• Published 16th Sep 2023
  • 1,083 Views, 112 Comments

Sonic Frontiers x My Little Pony - BronySonicFan

In search of the missing Chaos Emeralds, Sonic becomes stranded on an island teeming with unusual creatures as he tries to rescue his friends from powerful forces known as the Titans.

  • ...

8. Super Sonic vs Wyvern

Sonic explored the island one last time, and unlocked the entire map on his brain.

That meant that he also could use the Cyber Space portals to travel around the island even faster... but he liked the old running style better, so he wasn't going to use the Fast Travel thing.

However, while exploring the island, he couldn't help but feel worried about Knuckles.

The way he wanted to protect the ruins... something told him that Knuckles was hiding something, but he couldn't tell what exactly. And he also wanted to ask Knuckles directly, but Izzy told him that she would take charge for the moment.

Yet that didn't made him feel any better. Perhaps the way he treated him said otherwise, but Sonic considered Knuckles like part of his family, like that elder brother that he loves to mess with, yet he cares about him like any brother will.

Therefore, he needed to talk with Knuckles and find out what was going on, but he looked around the entire island for 2 hours, and yet he couldn't find him nor Izzy... until he went back to the bunker ruins.

There, he saw Knuckles sitting on the top, as he looked at the sky with a sad expression.

Sonic felt bad for his friend, and so he climbed up until he reached the top of the ruins, and he also found Izzy, sitting a few meters away from him, with her ears down as she also looked a bit sad.

So, Sonic decided to approach to her first. "Hey, Izz" he greeted with worry. "Is he still down because of the ruins?" he asked.

"Yeah..." Izzy replied, frowning with worry as well. "I've been trying to cheer him up, but... nothing seems to work..." she said.

Sonic looked back at Knuckles, and so he decided to walk towards him and try to cheer him up himself. But as soon as he sat at his side and tried to say anything positive, his mouth closed slowly when he realized that he had nothing. So, he turned to look forward as well... at least, until Knuckles decided to finally say something.

"... Ages ago, my people were wiped out by a cataclysm" Knuckles started to tell, while Sonic payed close attention, while Izzy decided to join by sitting at Knuckles' other side. "I know the Koco faced something similar. Yet, they still had each other, one way or another. But still, it reminds me I'm the last echidna... That I'm alone..." he said with sadness.

"Knuckie..." Izzy muttered with worry. "Is... Is this how you've been feeling lately?" she asked.

"For a while, to be honest" Knuckles confessed after a heavy breath. "It's just... I really love Equestria and Maretime Bay, I really do, but... I also miss Angel Island sometimes. And this place... these ruins... they just hit a lot like home, so... I guess I'm more nostalgic that I've ever been before" he said with a guilty expression.

"Knux, if you've been missing your home, even before coming here to the islands, then why didn't you said anything?" Sonic asked confused.

"I didn't wanted to make you guys think I was abandoning you... I got scared, I guess..." Knuckles confessed. "And now, with me accidentally bringing our friends here, making you run from a place to another just to have a small talk... I didn't wanted to worry you, guys... But it seems I did a terrible job..." he said with sadness again.

"Knuckie, no one would have though you wanted to abandon us" Izzy told him with a soft smile. "I also miss Bridlewood sometimes, and I also feel lonely as the only unicorn in the group... but I know that having you and the others in my life means I'm never alone" she added, perking a kiss on his cheek, making Knuckles smile a bit.

"And you may be the last echidna, but you're not alone" Sonic said with a smile as well. "You've got us, knucklehead!" he added, pointing at himself, but also talking about the rest of their friends.

"You see? Even Sonic knows it!" Izzy said cheerfully.

"I'll admit, Sonic, I do envy your lifestyle" Knuckles confessed with an honest smile. "Freedom to go where you want, when you want. You respond to no one, and you always do what you like without a care about second opinions" he pointed out.

Sonic smirked proudly before extending his arms in the air. "So do it!" he told him. "Get out there, and live a little. I'm pretty sure Hitch won't mind if you choose to take a little vacation to go and feel alive" he assured to him.

"Oh, that actually sounds like fun!" Izzy said cheerfully. "Just think about, Knux: you and me, traveling around and having all kind of crazy adventures? It would be the best of the best!" she said excited. "We could have a blast by living and learning all over Equestria!" she declared with a smile.

