• Published 1st Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Cine-magic: Planes - IndyWriter Productions

The Main 6 and Spike embark on a brand new journey to a different world to solve more than a friendship problem

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Part 3: The Qualifier and Some Truth

“Hello, Lincoln!” Honk Honk “Hey, Dusty!”

After their failed attempt of getting Skipper to train Dusty, it was all up to Chug, the Main 6, and Spike to help Dusty out. It was at this point that Twilight and her friends concluded that their mission, made by the Friendship Map, was to help Dusty in winning the Wings Around The Globe Rally. Since Rainbow Dash insisted that she participate in the race, much to Dusty’s dismay for unneeded competition, both were subjected to training for the remaining days before the qualifier. Today was the day Dusty and Rainbow would put there training and experience to the test. The qualifier was located in a secluded area called Lincoln, Nebraska, Chug hauled Dottie, the Main 6, and Spike via trailer to the qualifying spot. Dusty, well, flew there.

“I don’t know how you talked me into coming to this.” Dottie said annoyingly.

“Yeah, how did you talk her into doing this Chug? I thought she was dead-set against it.” Twilight asked the green fuel truck.

“Oh, I have my ways.” Chug winked at Twilight.

Many thoughts hovered in Twilight’s head at that statement, but she decided not to question it considering there were more important matters at-hoof.

“Now, come on, Dottie.” Dusty said coolly.

As they neared the starting area, Chug and Dusty couldn’t help but admire the other planes readying themselves for the qualifier.

“Wow! I don’t believe it. A Red Tail P-51!” Chug exclaimed.

“Oh, man! A Sea Fury!” Dusty added.

Even though the whole concept and visualization of airplanes were still a little foreign to our Equestrian citizens, they also couldn’t help but look at the other competitors in awe and amazement.

“They sure look tough.” Spike said.

“I will say darlings, they might be partaking in something disdainful, but they sure know how to “dress.” Rarity stated.

“You’re saying I’m disdainful?” Dusty inquired.

“Oh, no, no, no! Not at all Dusty. It’s just that racing isn’t really my cup of tea. That’s all.” Rarity defended.

“Check it out!” Chug said excitedly as another airplane swooped down just feet from the ground.

“Whoa.” The ponies and dragon said in unison.

Just then, there was an announcement.

“Ladies and gentleplanes. May we have you attention, please? Kindly direct your windscreens to the heavens above and give a warm welcome to our special guest. The Prince of Propellers. When he’s speeding, he’s leading.”

“Get my good side, fellas.”

“When he’s grinning, he’s winning. The one and only…”

“RIPSLINGER!” The P-51D Mustang shouted as he screeched to a halt on the runway. Green smoke and fireworks shot everywhere for a dramatic effect.

“You’re caught in the riptide! chuckle Thanks for coming out. Who wants a picture? All right, one at a time.” He said rolling off.

The others coughed from the green smoke.

“Well, with all the self-promotion at least he’s modest.” Dottie said still coughing.

“Ah’ll say, ah bet he’s more self-centered then a bull during matin’ season.” Applejack added.

“Dottie, Applejack, that’s Ripslinger.” Dusty said.

“He’s captain of Team RTX. They call him…”

“The Green Tornado!” Dusty and Chug said together.

“He definitely sounds like a big name.” Twilight stated.

“Oh, he’s so good, he’s prequalified. Oh, and those two, Ned and Zed.” Dusty said pointing to green and white EA-300s

“The Twin Turbos!” Chug and Dusty said together again.

“They’re world class racers.” Dusty finished.

“You know, I hear they used to be one plane and were separated at birth.” Dottie commented.

“Wait, How would that even work?” Twilight asked.

She, and her friends were understandably confused. Conjoined foals were a thing in their world, but just by looking at an airplane’s visual biology, it just didn’t make sense to any of them.

“Don’t ask me, I’m not physiologist.” Dottie said.

“Wow, I wish I was separated at both.” Chug whimpered.

The others just looked at him weirdly. Dottie just rolled her eyes.

Now it was time for main event to begin. The race pitty, cleared the microphone to speak.

