• Published 16th Sep 2023
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Sonic Frontiers x My Little Pony - BronySonicFan

In search of the missing Chaos Emeralds, Sonic becomes stranded on an island teeming with unusual creatures as he tries to rescue his friends from powerful forces known as the Titans.

  • ...

9. Brotherhood and Romance in Chaos Island

The third Island was a lot more active than the previous ones. Was it because of the volcano in the middle?


It was because of the many lasers being shoot towards the sky, while a golden aura kept dodging all the lasers professionally.

Said aura was Sonic, still in his Super form, as he tried to dodge all the lasers so he could search for Tails, Zipp and Pipp as Super Sonic... but this wasn't his lucky day, because he didn't saw one of the laser coming, and the Chaos Emeralds ended up spreading all around the island again, while Sonic himself crashed against a mountain.

He stood up, and he grabbed his head, feeling a massive headache as he shook his head, trying to make the pain go away... but it only made it worse.

"For Chaos sake!" Sonic exclaimed, now grabbing his head with both hands. "Why does it hurt so much?!" he cried out.

After a few minutes of struggling because of the headache, it finally stopped, like if it was never there on the first place.

"Huh..." Sonic said with a raised eyebrow. "That was... weird. But it doesn't matter! This is the third island, so I must find Tails, Zipp and Little Pipp ASAP!" he stated.

This time in particular, Sonic saw a few tokens around the island, as well as more of those platforms and rails that reminded him so much of Mobius, but he ignored all of those.

He didn't wanted to waste any more time: He needed to free'd his friends, his girlfriend, find the Chaos Emeralds, defeat that Titan and finally leave the Starfall Islands to never go back.

Yes, he found out that the Hedgehogs and the Owls are originally from this place, and yes, Eggman was still trapped in Cyber Space, but if he knew something about Eggman is that he always comes back. Always. And as for his ancestors discovery, while he was still curious, a part of him didn't wanted to keep investigating, and so, he decided to left that side.

Boosting like a maniac through the Island, Sonic reached the some ruined pillars, and then he saw one of the capsules.

Recognizing the figure wasn't any difficult this time: it was Tails, and it was enough reason for him to approach his best friends and place his hands on the capsule.

"Tails!" Sonic called out, almost crying out of joy. "Tails, can you hear me?!" he asked desperately, but he got no response.

And so, realization hit him hard: he was so desperate to find Tails and the two sisters that he forgot he needed to collect Memory Tokens to free'd all of them.

He facepalmed and groaned in frustration, and then he looked back at the capsule, where Tails seemed to be looking around confused and scared.

"Hang tight, little bro!" Sonic said with a determinate look. "I won't make you wait much longer!" he assured.

After staring at Tails' capsule a little loner, Sonic nodded to himself and boosted away.

This time, he started to collect all the Memory Tokens he could, traveling across some of the platforms and rails he ignored before. Tails' Memory Tokens where yellow wrenches, while Zipp's and Pipp's Memory Tokens where their respective Cutie Marks, just like in the previous islands.

After 30 minutes, he crossed his path with an enemy called Excavator. It was basically a more powerful version of Tower, but this enemy launches more missiles and has more health.

"It seems like I'll will need to use that new ability..." Sonic muttered to himself. "Hopefully, Tails or Pipp can help find a proper name to it so I can stop calling it 'my new ability' already" he added.

After that, it was just repeating the same process as any Tower: dodge the missiles, wait for the enemy to dig into the earth, use his new ability, then use the Sonic Boom, then the Homing Shot and finally defeat the enemy entirely by punching only the top of Excavator.

By defeating it, he obtained a gear for Cybers Space, but before grabbing it, he started to question if it was a good idea to go back there.

Everytime I go into Cyber Space, I lost my memory for a second... Sonic though with worry. "If I go back, I'm risking every single memory of my life... but if I don't, I won't save my friends..." he pointed out to himself out loud.