"Hmm... Maybe we could..." Knuckles said, closing his eyes for a second before open them and wink at Sonic playfully. "But first, we need to be back to normal" he said, while Sonic smirked playfully at him as well. Then, Knuckles stood up and looked at Sonic with a raised eyebrow. "So hurry up and get us back to normal!" he said in an acted angry tone.

Sonic smiled, stood up as well, crossed his arms and looked at Knuckles with a bored expression. "Anything to get you away from me" he said with a smirk.

However, his smirk slowly disappeared as he stared at Knuckles, while Knuckles stared back. Izzy didn't understood what was going on between those two, but she didn't cared either when they bursted out laughing, and then they fist bumped each other.

How they did it if Knuckles' still on a digital state? No one cared back then, so we don't care here either, okay?

The three of them kept talking normally, not noticing that Sage was hiding down in the ruins, hearing the entire conversation, and surprised on how Sonic was willing to cheer Knuckles up.

"He helps those he is at odds with" Sage pointed out. "He is quick to make peace" she added with amazement. "Perhaps..." she said, closing her eyes and lifting her head to the sky, but then she shook her head and opened her eyes. "No. I have run the simulations. They are doomed" she said with grief, while the three friends kept talking happily.

Sonic managed to reach the Yellow Chaos Emerald, the only remaining one since he was pretty sure the Titan had the Purple Emerald.

But before recover the Emerald, he noticed that Knuckles and Izzy were near by, and so he decided to have a small talk with them.

"Yo, guys" Sonic greeted. "What do you think of the weird spires being used to contain the Chaos Emeralds?" he asked.

"Contain?" Knuckles asked confused. "No, I think they're meant to protect them. Even harness their power" he said, looking at the tower with the Yellow Chaos Emerald on it. "You've experienced yourself the limitless power of the Chaos Emerald multiple times" he added.

"As far as I understand, the Emeralds each has lots of power" Izzy pointed out. "Even if they didn't have them all, I bet some would've provided enough energy to live comfortably for them" she added.

"Enough to power the ruins, Cyber Space..." Sonic listed, also crossing his arms. "I wonder... If the Ancients somehow lost their access to the Emeralds, would that have caused them to disappear?" he wondered.

"Hmm... No, I don't think so" Knuckles said. "Remember Longclaw's message?" he questioned to Sonic.

"The one where she confessed that my parents took me to her? Yeah" Sonic replied.

"She mentioned that the Emeralds arrived to this planet with a long lost civilization, and that her ancestors and yours used them to travel to Mobius to run away from a long swore enemy of said civilization" Knuckles explained. "We know now that the Ancients are the civilization Longclaw was talking about, and I'm guessing that they disappeared because of something else... something not even the Emeralds could control" he explained with a worried frown.

"So, and unknown enemy... something so powerful that not even the Chaos Emeralds could stop forever..." Sonic muttered with worry. "Can something that powerful be even a thing? Gosh, I got goosebumps just imagining the chance of something like that being real..." he added with a bit of fear on his tone.

"I hate to admit it, but me too" Knuckles confessed. "Hopefully, Longclaw was not talking about something like that" he said.

"She also mentioned something about your powers" Izzy reminded as well. "Something that all your ancestors had, but you were the first one that didn't awaken them on birth" she said. "Maybe... you were destined to come here for a reason. Like... closing a cycle..." she pointed out.

"Maybe..." Sonic muttered. "Whatever's the case, I'm just glad to know that this is almost over. I take that Emerald, and then I can finally go against that Titan!" he said with a smile. "If me arriving here is really closing a cycle, if it's really helping my ancestors to rest in piece... then I'm more than glad to help them out!" he stated.

After saying that, Sonic jumped over the tower and free'd the Emerald from the capsule, then putted it away and boosted towards a closed door in some hidden ruins.

Once he arrived to said hidden ruins, he didn't felt surprised to find both Knuckles and Izzy already there. He was more surprised to find some giant balls and giant holes, as well as a giant mechanical arm.

"Sonic! Check these out" Izzy called out cheerfully.

"I don't think this ancient machinery was active before" Knuckles pointed out. "Any idea what changed?" he asked, as he turned to look at him.

"Something similar happened on the last island" Sonic confessed. "Let's just call it a little 'divine intervention', okay?" he said with a little smile. "If I can solve the lock's code it should open the way to that flying Titan" he stated.

