• Published 1st Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Cine-magic: Planes - IndyWriter Productions

The Main 6 and Spike embark on a brand new journey to a different world to solve more than a friendship problem

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Part 2: Propwash Junction / New Friends

The day was bright and well into the afternoon. Suddenly two F/A-18F Super Hornet fighter jets tore through the air. They began to ascend into the clouds, spinning and turning through the sky.

“What’s taking this guy so long?” Is he really as good as they say he is?” One of them asked.

“No. Better.” The other answered ominously.

“OH, YEAH!!!”

They were interrupted as an orange and white blur rocketed right passed them. Both were taken aback.

“Who was that?” The first one asked, still aghast from the fly-by.

His question would soon be answered as an orange Air Tractor AT-502 descended in-between them looking all smug.

“Why, hello, ladies. Are you ready to lose.” He asked complacently.

“Last one to the water tower buys a round of fuel.” The second jet challenged.

“Tell you what, I’ll give you guys a head start. You’re gonna need it!” The crop duster announced.

“Later loser.” The first jet yelled before both jets dived into the clouds.

“One one-thousand, two one-thousand- ah, that’s enough.” The crop duster said to himself before diving after the fighter jets.

He managed to catch up right behind them as the all plummeted toward the earth. They all began to pull level as they neared the ground. The were just feet from the rows of corn below them. They whipped around huge rock mountain before continuing to race through the corn fields. The crop duster loop-de-looped around the fighter jets and began to pull ahead.

“See ya, suckers! Eat my d-“

“Dusty!” Another voice called out. Dusty just groaned as his fantasy was brought back to reality; dusting crops right next to a PT-17 Sterman Biplane

*cough *cough “Pay attention. You’re daydreaming again” The biplane next to him said.

“Me? No, no, no! No…Okay yes. But y’know, come on, Leadbottom. Really. How hard is this. Fly straight, turn around. Fly straight, turn around.” Dusty said.

“Oh-ho, are you disrespecting the sweet science of aerial application?” Leadbottom asked incredulously.

“Look, I am more than just a crop duster.” Dusty said confidently.

“Oh, don’t go flap-jawing about that ‘Flings Around The Planet’ air racing nonsense again.” Leadbottom said as they both turned to a new field, ready to be dusted.

“Excuse me. It’s called the ‘Wings Around The Globe’ Rally.” Dusty corrected.

“Ugh, for the love of Peterbilt.” Leadbottom groaned.

“And it’s not nonsense. I’ve got a tight turn radius and a high power-to-weight ratio.” Dusty said swinging from side to side.

“You know what else you got?” Leadbottom inquired.

“What?” Dusty asked.

“A screw loose! I mean why would you want to give up crop dusting? Blue skies, no air traffic, and that tangy scent of Vita-minamulch.” Leadbottom said.

The old biplane released the pesticides, humming in content.

“Mmm, just like momma used to spray. Delicious.” Leadbottom said in a dreamy tone. Dusty, on the other hand, couldn’t stand the smell.

“Augh. They say the sense of smell is the first thing to go.” Dusty said thoroughly disgusted. A whistle began to blow in the distance, which meant only one thing.

“Ooo, quittin’ time!” He said excitedly. Dusty then flew off, leaving Leadbottom to himself.

“Hmph, a crop duster wanting to be a racer. If ya ask me, more racers should want to be crop dusters.” He said, deciding to start singing a tune.

I got some minamulch, yeah! Minamulch…

A familiar portal began to form on a small hill not far from cornfields. One by one, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike all popped out and landed on top of each other.

“Ow, that could’ve been a softer landing.” Spike groaned as stars circled around his head.

“Is everypony alright?” Twilight asked. Her friends gave her varying grades of confirmation.

“Oh, my mane is ruined! This is The WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!” Rarity cried.

“Cheer up, Rarity, it could be worse.” Pinkie Pie said.

“But, where are we?” Rainbow Dash asked. The six ponies and dragon looked around them. Nothing but corn fields and distant mountains as far as the eye could see.

“Look, there’s some buildings over there.” Twilight said

Sure enough, there was. However, they also noticed numerous creatures amongst the town. Some had large wings and propellers. Others moved around on wheels.

“What’n tarnation are those things?” Applejack asked uneasily.

“Oooo, let’s go say hi!” Pinkie said before hopping towards the town.

“Pinkie, wait!” Twilight shouted as she and her friends began running after her.

Before Pinkie could begin her extravagant greetings, Rainbow immediately grabbed the pink mare.

The Main 6 and Spike all hid behind one of the buildings.