At the end, he grabbed the gear and putted it away. He hated the idea, but if he wanted to free'd the Chaos Emeralds from their capsules to defeat the last Titan and save his friends, then he had no choice but go back to Cyber Space.

Once he made sure he had enough of Tails' Memory Tokens, he boosted away to go and free his little brother.

Once he returned with Tails, he noticed that he was looking around his capsule, like waiting for something... or rather, someone.

As he got in front if the capsule, the Memory Tokens appeared out of nowhere, and they got inside the capsule.

The spikes around it disappeared, and the capsule exploded, while Tails landed in the ground after a little gasp, with the Cyber Energy of the capsule entering Sonic's body, this time spreading in both of his arms.

Tails looked around confused on how he got free, while Sonic shook his head as he struggled a bit from the pain that the Cyber Energy was causing, but he still looked at Tails with a smile.

"Tails!" Sonic called out happily.

Tails turned and saw Sonic, then smiled as well. "Sonic!" he said, and then he ran towards him for a hug.

But since he was algo on a digital state, he literally passed through Sonic, not able to touch him at all.

"Sorry, lil' bro" Sonic apologized, now smiling sadly. "But you cannot touch me on your current state" he explained.

Tails looked at his hands confused before looking back at Sonic, and gasping when he saw that his arms were affected by the Cyber Energy. "Sonic, what's happening to you?!" he asked with worry.

"Oh, you mean this?" Sonic asked, pointing at his arms and fading the Cyber Energy away. "The island trying to stop me from rescuing you!" he said with a smirk. "I'm glad to see your... half okay, Tails" he added with a smile.

"Well, I half feel right, but... how is it that you're not like me?" Tails asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Knuckles asked the same back on Ares Island" Sonic said with a sassy look. "I'm just incredibly talented that I escaped on my own" he replied, making Tails smirk and roll his eyes.

"Of course..." Tails said in a mocking tone. "Wait! You said Knuckles?!" he asked in panic.

"Yeah... apparently he brought himself, Izzy, Hitch and Pipp to the islands by accident" Sonic explained. "The good news is, you are one of the last ones I need to rescue!" he added in a cherry tone.

"And the bad news are?" Tails asked.

"We still need to find Zipp and Pipp before I can explain what's going on" Sonic replied.

"Hang on! Zipp's still in trouble?" Tails asked in panic, and he would totally shake Sonic if he could. "Don't stand there while waiting for a miracle! We need to find her ASAP!" he declared, before running away and disappear, just like Sage does.

"Well... at least he got the message!" Sonic said with a smile.

After that, he boosted away to help Tails out and look after the sisters as well... but then he came across a Cyber Space portal.

He stared at the portal with a frown, not sure if he should go back there... but then he remembered that he needed the keys to open the capsules of the Chaos Emeralds.

"What am I getting into?" Sonic muttered with worry.

With his decision made, he jumped over the portal platform and placed the gear on it. Once the entire portal turned on, he placed his hand on the entrance, transformed into red particles and got inside Cyber Space again.

Sonic was very confused.

One second, he was running across Green Hills as any other day, and the next one, he appears in front of a strange pillar, in the middle of a volcanic island, with a massive headache and with no memory on how the hell he ended up there.

"W-What is this place?" Sonic muttered, grabbing his head and trying to remember how he ended up there.

As he got down of the platform, he inspected his surroundings, still not knowing where he was, or what was he doing there at all.

"Sonic!" Tails' voice called out.

Sonic turned to see his best friend, and while he panicked at first by seeing Tails on a digital state, he sighed in relief soon enough, since looking at Tails like that made his memories come back in a flash.

"Hey there, Tails..." Sonic greeted with a worried expression and a fake smile, something that Tails noticed.

"Whoa... What happened?" Tails asked, now worried as well.

"W-What? W-What do you mean?" Sonic asked nervously.

"You're sweating, something you barely do, and you're using that fake smile of yours" Tails said, now frowning.