“Okay, people. This is the last of four time trials being held worldwide. Today’s qualifying round is one lap around the pylons. The top five finishers will qualify for the Wings Around The Globe Rally! Oh, yeah!” He said.

The spectators cheered and whistled in excitement.

“Oh, I hope nothing bad happens.” Fluttershy said

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, I’m sure they know what they’re doing.” Spike comforted.

“Fonzareli, you’re up, my man.” The race pitty started.

The yellow EA-300 spat on the tarmac and readied himself at the starting line.

“Oh, man! That’s nasty.” The race pitty said, fervently disgusted.

“Auh, How uncouth!” Rarity hissed.

The Main 6 and Spike giggled out of amusement.

Fonzareli takes off and passes through two yellow pylons.

“And he’s through the start gate! The racers must pass through the blue pylon on the horizontal and around the red pylons on the knife-edge. Now he’s coming back to Gate Three! Nicely done, my man. Setting himself up a little high through the blue pylons there, lining up for the quadro. He’s taking a hard right with a 270-degree high G-turn! Yeah! Back all the way around. Wooo! Cleanly through. Look at you, man!

“That guys good.” Dusty commented.

The others looked on in amazement. Twilight couldn’t help but want to document what she was seeing, but without a notebook or pen, she couldn’t do that.

“Oh, I wish I had something to take notes on.” She groaned.

“Don’t’cha worry Twilight, I got you covered like icing on a cake.” Pinkie said.

She reached into her poofy mane and pulled out Twilight’s notebook and pen. Twilight gasped.

“Pinkie, What was this doing in your mane?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, that’s easy, I found it on the ground next to the bakery. I was going to return it to you, but I guess I forgot.” Pinkie giggled.

Twilight was about to take the notebook, but then a thought came over her.

“Wait, Princess Celestia told me not to take any notes during these missions. I can’t use this right now.” Twilight lowered her head in disappointment when Rainbow Dash chimed in.

“Well, she didn’t say that you CAN’T take notes, just that there are my important things than taking notes. Besides, I’m sure she won’t mind if you take just a few.” Rainbow said.

Twilight thought for a second, Rainbow was right, but she couldn’t help but feel like she would be disobeying Celestia if she did start taking notes. However, her need for knowledge got the better of her and she immediately started writing down notes and information from Fonzareli’s trial.

“Thanks, Pinkie.” Twilight said.

“No problem, Twilight.” Pinkie said pulling a chocolate cupcake from her mane, eating it as the first trial continued.

“It doesn’t get much better than that. All right. Good speed. Lining up for the three-pylon chicane, amazing pitch control. Smooth! Fast! Clean! He’s going into the final turn into the half-Cuban 8, pulling an aggressive 9.2 Gs. Attacking the climb! Now that’s some speed. Coming out of the Cuban 8 at the end of a fantastic first run, people. A 1:24.16. A very good time for the other racers to try and beat.” The race pitty announced.

And so, plane after plane took their trials with varying time results. Twilight was furiously scribbling notes, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Spike all watched the trials, and Rainbow Dash was busy doing stretches and warmups to loosen herself up for her trial.

“Uhh, shouldn’t you be studying the other planes and seeing how they actually complete the trial?” Spike asked the blue pegasus.

“And what, and turn myself into a certain egghead? No thanks.” Rainbow laughed

“No, I mean, they’re all doing this a very specific way. Don’t you think that you should see how they do it so you can understand what you need to do?” Spike asked.

“Spike is right Rainbow, these kinds of sport require certain actions and technique. If you don’t follow the rules, you could be disqualified.” Twilight stated looking up from her notebook.

“What?! But, how ca-…that’s not fair!” Rainbow shouted.

“Relax, Rainbow. Here, I’ll teach what you need to do.” Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash didn’t like the idea of having to study and memorize things, she never enjoyed it, but since this was a matter between participating and not participating, she supposed she had little to no choice. Rainbow grumbled and forced herself listen to Twilight. Meanwhile, the other trials continued.

“Fast, tight through the pylons. Oh, oh, he’s got a great pace going here. He’s just a half a second behind.”


“Oh! Engine failure! Out of the race. Bye-bye.”