“Are you crazy, Pinkie!? What if they’re dangerous?” Rarity whispered harshly.

“Don’t be silly Rarity.” *giggle “nobody is dangerous if you give them a big enough hug.” Pinkie’s optimism didn’t falter.

“We’re not here to give out hugs Pinkie, were here to solve a friendship problem.” Twilight stated.

“Or a problem in general.” Applejack said. “The Princess did say the map could sense more than problems concernin’ friendship.”

“Umm, maybe Pinkie has a point. Kinda.”Fluttershy spoke behind her mane

“Why do you think that?” Twilight asked.

“W-well, we won’t know if those things are friendly or not if we don’t talk to them.” Fluttershy said. The others took in what she said.

“I suppose that’s true.” Rainbow said.

Twilight looked over to two unsuspecting creatures conversing with each other. One was large and green, with a weird looking nozzle on its side. The other was much smaller, grey, and with some sort of carrying device attached to it.

“Let’s try talking to those two over there.” She said. “They look the friendliest to me.”

“Ya sure ‘bout this, Twi?” Applejack eyed the large, green machine.

“Not really, but, we won’t make any progress with just sitting here.” Twilight admitted.

not much else to go on, they slowly and cautiously made their way towards the two creatures. As the ponies and dragon got closer, they began to make out what the two were talking about.

“Nowadays, they got soybean fuel, switchgrass fuel, algae fuel. Come on!” The green one said.

“Healthy! No tank you.” The other replied sarcastically.

“Tell me about it. What’s next, pistachio propane?” The green one asked rhetorically.

What in Equestria are they talking about?” The alicorn wondered.

“What are you nuts?” The grey asked jokingly.

“For my money, there’s nothing like good old-fashioned corn fuel.” The green one said.

“Yeah, ya betcha.” The grey one responded.

“I even made up a slogan.” The green one added.

“Oh, slogans are good.” The grey one encouraged.

*ahem “Corn. It gives ya gas.” He said.

The grey one pondered for a bit.

“Catchy. I like that.” He finally said.

“Me too, it’s funny.” Pinkie giggled.

“PINKIE!” Rainbow yelled, but it was too late.

The two creatures heard them both and immediately looked in their direction. The Mane 6 and Spike froze in place. There was a stagnant silence.

“Uhm, Thornhill. The animals got out again.” The green one shouted.

*Gasp “Animals?! Who are you calling animals!?” Rarity asked angrily.

“I never knew they could talk.” The grey one stated.

“Well….that’s because we’re not from here. We’re……new here.” Twilight said breaking a sweat. She couldn’t say they were from a different world, that would lead a into a possible panic.

“Oh, well, let me be the first to say welcome to Propwash Junction.” The green one said.

“Uhhh………Thank…you.” Rainbow said.

“Wait, Propwash Junction?” Twilight asked.

“Yep, quite the small place, I mean we’re not even on the map.” The green one said. “Anyways, there ya go, Sparky, you’re all set.”

“Catch you later Chug and nice meeting you girls.” Sparky called out before leaving.

“Um, see ya…later…ah guess.” Applejack said.

“Same thing.” Chug called. Suddenly a new voice came in from a radio from a garage nearby.

“This is Dusty Crophopper to Chug. Over.” The voice said.

Chug immediately reversed into the garage, causing the Main 7 to jump. Chug pressed the communication button.

“Uh, Chug isn’t here. Come on, use the new call sign.” The fuel truck said aggressively.

“Right, right, right. This is Strut jetstream calling Turbo Coach Truck-zilla.” Dusty said while Chug was mouthing the words to himself.

Twilight and the others looked on in confusion.

“Who is he talking to?” Spike asked.

“I think I heard the name Dusty.” Fluttershy answered.

“Ready for practice?” Dusty asked through the radio.

“You betcha Strut.” Chug yelled excitedly.

He put a cap and headphones on, burned rubber and practically flew out of the garage. The Mane 6 and Spike frantically moved out of the way to avoid the charging fuel truck.

“Where is he going?” Twilight asked.

“Let’s go find out.” Rainbow flew off after Chug. The others in hot pursuit.

Meanwhile, Dusty was making his way to the unofficial training grounds. It was only a small part of the numerous cornfields that surrounded the podunk town, but, it was enough for him.

“Ha-ha! Whoo!” Dusty laughed to himself as he passed over a very particular hangar.

“Young punk.” The resident growled.

Dusty swung into the open fields for better leeway. Chug was heard through his radio.

“All right buddy, I got you in sight.” Chug said.