Sonic sighed in defeat and looked at Tails with worry. "Sorry, lil' bro... It's just... I kinda forget things for a minute after visiting Cyber Space..." he explained, grabbing his head again. "But it's over now. I'm fine, for real!" he tried to assure, but he sounded unsure himself.

Tails didn't liked what he was hearing, but as much as he wanted to make more questions, he needed to focus on the important task first. "I don't like the sound of that, at all, but I'm questioning you on that later. I was looking for you because I found Zipp" he explained.

"... Oh, right!" Sonic said, after feeling confused at first. "We still need to... Sorry, seems like some of my memories aren't fully back yet..." he said with concern, making Tails frown at him with worry.

He literally was saved by Sonic like 30 minutes ago, and Sonic's already doing a lot of stuff that was worrying him a lot.

"Anyways, lead the way, lil' bro!" Sonic said, recovering his iconic smirk. "We need to save Zipp and Pipp!" he stated.

Tails' frown remained, but he nodded anyways, and leaded Sonic to another place in the island.

None of them noticed that Sonic got enough keys, since the Blue Chaos Emerald was revealing its location.

"Oh boy..." Sonic muttered frustrated.

"Oh boy indeed" Tails said with a worried frown.

The two of them were staring at an enemy named Shinobi. Basically, it was Ninja, but more powerful and with a different color scheme.

However, this Shinobi wasn't moving anywhere, because it was protecting something: Zipp, encaged on her own capsule.

"It seems like I need to get rid of that thing before freeing Zipp" Sonic said with a confident smile. "Fortunately, I learned some cool moves before coming here, and I also have enough of Zipp's Memory Tokens... I think" he added with a raised eyebrow.

"Memory what?" Tails asked.

"They're basically the keys I can use to free'd you all from your prisons" Sonic explained. "Now stay here, while I take charge of that thing!" he stated, then boosted towards the Shinobi enemy.

Tails didn't liked the idea of stay on the sidelines... again, but right now he couldn't do much like a digital ghost, so he had to stay hidden for the moment.

So, Sonic used his Homing Attack against Shinobi, taking the enemy by surprise. Once Shinobi turned to face the hedgehog, it tried to use its arms to damage Sonic, but he parried the attack and then used Spin Slash over it. Then, Sonic used a stomp attack and finished the enemy with a new attack called Cross Slash, an attack were Sonic circled the enemy and let loose a stream of shockwaves.

Shinobi fell defeated to the ground, and Sonic landed as well, but he got a bit panicked when he saw another gear for a Cyber Space portal. He didn't knew if he should took it at all, but considering he still needed to find 3 Chaos Emeralds - since he felt the two of them required to help Koco and the remaining one was for sure with the island's Titan - and free'd them from their capsules, he knew he had no choice.

Still reluctantly, Sonic grabbed the gear and looked at it with a frown, before putting it away and then approaching to Zipp's capsule, where Tails was already waiting for Sonic to free her.

Zipp seemed to be confused as well inside of her capsule, and Tails was worried for her. Luckily for him, once Sonic approached, Zipp's Memory Tokens appeared and got inside of the capsule, freeing the pegasus from her prison.

Zipp landed slowly in the ground, looking around even more confused than before, while Tails suddenly wrapped her in a hug and the Cyber Energy of her capsule got into Sonic, this time expanding the effect on both his arms and half of his chest, making Sonic groan in pain again.

However, he was completely ignored, since Zipp was busy blushing like a tomato while Tails kept hugging her happily, with his tails unconsciously making the shape of a heart.

"I'm so glad that you're fine, Zippy!" Tails said with an honest smile, also blushing a bit.

That just made Zipp's blush to increase, but she also smiled a little and returned the hug.

"I'm glad to see you too, Tails" Zipp replied with a warm smile. "Although, I kinda wanna know where we are..." she pointed out.