“Great performance. Watch the clock here. I can’t wait.

“Lining up for the Blue Gate. Oh, no, he did not! That’s a major penalty.”

“Sorry dude. Eighth place.”

“Talk about fast. Coming out the Cuban 8. Woo!”

It was now late afternoon, everyone had been watching trials all day.

“Ugh! When is it gonna be my turn?” Rainbow whined impatiently

“Rainbow, you’ve been askin that question for the past hour. Have some patience, girl.” Applejack said.

“Your next!” The organizer called to Rainbow.

“Finally!” She exclaimed.

“Don’t hurt yourself out there.” Twilight said.

“I’ll be fine girls, trust me.” Rainbow huffed. However, before she could get to the starting line…

“Hey, who left their pet here. We’re racing here.” The race pitty shouted.

“Hey, I’m racing too, you know.” Rainbow yelled angrily.

“Wait, you’re…Rainbow Dash?” The race pitty asked in surprise.

“That’s right, the one and only.” She boasted. The was a few seconds of stunned silence before a torrent of laughter crashed through.

“Man, for real, we’re letting talking horses compete now?” The race pitty laughed.

“I’m a pony! And for your information, I have wings too.” Rainbow yelled crossly.

“You really think you can fly at the same speed as a racing plane?” The race pitty asked stifling a laugh.

“Oh, I’ll prove it, I’ll prove it to you all.” Rainbow shouted. Ignoring the laughs and insults she opened her wings, bent her body down just a little bit and took off in the blink of an eye. She crossed the starting gate and her time was set

“Man, this really ought to be interesting, no joke, this should be one for the ages. Sharp turn, through the blue pylons. Man that was tight! She is one persistent contender. Okay, two seconds behind Fonzareli, now taking the chicane.

“Come on, Rainbow, go!” Twilight shouted.

“Now she’s on the half-Cuban 8 climbing quickly. Now she’s dropping at mad speed.

Rainbow tore through the finish line at breakneck speed.

“And that’s, that.” The race pitty said.

Rainbow came for a landing and almost as soon as her hooves touched the ground, her friends came rushing in for a group hug.

“That was absolutely marvelous Rainbow Dash.” Rarity stated.

“Heh, I know. And, uh, I guess I owe you some thanks for the notes, Twilight.” Rainbow said lightly blushing.

“Your welcome, Rainbow.” Twilight said, smiling.

“Rainbow Dash, your time, 1 minute 24.35 seconds. Sixth place.” The race pitty announced.

Suddenly, the mood changed from happy to devestated. Rainbow was just about a full second short of qualifying. She looked down and stomped her hoof against the ground.

“Oh, no, I’m so sorry Rainbow.” Fluttershy said.

“You were so close.” Spike said.

Rainbow lifted up her head, exhaled sharply, and then let out a long breath.

“I-It’s okay, Dusty deserves the spot more than me.” Rainbow said calmly.

“But, Rainbow, darling you said you wanted to be in the race.” Rarity said sadly.

“I know, Rarity, but this has been Dusty’s dream forever. He’s deserves the chance over me.” She said.

Even though she sounded alright, the others could tell it still hurt. They came in for another hug, Rainbow Dash gladly accepting it. Now it was Dusty’s turn.

“Fueled and ready, man.” Chug said to Dusty

“Okay, bud, you’re up.” One of the organizers said to Dusty.

“Good and tight. All set.” Dottie said.

It was a time for Dusty’s trial. Dusty couldn’t help but feel nervous.

“Go on, Dusty, you can do it.” Pinkie cheered.

“It’s been a wonderful day here, and we’re down to our last two competitors.” The race pitty announced.

Dusty gulped.

“This is it.” He said plainly.

“Now, from Propwash Junction, Strut Jetstream.” The race pitty said.

“Strut Jetstream?” Dottie asked incredulously.

“Isn’t that the nickname you gave to Dusty, Chug?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yep. Awesomest call sign ever. It was my idea.” Chug bubbled with excitement.

“Ah, that explains it.” Dottie groaned.

“Awesomest isn’t a word, Chug.” Twilight stated.