“Um, Chug, was it? What exactly are you doing? And what’s that flying over there?” Rarity asked.

“Oh, I’m just training Dusty for the ‘Wing Around The Globe’ qualifier. Chug answered.

“Wings….Around…..The Globe?” Twilight asked in utter confusion.

“If a lady may ask, what may that be?” Rarity asked.

“It’s this huge race where the best racers from around the world compete in.” Chug said excitedly.

“A race you say?” Rainbow asked smugly.

“Wut exactly are ya thinkin RD?” Applejack asked.

“Oh, nothing.” Rainbow brushed off Applejack’s question.

Chug turned back to Dusty

“Now let’s start with some corn row sprints. Drop and give me twenty!” Chug commanded to Dusty.

Dusty weaved within the fields of corn, making tight turns. The resident from earlier peeked through his window watching Dusty critically.

“Well ah’ll be, he’s doin’ pretty good.” Applejack said.

“How would you know?” Rainbow asked brashly.

“Well, ah don’t. But, whatever it is, it’s impressive.” Applejack said simply.

“Come on, buddy, keep it going. Nice turn.” Chug encouraged.

“What else you got?” Dusty challenged.

“Okay. Now, let’s try some tree line moguls.” Chug read off a book he had in his nozzle arm. Dusty cheered out and began flying up and down the rows of trees.

“All the way up and down. Don’t be dogging it. That’s how you do it.” Chug continued to encourage.

“Ha, I could do that no sweat.” Rainbow boasted.

“This ain’t the time for braggin Rainbow.” Applejack said sternly. Rainbow just crossed her hooves with disdain.

Looking good. Okay, adjust your angle of bank with your ‘alien irons’.” Chug said.

“You mean ailerons.” Dusty asked.

“Oh, yeah.”

Suddenly there was a loud pop and smoke began funneling out of Dusty’s left exhaust pipe.

“Ugh, great.” Dusty grunted before flying back

“What happened? Why is he smoking?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, something must’ve happened. Come on he’s probably heading over to Dottie’s right now.” Chug replied.

“Uhh, who’s Dottie?” Spike asked.

(Later at Chug and Dottie’s fill n’ fly)

“Oil lines and oil cooler check out. AN-8 fittings look fine.” Dottie stated as she looked over Dusty’s engine.

“Nice.” Dusty said.

“Wait a minute. You’ve worn out your main oil-seal.” Dottie said.

“Really?” Dusty asked trying to sound surprised.

“That kind of damage comes from extremely high speeds…”Dottie explained slamming Dusty’s hood shut.

“Hey.” Dusty grunted.

“Pushing the engine to the red line for prolonged periods of time.” Dottie continued.

“That would be unwise.” Dusty said still trying to keep up the facade.

“But that’s not you. You’re a crop duster and all you do is just dust crops at very…low speeds.” Dottie finished.

“Yep, low and slow.” Dusty said as calmly as he could.

“Unless you’ve been RACING AGAIN!” Dottie shouted in accusation.

“No! W-w-what, me? No.” Dusty tried to defend.

Out of nowhere, Chug raced into the garage honking his horn with the Mane 6 and Spike following as quickly behind as they could.

“Oh man, Duster, you were in the zone, where a saturn rocket couldn’t catch you! Ballistic!” Chug complimented Dusty, who was trying in vain to get him to shut up.

“We’re talking light speed. Light speed, here! You’re going to tear it up at the qualifier this weekend.” Chug continued.

“I could’ve done much better than that, but even I admit that wasn’t half bad.” Rainbow added coolly. It was then Chug realized Dottie’s unamused look.

“Ohh, Shelby.” He wheezed. Dottie turned to Dusty who had a completely lost look on his face.

“Uhhh, I don’t know.” He said plainly.

“Okay, before we get into this. Chug, who are your new friends?” Dottie asked.

“Uhh, oh, these are…uh. Who are all again?” Chug asked. Twilight rolled her eyes amusingly.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle.” She said.

“Howdy ya’ll, the names Applejack.”

“I’m Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in Equestria!”

“And my name is Rarity.”

“Hiya! I’m Pinkie Pie and I like parties, cake, muffins, donuts, making friends, cake-“ before she could continue, Twilight shut her mouth with her magic.

“I-I’m, Fluttershy.”

“And I’m Spike.”

“Nice to meet you all. I’m Dusty Crophopper.” Dusty said.

“Dottie.” Dottie said bluntly.

“Now. Dusty, you’re not built to race. You’re built to dust crops. Do you know what will happen if you push it too far?” Dottie asked.

“What could happen?” Twilight asked back.

