has showed up. How ridiculous."

We all looked up and saw Shadow Phoebus, wearing the clothes of a monarch and having dark-golden irises.

Haruka hisses "How dare you.... HOW DARE YOU HURT MY NIECE!!!!"

Haruka flung an ice blade at Shadow Phoebus, hurting him badly.

Shadow Phoebus spoke "You insects! You dare defy the king! Then I’ll show you!"

Dark shadowy goop started swirling around him.


Then Shadow Phoebus started transforming into a Kaiju-sized feline monster as he roared.

Divine Danyterama roars back at Kaiju Phoebus.



Danyterama slashes Kaiju Phoebus with the Cosmic Star keyblade.

But then suddenly, giant razor blades erupted from Kaiju Phoebus, greatly injuring him.

Divine Danyterama howls loud, shaking the ground as sunbeams hit Kaiju Phoebus.

A voice spoke "Iron… Such an interesting element."

Divine Danyterama punches Kaiju Phoebus in the face, knocking him down.

But then the blood on Kaiju Phoebus started turning yellow.

The being spoke "It helps the body work and circulate. But what would happen if the body was suddenly stripped of all of its iron nutrients? The blood would not be flowing and oxygenating, causing it to turn yellow, and not allowing the body to breath. Therefore the damage has already been done."

Divine Danyterama teleported the fighters out of the king's body.

Blaze was clinging to Sonic while crying.

Haruka spoke "It's for the best...."

Joker exclaims "Wait! Someone else is here!"

We looked around and saw a black male dragon with white spines, black eyes and red irises.

The person spoke "Send him to oblivion, Metallic!"

All kinds of metal weapons emerged from within Kaiju Phoebus, making him roar in agony before he exploded in black flesh as we spotted a familiar artifact from Blaze’s family.

Divine Danyterama shielded the others with magic just before Phoebus had exploded.

Blaze was about to grab the artifact before Shadow Phoebus rushed in and grabbed the relic before running to the balcony ledge.

But suddenly, Sonic had snatched the artifact from Phoebus and handed it to Blaze.

Skull scoffs "Just don’t know when to give up, do ya?"

Blaze’s hands started burning as she activated her pyromancer powers.

Shadow Phoebus spoke "No! Please! Stop!"

Blaze spoke "No… All of the innocents who’ve suffered… You took everything from them!"

Blaze threw a fireball at a wall near Shadow Phoebus.

Shadow Phoebus spoke "F-Fine! You want it? Take it… Go on… Kill me. Do that, and my real self will die as well. You deserve that… Since you’ve won."

Mona spoke "It’s your call, Blaze."

Haruka places a hand on Blaze's right shoulder while Lune placed a hand on the lilac cat's left shoulder.

Blaze spoke "As the heir of the Felis royal family and wife to the Hero of Mobius, I hereby exile you to the No Zone. You are to live out the rest of your life there, never to bother anyone again."

Mona spoke "You’re kind, Blaze."

Shadow Phoebus asks "I… lost. Everything’s gone when you lose… *Leaking tears* What… What am I supposed to do now?

Joker spoke "Confess your crimes."

Shadow Phoebus spoke "Very well. I’ll return to my real self, and tell the truth of everything. That way… I’ll make up for my mistakes."

But then Shadow Phoebus disappeared in a heavenly white light, before we heard rumbling.

Mona spoke "The palace is collapsing! We need to move, now!"

Divine Danyterama scoops everyone up before teleporting out of the place.

Blaze spoke "I refuse to kill my own kin."

Wolf exclaims "You told me that Palaces collapsed after the treasure was stolen, but damn, you didn’t say it was THIS intense!"

Blaze was wearing the Felis family treasure on a chain around the neck.

We returned back to reality.

Ren spoke "It might take a while to know for certain, but I think we changed Phoebus’ heart."

Danyelle spoke "But we have yet to free Cozy."

Ren spoke "Then let’s go to Cloudsdale and find that Trauma Cell."

Blaze spoke "Not all of us have wings or Extreme Gear though."

But then Formaggio and Mariah showed up, with the female Abyssinian freezing with a blush after seeing something.

Formaggio spoke "Wow guys! You found Risotto!"

We looked behind us and saw the black dragon from before.

Among the crowd that had gathered was Bertha, the last living Enderdragon.