“It is now. Strut Jetstream, the awesomest name ever!” Chug shouted. Twilight sighed, putting a hoof over her face.

“Hey ag-plane! Landscaping was yesterday, man. Get off the runway. We’re racing, here.” The race pitty yelled at Dusty.

“Wait, hey.” Dusty called.

“Second call for Strut Jetstream.”

“No, no, no!”

“Looking for…”

“Yo! I’m Strut Jetstream.” Dusty called.

“…you’re Strut Jetstream?” The race pitty asked incredulously.

“Yep.” Dusty answered.

“A crop duster? Man, what’s going on here? Is everybody getting to fly today? Man your momma must have had high hopes for you. Now, you know you are built for seed, not speed.” The race pitty mocked.

Everybody else started getting in on the fun.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. That farmer’s going to race.” Ripslinger said.

“Seriously, with a prop that small?” Zed laughed.

“Maybe he races that leaky, old fuel truck and those weird-looking farm animals next to him.”Ned said. This got laugh out of everyone.

“Who are you calling leaky? I’ll leak on you, if you don’t check your intake.” Chug bellowed angrily.

“Farm animals!? Why, I never! I ought to rip you to pieces for that!” Rarity shouted furiously.

“Oh, they talk too.” Ned laughed.

“Did you not hear the blue one earlier? Wait, why would they talk anyway?” Zed asked.

“I don’t know, maybe to sing Old McDonald had a farm.” Ned exclaimed. There was an uproar of laughter, as the Main 6’s anger increased tenfold.

“Why you little-“ Rainbow was about to threaten them before Dottie stepped in.

“Don’t lower yourselves to their level. Go on, D-…go on, Strut.” Dottie said.

Dusty continued to move to the starting line as the other spectators continued to mock and laugh at him.

“Who’s that guy?”

“You’re going to try out?”

“A crop duster?”

“Cornfield is over that way.”

“Nice of you to take the day off just to lose!”


His friends, on the other hand gave him encouragement.

“Go Duster.” Chug encouraged.

“You can do it Du- I mean Strut.” Twilight followed.

“Show’em what you can do sugarcube.” Applejack said.

“Go, Go, Strutty. If he can’t do it nopony can!” Pinkie exclaimed holding a hoof-crafted banner of Dusty on it.

“Go on, Strut.” Fluttershy said quietly.

“Teach those brutes a lesson.” Rarity said.

“You can win this.” Spike shouted.

“Come on Strut.” Rainbow said.

Encouraged by their words, Dusty left the tarmac and crossed the starting gate

“It’s going to be a tall order for him to knock Fonzareli out of fifth place. And he’s off! Well, he’s starting a little conservative.” The race pitty announced.

“This ought to be rich.” Ripslinger said smugly. The Main 6 glared at him.

“Just you wait, he’ll beat you out of the water!” Rainbow exclaimed. Ripslinger just laughed.

“Sure, when tractors fly.” He laughed.

“193 miles per hour. He’s into Gate Two. Clean through the horizontal. Man, what!? He’s practically mowing the lawn. Come to my house, man. Okay. At the first split, he’s a full second behind Fonzareli. Yo, that’s a lot of time to make up, but this guy’s aggressive. Now he’s making that hard 270-degree high G-turn!”

“That’s it!” Chug shouted happily.

“Ah, Yeah.” Rainbow exclaimed.

“Setting himself up. Left vertical turn. Lining up for the three-pylon chicane. He’s gaining speed. Now, he’s only half a second behind Fonzareli. And he is closing rapidly. Now he’s back on that stick. Up he goes! Up and away! Now only two-tenths of a second behind Fonzareli.”

“He’s so close!” Twilight shouted.

“Come on, Duster!” Chug encouraged loudly.

“It’s going to be close.” The race pitty said.

“He’s gonna do it. He’s gonna do it!” Chug shouted ecstatically. The Main 6 and Spike cheered and hollered.

Dusty crossed the finish line as fast as he could.

“Oh, yes! What a finish! Now, that’s what you call flying.” The race pitty said.

“Way to go, Dustmeister. That’s what I’m talking about!” Chug yelled viciously.