As they broke the hug, Sonic approached them with a hurt look, but still smiling. "Hey there, Zippster" he greeted to the pegasus. "Glad to see you're okay" he said.

"Sonic?" Zipp called out, worried about the hedgehog's look. "What happened to you?!" she asked.

"It's hard to explain..." Sonic replied, as the Cyber Energy faded away again. "Look, I'm willing to explain everything, but we need to find your sister first" he explained.

"My sister?" Zipp asked, confused at first, but then her eyes widened. "Pipp?!" she exclaimed in panic.

"Knuckles accidentally dragged himself, her, Hitch and Izzy here" Sonic explained again. "I'll give you the entire details later, but right now, let's focus on finding Pipp, okay?" he requested.

"Of course we need to find her!" Zipp said with worry. "In fact, why are we even standing here?! Let's get moving, gentlemen!" she stated, flying away as she disappeared.

"Zipp! Wait!" Tails shouted, as he flew as well and also disappeared, leaving Sonic completely alone.

Sonic sighed heavily and looked at the sky with a frown. "Guess I'll have to look after her on my own" he told himself. "Hang on just a bit more, Little Pipp. I'm coming for you!" he stated.

After that, he boosted away and started to look after his girlfriend through the island.

After 2 hours of searching, Sonic found both Tails and Zipp at the edge of a cliff.

Sonic approached, and then gasped worried when he saw Pipp's capsule... being guarded by a new enemy: Spider, a totally new one since he never saw any enemy like it before in the other islands.

There isn't anything to explain about this one: it is literally a mechanical spider, and that's pretty much it.

"That thing looks... dangerous" Tails pointed out with worry.

"We've gotta do something!" Zipp said desperately. "Gosh! Why do I had to become half-ghost on the worst moment possible?!" she cried out in worry.

Sonic didn't even said anything, he straightly launched himself from the cliff and landed on a 'superhero pose' in front of Spider, then slowly stood up and frowned at the enemy.

Spider itself raised one of its four mechanical legs and tried to smash Sonic, but he stepped back and used his new ability on the leg, damaging it and hurting Spider.

The enemy repeated the same process with the rest of its legs, and Sonic repeated the process with his new ability as well. Once he could use his Homing Attack, he tried to used it, but Spider ducked, and it the exact moment Sonic was over it, Spider lifted up and sent Sonic flying in the air.

However, Sonic saw this as the perfect chance to finish up the enemy, so he charged up his Spindash and boosted towards the ground and straight to Spider's 'head', charging up lots of electricity as well. And finally, Sonic straightened up and used the stomp attack, charged in electricity, passing through Spider's head and killing it instantly.

Sonic then jumped away and landed, then turned to see the place where Spider was a few seconds ago with a frown. Once the smoke of Spider's explosion was gone, Sonic saw another gear.

He took it hesitantly again and putted it away, and when he turned to a certain direction, he saw Zipp and Tails with wide eyes and jaws dropped, as Zipp's wings were open and dropped in the floor.

"Wow... just... wow..." Zipp said, completely speechless on how cool everything she saw was.

"Dude, I have no idea what's that new circular trick of yours, but it was awesome!" Tails declared excited.

"Yeah, yeah, I know" Sonic said with a smirk. "But let's not focus on how cool my new ability - with no name yet - was" he added with a frown.

After that, he walked over towards Pipp's capsule, seeing that his girlfriend seemed to be both scared and confused, making his hearth flinch in pain.

So, he extended his hand and made Pipp's Memory Tokens appear, then they got inside of the capsule, and you already know the drill: the capsule exploded, Pipp landed on the floor confused, and the Cyber Energy of the capsule went to Sonic's body.

However, this time, the Energy got all over his body. Literally his entire body got affected by the energy, making Sonic kneel and groan in pain a bit louder than usual, but nobody was paying attention again.

Zipp embraced Pipp in a hug, and Tails was too focused smiling at the two sisters reunion.