Bertha asks "Who are you?"

Formaggio spoke "He’s the leader of the team I was in, Bertha. His name’s Risotto Nero."

Despite the black scales, Bertha was blushing.

Danyelle snickers "Lovesick dragon alert...."

Twilight sweated in nervousness. “Uh… Dany? Mariah also has a crush on Risotto, so it might get complicated.”

Bertha growls at Mariah.

Mariah hissed at Bertha.

Bertha shot poison breath at Mariah.

Mariah snapped her claws as an electrical outlet appeared right below Bertha and shocked her, turning the dragon into a walking magnet.

But given that Bertha was considered a dragon-type, the electric shock had little effect on her.

Bertha laughs "That tickled."

Mariah spoke "I was planning on electrocuting you."

But then Bertha found herself bombarded by metallic objects flying right towards her.

Bertha shot poison breath at all of the metal, melting it down.

Danyelle spoke "That's ENOUGH MARIAH! Can't you see that Bertha's the last of her kind? If she got killed then there will never be any more Enderdragons!"

Mariah sighed and snapped her claws again, before the metal objects flying toward Bertha just fell down to the ground.

Bertha spoke "Perhaps he should decide then."

That made Danyelle and Twilight a bit concerned.

Bertha spoke "If he picks you then I should just accept it and move on...."

Mariah spoke "But if he picks you, I might as well find someone else…."

Bertha spoke "Fair enough but if he picks someone else then that's it. Given that dragons don't do harems."

But then Bertha felt a bit of pain before finding a ring on her ring finger.

Bertha roars a bit in pain.

Bertha asks "Who did that?"

Formaggio spoke "Uh… You know that ring can from within you, right? I think it’s Risotto’s way of saying he chose you."

Bertha soon had tears in her eyes.

Bertha spoke "Slowly but surely, my species can be revived...."

Muta spoke "Guess that answers that then."

Danyelle spoke "*ahem* We still have to free Cozy from her darkness!"

Sumire spoke "Agreed. And that means we have to find Cozy’s Trauma Cell and destroy the Trauma lock on her birdcage."

I spoke "The ones that are going are myself, Danyelle, Lillian, Rainbow Dash, Blaze, Mariah and Muta."

Mona asks "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Slow down! Is that a good idea?"

I growl at Mona.

Lillian spoke "I'd do anything to save someone that needs my help, even if I don't have my powers anymore."

Mona spoke "Sorry. It’s just people going into the metaverse without personas worry me. Maybe one of us should come."

Lillian spoke "I have Kukulkan though."

Mona gasps "Wait… You have a persona?!"

Lillian spoke "Had it since Starlight went bonkers."

Ren spoke "Guess that makes you an interdimensional member of the Phantom Thieves."

Lillian spoke "I'm more a part of the Mobian Guard though as the strategist."

Ren spoke "Still, you can consider me and the other Phantom Thieves as allies and part of the team."

Danyelle spoke "Excuse me? I set up the Mobian Guard."

Ren spoke "I know, and I’ll respect that."

Danyelle asks "Want to hear a funny story?"

Ren spoke "Okay."

Danyelle spoke "Back before I had fully established the Ponyville branch of the Mobian Guard, I had the roar at the time but when Ben had proposed to me... I caused a cake to explode."

The Phantom Thieves tried to hold the laughter in, but then Ryuji burst out laughing on his back.

Lillian groans "Did you have to bring that up Dany?"

Danyelle giggles "Couldn’t help myself. *Mischievous giggle*"

Ryuji laughs "Are you *Laughing* frickin’ kidding me?! *Laughing* A cake exploded?! *Laughing*"

I spoke "She popped a few ear drums not long after she had arrived and she trolled Celestia too."

*Some time after Cozy was set free from the darkness*

Lillian asks "You okay Cozy?"

Cozy stammers "W-What was I doing? Changing the hearts of others?"

Danyelle spoke "Nah kiddo, you had a bad case of PTSD due to an abusive parent."

Danyelle burped up a letter from Celestia stating Lillian and Tempest were to be Cozy's new parents.

Danyelle spoke "Good news Lillian, the adoption papers went through and that means Cozy can live with you now."

Lillian spoke "That's great Dany!"


Author's Note:

This chapter picks up directly after Marks For Effort