“That was awesome, almost as awesome as me.” Rainbow added.

“Jetstream, the official time is. 1 minute 24.26 seconds. Sixth place, but what a close one, people.” The race pitty started.

Once again the mood plummeted. First Rainbow, now Dusty were left empty-handed with no qualifying spot. The Main 6 and Spike looked sadly to Dusty who just gave a depressed sigh.

“Well, folks, that wraps up the trials for the Wings Around The Globe Rally.”

“Ah can’t believe this, all that practice for nothin.” Applejack shouted.

“M-Maybe there was a miscalculation?” Fluttershy asked.

“Something tells me that’s not the case. “ Twilight said sadly. “Dusty are you going to be okay?”

She put a hoof on Dusty’s left wing in attempt to comfort him

“I suppose.” He said quietly.

Just then, a yellow and blue airplane strolled up to them. It was Fonzareli.

“Hey, pal, sixth place ain’t nothing to be ashamed of. That was a heck of a run.” He said to Dusty.

“…thanks.” Dusty said, though it did little to make him feel better.

For the next few days, Dusty continued to dust crops, but he did so with a downcast look. No one could blame him, he was so close to his dream, yet so far. Skipper watched him through his window, he couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for the crop duster. He looked over to Sparky who gave him a sympathetic look. Just a few miles away down the road, a delivery truck was traveling towards Propwash Junction.

“Ow, dangnabbit! Let me drive!” A voice yelled from inside the truck.

Meanwhile, Chug was busy with a refuel for the town’s fire engine.

“There you go, topped off and all set, Mayday.” Chug said. Twilight and her friends came from around the fuel station.

“I don’t understand, if our mission isn’t to help Dusty win the race then what could it possibly be?” Twilight lamented.

“Cheer up, Twi, there’s got to be reason why we’re here.” Applejack comforted her alicorn friend.

“You not here just to visit?” Chug asked.

Twilight froze, she knew she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She struggled to come up with some sort of lie, but Applejack came forward.

“Twilight, I think it’s time you told’em the truth.” She said calmly.

Twilight gave a defeated sigh.

“Listen, Chug, we’re not…from here.” Twilight said. She squeezed her eyes closed expecting the worst.

“Well, I know that, you said you from Evansville the first time we met.” Chug chuckled.

“Evansvi- no! We’re from Equestria.” Twilight said in a disgruntled tone. Chug took in her words.

“Ohhh……where’s that?” He asked.

“Its……………on a different…planet.” Twilight finally said.

“I don’t get it.” Chug said.

“We ain’t from this dimension is what she tryin to say. We’re inter-dimensional you could say.” Applejack said.

“So……aliens?” Chug asked.

“No, not…well technically, yes, but we’re not here to cause harm.” Twilight said quickly.

“You see, friendship is very important to us at home and we have this thing called the Friendship Map. It allows us to locate friendship problems that need to be solved. However, with this case, the map lets us travel to different worlds to solve bigger problems. We all thought that the problem to fix was to help Dusty win the Wings Around The Globe thing, but, he didn’t qualify and now we’re all trying to wonder what we’re doing here anymore.” Twilight said.

Chug listened to her words and thought it over, then came to a conclusion.

“So you’re like super heroes, for friendship?” He asked.


“Oh, yeah, heroes of friendship, like in comic books.” Spike said pumping his fists, his friends turned their heads to him. Realizing this, he silently calmed down and twiddled his fingers.

“Cool, but if you want to solve a problem, perhaps the corn festival could do some pre-planning.” He said.

“The what festival?” Rainbow asked.

Before any more words could be exchanged a delivery truck screeched to halt right in front of them. The cargo lifted open and out from the back was the race pitty from the qualifier.

“Will you stop! Unbelievable! Why don’t you just go back! I mean, I think you actually missed a pothole! Cough cough Man, you have got to be the worst, I mean the worst delivery truck that has ever delivered a delivery!” He shouted angrily.

“Can we help you?” Chug asked patiently.

“Please tell me this is Propwash Junction.” The pitty begged.

“Sure is.” Chug confirmed.

“Oh, finally. You know, you’re not even on the map.” The race pitty said.