"Pipp!" Zipp exclaimed with a smile. "I'm so glad to see that you're okay!" she added.

"Zipp?" Pipp asked confused. "What happened to you?!" she asked with worry, seeing that her sister was digital just like her. "In fact, what happened to us? And where are we?!" she questioned again.

"It's a long story" Tails said, as he approached the two sisters with a nervous smile.

"Tails!" Pipp said with a smile, side hugging the fox, as he returned the hug. "Oh my gosh! You two went on a trip to some islands, right? You were with Sunny and––" she tried to add.

However, they all heard a loud cough, and they turned to see that Sonic was now completely covered in the Cyber Energy.

"Sonic!" Tails shouted in worry, running towards the hedgehog.

"Blue star!" Pipp exclaimed in panic, following Tails, and Zipp followed soon enough as well.

However, once the three of them were in front of Sonic, they stopped when he raised his hand and coughed a bit more.

"J-Just catching my breath" Sonic replied, lifting his head and smiling a bit with a closed eye, while the Cyber Energy dissipated a bit, but not entirely.

Unknown for the group, Sage was watching them from the distance, confused on how Sonic seemed to be willing to hold the Cyber Energy on his body.

"He never stops" Sage pointed out to herself. "Clarification: he never gives up" she corrected herself.

Back with the group, Tails seemed to be analyzing Sonic's state, as well as his and the sisters'.

"How's that... Why aren't you half-ghost like us?" Zipp asked concerned.

"I escaped Cyber Space on my own..." Sonic replied, grabbing his left arm as he tried to pull the Cyber Energy away. "How remains a mystery for me too, tho" he added.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Pipp asked with worry, as she tried to touch Sonic's shoulder, but her hoof passed through his body, making her gasp with worry. "I... I can't feel you..." she said with sadness.

"Yeah... sorry, Little Pipp" Sonic said with a sad smile. "But until I free you from Cyber Space... talking is the furthest we can interact" he explained.

"Hmm..." Tails said, thinking he already has a clue on Sonic's state. "The spatial anomaly that affected us seems to have left me, Zipp and Pipp in a digitalized state" he started to explain, looking at his arms, and the walking a bit away from Sonic as he kept explaining. "But those same energies are manifesting into some worrisome mutations for you, also causing a critical dementia on you" he added with a proud smile.

Sonic looked at him with a raised eyebrow, while Pipp understood nothing and Zipp was kinda lost too, despite that she did understood the first half.

"Those sure are words you said just now!" Sonic stated with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, while Tails turned and looked at him with a smug grin.

"Yeah, you got me completely lost too, Tails" Pipp said with a confused look.

"I understood you at first... and then you lost me too" Zipp confessed with a sheepish smile and a slight blush.

"I'm saying we're fine" Tails told both Zipp and Pipp, but then he turned to Sonic with a frown. "Buy you are not, and I'm worried" he explained.

Sonic looked at Tails surprised, but then he smiled, closed his eyes, crossed his left arm and denied with his right index finger. "I'll be fine!" he assured, getting close to Tails and pointing at himself. "And, I need this power to rescue you, guys" he added, now looking at both Zipp and Pipp as well.

"... He's even enduring the cyber corruption better than I calculated he would" Sage told herself with surprise.

"Wait, you mentioned that Hitch, Izzy and Knuckles were here too, right?" Zipp asked with a frown.

"Yeah. But just like I told Tails before: you three were the last on my list" Sonic explained with a smile. "Now, let me explain what's going on: there's these really powerful bots called 'Titans' that are apparently keeping you trapped in Cyber Space. So far, I already destroyed the first two of them, and now I need to get rid of the last one to properly save you" he finished.

"Hang on... Titans?" Zipp asked confused. "But... I never read any of that regardless of the islands..." she said, placing a hoof on her chin.

"There's a lot a need to explain and tell... including something related to my ancestors... but I'll explain all of that later. Right now? I need to get you guys out of Cyber Space" Sonic stated with a determinate look.