“Wing flutter, metal fatigue, turbine failure.” Dottie answered.

“Turbine failure?” Chug, Mane 6, and Spike all asked in unison. Then Dottie began to put on an act.

“Oh no, I’m going down!” She cried.

Everyone except Dusty and Dottie gasped.

“Why didn’t I listen to Dottie?” She continued.

“Yeah, why didn’t you listen to Dottie?” Chug asked.

“She’s the smartest mechanic in the world! Oh my gosh!” She lamented.

“What?” Chug asked.

“The orphanage.” Dottie cried.

“No! Not the orphanage.” Fluttershy cried on the verge of tears.

“Kids, out of the way! KABOOM!” She yelled throwing her wrench against the floor and ricocheting into a work light, shattering it.

“The kids!” Chug and Fluttershy cried out. Dottie flopped onto her side pretending to be dead. Chug and Fluttershy gasped once again.

“Wow, that was vivid and specific. And exactly why I need you to come with us to the qualifier.” Dusty said.

“You’re unbelievable.” Dottie deadpanned.

“Did you hear that? I’m unbelievable.” Dusty boasted, but Chug and Fluttershy were too busy crying too listen.

“The orphans.” Chug sniffled.

“They don’t deserve this.” Fluttershy whimpered.

Dottie sighed and drove off.

(Later that night)

Tune in, in two weeks for the start of the “Wings Around The Globe.” Brent Mustangburger announced on the TV.

“Thanks for letting us all stay in your home for the time being Dusty. We all really appreciate it.” Twilight thanked Dusty.

“No problem, Twilight.” Dusty said. “You know, I think we’ve got a really good shot at this, buddy.” He said to chug.

“Oh yeah, especially if I finish this book by then.” Chug said.

“Wait, let me see that.” Twilight said looking at the book. “Air Racing For Dummies? This seem like a very impractical book.”

“Well, it got us this far.” Chug responded.

Now it’s time for the 10 best air crashes of all time.

“Oh, I love this show.” Chug said excitingly.

At number ten, was a racer nose-diving straight onto the tarmac, unable to takeoff.

“Ooo, that looks painful.” Spike cringed.

“Not good.” Dusty said.

“How does that even happen?” Chug asked.

Fluttershy wasn’t enjoying watching the racers getting hurt so she scooted behind Twilight to avoid having to watch it. But every so often, she would peek over Twilight’s head to catch a glimpse of the TV.

Number nine was a plane nailing a pylon before pile-driving into the grass. This got a reaction out of everybody.

“Yikes.” Pinkie said.

“Sweet Celestia.” Rarity.

“That is not going to buff out.” Dusty said.

“You know, this might not cover everything you could run into out there.” The fuel truck stated, eyeing the book.

“What are you getting at?” Dusty asked.

“I don’t know. I’m just wondering if maybe we need…Uhh…some help.” Chug said.

“Help? From who?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, like……the Skipper.” Chug answered.

“That old Corsair down at the end of the runway?” Dusty asked incredulously.

“Sure he’s a war hero.” Chug stated.

“A war hero?” Spike asked with wonder.

“Oh, he’s an old crankshaft.” Dusty said flatly.

“Well, my buddy, Sparky, says the Skipper was a legendary flight instructor in the navy.” Chug said.

The Mane 6 and Spike listened on.

“Oooo.” Pinkie was mesmerized.

“That’s right. He knows stuff.” Chug added.

“He’s been grounded for decades. Why would I want to be coached by a plane who doesn’t even fly?” Dusty asked, still on the fence on the idea.

“At least he’s a plane.” Chug stated.

And the number one crash of all time.


Everyone gasped at that one.

“Oh, man.” Chug said quietly. Fluttershy began to cry a little.

“Oh, don’t worry Fluttershy. I’m sure the guy is just fine.” Rainbow comforted her friend.

“I’m okay.” Was all the racer said before he erupted into flames

Oh! That’s got to hurt.

Everyone had their mouths open from the jarring crash, except Fluttershy, who promptly burst into tear and began to cry. Rainbow immediately hugged her pegasus friend to comfort her again.

“Still think you’re better off without the Skipper?” Twilight asked Dusty

The crop-duster gulped and silently relented.

(Later at the Skipper’s hangar.)

Dusty, Twilight, and the gang rolled up to the door of the hangar. The place itself was intimidating.

“So, what else can you tell us about the Skipper, Chug?” Twilight asked.

“They say he shot down 50 planes. I heard stories about his squadron. The Jolly Wrenches.” Chug explained

“Mh-hm.” Dusty was getting uncomfortable. Fluttershy and Spike were shaking with fear.