“Yeah, pretty drive though, ain’t it.” Chug replied.

“Oh, yeah, yeah. Especially if you like looking at dirt and corn.” The race pitty said sarcastically.

“How would you?” Twilight asked “There aren’t any windows in that thing”

“Whatever, anyway, I’m looking for Strut Jetstream and Rainbow Dash.” The race pitty said.

“Well, I’m Rainbow Dash.” She said pointing a hoof to her chest.

“Okay. Well then, where’s Strut Jetstream?” The race pitty asked.

“Who?” Chug asked.

“Jetstream. Strut Jetstream.” The pitty said

“Uhm, Chug?” Fluttershy tried to speak up.

“Ummm, nope, doesn’t ring a bell. Do you have a photo?” Chug asked.

“Oh, yeah, I got one right here- no, I don’t have a photo. I have documentation that says Strut Jetstream lives in Propwash Junction.” The race pitty said impatiently.

“Chug-“ twilight tried to speak.

“Oh, woah, woah, woah! Wait a minute! Okay! O-o-oh…No, gosh I…

“Isn’t Strut Jetstream the name you gave to Dusty-“ Fluttershy said.

“Oh, hey, I’m Strut jetstream.” Dusty rolled in.

“Oh, yeah. That’s right. I knew I’d remember. There he is, strutting on over here.” Chug said coolly trying to play off his short term memory.

Twilight and her friends just rolled their eyes.

“Yeah. But, you’re mispronouncing it slightly.” Dusty said.

“I am?” The race pitty asked.

“Yeah, it’s actually pronounced…Dusty…Crophopper” Dusty said. There was pregnant silence before the race pitty spoke.

“Dusty…Crophopper.” He said with an unamused look.

“Yeah, it’s…Scandinavian.” Dusty said uneasily.

“Right, and I’m Egyptian.” The race pitty said sarcastically. He, for some reason, took a whiff of Dusty.

“Googly moogly! What is that smell?” He asked disgustingly.

“It’s Vita-minamulch.” Dusty said dejectedly.

“Vita-Mina-what?” The race pitty asked.

“The finest-smelling compost this side of the Mississippi. Original, creamy, and chunky style.” Leadbottom hummed, he took a big whiff.

“Yeah smell that? It’s like daffodils and like Sunday dinner.I just love it. I love it. I got some minamulch, yeah! I got some minamulch, yeah!” He sang before rolling away. Everyone gave him looks vary from disdain to disgust.

“Uh, that old airplane needs seem help. Y’all know that, right?” The race pitty asked.

“Yeah.” Dusty and Chug said together.

“Is it really that bad?” Rainbow asked.

She took a whiff from Dusty, almost immediately she clamped her hooves over her mouth as her face turned green. She took off and rocketed for the closest bathroom she could find.

“I hope she comes back soon.” Spike said.

“Are any of you familiar with the racing fuel additive, nitromethane?” The race pitty asked.

“Oh, yeah! Zip juice! Go-go punch! That stuff will blur your vision and slur your speech…” Chug said excitedly.

“It’s illegal.” The race pitty added.

“I mean totally illegal. Wouldn’t know what it looks like. Yeah, you were saying.” Chug quickly said.

Applejack squinted her eyes at the fuel truck who did everything in his power to avoid eye contact.

“That substance was found in the tank of the fifth-place qualifier, Fonzareli and first-place qualifier, Yellowbird. Illegal fuel intake is an automatic DQ.” The race pitty said.

“W-w-wait, So you’re saying…” Dusty started saying.

“They’re both out, you and Rainbow Dash are in. Congratulation.” The race pitty said.

“You’re both in?” Chug asked.

Dusty nodded. The Main 6 and Spike couldn’t handle their excitement.

“Dashie, come quick!” Pinkie yelled.

Rainbow soared back to them.

“Sorry, girls, but that smell is terrible. No offense Dus-“ She was suddenly embraced by her friends.

“Uhh, what’s the occasion girls?” Rainbow asked.

“Your in Dash, your qualified.” Applejack said happily.

“Wait, what? But I thought-“

“Some of the qualified racers was disqualified. You and Dusty are now qualified.” Spike said enthusiastically.