"Wait" Izzy said, raising her hoof. "If I recall correctly, there's 7 Emeralds, right?" she asked, while both Knuckles and Sonic nodded at her. "But you're still missing one, aren't you?" she asked with worry.

"Izz has a point, Hedgehog" Knuckles said with worry as well. "That thing will tear you to shreds" he added, not even joking.

"The last Titan was holding the final Emerald" Sonic explained calmly. "I'm willing to bet it's the same deal here. After all, if the Chaos Emeralds are the power source of half the stuff on these islands, it makes sense at least one of them is necessary to make the Titans work as well" he pointed out. "But first, I need to play this crane game. Lemme see..." he stated.

In just one glance, he noticed that the giant balls and the holes were sharing color schemes, so he managed to find out what to do even faster than he expected.

"The stones and the ports seem to have corresponding colors..." Sonic muttered to himself.

After that, he ran towards a wall that he could climb and 'pressed' a button that turned on the arm.

He used the arm to grab the stones/balls and place them on their respective hole/port. After 5 minutes of struggling a bit with the arm, he finally placed th final stone on its place.

Then, the ground started to rumble, and an even bigger ball came out of nowhere, creating a hole in the wall and revealing the path towards the Titan.

Sonic got down from the place he climbed before and approached the entrance of the new found cave, with Knuckle and Izzy following.

"Huh" Knuckles said. "You did it. Nice work" he praised with a mocking smirk.

"Was there ever any doubt?" Sonic mocked back. "Ready to go face impossible odds?" he asked to them.

"Ha! We faced worse" Knuckles pointed out. "Here we go!" he stated, turning to face the entrance of the cave. "Try to keep up!" he added with a mocking tone and smile, before disappearing along Izzy.

"Whoa, hey!" Sonic groaned. "That's my line!" he shouted, but of course, Knuckles already left. "Knucklehead!" he shouted again in anger and frustration.

After that, he sighed heavily, and decided to enter the cave.

Crossing the cave wasn't any difficult.

In fact, he managed to collect some more ring thanks to the spring, boost rings and platforms that he found as he crossed the cave. He will need the rings to stay as Super Sonic long enough, so it was a good thing.

After he exited the cave, he saw a tower in the distance. But he also saw the Titan flying around it, so he guessed that, if he wanted to reach the Titan, he had to climb to the top of that tower.

"Mortal" the voice from before spoke, and Sonic looked at the sky. "Beware Wyvern, the Titan of Ares Island" they warned.

"Wyvern? But that thing looks like anything but a dragon! I literally know one myself!" Sonic said with a frown.

Suddenly, Wyvern roared as it saw Sonic and moved towards the sky, while Sonic smirked and decided to go and climb the tower to face the Titan once and for all.

Using rails, climbing platforms, springs and collecting a few more rings, Sonic reached the top of the tower, where Wyvern roared at him again as it started to move slowly around the top. Sonic took advantage of that and used his Homing Attack and grabbed one of Wyvern's spikes.

By feeling Sonic over itself, Wyvern flew to the sky and opened his mouth, roaring again as well. Then, out of its mouth came some kind of road that started to surround him and follow him.

As Wyvern finished to create the road, the Titan began to shake violently, while Sonic started to struggle to hold Wyvern's spike. Unfortunately, his hand he ended up slipping, and he started to fell, but thankfully he saw some some kind of floating lasers above the road that Wyvern created, so he used his Homing Attack on the lasers before boosting a bit ahead of the road and land on it.

Once he was safe, he boosted again as he passed through the road, dodging attacks and collecting a few more rings, just in case.

There were some points where Sonic had to use his Homing Attack against some lasers again, since the road suddenly seemed to come to an end, but it started again beyond the lasers.

Then, as the road made a loop over the Titan, Sonic jumped from said road and landed on Wyvern's back with a smirk.

He approached the Purple Chaos Emerald, and he extended his hand. Then, the Emerald came out of the tower and entered his body.

Sonic smiled once again, before being surrounded by the 7 Chaos Emeralds, and once again, he transformed into Super Sonic.

Once Sonic was shining on a golden aura, he moved forward to reach Wyvern's face.


Wyvern immediately flew away from Super Sonic, and he decided to chase the Titan, who was flying all across the island. Then, it started to shot multiple missiles towards the hedgehog.

Don't look down!
Don't look down!

Sonic dodged all the missiles, and also collected some more rings in the air, so he wasn't going to run out of them anytime soon. Then, Wyvern launched even more missiles, but Sonic kept dodging them easily.