"But how?" Pipp asked with concern. "I get that you already said something about defeating those 'Titans', but how are you gonna do it? How's that you even did it with the others?! How––" she wanted to keep asking, but...

"Pipp! Pipp, my sweet Little Pipp, breath in and out" Sonic told her with a calmed smile, and Pipp did so, she started to breath in and out to relax. "There. Now, I had to transform into Super Sonic to defeat the Titans. Unfortunately, the Chaos Emeralds spread all across the Island once I arrived here..." he explained, not adding the detail that he was shot for it, since he didn't wanted to worry Tails nor Pipp more than they already are.

"So, you need us to what? Help you find the Emeralds?" Zipp asked with a raised eyebrow.

"More or less" Sonic replied with a smirk.

"But are you sure you'll be fine? Returning to Cyber Space, risk your life for the millionth time..." Tails pointed out with concern.

"Tails, relax! As I already said, I'll be fine. And this power is what keeps you trapped, so I need to contain it on myself if I want to rescue you, guys" Sonic stated with a confident smile.

"Well... you're always rescuing us and..." Tails tried to point out, scratching his head ashamed, but then he shook his head and looked at Sonic with a determinate look. "Let's focus on the now! What do you need?" he asked.

"Tails is right. I am worried about you, Blue Star, I really am, but if we can help you out, then tell us what to do!" Pipp stated as well.

Sonic smiled at his brother and his girlfriend. "Like Zipp said: Chaos Emeralds" he explained. "You guys think you can help me track them down?" he asked.

"On it!" Tails stated, before waving his hand and then ran away, disappearing soon enough.

"We'll tell you if we find any Emerald, Later!" Zipp added, flying away on Tails direction and also disappearing.

Pipp, however, looked back at Sonic with a worried frown. "Sonic, please tell me that you're not getting yourself into something that's gonna kill you..." she begged.

"Little Pipp, don't worry" Sonic assured with a smile. "I'm okay, but I will be better once I can free you and the others" he added.

Pipp wasn't convinced, at all, but if she knew Sonic, and she does, then she knew nothing she says is gonna change his mind, so she sighed defeated and smiled a bit at him. "Alright... just try to be careful" she pled, and then she flew away as well, also disappearing.

Sonic smiled, but then the Cyber Energy extended all over his body again, making him kneel and cough in pain again.

Sage saw all of this with... shame, sadness and grief. "It's so sad someone so impressive will be lost in the end" she said with a sad expression. "It's... it's not fair..." she added with concern.

Sonic managed to contain the Cyber Energy after a while, but it was now affecting his health.

He could still run, but the headaches were even stronger now, and he had to stop at times just to catch his balance again.

And now, he was in front of a Cyber Space portal that required two gears, and he casually had two gears... but he didn't wanted to go there again.

He couldn't care less if going back to Cyber Space was going to give him more keys to unlock the Chaos Emeralds, he didn't wanted to forget why he was doing all of this in the first place, or forget anything at all.

As much as he wanted to help his friends, and his girlfriend, Sonic knew that his current state was critical, and entering Cyber Space wasn't ideal. But still, he knew he needed to help out his friends, even if it menas sacrificing all his memories with them.

"Ugh! What am I doing?" Sonic cried out loud with a frown. "I know I need the keys if I wanna get the Emeralds and turn into Super Sonic to defeat the Titans... but I don't want to risk my memories... I don't want to forget anyone... to forget her..." he added, crossing his arms and tapping his foot desperately.

After having a mental fight on what he should do, he ended up sighing in defeat and walking over to the portal's entrance, then he placed the two gears, activated the portal... and then he entered Cyber Space once again.

Author's Note:

Well, after meditating it for a while... Perhaps there's a few aspects from "The Final Horizon" that I can implement in my saga's final story after all.

Is still a "will see if it happens" sort of situation but maybe, and just maybe, it'll be there in the end.