As the realization sunk in, Rainbow began to smile wider and wider until she leaped into the air.

“Yes! We’re in!” Rainbow yelled happily

“They’re in! Whistle you’re never going to believe this. They’re in! Dusty and Rainbow are in the race! Dottie, they’re in!

“What? Are you serious?” Dottie asked in disbelieve.

Soon, the citizen of Propwash Junction came congratulating Dusty and Rainbow.

“Don’t do anything crazy. Fly save.” Dottie said.

“This is gonna be so cool.” Spike said exitedly.

“You’re going to cross oceans thousands of miles wide. Freezing your rudder and tail off one day…” chug said.

“Burning them off the next.” Sparky added.

“Wait, what?” Rainbow asked.

“Freak hurricanes.”






“Gale force winds.”

“Yeah!” Sparky cheered.

“It’s going to be a wild ride.” Applejack said.

“Please be safe Dash.” Fluttershy said.

Whilst this was all going on Dusty was gradually starting to regret ever qualifying. Rainbow was beginning to feel the same, but she would never admit it. Later on Dusty was looking over a map. It marked the route all the racers were to take for the race.

“I’m sure we can do it.” Rainbow said though it wasn’t very convincing.

Dusty didn’t answer, but it was someone else.

“Bad idea.”

Both turned to see the Skipper had rolled into Dusty’s hangar.

“You’ll both end up a smoking hole on the side of a mountain with your parts spread over five countries.” He said.

“What makes you say that?” Rainbow challenged.

“You’re going up against the best racers in the world. And some don’t even finish.” Skipper stated.

“Yeah, well we-“

“You’re sloppy on your rolls, wide on your turns, slow on your straightaway.” Skipper pointed out.

“You’ve been watching us?” Dusty asked.

“Yeah, watching you make fools of yourselves. You need to be tighter getting in and out of you knife-edge.” Skipper said.

“Okay.” Dusty said.

“Wait, knife-edge?” Rainbow asked.

“Any extra control input costs you speed and seconds.” Skipper continued.

“So, you think we’re overcorrecting?” Dusty asked.

“Absolutely. Rookie mistake.” Skipper replied.

“Hey, I’m not overcorrecting anything. I fly just fine.” Rainbow stomped her hoof.

“Now hold on Rainbow.” Dusty calmed the irate pony down. “Are you giving us pointers?” He looked over to Skipper with a knowing smirk.

“Eh-no! I’m telling you to forget all this racing malarkey. You just ain’t built for it. You’re a crop duster and a pegasus!” Skipper said.

“You don’t think I know that? You don’t think I know that. I’m the one who’s been flying back and forth. Across the same fields day after day, month after month, for years! I’ve flown thousands of miles and I’ve never been anywhere. Not like you. You were built to fight, and look what you did? You’re a hero.” Dusty said to Skipper.

“I’m all about racing and speed. Don’t you dare say I’m not built for this, I’ve been doing this since I was a filly. Racing other pegasi and showing them what I’m capable of. My biggest dream is to join the wonderbolts and this is a huge step to that, to say that I competed in a race full of these “airplanes” built for speed it would almost guarantee me earning a spot in the wonderbolts.” Rainbow said.

“I’m just trying to prove that maybe, just maybe, I can do more than what I was built for.” Dusty said.

“And I’m trying to prove to the wonderbolts that I’m worthy of becoming one of them, they’ve always had doubts about me. If I do this and succeed, then I could have a better chance.” Rainbow said.

“You know what? Just forget it. You’ll never understand.” Dusty said grimly.

Rainbow put a hoof against his side. There was a few seconds of silence before the Skipper spoke again.

“0500, tomorrow. Don’t be late.” He stated strictly.

Sparky began to tow Skipper back to his hangar.

“Wait, 0500?” Dusty asked.

“Yeah, five A.M.” Sparky chuckled.

“Five in the morning!? That’s too early for me.” Rainbow complained.

“Just be glad he’s willing to train us at all, Rainbow.” Dusty said.

Rainbow Dash groaned.

”So much for sleeping in tomorrow.”

(To Be Continued)