I've been here waiting for the longest time
I can't believe it's real

Then, the Titan moved in the air and tried to hit Sonic with its tail, but Sonic placed his hands together and embraced the attack, parrying it fast enough and making Wyvern spin in the air, stunning him for a while in the process.

You lose the battles that you never fight
Can't hide from what you feel

Sonic then punched Wyvern three times, and after that, he used the Homing Shot Attack, creating yellow energy spheres and launching them towards the Titan, making even more damage to it. Next, he punched it again and then used the Stomp Attack and punched him another five times. Then, he used a new attack he learned called Loop Kick, where he makes a looping and rapidly accelerates a kick attack in midair.

(Come on!) No more compromise, this is do or die
And now you've crossed the line
You'll wake the beast inside

After that, Wyvern moved away and repeated its tail attack, but Sonic parried the attack once again, and this time he made something amazing: he quickly moved towards the tail, taking advantage of the fact that Wyvern was stunned again, and then he grabbed the titan from its tail. After that, Sonic turned the Titan around 2 times, before launching him towards one of the mountains, causing a lot of damage on Wyvern.

No more compromise, this is do or die
I'll warn you one last time
You'll wake the beast inside!

Wyvern shook its head, and then it started to fly across the island, and away from Sonic again. It also launched more missiles to the hedgehog, who dodged all of them and collected rings in the air.

You'll wake the beast inside!

Wyvern launched another batch of missiles, which Sonic again dodged like it was nothing.

You'll wake the beast inside!

After that, Wyvern used his tail attack again, and Sonic parried it like the last time. Then, once Wyvern was stunned again, Sonic started to punch him multiple times.

Don't look down!
Don't look down!

He managed to charge up the Phantom Rush, and so he punched Wyvern at super speed before finally using the Stomp Attack again.

After that last attack, Wyvern roared with rage, and shook his entire body to make some spikes pop out of his body. Those spikes began to shot circular lasers around, and Wyvern roared in rage once again before starting to fly around the island again.

So break through it all and don't look down
You won't fade out, 'cause the fire in you never dies

Sonic decided to follow up Wyvern, but now dodging the missiles he launched at him became harder, because besides the missiles, he also had to dodge the circular lasers that came out of those weird spikes that popped on the Titan's body.

It comes around to light the flame
They'll know your name, burned into their memory

However, Sonic though of doing something different: when Wyvern launched the next batch of missiles, instead of dodging them, Sonic placed his hands together and parried the missile, making more damage on Wyvern and making him to fly even faster across the island.

(So break through it all)
Don't stop, we're on a mission
Overdriving over all the competition
Counting up the damage when it's done

After that, the Titan stopped and make his tail attack, that Sonic parried it again, but then it made the move again, and Sonic barely parried it as well, stunning him for a moment again.

After that, he punched him once and then used another new ability he learned: the Spin Slash, an attack where he surrounds an enemy with a multi-hit spinning attack.

(So break through it all)
We can't pretend to listen
Sorry if it puts you in an imposition
We won't stop until the battleā€™s won

After that attack, Sonic used an attack named Cyclone Kick, a powerful attack that delivered a flurry of hits as Sonic ascended.

What goes around comes back around again

Once he make that last attack, Wyvern roared and surrounded Sonic, then launched a bunch of missiles towards him.

However, Sonic was able to stop time for a second, and not only managed to dodge all the missiles, but he also gathered them together in one improvised bomb, and then he threw it to Wyvern's face, making the Titan spin around and scream in pain and agony.

And if we don't come down, we'll be lost in the wind

After this, Sonic used the Spin Slash attack again, and immediately after finishing with that attack, he punched him and also repeated the Cyclone Kick.

(What goes around comes back around again)
I know that we will find our way
We'll do whatever it will take

Tired of this fight, Wyvern roared at Sonic and boosted towards the sky at the speed of light.

Sonic covered himself, but then frowned at the sky and boosted towards it as well.

Then, Wyvern came down at top speed, spinning around while still roaring at Sonic, and creating some kind of barrier that protected itself.

Sonic charged some Chaos Energy as well as he was about to crash with the Titan.

(And if we don't come down, we'll be lost in the wind)
And if we never reach the crowd
We'll take the whole thing down

Once Sonic and Wyvern clashed against each other, Sonic struggled as he tried to stop the Titan from spinning around at top speed. But he managed to gather enough strength to do so, and the Titan slowly but surely stopped spinning, and then Sonic punched it on the face hard enough.