“They were the roughest, toughest, meanest flyers in the navy. Ruthless killers who showed no mercy.”

“Wait so-“ Dusty stammered.

“No mercy!” Chug said.

“Eep.” Fluttershy squeaked.

“They would shoot you as soon as they look at ya.” Chug stated.

“I hope you’re right about this.” Dusty said pushing the door bell. However he received no answer.

“Chug! Twilight?” Dusty turned to find them hiding behind a stack of oil drums.

“We’ll wait here.” Chug said quietly.

“He’s probably a nice guy, but we’ll just stay here just to be safe.” Rarity added.

Before Dusty could say anything, the doors to the hangar slowly slid open to reveal a dark blue F4U Corsair with a serious look on his face, and the grey forklift from earlier.

“He looks like a grump.” Spike silently commented.

“Spike.” Twilight hissed.

“What? You’re hiding behind the barrels, too.” Spike said smartly.

“That’s Sparky right?” Fluttershy whispered, pointing at the forklift.

“Yup.” Chug replied.

“Ain’t that the guy you were talkin to earlier?” Applejack asked.

“Yep.” Chug answered.

“Uhh. Hey, there, Skipper. Say, I’m trying out of the ‘Wings Around The Globe’ Rally. And…uh…I know you can’t fly anymore, but…uh…you know, they say, “those who can’t do, teach.” Dusty said.

Skipper hardened his look.

“So…Okay, what I mean to say is, you’re not a truck. So I was wondering if you would…train me? Dusty finished.

The silence that followed was so deafening, you could hear a pin drop. After which, the Skipper slammed the door shut in Dusty’s face.

“Go on, he’s warming up to you.” Chug encouraged who was now hiding inside a shed farther away from the hangar.

“Ya sure, Chug. Seems to me like he just wants to be left alone.” Applejack said.

“C’mon, just give it another shot.” Chug said.

Dusty hesitated before pushing the door bell again. Once again the door opened again.

“So, I heard you shot down 50 planes.” Dusty said.

“You looking to be number 51?” Skipper asked menacingly.

“Uh, no.” Dusty squeaked. The doors began to close again.

“No, no, no! Wait, wait. I-I just…I figured with my guts and your glory-“ Dusty tried to say.

“Your guts would be a grease spot on a runway somewhere.” Skipper said darkly.

Dusty was taken aback.

“Go home. You’re in over your head, kid.” Skipper finished.

“Look, you flew all those-“ Dusty started but was swiftly shut down when the hangar doors slammed shut for a final time.

The lights went out, leaving Dusty all alone. He sighed in defeat.

“Let’s try the back door.” Chug shouted from behind a trailer even farther away from the hangar.

“Hey girls, I need to tell you something.” Rainbow said.

“What is it Dashie?” Pinkie asked.

“I going to participate in the Wings Around The Globe Rally.” She announced.

“What!?” The others shouted in surprised.

“But, Rainbow, this race is for airplanes. Y’know, the machine Dusty is.” Twilight said.

“Yeah, and besides, they may not allow you to compete since your…Y’know…a pony.” Rarity added.

“Perhaps. But this is a race we’re talking about and you know me, I never back down from a race.” Rainbow replied.

“Oh, think of the news; a horse with wings is crowned champion of the Wings Around The Globe Rally.” Chug said ecstatically.

“Hey! I’m right here y’know.” Dusty called out.

“And I’m not a horse, I’m a pony! And FYI, calling a pony a horse, is very offensive.” Rainbow said angrily.

“Oh, sorry. But, like I said, let’s try getting to Skipper again. Chug said.

“Somethin tells me he doesn’t want to help us.” Applejack said.

“I agree. I think it’s best we leave him alone.” Rarity suggested.

Everybody agreed and headed back toward Duster’s hangar. Rainbow, however, was stopped by a hoof on her back. Fluttershy’s hoof.

“Is something wrong Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked.

“W-well, it’s just that, you wanting to compete came so much out of left field. And after watching those horrible accidents on the TV…I…I just don’t want to lose you!” Fluttershy said with tears welling up in her eyes.

“Hey, come on, Fluttershy, you know I’ll be alright. I’ve done riskier things before. And besides, somepony has to be with Dusty when he inevitably makes it in.” Rainbow said. Fluttershy still wasn’t sure.

“You won’t lose me Fluttershy. I promise.” Rainbow said before hugging her friend, who returned the hug.

Once it was broken, they both, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, followed behind their friends, side by side.

(To Be Continued)