After that, Wyvern shook its head, and then the Titan shoot more missiles towards the hedgehog, in hopes of finally finishing him up.

Sonic, however, stopped time again, but this time he boosted through the sky as he tried to stay away from the missiles.

Once he made sure the missiles were a bit away from him, he approached to Wyvern's face, and the Titan tried to swallow him in one crunch.

However, Sonic was strong enough in his Super form to prevent being chomped by the Titan, and instead, he opened his mouth, then kicked Wyvern's face and flew backwards, also ducking a bit to prevent being blow up by the missiles the Titan launched before.

Don't look down!
Don't look down!

And just like Sonic planed, the Titan was the one who ended up eating its own missiles, and so, its whole body exploded and turned into a red and digital ball that became smaller and smaller, until it exploded and destroyed the Titan entirely.

With Ares Island Titan destroyed, Sonic knew he only had one Titan left to destroy if he wanted to free'd his friends from Cyber Space.

However, as he saw to the floor with a frown, he suddenly got another vision...

"They're... gone. It killed them" another of the Ancients said with a sad tone.

Sonic took a deep breath after the sudden vision. After that, he looked down to the ground, and smiled when he saw a red point and a purple one.

Knowing pretty well who were those points, Sonic boosted towards the ground, still on his Super Form, and then landed in front of Knuckles and Izzy, with the former having his arms crossed and the latter covering herself, at least until Sonic was on the ground again, that is.

"Not bad" Knuckles said with a mocking smirk. "Things would've been over faster if I'd been 'Super Knuckles', but you did all right" he added on playful tone.

Sonic chuckled and looked at Knuckles with a mocking smirk as well. "Yeah, you keep telling yourself that" he said playfully.

"I seriously can't stare at you like that" Izzy said. "Yellow doesn't suits you, at all!" she confessed.

"Default settings design, I guess" Sonic said with a smile, but it faded away and frown also came in when he remembered that he still had job to do. "I've got one more Titan bot to go home. Hopefully, I'll find Tails, Zipp... and Pipp too" he added, crossing his arms and, somehow, making his frown even bigger. "I'm worried about them" he confessed.

Both Knuckles and Izzy looked at each other with worry, but then they smiled and nodded before looking back at Sonic.

"They'll be all right, Hedgehog" Knuckles told him with a confident smile, while Sonic looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Tails is a smart little fella, Zipp is just as smart as him, and Pipp has proved to be full of surprises" Izzy pointed out with a cheery smile. "I'm pretty sure the three of them are fine, even if they're trapped on Cyber Space!" she assured.

"And, with everything you have accomplished so far, freeing those three should be a piece of cake for you!" Knuckles added. "Now hurry up, and save the day already" he declared, while pretending to launch a punch to Sonic.

Sonic was taken aback by this action, both because he didn't saw it coming and because last time Knuckles did that, he lost his Super form.

Still, Sonic smirked back at Knuckles and Izzy, then he kneeled to charge Chaos Energy, and finally boosted away from Ares Island, ready to go to the next one to free his remaining friends.

Both Knuckles and Izzy covered from Sonic's sudden boost, before looking back at the sky, seeing that he already left.

"Knuckie..." Izzy called out. "Do you think he really will help us?" she asked.

"So far, Sonic hasn't failed us" Knuckles replied and pointed out. "Let's hope he won't dare to start now..." he added with a worried frown.

Author's Note:

We have reached the half of the story.

In Chaos Island, things are gonna go wild in a bad way, and Sonic's gonna suffer. A lot.

Also, might as well say this from now: No, "The Final Horizon" won't be adapted in this story. The update added so much, and I know I won't made justice to said update. In fact, if I decided to adapt, I'll had to extend this story and rewrite all the future ones... I'm not in the mood to do that.

So, this story remains intact. No changes will be made because of the update.

Friends rescued: Sunny Starscout, Hitch Trailblazer, Sparky Sparkeroni, Knuckles the Echidna, Isabella "Izzy" Moonbow.

Friends in danger: Miles "Tails" Prower, Zephyrina "Zipp" Storm, Pipp Petals.

Cyber Corruption Status: 50% completed.

Chances to win against a bigger threat: 0%

Conclusion: Cyber Space is still the key to survival, yet not to victory.